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<TITLE>Welcome to General Multiprecision PYthon

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Last updated on: 2008, June 22;
for GMPY release: 1.04
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<H1>GMPY Project goals and strategies</H1>
The General Multiprecision PYthon project (GMPY) focuses on
Python-usable modules providing multiprecision arithmetic
functionality to Python programmers.  The project mission
includes both C and C++ Python-modules (for speed) and pure
Python modules (for flexibility and convenience); it
potentially includes integral, rational and floating-point
arithmetic in any base.  Only cross-platform functionality
is of interest, at least for now.
As there are many good existing free C and C++ libraries
that address these issues, it is expected that most of the
work of the GMPY project will involve wrapping, and exposing
to Python, exactly these existing libraries (possibly with
additional "convenience" wrappers written in Python itself).
For starters, we've focused on the popular (and excellent)
GNU Multiple Precision library,
<A HREF="">GMP</A>,
exposing its functionality through module <b>gmpy</b>.

<H1>The GMPY Module</H1>
Python modules older than GMPY exposes a subset of the integral-MP
(MPZ) functionality of earlier releases of the GMP library.  The
first GMPY goal (currently nearly reached) was to develop the gmpy
module into a complete exposure of MPZ, MPF (floating-point), and
MPQ (rational) functionality of current GMP (release 4), as well
as auxiliary functionality such as random number generation, with
full support for current Python releases (2.3 and up) and the
Python 'distutils' (and also support for a "C API" allowing some
level of interoperation with other C-written extension modules for

<b>Note</b>: the module's ability to be used as a "drop-in
replacement" for Python's own implementation of <i>long</i>s,
to rebuild Python from sources in a version using GMP, was a
characteristic of the gmp-module we started from, but is
<b>not</b> a target of the gmpy project, and we have no plans
to support it.
This first GMPY
module is called <b>gmpy</b>, just like the whole project.
The extended MP floating-point facilities of
will later also be considered for inclusion in gmpy (either within
the same module, or as a further, separate add-on module).
[[ Rooting for MPFR to be merged with GMP so we can avoid some
awkwardness (but seeing no movement on this front so far) ]].

<H2>Mutability... but <u>not</u> for now</H2>
Early tests have shown that supporting Python 2's "in-place
operation" functionality (by making MPZ, MPF and MPQ Python objects
<b>mutable</b>) would offer a substantial performance boost.
Despite this, widespread feeling among Python cognoscenti appears
to be against exposing such "mutable numbers".  As a consequence,
our current aim is for a first release of GMPY without mutability,
to be followed at some later time by one which will also fully
support in-place-mutable versions of number objects (as well as
the default immutable ones), but only when explicitly and
deliberately requested by a user (who can then be presumed to know
what he or she is doing).  Meanwhile, caching strategies are used
to ameliorate performance issues, and appear to be reasonably
worthwhile (so far, only MPZ and MPQ objects are subject to this
We've tended to solve other debatable design issues in a similar
vein, i.e., by trying to work "like Python's built-in numbers" when
there was a choice and two or more alternatives made sense.

<H1>Project Status and near-future plans</H1>
The gmpy module's current release (latest current release
as of 2008/10/16: 1.04) is available for download in both
source and Windows-binary form, and Mac-binary form too.

gmpy 1.04 exposes all of the mpz, mpq
and mpf functionality that was already available in GMP 3.1, and
most of the random-number generation functionality (there are no
current plans to extend gmpy to expose other such functionality,
although the currently experimental way in which it is architected
is subject to possible future changes).
On most platforms, you will need to separately procure and install
the GMP library itself to be able to build and use GMPY.  Note that
4.0.1 or better is needed; take care: some Linux releases come bundled
with <strong>older</strong> GMP versions, such as GMP 3, and you may
have to install the latest GMP version instead -- beware also of
/usr/lib vs /usr/local/lib issues.
Please read the file "windows_build.txt" for detailed instructions on
compiling GMP and GMPY using the freely available MinGW tools.
[[ OLD: The exception to this need is under (32-bit) Windows, where
binary-accompanied releases are the norm, and builds of GMP usable
with MS VC++ 6 (the main C compiler used for Python on this platform)
are traditionally hard to come by.
We started the GMPY project using a VC++ port of GMP.LIB "just found on
the net", and later a port by Jorgen Lundman, but are currently relying
on other volunteers to build Windows binaries since we don't have any
Windows machine any more.  <a
href="">This site</a> does appear
to offer all needed files and instructions for Windows developers who
want to re-build the gmpy module from sources; the gmpy project itself
just supplies a separate 'binary module' package is supplied, containing
only the pre-built GMPY.PYD, for those who do <b>not</b> want to
re-build from sources. ]]
<b>Do</b> note, however, that <b>all</b> gmpy users should download the
gmpy source-package as well, as currently that is the one including
<b>gmpy</b> documentation and unit-tests!
<H2>Currently-open issues</h2>
A still-weakish point is with the output-formatting of mpf numbers;
sometimes, this formatting ends up providing a few more digits than
a given number's accuracy would actually warrant (a few noise digits
after a long string of trailing '0' or '9' digits), particularly when
the mpf number is built from a Python float -- the accuracy situation
is quite a bit better when the mpf number is built from a <b>string</b>.
Because of this, since release 0.6, gmpy introduced an optional
'floating-conversion format string' module-level setting: if present,
float-&gt;mpf conversion goes through an intermediate formatted
string (by default, it still proceeds directly, at least for now);
this does ameliorate things a bit, as does the better tracking done
(since 0.6, with further enhancements in 0.7) of the 'requested'
precision for an mpf (as opposed to the precision the underlying GMP
actually 'assigns' to it); but the issue cannot yet be considered fully
solved, and may well still need some design changes in the output
formatting functionality.
Unit tests are not considered a weak point any more; the over 1000
unit-tests now being run provide a decent cover of 93+% SLOC for gmpy.c,
up from 72% in 0.7.  The non-covered SLOCs (about 150 of gmpy.c's
current 2311 executable lines out of 6205 total)
are mostly disaster-tests to handle out-of-memory
situations, a smattering of 'defensive
programming' cases (to handle situations that 'should never happen,
but'...) and some cases of the new experimental 'callbacks' facility
(mostly provided for the specific use of PySymbolic, and intended to be
tested by that package).  We'll have to do better, eventually (presumably with
some mocking approach e.g. to simulate out-of-memory situations), but, for now,
this can be considered OK.
In the attempt to make gmpy as useful as can be for both stand-alone
use, and also in the context of PySymbolic, a tad too many design
decisions have been delayed/postponed by introducing module-level
flags, letting us 'have it both ways' in the current
gmpy 1.04; this has produced a somewhat unwieldy mix of module-level
flag-setting and call-back functions.  This whole area's architecture
will neet to be revisited, including other such design-decisions yet.

<H2>Near-future plans</h2>
Future releases may have changes including: re-architecting the
module-level setting functions; more elegantly formatted documentation;
more timing-measurement scripts and usage-examples.  Some of the
currently experimental 'callbacks' will also be removed, having been
proven unnecessary.  All relevant GMP 4 functionality will be exposed.
No predictions on timing, though.  gmpy 1.04 meets all current needs
of the main author, so his motivation to work more on it is low:-).
So, don't hold your breath (pitching in and helping it happen, on the
other hand, _might_ be advisable, and will surely yield results:-).
<A HREF="">Project page on</A>
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