

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0c813236cc841f46458b627074f24a7d > files > 5


gmpy module -- a complete Python 2.4+ and 3.x interface for GMP/MPIR.

*Notes on history of file gmpydoc.txt*

Notes for version 0.1 (pre-alpha), first one placed on sourceforge
-- A. Martelli,, 00/11/06.

Edited for version 0.2 (still pre-alpha), bugfixes & minor
performance tweaks, 00/11/15 -- many thanks to Pearu Peterson for
his contributions re 0.1 -> 0.2!

Edited for version 0.3 (ditto) -- cleanup, exposing more mpz
functions (almost all there...!), large performance-tweaks via
caching (tx to PP for the inspiration!), some unit-tests -- **NEED
MANY MORE TESTS FOR 0.4**!!! -- 00/11/18.

Small edits for version 0.4 (ditto) -- just a couple more
functions, and minor error-corrections -- 11/24.  (Added
docstrings in 0.4; would be nice to build a doc of some kind
automatically from ONE place...).

Edited for version 0.5 (ditto) -- documented the new functionality
(mostly mpq; also: random, jacobi/legendre/ kronecker), minor
cleanups & corrections -- 11/30.

Editing for versions 0.6 (12/07), 0.7 (12/16), 0.8 (12/26):
documented new functionalities, and performed minor cleanups
& corrections, each time.

Very minor editing for version 0.9 (2001/01/25).
Minor editing for version 0.9b (2002/02/28).
Minor editing for version 0.9c (2002/03/05).
Minor editing for version 1.0 (2003/08/08).
Minor editing for version 1.01 (2005/11/12);
maintainer's preferred email changed to .
Minor editing for version 1.02 (2007/02/19).
Minor editing for version 1.03 (2008/06/22).
Minor editing for version 1.04 (2008/10/16).
Minor editing for version 1.10 (2009/10/18)


gmpy 0.1 was based on previous versions of gmpmodule.c (for
earlier Python and GMP releases) by AMK and Niels Möller (only
removed feature: conditional possibility to substitute this
implementation in place of Python's built-in longs; lots and lots
of added features).

Special thanks are due to Pearu Peterson for his MANY important
inputs on design aspects, performance tweak suggestions, and bug

Thanks also to Keith Briggs for his precious feedback, and to Tim
Peters, Fredrik Lundh, "and a cast of thousands" (posters to and, in some few cases, gmpy's sf discussion groups) for their
suggestions.  Furthermore, thanks to Case Van Horsen, who provided
the Windows binary installers for gmpy 1.01.

Chip Turner and Daniel Lord helped with the changes leading to version
1.02, so, thanks to them as well!

Case Van Horsen has done almost all of the work leading to version 1.03,
so, SUPER thanks!-)  (He's also pointed out the issues requiring the
enhancements in 1.04, mainly rich comparisons, and done other changes
leading from 1.03 to 1.04).

*Installation and testing*

Pre-requisites: Python 2.4+ or 3.x, and recent versions of GMP
( or MPIR ( gmpy has been tested
with GMP version 4.2+ and MPIR 1.2+.

To build gmpy from sources, get the sources from svn (or a sources
zipfile, such as from
Place the source code into a new, dedicated directory, cd to that
directory (from any shell on Unix/Linux, or from Terminal on Mac OS X),
and run:

    python install

The DistUtils that come with Python take over and build and
install the gmpy module for you (you may need to use 'sudo' or
'su' appropriately to actually perform the isntallation, depending
on the permissions you're using on Python's site-packages).

Detailed instructions for building on Windows are included in
"windows_build.txt" and "win_x64_sdk_build.txt". "windows_build.txt"
describes the build process using Mingw32 and MSYS and was used to
build the 32-bit Windows binaries. "win_x64_sdk_build.txt" describes
the build process using the Microsoft Platform SDK and was used to
build the 64-bit Windows binaries. The MPIR library offers better
support for Windows and is recommended.

The file "mac_build.txt" contains detailed instructions for compiling
GMP and GMPY on MacOSX (or getting GMP via mactools/darwintools).

The sources zipfile also contains this file (gmpydoc.txt), an
example C source file for a separate module that uses the C-API of
gmpy to interoperate with it, a copy of the index.html for the
gmpy sourceforge site, and python scripts that exemplify, show the
performance of, and test, some functionality of the gmpy module.

To test the installation, cd to the directory where you unpacked
the gmpy sources, and run, at the command prompt:

        cd test

(Note: use "cd test3" if you are using Python 3.x.)

and then, at the next prompt:


Expected output is something like (details may differ!):

Unit tests for gmpy 1.02 release candidate
    on Python 2.5 (r25:51918, Sep 19 2006, 08:49:13)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)]
Testing gmpy 1.02 (GMP 4.2), default caching (20, 20, -2..11)
gmpy_test_cvr 270 tests, 0 failures
gmpy_test_rnd  26 tests, 0 failures
gmpy_test_mpf 155 tests, 0 failures
gmpy_test_mpq 264 tests, 0 failures
gmpy_test_mpz 386 tests, 0 failures
gmpy_test_dec  16 tests, 0 failures
7 items had no tests:
    [[ snip snip ]]
31 items passed all tests:
    [[ snip snip ]]
1117 tests in 38 items.
1117 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

Should you wish to test some specific portion, please note that
each of the various modules listed at the start can also be run
independently, if so desired:
and so on, expecting output analogous to the above example.  You
may also run, for example,
        python -v
to get very verbose and detailed output.  However, in any case,
the key issue is the 'Test passed' line at the end of each run!

*PLEASE* report any failures to gmpy's maintainers, with all details you
can supply on your machine, on your OS, and on your installation of GMP
4, gmpy 1.04, Python 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, or 2.6, and any other relevant issue
(your C/C++ compiler & libraries, &c).  *THANKS* in advance -- bug
reporting and feedback is your key contribution to the gmpy project!
(Reports of any _successful_ installations will also be welcome, if it's
accompanied by enough details -- again, THANKS in advance!).  The best
way to report bugs (including unit-test failures) is via the Google Code
issue tracker.

*General notes on gmpy*

gmpy exposes to Python three types of numbers that are implemented
in GMP and MPIR:
    mpz unlimited-precision integers
    mpq unlimited-precision rationals
    mpf extended-precision floats

See GMP documentation for general descriptions of them!
    GNU MP Home Page:

The MPIR documentation is available from:
    MPIR Home Page:

Licensing: gmpy is licensed under LGPL v2 or later. MPIR is also
licensed under LGPL v2 or later. GMP converted to LGPL v3 beginning
with version 4.2.2. IANAL, but, summarizing, this means: other
_libraries_ that are derived from gmpy must also be distributed
under the LPGL (or full-GPL), as must any modifications/additions to
gmpy; but, no such restriction applies on code that just _uses_ these
modules/libraries (such gmpy-using code may thus be licensed in whatever
way is desired).

Warranty: NONE -- as usual for open-source software (see the
detailed disclaimers in GMP's license)!

*gmpy.mpz -- unlimited-precision integral numbers*

gmpy.mpz objects have the full arithmetic abilities of Python
longs (in the future, there may also be mutable versions of them
[for performance], but NOT yet).

Specifically, arithmetic operators + and - (unary and binary), *,
/ (truncating), %, **, bitwise operators such as &, |, ^, <<, >>,
~, and builtin Python functions such as divmod and pow, all work
as expected on mpz objects (basically, the same way as on builtin
Python longs, except that the speed can be quite different -- from
'a bit slower' for some things, up to much faster for others [such
as multiplication of huge numbers]).

Mixed-operand arithmetic is supported: the other operand (which
must be a number of some kind) is coerced to a gmpy.mpz, unless
it's of a floating type, in which case both operands are coerced into
a gmpy.mpf object. Instances of the decimal.Decimal class are coerced
into gmpy.mpf also. Instances of the fractions.Fraction class are
coerced int gmpy.mpq.

An mpz object can be  built by passing to the gmpy.mpz constructor
function any Python built-in, non-complex number, another mpz
(this *shares* object identity, does *not* copy it -- which should
be indifferent, since such objects are in any case immutable), a
mpq or mpf (which gets truncated, as also a Python float does), or
a string (representing the number in base 10).

gmpy.mpz can also be called with TWO arguments: the first one a
string representing the number in some base N, the second one, the
integer N.  N can be between 2 and 36, or it can be 256, which
implies that the string is the _portable binary gmpy
representation_ of the mpz (as produced by method .binary() of mpz
objects, and function gmpy.binary() of the module).

An N of 0 is also accepted, and means the string is interpreted as
decimal, unless it starts with 0x (then, hexadecimal) or 0 (then,
octal).  When N=16 a starting a leading '0x' is also accepted, but
not required; leading 0's are always accepted and ignored (they do
NOT mean the rest is taken as octal!) if the base N is explicitly
given as a Python int, or if it's omitted (and defaults to 10).

*NOTE* that the trailing-L in a Python's "long" string
representation is NOT accepted in the string argument to

(Please note that all from-string transformations are performed by
GMP or MPIR, and thus may follow slightly different conventions from
normal Python ones).

An mpz object can be transformed into a Python number by passing
it as the argument of a call to Python's built-in number types
(int, long, float, complex); it can also be formatted as an octal
or hex string with Python built-in functions oct and hex.

mpz objects also support the hash built-in function, and can thus
be used as dictionary keys; for any Python int or long N,
hash(mpz(n)) and hash(n) are equal.

Other operations on mpz objects are all exposed as functions of
module gmpy, and some, also, as methods of mpz objects.  Unless
otherwise noted, arguments to the following gmpy module functions
are coerced to mpz (unless already of mpz type), and values
returned from either functions or methods are also of mpz type.

gmpy.binary(x) or x.binary(): returns a portable binary
representation (base-256 little endian) of an mpz object, suitable
for saving into a file (or db, whatever) -- this string can later
be passed as the first argument to function gmpy.mpz (with a
second argument with value 256) to reconstruct a copy of the
original mpz object.  *NOTE*: the binary format used by gmpy
release 0.7 and later is not compatible with that of 0.6 and
earlier, as the latter, as a design limitation, could not
represent any mpz number that was < 0.

gmpy.digits(x[,base]) or x.digits([base]): returns a string
representing x in the given base (between 2 and 36, defaulting to
10 if omitted or zero); a leading '-' will be present if x<0, but
no leading '+' if x>=0.  If base is 8 or 16, a decoration of a
leading '0' (or, respectively, '0x') is present (after the '-'
sign, if the number is negative).

gmpy.numdigits(x[,base]) or x.numdigits([base]): returns an
approximation to the number of digits for x in the given base
(result is either exact [guaranteed if base is a power or 2] or 1
more than actual length; space for a "sign", or leading
decorations of '0' or '0x', is NOT considered).  Base must be
between 2 and 36, defaulting to 10 if omitted or zero.

gmpy.sign(x) or x.sign(): -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether x is
negative, zero, or positive.

gmpy.divm(a, b, M): x such that b*x == a modulo M (will raise a
ZeroDivisionError exception if no such x exists).

gmpy.fac(x): factorial of x (takes O(x) time; x must be an
ordinary Python non-negative integer!)

gmpy.fib(x): x-th Fibonacci number (takes O(x) time; x must be an
ordinary Python non-negative integer).

gmpy.gcd(a,b): greatest common divisor of a and b (an mpz, >= 0).

gmpy.gcdext(a, b): a tuple (g,s,t) such that
    g==gmpy.gcd(a,b) and g == a*s + b*t
(g, s and t are all mpz).

gmpy.lcm(a,b): least common multiple of a and b (an mpz, >= 0).

gmpy.is_square(x) or x.is_square(): 1 iff x is a perfect square,
else 0 (returns Python int).

gmpy.is_power(x) or x.is_power(): 1 iff x is a perfect power
(i.e., there exist a, b such that a**b==x and b>1), else 0
(returns Python int).

gmpy.is_prime(x [, count]) or x.is_prime([count]): 2 if x is
_certainly_ prime, 1 if x is _probably_ prime, 0 if x is
_certainly_ composite; count defaults to 25 (probability of
non-primality, if is_prime returns 1, is guaranteed to be no
higher than 1 in 2**count).  Returns Python int.
NOTE: GMP believes negative numbers can be primes, and gmpy just
reflects this stance (cfr discussion at

gmpy.next_prime(x) or x.next_prime(): returns mpz that is the
lowest prime > x; *probabilistic* algorithm for
prime-determination (see is_prime).

gmpy.sqrt(x) or x.sqrt(): integer square-root of non negative
number (truncating, unless is_square(x)).

gmpy.sqrtrem(x) or x.sqrtrem(): tuple (s,t) such that
s==gmpy.sqrt(x) and x==s*s+t.  (s and t are mpz, >= 0).

gmpy.root(x,n) or x.root(n): tuple (s,b) such that s is the
truncated nth-root of x, b!=0 if s is the _exact_ root (i.e.
x==s**n); n must be an ordinary Python int, >0.  (s is an mpz, b a
Python int).

gmpy.bincoef(x, N) or x.bincoef(N): binomial coefficient "x over
N"; N must be an ordinary Python int, >=0! (x may be < 0 , see
Knuth vol 1, sect 1.2.6, part G).  [Also known as: gmpy.comb(x, N)
or x.comb(N), since the binomial coefficient is also the number of
different combinations of x objects taken N at a time, with
ordering ignored].

gmpy.remove(x, f) or x.remove(f): "remove factors": returns a
two-element tuple (y,m), where y, an mpz, is x without any factor
of f, and m (an ordinary Python int) is the multiplicity of f in x
(e.g.: m==0 and y==x unless x%f==0; and in any case, it's ensured
that x==y*(f**m) and that y%f!=0).

gmpy.invert(x, m) or x.invert(m): modulo-inverse; returns an y
such that x*y mod m = 1, if one exists, else 0 (returns an mpz in
either case).

gmpy.lowbits(x, n) or x.lowbits(n): returns the n lowest bits of x
(n must be an ordinary Python int, >0; returns an mpz, >= 0).
Note that x<0 is assumed to be in 2's complement notation (i.e.,
"extended on the left" with infinite 1-bits); so, for example, for
any n>0, gmpy.lowbits(-1,n) returns an mpz>0 with the lowest n
bits set to 1, i.e., (2**n)-1.

gmpy.setbit(x, n, v) or x.setbit(n, v), n being a bitindex (0 and
up, ordinary Python int) and v an int value (0 or 1, default 1):
returns a copy of x with bit n set to v (mpz's are not mutable --
yet...!).  [Any value v != 0 is equivalent to v=1, i.e., the bit
is 'set'; so, for example, gmpy.setbit(0,n,-4) for any n>=0
returns an mpz worth 2**n].

gmp.getbit(x, n) or x.getbit(n), n being a bitindex (0 and up,
ordinary Python int): returns an int which is 0 or 1, same as the
value of bit n of x.  (See note on gmpy.lowbits for x<0).

gmpy.scan0(x [, n]) or x.scan0([n]): returns the bit index of the
next 0-bit starting at bit n (default 0); n must be an ordinary
Python int, >=0; returns a Python int (-1 if there is no such
bit-index, which can only happen for an x<0, which notionally is
extended with infinite 1-bits).

gmpy.scan1(x [, n]) or x.scan1([n]): returns the bit index of the
next 1-bit starting at bit n (default 0); n must be an ordinary
Python int, >=0; returns a Python int (-1 if there is no such
bit-index, which can only happen for an x>=0, which notionally is
extended with infinite 0-bits).

gmpy.popcount(x) or x.popcount(): returns the "population count"
(number of bits set to 1) of x; note that this is 'infinite' for
x<0 (-1 is then returned).  Returns a Python int.

gmpy.hamdist(x,y) or x.hamdist(y): returns the Hamming-distance
|x,y| if both >=0 or both < 0 (returns -1 if one but not both are
<0) (the hamming distance is defined as: the number of
bit-positions in which the two numbers differ).  Returns a Python
int.  Same as gmpy.popcount(x^y).

gmpy._copy(x) or x._copy(): provide a separate copy of x (only
relevant for future mutability of mpz... currently useless!).

gmpy.divexact(x,y): returns the quotient of x divided by y. It uses
a fasterr  division algorithm but requires that the remainder is 0.
It will return garbage if the remainder is not 0! (New in 1.04.)

*gmpy module-level setting functions*
[NOTE: the overall architecture of these functions is due to be
reworked sooner or later, NOT backwards-compatibly].

gmpy.set_debug(flag): turns on/off debugging output from the gmpy
module (returns previous setting).  [Only of interest to
develop/debug gmpy itself!] Argument must be an ordinary Python
int: debug is set on if flag!=0, off if flag==0.  Returns a Python
int (0 or 1, the _previous_ setting).

gmpy.set_tagoff(flag): turns off/on the 'gmpy.' prefix to the
"tag" that repr() places around the string-representation of gmpy
objects (returns a Python int, 0 or 1, the previous setting).

gmpy. get_zcache(), set_zcache(N), get_zconst(), set_zconst(N,M),
get_qcache(), set_qcache(N)...: *internal tweaks/experimental
stuff*, please don't use them unless you've read the C sources and
understand what they do!  Not further documented here (docstrings
for these functions in gmpy may give a little more detail).

*gmpy.mpq -- unlimited-precision rational numbers*

gmpy.mpq objects have a subset of the arithmetic abilities of
Python floats (in the future, mutable versions will also be
supplied, but, NOT YET!), but represent arbitrary rational numbers
with no loss of precision whatsoever.
[Note, in particular, that raising-to-power works only without a
modulo, and, if the exponent is a fraction with a denominator D
(or gets converted to one), the base must be an exact D-th power,
or the operation fails raising a ValueError exception].

Mixed-operand arithmetic is supported: the other operand is
coerced to a gmpy.mpq.  NOTE: the % operator and the divmod
built-in function are NOT supported.  mpq objects also support the
hash built-in function, and can thus be used as dictionary keys;
for any Python int or long N, hash(mpq(n)) and hash(n) are equal.

A mpq object has a _numerator_ and a _denominator_; they can be
obtained by calling on an mpq object the methods .numer() and
.denom() -- each method has no arguments and returns an mpz (the
denominator will always be >0; the numerator can be any; also, the
numerator and denominator never have any common factors; mpq
corresponding to integers, including 0, always have a denominator
of exactly 1).

An mpq is built by passing to the gmpy.mpq constructor function
any Python number, another mpq (this *shares* object identity,
does *not* copy it), a mpf or mpz, or a string (representing the
number in base 10).  [If an mpf or float argument is passed, the
mpq is built from it with an 'optimal' approach based on a
Stern-Brocot tree; see also the f2q method of mpf objects, and
gmpy.f2q module-level function, which differ from explicit
mpq-construction in that it can return an mpz if the mpq's
denominator would be 1].

gmpy.mpq can also be called with TWO arguments: the first one a
string representing the number in base N, the second one, the
integer N.  N can be between 2 and 36, or, it can be 256, which
implies that the string is the _portable binary gmpy
representation_ of the mpq (as produced by method .binary() of mpq
objects, and function gmpy.qbinary() of the module).

gmpy.mpq is typically called with a string that contains a '/'
character: the digits before it will then be taken as the
numerator, those after it, as the denominator (the resulting
number is normalized: denominator>0, no common factors).  A
ZeroDivisionError is raised if the denominator thus supplied is
zero; a ValueError, if the string is otherwise invalid (e.g., '/3'
or '3/').  Hex and octal representations are supported if the base
N is given as 0; see above gmpy.mpz; for example,
mpq('0x13/011',0) is the same as mpq(19,9).

gmpy.mpq can also be called with two number arguments: the first
one is taken as the numerator, the second one as the denominator
(the resulting number is normalized: denominator>0, no common
factors).  A ZeroDivisionError is raised if the denominator thus
supplied is zero.

Other operations on mpq objects are all exposed as functions of
modules gmpy, and some, also, as methods of mpq objects:

gmpy.qbinary(x) or x.binary(): returns a portable binary
representation of any mpq object.

gmpy.qsign(x) or x.sign(): -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether x is
negative, zero, or positive.

gmpy.qdiv(x[,y]) or x.qdiv([y]), which is _also_ supplied as a
method on mpz and mpf objects (which are implicitly converted to
mpq's in this case): return x/y (or just x, if y is absent), as an
mpz if possible (==if a resulting mpq would have a denominator of
1), else as an mpq (with a denominator > 1).  The functions are
optimized, so that, if x is an mpz and y is absent or 1, or if x
is an mpq with a denom>1 and y is absent or 1, then the same
object-identity as x is returned, so that the operation is very
fast.  In other words, gmpy.qdiv only ever takes substantial time
if it DOES have an important job to perform, and can thus be
called rather freely, even in loops, to 'normalize' numeric

Specifically, please note that, for an x that is an mpq, x.qdiv()
returns either x, if x.denom()==1, or else the same mpz as
x.numer() would return; if x is an mpz, x.qdiv() returns x (so it
can be used polymorphically on an x that can be either, without
any performance hit).

*gmpy.mpf -- variable-precision floating numbers*

gmpy.mpf objects have a subset of the arithmetic abilities of
Python floats (in the future, mutable versions will also be
supplied, but, NOT YET!).

Mixed-operand arithmetic is supported: the other operand is
coerced to a gmpy.mpf, except that, if the other operand is an
mpq, then both are coerced to mpq.  NOTE: trigonometric and
exponential functionalities on mpf objects are NOT currently
supported [GMP 3.1.1 had none; waiting to expose the MPFR
extensions to GMP.]  mpf objects also support the hash built-in
function, and can thus be used as dictionary keys; for any Python
float X, hash(mpf(x)) and hash(x) are equal.

Each mpf object has a _precision_ -- a number of bits of precision
to which values are stored in it.  The precision of all newly
generated mpf's is at least that set at module level via module
function gmpy.set_minprec(n); a specific mpf's precision can be
set to >= n bits by x.setprec(n); it can be queried (the exact
current number of bits of precision is returned) by x.getprec() or
gmpy.getprec(x).  The granularity of precision of current MPF's is
rough; exact precision setting is one of MPFR's enhancements.  To
get the actual precision that was _requested_ for a given mpf
object, x.getrprec() and gmpy.getrprec(x) are also supplied -- the
value returned from getprec will always be greater than, or equal
to, the one returned from getrprec.

** The following behavior is in new in gmpy 1.04. **

GMP only guarantees that the precision of a result is greater than
or equal to the requested precision. But comparisons would use all
the bits computed, regardless of whether they are accurate. This
leads to situations where mpf('1.1') * mpf('1') != mpf('1.1').
Beginning with gmpy 1.04, the results of all mpf calculations are
rounded to the requested precision.

Note: GMP uses radix 2**32 (or 2**64) arithmetic and rounding is
done on those boundaries. Let's assume we request 53 bits of
precision on a 32-bit system. GMP rounds the requested precision
up to 64 bits and then allocates three 32-bit words to store the
mantissa. GMP also allocates one additional 32-bit word to simplify
their internal operations. The additional word may or may not be
present on any particular result. So in our scenario, GMP can return
a mantissa with anywhere between 65 and 128 bits. The presence of
the additional word caused the strange behavior with comparisons.
If the additional word is present, the mantissa is rounded and the
additional word is set to 0 so the effective precision is between
65 and 96 bits.

** End new section. **

An mpf is built by passing to the gmpy.mpf constructor function
any Python built-in number, another mpf (this *shares* object
identity, does *not* copy it -- unless specific precision is
requested for the resulting mpf, see later), a mpq or mpz, or a
string (representing the number in base 10, possibly with decimal
point and/or exponent).

If gmpy.mpf is called with a float argument, the exact steps used
in conversion depend on the setting of module level option fcoform
(set by gmpy.set_fcoform()).

If fcoform is None, the float number is converted 'exactly' to an
mpf (which often leaves spurious trailing bits from literals).  If
fcoform is a string, it's used as the format (left operand of %)
in a formatting operation (with the float being transformed as the
right operand), and the resulting intermediate string is the one
that actually gets transformed to mpf (this normally gives good
results with formats somewhere between '%.12e' and '%.16e',
depending on the actual precision of the float being transformed).

fcoform also applies to _implicit_ conversions of float to mpf, as
invoked for mixed-mode arithmetic or when gmpy functions expecting
an mpf argument are called with a float argument (a string could
not be passed _explicitly_ here -- an explicit mpz() around it
would be needed -- but it's OK if a float gets _implicitly_
converted-to-mpf-via-string in these cases, through the fcoform

An optional second argument can always be supplied to gmpy.mpf,
whether the first argument is a numner or a string; if supplied,
it must be a Python int, >=0.  If absent or 0, the precision of
the mpf that is generated is determined by default depending on
the input argument (in many cases, it's the number of significant
bits in machine-floats; e.g., 53 on machines using IEEE 64-bit
floating point).  If the second argument is supplied and > 0, it's
used as the requested-precision for the resulting mpf, ignoring
the bits-of-precision held or implied by the first argument.
Note, that if x is an mpf with n bits of precision, gmpy.mpf(x,m)
will be able to return the same object identity as x if, and only
if, m==n; else, a new mpf object of the requested precision will
be generated.

Note that, in arithmetic operations, the bits of precision of the
result are generally set to the _lowest_ number of
bits-of-precision of all the operands involved.

gmpy.mpf can also be called with *3* arguments: the first one a
string representing the number in base N, the second one the bits
of precision requested (or 0 to accept the default determination
of the bits), the third one, the integer N.  N can be between 2
and 36, or, it can be 256, which implies that the string is the
_portable binary gmpy representation_ of the mpf (as produced by
method .binary() of mpf objects, and function gmpy.fbinary() of
the module).  (Hex and octal decorations are *not* supported here;
an N of 0 is totally equivalent to one of 10).

Note that therefore, if a reasonable fcoform is set, two
constructor calls such as
will produce the same mpf object, although the second way is
faster (and does not depend on the module-level fcoform setting)
and recommended as preferable to the first one.

Other operations on mpf objects are all exposed as functions of
modules gmpy, and some, also, as methods of mpf objects:

gmpy.fbinary(x) or x.binary(): returns a portable binary
representation of any mpf object.

gmpy.fdigits(x[,args...]) or x.digits([args]): returns a string
representing x.  Arguments (must currently be passed positionally,
if at all -- keywords NOT accepted!) are...:
    base: number-base (between 2 and 36), default 10
    digits: how many digits are requested (default 0,
        "all of them" within x's precision; fewer than
        requested may be obtained, if fewer available)
    minexp: minimum exponent for which the number is
        still to be formatted in integer.fraction form
        (it's formatted as fraction-exponent form if
        exponent is lower than minexp), default 0
    maxexp: maximum exponent for which the number is
        still to be formatted in integer.fraction form
        (it's formatted as fraction-exponent form if
        exponent is higher than maxexp), default -1
    option: bitmask argument, default 0 (no options)

Note that, by default, the formating is in fraction-and-exponent
    [<sign>]<digit>.<digits><marker><signed exponent>
sign is '-' if x is negative, omitted if x>=0
<marker> is 'e' for base<=10, otherwise '@'
the signed exponent (sign omitted if exponent>=0) is always
expressed in base 10, whatever the base used for the significand's

If option's bit 1 is set, the whole result string is enclosed
between "gmpy.mpf('" at the start and "')" at the end, so it can
be subject to eval to recover an approximation of the original
number (depending on the settings of gmpy.set_tagoff(), the
starting tag may actually be shortened to just "mpf('").  The
precision, in bits, is also output in this case, just before the
')', separated from the "first argument to gmpy.mpf" by a comma
character (it is the same number as returned by .getrprec).

If option's bit 2 is set, then minexp, maxexp, and option's bit 1,
are ignored: the result is a tuple of 2 objects: first, a string
made up of all the digits (and maybe a leading - sign) and nothing
else; second, an integer that is the exponent to use. This can be
used by Python code that wants finer-grained control on resulting
string format.

gmp.reldiff(x,y) or x.reldiff(y): returns the relative difference
between x and y, a non-negative mpf roughly equal to

gmpy._fcopy(x) or x._copy(): provide a separate copy of x (only
relevant for future mutability of mpf..!).

gmpy.fsign(x) or x.sign(): -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether x is
negative, zero, or positive.

gmpy.f2q(x) or x.f2q(): like gmpy.mpq(x), but, like qdiv, will
return an mpz (instead of, as normally, an mpq), if the mpq's
denominator would be 1.

gmpy.fsqrt(x) or x.sqrt(): square-root of non negative number x.

gmpy.set_fcoform([x]): sets or resets the format with which to
build the intermediate-string to be used for float->mpf
conversion.  If x is None, or is absent, then the format is reset,
and such conversions proceed 'directly'.  If x is a Python int, it
must be between 1 and 30, and is used as the number of digits in
the format string '%.<x>e' (for example, set_fcoform(12) will set
the format string for float-conversion to '%.12e').  Else, x must
be a Python string usable as:
to format a float object f in some suitable way.  set_fcoform also
returns the previous setting of this option, None or a string.
(See also the paragraph above about the float->mpf conversion
mechanics, which gives more details about the way in which this
format string is used by gmpy).

*Experimental: function gmpy.rand*

Since gmpy 0.5, the linear congruential random number generator of
GMP is exposed via gmpy (with some modest added-value
functionality) through function gmpy.rand.  A couple options were
added in 0.6.  This will be refactored into separate functions in
some future release.

Its first parameter is a string 'opt' (4-characters, lowercase)
which determines the exact functionality; it normally has a second
paramenter 'arg' (which is optional for most values of 'opt') and
may return either None or a significant value (an mpz, except for
opt='floa', when an mpf is returned).

        Initialize the random-generator state (this
        is _implicitly_ called by other options of
        gmpy.rand, if needed, but should be explicitly
        called) to ensure 32 bits' randomness per
        each generation ('throw').  Returns None.
gmpy.rand('init', arg)
        ditto, but ensure 'arg' bits of randomness
        (arg being an int between 1 and 128).  This
        tweaks the linear congruential parameters
        according to the number of needed bits (it
        may be faster to generate just the needed
        number of 'good' bits).  Returns None.
        returns the current 'quality of random
        numbers' (the arg value passed to 'init',
        with a default of 32), or 0 if random
        number generation is not inited yet.
        [ignores arg, if present]
gmpy.rand('seed', arg)
        set the current random-seed to 'arg', an
        mpz (or coerced to mpz).  Returns None.
        set the current random-seed 'randomly' in
        its turn (uses C-level function 'rand()').
        Returns None.
        returns the current random-seed (an mpz)
        so that it can be saved (e.g. for program
        checkpointing) and later restored via
        a gmpy.rand('seed', x) call.
        [ignores arg, if present]
        returns a uniformly distributed random
        number in the range 0:2**31 (note that
        the UPPER end is EXCLUDED) and advances
        the random-number gneration by 1 step.
	(Basically, returns '31 random bits', if
	the current quality of the generator is
	at least 31; for lower-quality generators,
	upper bits tend to be "better" than less
	significant ones).
        returns a uniformly distributed random
        number in the range 0:arg (note that
        the UPPER end is EXCLUDED) and advances
        the random-number generation by 1 step.
        Value returned is integral (mpz).
        returns a uniformly distributed random
        number in the range 0:1 (note that
        the UPPER end is EXCLUDED), with arg
        meaningful bits (default, if arg is 0,
        is current 'quality'), and advances the
        random-number generation by 1 step.
        Value returned is floating-point (mpf).
        returns a uniformly distributed random
        number in the range 0:1 (note that
        the UPPER end is EXCLUDED), with as many
        meaningful bits as the current 'quality',
        and advances random-number generation by 1
        step. Value returned is floating-point (mpf).
        randomly shuffles mutable-sequence 'arg'
        (normally a list), in a way that ensures
        all permutations are equally likely.  It
        advances random-number generation by
        len(arg)-1 steps.  Returns None.

*Experimental: the callbacks-facility*

The "callback" facilities were removed in gmpy 1.10. The documentation
is left as-is for historical reference.

Since gmpy 0.8, gmpy exposes 'callback' facilities to help
client-code customize the handling of what, in pure-gmpy, would be
error-cases.  This is mostly intended for the use of Pearu
Peterson's PySymbolic package, and is not currently documented
(nor tested) in great detail for general use.  You are welcome to
contact gmpy's maintainer directly (and/or study gmpy's C
sources:-) if you think you may have use for this facility, or are
interested in doing something similar in other C modules for
Python use -- it IS an interesting and reasonably novel approach.

To summarize: with gmpy.set_callback(name, callable), client-code
may set a Python callable as a callback for gmpy in a set of
situations determined by the string 'name'.  For example,
	gmpy.set_callback('ZD', myfun)
sets 'myfun' as the callback that gmpy is to use in
'zero-division' situations.  When gmpy is about to raise a
ZeroDivision error, it checks if the 'ZD' callback is set; if so,
then, instead of raising the exception itself, it delegates
everything to the callback in question, passing it the name of the
gmpy function involved, the arguments it was called with, and the
error-string gmpy would use if it did raise the error.  It's up to
the callback to either raise a ZeroDivision itself, OR return some
special object to map this situation -- for example, PySymbolic
may return an 'infinity' object and suppress the error.

Basically, this works around Python's (excellent!) choice to adopt
the terminating-model rather than the restartable one for
exception handling, in a few cases of specific interest to numeric
computation that's being used in a symbolic setting.

Most callbacks are module-global, with one specific exception.
When any gmpy function or method is trying to convert arguments to
gmpy objects (mpz, mpq, mpf), and a conversion fails, all argument
objects are examined, looking for a method called '__gmpy__' in
any of them.

If one is found, then, rather than raising an error to indicate
the conversion failure, that method is called as a 'localized
callback' as above.  This lets other, non-gmpy objects participate
in gmpy computations (if they're willing to handle all cases
involving them!): Python does much of this via __coerce__ etc, and
this localized-callback facility does the rest for named
module-functions and methods, where normal coercion would not