

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > 37b3558070c93669bfc28c237e633cd9 > files > 1


  openuniverse configuration file


#where do data files reside (stars.dat and textures)
#data_directory = .

#Render planet atmosphere, default is 1. Atmospheres hurt performance
atmospheres = 1

#bordered textures. 0 for hardware accelerated, 1 for software-only OpenGL
#(see README.3D for details)
border = 0

#show splash screen image during the loading stage. Set this option to 0 if
#you're running OU in high resolution modes (say greater than 640x480)
#splash = 0

#Filtering method (GL_LINEAR or GL_NEAREST), default is GL_LINEAR
#GL_NEAREST filtering will increase performance on software-only OpenGL drivers
filter = GL_LINEAR

#Shading model (defaults to GL_SMOOTH)
shading = GL_SMOOTH

#starting date (format is MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS)
#date = 9-21-1972 7:00:00
#date = 12-11-1994 15:10:00

#global configuration items
pause = 0
realtime = 0
planets_labels = 0
stars_labels = 0
info = 1

demo = 0
#Duration of every demo slot in seconds
demostep = 15

#how bright stars are (higher is brighter)
#star_brightness_factor = 5.0

#Define textured stars size. You may have to tune this value (high-res video
#modes will require lower values). Default is 0.3, typical range is (0.1-0.5).
#Try 5.0 for fun ;-)
#star_size = 0.3

# camera speed in millon Km per frame
#camera_speed = 0.0

#camera modes are: 0 (free), 1 (Linked), 2 (Body 2 Body), 3 (Orbiter)	
#camera_mode = 3

#start with body N as target/source. (N=0 for SUN, N=1 for first body defined
# below and so on). source keyword applies only for cmode 2
#target = 21
#source = 0

#detail level, higher is better/slower. To keep texture handling functions
#happy, these two numbers must be divible by any texture width (slices) or
#height (stacks), in terms of 256x256 pieces not pixels. It's a good idea to 
#use always powers of two. Anyways OU will tell you when invalid values
#are set
#If your hardware is T&L capable (GeForce, Savage2k) set this values to 64 or
#128. Hey, i've even tried with 256 (that's 65536 quads per sphere) on a
#GeForce DDR and got 25fps. Not bad, eh? :-)
slices = 64
stacks = 64

#Screenshots quality, (0-100). Higher is better. Default is 90
#jpeg_quality = 100

#MIPMAPS: better texture quality when enabled at the expense of texture memory,
#you may have to disable it (default is enabled) if you're low of texture
#memory (to compare texture quality between mipmapped and non-mipmapped select
#Mercury and press 'n', you'll see an annoying flickering with non-mipmapped

mipmap = 1

#MIPMAP_FILTER: Mipmap filtering method. Options are:
#       GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST <--- worst (faster on software-only drivers)
#       GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR   <--- best (default)


#Level Of Detail (currently only affects textures).
# This option attempts to minimize texture cache trashing on low end 3D card, so
# if your 3D card comes with less than 16MB you SHOULD adjust this value.
# Otherwise OU will run slow (especially on old non-AGP hardware).
# To adjust it just start with HIGH QUALITY and run benchmark (-bench)
# write down the score, then run benchmark MEDIUM and LOW quality. I guess
# you'll figure out the last step ;-)
# This is nothing but a resample algorithm. HQ mode won't resample texture
# maps while MQ and LQ modes will resample texture maps by 2 and 4 (both
# horizontally and vertically) respectively.
# Keep in mind that texture compression (see below) will reduce required
# memory and so you'll be able to use bigger maps and/or higer quality
# modes.
# 0 -> LOW QUALITY textures ( <= 4MB )
# 1 -> MEDIUM QUALITY textures ( <= 8MB )
# 2 -> HIGH QUALITY textures ( >= 16MB )


#Color Depth
# Textures color depth:
#       16 bits 
#       32 bits
# Force 16 or 32 bits textures. Some OpenGL drivers default to 16 bits or
# current desktop configuration so this option may be of help if you want
# to save texture space or force 32 bits textures on buggy OpenGL drivers


# Texture compression
# If your 3d card's OpenGL driver supports any kind of texture compression
# enable this option and you'll able to uset VERY HIGH resolution images.
# By the time i'm writing this only S3's Savage series and NVIDIA's GeForce
# family seem to support the OpenGL extensions needed. OU will check for the
# extension at run time so it'll ignore any texture compression related
# setting if the required extensions are not supported by your card/driver.
# You can override this option and disable texture compression for individual
# bodies in the bodies section (see below). However, if you set this option to
# 0, texture compression will be disabled, no matter what the setting for
# every body is.
# You'll also notice there are a few bodies with TC disabled by default.
# Those are bodies with very smooth surfaces on which texture compression
# doesn't seem to work very well.

texture_compression = 1

#Font type:
# 0=Textured font, much faster when hardware accelerated but slower on soft
#   only drivers. May look ugly on some 3D hardware (say Voodoos)
# 1=Bitmap font, more readable but hurts performace on some 3D hardware (TNT)


#Logo at startup
#0 = Get rid of that funky logo :-)
#1 = Yeah, i want the fading logo


#Messier Objects (see messier.dat for object declaration)
#0 = Disable
#1 = Enable (default)


#Milky Way 
#0 = Disable
#1 = Enable (default)



	There are two main bodies: planets and asteroids. Data referred to
   these two bodies are enclosed between { }

	In every planet you can declare one atmosphere (right after planet
   data) and any number of rings and/or satellites (rings declaration must
   precede satellites declaration).
	You can't define atmospheres or rings in asteroid declarations, only
   satellites are allowed.

	Custom function are allowed for planets, satellites and asteroids.
   Note that here you assign an index to the custom function and you'll have
   to edit positions.c in order to add one entry in the switch where custom
   functions are called (see line 81 in positions.c). Obviously, when custom
   functions are used, the elements defined in this file are ignored for that

	Config file stuff is STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, so it may be buggy (works
   OK with default config file but don't know with custom config files). But
   as long as you define your own bodies following the rules above it should
   work. You better take a look at Earth and Saturn to learn how to define
   cloudy atmospheres, rings and multiple satellites.
 	Whenever you find a value of 0.0 (except for the flattening) means that
   this value is unknown (i mean i don't know it).


sun	{
        sun.jpg                 # texture file (must be a 128x128 24-bit JPEG)
        4.0                     # blending factor, the higher this value the
        30                      # better it will look (if you're running a
        1.9891E30               # software only OpenGL driver or your 3D card
				# supports 32 bits rendering set this value
				# to 2.0). Don't set this value above 1.5 if
				# you're using a 3dfx 3D card (they don't
				# support 32 bits rendering and their 16 bit
				# filtering is not very good). Second number
				# stands for the cut level, so pixels with
				# a mean level below this value will be
				# transparent.

planet	Mercury {
	mercury.jpg		# texture file
	199,160,105		# color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	0.382000		# radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0			# z axis flattening
        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	0.0			# body tilt
	6.138505		# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        0.0                     # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	48.333899		# ascendind node (degrees)
	77.453997		# perihelion (degrees)
	0.387098		# mean distance (in AU)
	4.092353		# daily motion (degrees)
	87.969002		# orbital period (Earth days)
	0.205632		# eccentricity
	314.423688		# mean longitude (degrees)		       
        0.3302E24               # Mass
#        1                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

planet 	Venus {
	venus.jpg		# texture file
	249,217,170             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	0.950000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0			# z axis flattening
        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	177.300003              # body tilt
	1.481367                # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	3.394720                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	76.688900               # ascendind node (degrees)
	131.761002              # perihelion (degrees)
	0.723324                # mean distance (in AU)
	1.602158                # daily motion (degrees)
	224.699997              # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.006793                # eccentricity
	236.940437              # mean longitude (degrees)
        4.8690E24               # Mass
#        2                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

planet 	Earth {
        earth.jpg               # texture file
	31,94,125               # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	1.000000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0034			# z axis flattening
        1                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	23.450001               # body tilt
	360.252502              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	0.000410                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	349.200006              # ascendind node (degrees)
	102.851700              # perihelion (degrees)
	1.000020                # mean distance (in AU)
	0.985580                # daily motion (degrees)
	365.256012              # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.016697                # eccentricity
	328.403528              # mean longitude (degrees)
        5.9736E24               # Mass
#        3                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
        atmosphere {            # LOW QUALITY
                earthcld.jpg    # texture file
		200,200,200	# color if untextured
		1.02		# radius (in Earth radii)
                360.252502      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
                1.2             # blending factor (useful range 1-4)
                150             # samples below this value are tranparent


        atmosphere {            # HIGH QUALITY
                clouds.jpg      # texture file
		200,200,200	# color if untextured
                1.02            # radius (in Earth radii)
                460.252502      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
                1.2             # blending factor (useful range 1-4)
                150              # samples below this value are tranparent

	satellite Moon {
                moon.jpg        # texture file
		200,200,200     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.272400        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	6.410000        # body tilt
	 	13.176359       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	125.122795      # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	83.186199       # perihelion (degrees)
	 	60.268          # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	12.190992       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	27.321659       # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.054900        # eccentricity
	 	16.999999       # mean longitude (degrees)
                7.35E22         # Mass
#                10              # Index of custom function (0=NO)
                orbiter Apollo13 {
                        apollo13.bmf    # texture file
                        0.01            # size (in 10E3 Km)
                        0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
                        0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
                        0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
                        100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
                        0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                        1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                        100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
                        3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
                        0.054900        # eccentricity
                        1.0             # mean longitude (degrees)

	orbiter HST {
                hst.bmf         # texture file
                0.01             # size (in 10E3 Km)
                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
                100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
                0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
                3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
                0.054900        # eccentricity
                0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)

	orbiter StationV {
                ss5.bmf         # texture file
                0.01             # size (in 10E3 Km)
                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
                100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
                0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
                3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
                0.054900        # eccentricity
                180.0             # mean longitude (degrees)

        orbiter Endeavour {
                shuttle.bmf     # texture file
                0.01            # size (in 10E3 Km)
                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
                90.0            # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
                100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
                0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
                3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
                0.054900        # eccentricity
                1.0             # mean longitude (degrees)

planet	Mars {
        mars.jpg                # texture file
	187,153,115             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	0.532000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0			# z axis flattening
        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	25.190001               # body tilt
	350.891907              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	1.849920                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	49.566399               # ascendind node (degrees)
	336.088201              # perihelion (degrees)
	1.523636                # mean distance (in AU)
	0.524061                # daily motion (degrees)
	686.979980              # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.093423                # eccentricity
	262.427834              # mean longitude (degrees)			
        0.6419E24               # Mass
#        4                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Phobos {
                phobos.bmf    # texture file
		200,200,200     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.0042	        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.4		# y axis flattening
		0.4		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0	        # body tilt
	 	350.891907      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	1.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0      	# ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0       	# perihelion (degrees)
	 	2.76          	# mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	1128.8451       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	0.318910       	# orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.015        	# eccentricity
	 	0.0       	# mean longitude (degrees)
                1.0E16          # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Deimos {
                deimos.bmf    # texture file
		200,200,200     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.0024	        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.3		# y axis flattening
		0.4		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0	        # body tilt
	 	350.891907      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	1.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0      	# ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0       	# perihelion (degrees)
	 	6.91          	# mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	285.16184       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	1.262441       	# orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0005        	# eccentricity
	 	0.0       	# mean longitude (degrees)
                2.0E15          # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

spaceship Discovery {
                discovery.bmf   # texture file
                0.01            # size (in 10E3 Km)
                5.2 0.0 5.2     # ship position (in AU)
                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
                0.0 0.0 0.01    # speed vector (in Km/frame)

asteroid Bacchus  {
        bacchus.bmf             # texture file
        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        0.5 0.1 1.0             # rotation axis
	1106.13			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        9.43207                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        33.24093                # ascendind node (degrees)
        55.17417                # perihelion (degrees)
        1.0780717               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.213661		# daily motion (degrees)
	1660.66			# orbital period (Earth days)
        0.34944209              # eccentricity
        245.4743260             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

asteroid Castalia   {
        castalia.bmf                 # texture file
        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        8.88791                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        325.72563               # ascendind node (degrees)
        121.23955               # perihelion (degrees)
        1.0631749               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
        0.48314695              # eccentricity
        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

asteroid Geographos   {
        geographos.bmf          # texture file
        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        13.34081                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        337.35010               # ascendind node (degrees)
        276.75759               # perihelion (degrees)
        1.2455598               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
        0.33542304              # eccentricity
        104.2069827             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

asteroid Vesta   {
        vesta.bmf               # texture file
        0.58                    # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        7.136                   # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        103.973                 # ascendind node (degrees)
        150.346                 # perihelion (degrees)
        2.361                   # mean distance (in AU)
	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
        1325.05                 # orbital period (Earth days)
        0.0897                  # eccentricity
        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

asteroid Ida   {
        ida.bmf               # texture file
        0.58                    # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        7.136                   # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        203.973                 # ascendind node (degrees)
        150.346                 # perihelion (degrees)
        2.361                   # mean distance (in AU)
	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
        1325.05                 # orbital period (Earth days)
        0.0897                  # eccentricity
        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

asteroid Gaspra   {
        gaspra.bmf              # texture file
        0.58                    # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        7.136                   # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        303.973                 # ascendind node (degrees)
        150.346                 # perihelion (degrees)
        2.361                   # mean distance (in AU)
	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
        1325.05                 # orbital period (Earth days)
        0.0897                  # eccentricity
        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

asteroid Toutatis   {
        toutatis.bmf            # model file
        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        1.0 0.0 1.0             # rotation axis
	952.06			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        0.46989                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        128.31023               # ascendind node (degrees)
        274.71447               # perihelion (degrees)
        2.5112897               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.21414844		# daily motion (degrees)
	1656.886		# orbital period (Earth days)
        0.63407404              # eccentricity
        198.5381655             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

asteroid Ky   {
        ky.bmf                 # texture file
        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
        8.88791                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
        325.72563               # ascendind node (degrees)
        121.23955               # perihelion (degrees)
        3.0631749               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
        0.48314695              # eccentricity
        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

        Temporarily disabled: WORK IN PROGRESS

comet Halley	 {
	asteroid.jpg		# texture file
	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	0.09	                # radius (in Earth radii)
	0.0                     # x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0			# z axis flattening
	0.07			# surface randomness
	0.0			# body tilt
	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	7.136			# orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	103.973			# ascendind node (degrees)
	150.346			# perihelion (degrees)
	3.361			# mean distance (in AU)
	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
	0.0897			# eccentricity
	0.0			# mean longitude (degrees)
	100.0			# tail lenght (thousand Km)
        2000                    # number of particles
	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)

planet 	Jupiter {
  	jupiter.jpg		# texture file
	185,166,152             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	11.27000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0625			# z axis flattening
        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	3.120000                # body tilt
	870.532471              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	1.304630                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	100.471297              # ascendind node (degrees)
	15.697800               # perihelion (degrees)
	5.202597                # mean distance (in AU)
	0.083096                # daily motion (degrees)
	4332.586914             # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.048465                # eccentricity
	322.559836              # mean longitude (degrees)
        1.8986E27               # Mass
#        5                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

        satellite Amalthea {
                amalthea.bmf    # texture file
		208,200,128     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
                0.0147          # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
                722.6318        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                2.53            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                722.6318        # daily motion (degrees)
                0.498179        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                7.2E18          # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Io {
                io.jpg          # texture file
		208,200,128     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.285356        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	203.488937      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	5.9             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	203.48893       # daily motion (degrees)
		1.769138        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                8.89E22         # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Europa {
		europa.jpg	# texture file
		202,171,143     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.245375        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	101.374725      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	9.39            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	101.37473       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	3.551181        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                4.78E22         # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Ganymede {
 		ganymede.jpg	# texture file
		117,117,117     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.413139        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	50.317608       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	14.97           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	50.177552       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	7.154553        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.48E23         # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Callisto {
 		callisto.jpg	# texture file
		96,96,96        # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.379429        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	21.571070       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	26.34           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	21.571071       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	16.689020       # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

planet 	Saturn {
        saturn.jpg              # texture file
	189,174,153             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	9.500000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.1			# z axis flattening
        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	26.730000               # body tilt
	810.792542              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	2.485240                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	113.635797              # ascendind node (degrees)
	88.863001               # perihelion (degrees)
	9.571900                # mean distance (in AU)
	0.033287                # daily motion (degrees)
	10759.209961            # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.053165                # eccentricity
	20.957590               # mean longitude (degrees)
        5.6846E26               # Mass
#        6                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

	ring {
                rings.jpg    # texture file
                160,160,160     # color if untextured (applies for brightness too)
                13.0            # inner radius (in Earth radii)
                19.0            # outter radius (in Earth radii)
                1.0             # Transparency level (higher is fainter)

        satellite Prometheus {
                prometheus.bmf  # texture file
		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
                0.0081          # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
                587.2757        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                2.31            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                587.2757        # daily motion (degrees)
                0.613           # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.0E18          # Mass ?
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

        satellite Epimetheus {
                epimetheus.bmf       # texture file
		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
                0.0094          # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
                518.6572        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                2.50            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                518.6572        # daily motion (degrees)
                0.6941          # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.0E18          # Mass ?
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

        satellite Janus {
                janus.bmf       # texture file
		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
                0.0149          # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
                518.3585        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                2.51            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                518.3585        # daily motion (degrees)
                0.6945          # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.0E18          # Mass ?
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Tethys {
	 	tethys.jpg	# texture file
		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.082314        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	190.668610      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	4.89            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	190.66857       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	1.888093        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                7.4E20          # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Dione {
	 	dione.jpg	# texture file
		130,130,130     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.087802        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	131.505798      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	6.26            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	131.50579       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	2.737522        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.05E21         # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Rhea {
	 	rhea.jpg	# texture file
		158,158,158     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.119944        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	79.660767       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	8.74            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	79.660769       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	4.519163        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                2.5E21          # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Titan {
	 	titan.jpg	# texture file
		252,96,9        # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.403732        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                0               # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	22.546638       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	20.27           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	22.546639       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	15.966903       # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.35E23         # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

        satellite Hyperion {
                hyperion.bmf       # texture file
		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
                0.0223          # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
                16.92           # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                24.58           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                16.92           # daily motion (degrees)
                21.2766         # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.0E18          # Mass ?
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

planet 	Uranus {
	uranus.jpg	        # texture file
	149,173,185             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	3.900000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0			# z axis flattening
        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	97.860001               # body tilt
	501.162415              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	0.773430                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	74.095402               # ascendind node (degrees)
	175.680703              # perihelion (degrees)
	19.301810               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.011623                # daily motion (degrees)
	30685.000000            # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.042896                # eccentricity
	303.189666              # mean longitude (degrees)
        8.683E25                # Mass
#        7                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

	ring {
                rings.jpg    # texture file
                120,120,120     # color if untextured
                4.5             # inner radius (in Earth radii)
                5.5             # outter radius (in Earth radii)
                1.5             # Transparency level (higher is fainter)

planet 	Neptune {
	neptune.jpg		# texture file
	94,129,223              # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	4.000000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0			# z axis flattening
        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	29.000000               # body tilt
	536.312866              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	1.768100                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	131.792503              # ascendind node (degrees)
	7.206000                # perihelion (degrees)
	30.266640               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.005919                # daily motion (degrees)
	60188.000000            # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.010298                # eccentricity
	299.864101              # mean longitude (degrees)
#        8                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

        satellite Proteus {
                proteus.bmf     # texture file
		216,208,206     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
                0.03276         # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
                320.7698        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
                4.75            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
                320.7698        # daily motion (degrees)
                1.1223          # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                1.05E18         # Mass ?
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Triton {
	 	triton.jpg	# texture file
		216,208,206     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.212135        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1               # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	61.257263       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	156.999999      # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	14.83           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	61.257265       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	5.876854        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                2.15E22         # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)


planet 	Pluto {
	pluto.jpg	        # texture file
	241,220,167             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
	0.450000                # radius (in Earth radii)
 	0.0			# x axis flattening
	0.0			# y axis flattening
	0.0			# z axis flattening
        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	118.000000              # body tilt
	56.362724               # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	17.121370               # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
	110.383302              # ascendind node (degrees)
	224.802494              # perihelion (degrees)
	39.580400               # mean distance (in AU)
	0.003958                # daily motion (degrees)
	90700.0                 # orbital period (Earth days)
	0.250127                # eccentricity
	235.765590              # mean longitude (degrees)
        1.25E22                 # Mass
#        9                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)

	satellite Charon {
		charon.jpg	# texture file
		125,109,94      # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
		0.092976        # radius (in Earth radii)
	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
		0.0		# y axis flattening
		0.0		# z axis flattening
                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
	 	0.0             # body tilt
	 	56.362286       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
	 	98.999999       # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
	 	17.0            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
	 	56.362284       # daily motion (degrees)
	 	6.387250        # orbital period (Earth days)
	 	0.0             # eccentricity
	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
                3.0E21          # Mass
		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)