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			<h1><a href="index.html"><img src="data/logo-head.png" alt="logo" /> anyRemote</a></h1>
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			<a href="frontend.html"><span>Screenshots</span></a>
			<a href="dload.html"><span>Download</span></a>
			<a href="docs.html" class="active"><span>Documentation</span></a>
			<a href="faq.html"><span>FAQ</span></a>
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				<p>Please use the two sidebar boxes below to browse through the anyRemote Documentation!</p>
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					<li><a href="pre-setup.html">Before install</a></li>
					<li><a href="pre.html">Software prerequisites</a></li>
					<li><a href="install.html">Compilation and installation</a></li>
					<li><a href="mode.html">Which mode to choose ?</a></li>
							<li><a href="setup-at.html">Setup: AT mode</a>
									<li><a href="event.html">Event reporting</a></li>
									<li><a href="ckpd-emulation.html">Keypad emulation events</a></li>
							<li><a href="setup-server.html">Setup: Server mode</a></li>
					<li><a href="use.html">How to use anyRemote</a>
							<li><a href="android-client.html">Android Client</a></li>
							<li><a href="use-jc.html">J2ME Client</a></li>
							<li><a href="web.html">Web Interface</a></li>
							<li><a href="cm-xml.html">XML Services Interface</a></li>
							<li><a href="cfg-howto.html">How to create simple configuration file</a></li>
							<li><a href="bemused.html">Bemused Support</a></li>
							<li><a href="iviewer.html">Command Fusion iViewer support</a></li>
					<li><a href="devices.html">Tested devices</a></li>
					<li><a href="phones.html">Phone specific details</a></li>
					<li><a href="tips-tricks.html">Tips &amp; tricks</a></li>
					<li><a href="man.html">Man page</a></li>
		<dl class="docs-advanced">
					<li><a href="">miniHOWTO: start anyRemote at boot time and create a multimedia computer</a> (externally maintained)</li>
					<li><strong>Format of configuration files</strong>
							<li><strong>Server mode</strong>
									<li><a href="conf-server.html">Configuration file format</a></li>
									<li><a href="conf-server-ex.html">Configuration file examples</a></li>

									<li><a href="set.html">Set(...) / ExecAndSet(...) commands</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-fm.html">Set(filemanager ... ) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-icons.html">Set(icons ...) command and available icon set</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-list.html">Set(list ... ) and Set(iconlist ... ) commands</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-menu.html">Set(menu ... ) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-parameter.html">Set(parameter, ... ) commands</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-text.html">Set(text ... ) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-window.html">Set(image ... ) command</a></li>
							<li><strong>AT mode</strong>
									<li><a href="conf-at.html">Configurational file format</a></li>
									<li><a href="conf-at-ex.html">Configurational file examples</a></li>
									<li><a href="make.html">Make(...) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="emulate.html">Emulate(...) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="dbus.html">Dbus(...) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="vars.html">Variable substitution</a></li>
									<li><a href="ev-handlers.html">Event handlers</a></li>
									<li><a href="icon-themes.html">Icon themes for J2ME client</a></li>
				        <li><a href="ir.html">anyRemote and InfraRed</a></li>
		<dl class="contact">
				<p>We will be pleased for any questions, suggestions, patches and examples of configuration files!</p>
					<li>Post in the <a href="">Forum</a></li>
					<li>Please, send e-mails to  <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru</a></li>
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			<dt>Project needs help!</dt>
			<dd>Help us to fix any misprintings, syntax and stylistic errors in documentation. Send Your corrections to <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru"></a></dd>
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	<h1>How to use anyRemote J2ME client</h1>

	<h2>Download it</h2>

	<p>You can download J2ME client from <strong>Preferences</strong> window of <a href="k-shots.html">kAnyRemote</a>/<a href="g-shots.html">gAnyRemote</a> or 
        download it manually from <a href="dload.html">download</a> area.</p>

	<h2>Install it</h2>

	<p>First You have to install J2ME client on Your phone. This could be done with</p>
		<li><strong>Device Detail</strong> window of <a href="k-shots.html">kAnyRemote</a>/<a href="g-shots.html">gAnyRemote</a></li>
		<li>GUI frontend or <strong>KDEbluetooth</strong> or <strong>gnome-obex-send</strong><br />
		(be sure that <a href="dload.html">anyremote-J2ME-client</a> package is already installed) or</li>
		<li>through WAP from <a href="dload.html">download</a> area</li>

	<p>There are several variants of JAR file, so You can choose variant which is more suitable for Your phone:</p>
		<li>anyRemote-16.jar - contains 16x16 icon set. Best variant for phones with screen 160x160 or lower.</li>
		<li>anyRemote-32.jar - contains 16x16 and 32x32 icon sets.</li>
		<li>anyRemote-48.jar - contains 16x16 and 48x48 icon sets.</li>
		<li>anyRemote-64.jar - contains 16x16 and 64x64 icon sets. Best variant for phones with screen higher than 240x320</li>
		<li>anyRemote-128.jar - contains 16x16 and 128x128 icon set.</li>
		<li>anyRemote-full.jar - contains 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 96x96 and 128x128 icon sets and 16x16 title icon.</li>
		<li>(deprecated) anyRemote-nojsr82.jar - contains 16x16, 48x48, 64x64, 96x96 and 128x128 icon sets and 64x64 title icon. 
                (does not supports <a href="">JSR82</a>)</li>
	<p>The only difference between <strong>anyRemote-XX.jar</strong>'s and <strong>anyRemote-XXb.jar</strong>'s is the size of title icon (16 or 64).
	In general, anyRemote-XXb.jar suggested to use on Nokia's, and anyRemote-XX.jar on all other cell phones.</p>

	<h2 class="clear">Note for WinMobile users</h2>
        <p>It is strongly recommended to use Esmertes <a href="faq.html#winmobile">Jeodek</a>.</p>

	<h2 class="clear">Server side setup</h2>
	<p>Firstly, it needs to run anyRemote on PC.</p>
        <p>Also, be sure what anyRemote <a href="web.html">web interface</a> is <strong>stopped</strong>.</p>

	<h2 class="clear">Run it</h2>

	<p><img class="float-right" alt="main window" src="data/jc/jc-menu.png" />
	After startup of J2ME client You will see this picture on phone's screen. 
	If You start J2ME client for the first time then list of connections 
	will be empty. Run "Search" to find anyRemote on PC (You have to start it before and enable page and inquiry scans on PC's bluetooth adapter of course).</p>
	<p>If search is unsuccessful be double sure that page and inquiry scans are enabled on bluetooth adapter. This can be done by command:</p>
	<pre>hciconfig hci0 piscan</pre>
	<br /><br />
	<p>You can enter address to connect directly. If You plan to connect to anyRemote through internet or Wi-Fi 
	enter something like <code>socket://</code> (be sure You have started anyRemote with <code>-s socket:5000</code> option). 
	If You plan to connect to anyRemote through bluetooth enter something like <code>btspp://0008F4163049:19</code>, where 0008F4163049
	is bluetooth address of PC. To determine it use <code>hcitool dev</code> command.</p>

	<h2 class="clear">Connect to anyRemote</h2>

	<p>Select item from list of connections and then choose <strong>Connect</strong> menu item (see picture above).
	After one or two seconds You will see main screen of J2ME client.</p>
	<p>If You want J2ME client to connect to an device automatically upon startup, then choose <strong>AutoConnect</strong> menu item (see picture above).</p>

	<p>Look and behaviour of J2ME client is determined by configuration file, which used by anyRemote and may vary
	significantly. The following screenshots are just examples of how it could look like.</p>
		<img alt="amarok1" src="data/jc/amarok.png" />
		<img alt="amarok2" src="data/jc/amarok-v2.png" />
		<img alt="File Manager 1" src="data/jc/fileManager3.png" />
		<img alt="File Manager 2" src="data/jc/fileManager2.png" />

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	<div id="foot">
		<p>Maintained by <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyRemote</a>. Website by <a href="">m.lettner</a>.</p>
