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<a href="scanmatching_2scan__matching_8h.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><a name="l00001"></a>00001 <span class="comment">/* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+</span>
<a name="l00002"></a>00002 <span class="comment">   |          The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) C++ library          |</span>
<a name="l00003"></a>00003 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00004"></a>00004 <span class="comment">   |                                             |</span>
<a name="l00005"></a>00005 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00006"></a>00006 <span class="comment">   |   Copyright (C) 2005-2011  University of Malaga                           |</span>
<a name="l00007"></a>00007 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00008"></a>00008 <span class="comment">   |    This software was written by the Machine Perception and Intelligent    |</span>
<a name="l00009"></a>00009 <span class="comment">   |      Robotics Lab, University of Malaga (Spain).                          |</span>
<a name="l00010"></a>00010 <span class="comment">   |    Contact: Jose-Luis Blanco  &lt;;                     |</span>
<a name="l00011"></a>00011 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00012"></a>00012 <span class="comment">   |  This file is part of the MRPT project.                                   |</span>
<a name="l00013"></a>00013 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00014"></a>00014 <span class="comment">   |     MRPT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          |</span>
<a name="l00015"></a>00015 <span class="comment">   |     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  |</span>
<a name="l00016"></a>00016 <span class="comment">   |     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     |</span>
<a name="l00017"></a>00017 <span class="comment">   |     (at your option) any later version.                                   |</span>
<a name="l00018"></a>00018 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00019"></a>00019 <span class="comment">   |   MRPT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 |</span>
<a name="l00020"></a>00020 <span class="comment">   |     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |</span>
<a name="l00021"></a>00021 <span class="comment">   |     MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the         |</span>
<a name="l00022"></a>00022 <span class="comment">   |     GNU General Public License for more details.                          |</span>
<a name="l00023"></a>00023 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00024"></a>00024 <span class="comment">   |     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |</span>
<a name="l00025"></a>00025 <span class="comment">   |     along with MRPT.  If not, see &lt;;.         |</span>
<a name="l00026"></a>00026 <span class="comment">   |                                                                           |</span>
<a name="l00027"></a>00027 <span class="comment">   +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */</span>
<a name="l00028"></a>00028 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef ScanMatching_H</span>
<a name="l00029"></a>00029 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ScanMatching_H</span>
<a name="l00030"></a>00030 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00031"></a>00031 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;<a class="code" href="math_8h.html">mrpt/math.h</a>&gt;</span>   <span class="comment">// These 2 headers, in this order, are needed to avoid</span>
<a name="l00032"></a>00032 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;<a class="code" href="poses_8h.html">mrpt/poses.h</a>&gt;</span>  <span class="comment">//  undefined classes errors in inline constructors of mrpt::poses classes.</span>
<a name="l00033"></a>00033 
<a name="l00034"></a>00034 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;<a class="code" href="_t_matching_pair_8h.html">mrpt/utils/TMatchingPair.h</a>&gt;</span>
<a name="l00035"></a>00035 
<a name="l00036"></a>00036 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;<a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html">mrpt/scanmatching/link_pragmas.h</a>&gt;</span>
<a name="l00037"></a>00037 
<a name="l00038"></a>00038 <span class="keyword">namespace </span>mrpt
<a name="l00039"></a>00039 {
<a name="l00040"></a>00040         <span class="keyword">namespace </span>poses
<a name="l00041"></a>00041         {
<a name="l00042"></a>00042                 <span class="keyword">class   </span>CPosePDFParticles;
<a name="l00043"></a>00043                 <span class="keyword">class   </span>CPosePDFGaussian;
<a name="l00044"></a>00044                 <span class="keyword">class   </span>CPosePDFSOG;
<a name="l00045"></a>00045         }
<a name="l00046"></a>00046 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00047"></a>00047 <span class="comment">        /** A set of scan matching-related static functions.</span>
<a name="l00048"></a>00048 <span class="comment">         * \sa mrpt::slam::CICP</span>
<a name="l00049"></a>00049 <span class="comment">         * \ingroup mrpt_scanmatching_grp</span>
<a name="l00050"></a>00050 <span class="comment">         */</span>
<a name="l00051"></a><a class="code" href="namespacemrpt_1_1scanmatching.html">00051</a>         <span class="keyword">namespace </span>scanmatching
<a name="l00052"></a>00052         {
<a name="l00053"></a>00053                 <span class="keyword">using namespace </span>mrpt::poses;
<a name="l00054"></a>00054                 <span class="keyword">using namespace </span>mrpt::math;
<a name="l00055"></a>00055                 <span class="keyword">using namespace </span>mrpt::utils;
<a name="l00056"></a>00056                 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00057"></a>00057 <span class="comment">                /** \addtogroup mrpt_scanmatching_grp</span>
<a name="l00058"></a>00058 <span class="comment">                  * @{ */</span>
<a name="l00059"></a>00059 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00060"></a>00060 <span class="comment">                /** This function implements the Horn method for computing the change in pose between two coordinate systems</span>
<a name="l00061"></a>00061 <span class="comment">                  * \param[in] inPoints         A vector containing the coordinates of the input points in the format:</span>
<a name="l00062"></a>00062 <span class="comment">                  *                                                     [x11 y11 z11, x12 y12 z12, x21 y21 z21, x22 y22 z22, x31 y31 z31, x32 y32 z32, ...  ]</span>
<a name="l00063"></a>00063 <span class="comment">                  *                                                     where [xi1 yi1 zi1] and [xi2 yi2 zi2] represent the i-th pair of corresponding 3D points in the two coordinate systems &quot;1&quot; and &quot;2&quot;</span>
<a name="l00064"></a>00064 <span class="comment">                  * \param[out] outQuat A 7D vector containing the traslation and rotation (in a quaternion form) which indicates the change in pose of system &quot;2&quot; wrt &quot;1&quot;.</span>
<a name="l00065"></a>00065 <span class="comment">                  * \param[in]  forceScaleToUnity       Whether or not force the scale employed to rotate the coordinate systems to one (rigid transformation)</span>
<a name="l00066"></a>00066 <span class="comment">                  *</span>
<a name="l00067"></a>00067 <span class="comment">                  * \return The computed scale of the optimal transformation (will be 1.0 for a perfectly rigid translation + rotation).</span>
<a name="l00068"></a>00068 <span class="comment">                  * \sa THornMethodOpts</span>
<a name="l00069"></a>00069 <span class="comment">                  */</span>
<a name="l00070"></a>00070                 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> <a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html#af764ca0b8ca1e4eba93cf3e18203ee46">SCANMATCHING_IMPEXP</a> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#gabb4485481a609553e61fe7bc262cf50b" title="This function implements the Horn method for computing the change in pose between two coordinate syst...">HornMethod</a>(
<a name="l00071"></a>00071                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <a class="code" href="structmrpt_1_1dynamicsize__vector.html" title="The base class of MRPT vectors, actually, Eigen column matrices of dynamic size with specialized cons...">vector_double</a>  &amp;inPoints,
<a name="l00072"></a>00072                         <a class="code" href="structmrpt_1_1dynamicsize__vector.html" title="The base class of MRPT vectors, actually, Eigen column matrices of dynamic size with specialized cons...">vector_double</a>        &amp;outQuat,
<a name="l00073"></a>00073                         <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>                 forceScaleToUnity = <span class="keyword">false</span> );
<a name="l00074"></a>00074 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00075"></a>00075 <span class="comment">                //! \overload</span>
<a name="l00076"></a>00076 <span class="comment"></span>                <span class="keywordtype">double</span> <a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html#af764ca0b8ca1e4eba93cf3e18203ee46">SCANMATCHING_IMPEXP</a> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#gabb4485481a609553e61fe7bc262cf50b" title="This function implements the Horn method for computing the change in pose between two coordinate syst...">HornMethod</a>(
<a name="l00077"></a>00077                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <a class="code" href="structmrpt_1_1dynamicsize__vector.html" title="The base class of MRPT vectors, actually, Eigen column matrices of dynamic size with specialized cons...">vector_double</a>      &amp;inPoints,
<a name="l00078"></a>00078                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose3_d_quat.html" title="A class used to store a 3D pose as a translation (x,y,z) and a quaternion (qr,qx,qy,qz).">mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat</a> &amp;outQuat,
<a name="l00079"></a>00079                         <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>                      forceScaleToUnity  = <span class="keyword">false</span>);
<a name="l00080"></a>00080 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00081"></a>00081 <span class="comment">                /** This method provides the closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions to a set of over-constrained correspondences for finding the 6D rigid transformation between two cloud of 3D points.</span>
<a name="l00082"></a>00082 <span class="comment">                  *  The output 3D pose is computed using the method described in &quot;Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions&quot;, BKP Horn, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1987.</span>
<a name="l00083"></a>00083 <span class="comment">                  *</span>
<a name="l00084"></a>00084 <span class="comment">                  * \param in_correspondences The set of correspondences in TMatchingPairList form (&quot;this&quot; and &quot;other&quot;).</span>
<a name="l00085"></a>00085 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_transformation The change in pose (CPose3DQuat) of the &quot;other&quot; reference system wrt &quot;this&quot; reference system which minimizes the mean-square-error between all the correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00086"></a>00086 <span class="comment">                  * \exception Raises a std::exception if the list &quot;in_correspondences&quot; has not a minimum of three correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00087"></a>00087 <span class="comment">                  * \return True if there are at least three correspondences, or false otherwise, thus we cannot establish any correspondence.</span>
<a name="l00088"></a>00088 <span class="comment">                  *  Implemented by FAMD, 2007. Revised in 2010.</span>
<a name="l00089"></a>00089 <span class="comment">                  * \sa robustRigidTransformation</span>
<a name="l00090"></a>00090 <span class="comment">                  */</span>
<a name="l00091"></a>00091                 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html#af764ca0b8ca1e4eba93cf3e18203ee46">SCANMATCHING_IMPEXP</a> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#ga95a1eefeb19509da16a45b30a65806a3" title="This method provides the closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions to a set...">leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation6D</a>(
<a name="l00092"></a>00092                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1utils_1_1_t_matching_pair_list.html" title="A list of TMatchingPair.">TMatchingPairList</a> &amp;in_correspondences,
<a name="l00093"></a>00093                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose3_d_quat.html" title="A class used to store a 3D pose as a translation (x,y,z) and a quaternion (qr,qx,qy,qz).">CPose3DQuat</a>                                                     &amp;out_transformation,
<a name="l00094"></a>00094                         <span class="keywordtype">double</span>                                                          &amp;out_scale,
<a name="l00095"></a>00095                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>                                                      forceScaleToUnity = <span class="keyword">false</span> );
<a name="l00096"></a>00096 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00097"></a>00097 <span class="comment">                /** This method provides the closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions to a set of over-constrained correspondences for finding the 6D rigid transformation between two cloud of 3D points.</span>
<a name="l00098"></a>00098 <span class="comment">                  *  The output 3D pose is computed using the method described in &quot;Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions&quot;, BKP Horn, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1987.</span>
<a name="l00099"></a>00099 <span class="comment">                  *</span>
<a name="l00100"></a>00100 <span class="comment">                  * \param in_correspondences The set of correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00101"></a>00101 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_transformation The change in pose (CPose3DQuat) of the &quot;other&quot; reference system wrt &quot;this&quot; reference system which minimizes the mean-square-error between all the correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00102"></a>00102 <span class="comment">                  * \exception Raises a std::exception if the list &quot;in_correspondences&quot; has not a minimum of two correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00103"></a>00103 <span class="comment">                  * \return True if there are at least two correspondences, or false if one or none, thus we cannot establish any correspondence.</span>
<a name="l00104"></a>00104 <span class="comment">                  *  Implemented by FAMD, 2007. Revised in 2010</span>
<a name="l00105"></a>00105 <span class="comment">                  * \sa robustRigidTransformation</span>
<a name="l00106"></a>00106 <span class="comment">                  */</span>
<a name="l00107"></a><a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#gae1c6f78a5efeb0071854b349e5190f01">00107</a>                 <span class="keyword">inline</span> <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#ga95a1eefeb19509da16a45b30a65806a3" title="This method provides the closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions to a set...">leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation6D</a>(
<a name="l00108"></a>00108                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1utils_1_1_t_matching_pair_list.html" title="A list of TMatchingPair.">TMatchingPairList</a> &amp;in_correspondences,
<a name="l00109"></a>00109                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose3_d.html" title="A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).">CPose3D</a>                                                         &amp;out_transformation,
<a name="l00110"></a>00110                         <span class="keywordtype">double</span>                                                          &amp;out_scale,
<a name="l00111"></a>00111                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>                                                      forceScaleToUnity = <span class="keyword">false</span> )
<a name="l00112"></a>00112                 {
<a name="l00113"></a>00113                         <a class="code" href="mrpt__macros_8h.html#a45b840af519f33816311acdbb28d7c10">MRPT_START</a>
<a name="l00114"></a>00114 
<a name="l00115"></a>00115                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose3_d_quat.html" title="A class used to store a 3D pose as a translation (x,y,z) and a quaternion (qr,qx,qy,qz).">CPose3DQuat</a> qAux(<a class="code" href="namespacemrpt_1_1math.html#a8ab289d85828809b390d477f824a908aa845e9a46f0b0e9601057449d65849fb5">UNINITIALIZED_QUATERNION</a>);             <span class="comment">// Convert the CPose3D to CPose3DQuat</span>
<a name="l00116"></a>00116 
<a name="l00117"></a>00117                         <span class="keywordflow">if</span>( !<a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#ga95a1eefeb19509da16a45b30a65806a3" title="This method provides the closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions to a set...">scanmatching::leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation6D</a>( in_correspondences, qAux, out_scale, forceScaleToUnity ) )
<a name="l00118"></a>00118                                 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> <span class="keyword">false</span>;
<a name="l00119"></a>00119                         out_transformation = <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose3_d.html" title="A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).">CPose3D</a>( qAux );                   <span class="comment">// Convert back the CPose3DQuat to CPose3D</span>
<a name="l00120"></a>00120 
<a name="l00121"></a>00121                         <span class="keywordflow">return</span> <span class="keyword">true</span>;
<a name="l00122"></a>00122 
<a name="l00123"></a>00123                         <a class="code" href="mrpt__macros_8h.html#a88a917260793b56abd83ad2a0d849eb1">MRPT_END</a>
<a name="l00124"></a>00124                 }
<a name="l00125"></a>00125 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00126"></a>00126 <span class="comment">                /** This method provides the closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions to a set of over-constrained correspondences for finding the 6D rigid transformation between two cloud of 3D points using RANSAC.</span>
<a name="l00127"></a>00127 <span class="comment">                  *  The output 3D pose is computed using the method described in &quot;Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions&quot;, BKP Horn, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1987.</span>
<a name="l00128"></a>00128 <span class="comment">                  *  If supplied, the output covariance matrix is computed using... TODO</span>
<a name="l00129"></a>00129 <span class="comment">                  * \todo Explain covariance!!</span>
<a name="l00130"></a>00130 <span class="comment">                  *</span>
<a name="l00131"></a>00131 <span class="comment">                  * \param in_correspondences The set of correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00132"></a>00132 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_transformation The pose that minimizes the mean-square-error between all the correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00133"></a>00133 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_scale The estimated scale of the rigid transformation (should be very close to 1.0)</span>
<a name="l00134"></a>00134 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_inliers_idx Indexes within the &quot;in_correspondences&quot; list which corresponds with inliers</span>
<a name="l00135"></a>00135 <span class="comment">                  * \param ransac_minSetSize The minimum amount of points in the set</span>
<a name="l00136"></a>00136 <span class="comment">                  * \param ransac_nmaxSimulations The maximum number of iterations of the RANSAC algorithm</span>
<a name="l00137"></a>00137 <span class="comment">                  * \param ransac_maxSetSizePct The (minimum) assumed percent (0.0 - 1.0) of the input set to be considered as inliers</span>
<a name="l00138"></a>00138 <span class="comment">                  * \exception Raises a std::exception if the list &quot;in_correspondences&quot; has not a minimum of two correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00139"></a>00139 <span class="comment">                  * \return True if there are at least two correspondences, or false if one or none, thus we cannot establish any correspondence.</span>
<a name="l00140"></a>00140 <span class="comment">                  *  Implemented by FAMD, 2008.</span>
<a name="l00141"></a>00141 <span class="comment">                  * \sa robustRigidTransformation</span>
<a name="l00142"></a>00142 <span class="comment">                  */</span>
<a name="l00143"></a>00143                 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html#af764ca0b8ca1e4eba93cf3e18203ee46">SCANMATCHING_IMPEXP</a> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#ga96a45b6eb34d06a8d0fd9f38dcd696de" title="This method provides the closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions to a set...">leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation6DRANSAC</a>(
<a name="l00144"></a>00144                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1utils_1_1_t_matching_pair_list.html" title="A list of TMatchingPair.">TMatchingPairList</a> &amp;in_correspondences,
<a name="l00145"></a>00145                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose3_d.html" title="A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).">CPose3D</a>                                                         &amp;out_transformation,
<a name="l00146"></a>00146                         <span class="keywordtype">double</span>                                                          &amp;out_scale,
<a name="l00147"></a>00147                         <a class="code" href="classstd_1_1vector.html" title="STL class.">vector_int</a>                                                      &amp;out_inliers_idx,
<a name="l00148"></a>00148                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span>                                      ransac_minSetSize = 5,
<a name="l00149"></a>00149                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span>                                      ransac_nmaxSimulations = 50,
<a name="l00150"></a>00150                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">double</span>                                            ransac_maxSetSizePct = 0.7,
<a name="l00151"></a>00151                         <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>                                                      forceScaleToUnity = <span class="keyword">false</span> );
<a name="l00152"></a>00152 
<a name="l00153"></a>00153 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00154"></a>00154 <span class="comment">                /** This method provides the basic least-square-error solution to a set of over-constrained correspondences for finding the (x,y,phi) rigid transformation between two planes.</span>
<a name="l00155"></a>00155 <span class="comment">                  *  The optimal transformation q fulfills:   \f$ point_this = q \oplus point_other \f$</span>
<a name="l00156"></a>00156 <span class="comment">                  * \param in_correspondences The set of correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00157"></a>00157 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_transformation The pose that minimizes the mean-square-error between all the correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00158"></a>00158 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_estimateCovariance If provided (!=NULL) this will contain on return a 3x3 covariance matrix with the NORMALIZED optimal estimate uncertainty. This matrix must be multiplied by \f$\sigma^2_p\f$, the variance of matched points in \f$x\f$ and \f$y\f$ (see paper</span>
<a name="l00159"></a>00159 <span class="comment">                  * \exception Raises a std::exception if the list &quot;in_correspondences&quot; has not a minimum of two correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00160"></a>00160 <span class="comment">                  * \return True if there are at least two correspondences, or false if one or none, thus we cannot establish any correspondence.</span>
<a name="l00161"></a>00161 <span class="comment">                  * \sa robustRigidTransformation</span>
<a name="l00162"></a>00162 <span class="comment">                  */</span>
<a name="l00163"></a>00163                 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html#af764ca0b8ca1e4eba93cf3e18203ee46">SCANMATCHING_IMPEXP</a> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#ga7a5ed1b5f7e14adbcd2ec35198327ae7" title="This method provides the basic least-square-error solution to a set of over-constrained correspondenc...">leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation</a>(
<a name="l00164"></a>00164                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1utils_1_1_t_matching_pair_list.html" title="A list of TMatchingPair.">TMatchingPairList</a>       &amp;in_correspondences,
<a name="l00165"></a>00165                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose2_d.html" title="A class used to store a 2D pose.">CPose2D</a>                                                 &amp;out_transformation,
<a name="l00166"></a>00166                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1math_1_1_c_matrix_fixed_numeric.html">CMatrixDouble33</a>                                 *out_estimateCovariance = NULL );
<a name="l00167"></a>00167 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00168"></a>00168 <span class="comment">                /** This method provides the basic least-square-error solution to a set of over-constrained correspondences for finding the (x,y,phi) rigid transformation between two planes.</span>
<a name="l00169"></a>00169 <span class="comment">                  *  The optimal transformation q fulfills:   \f$ point_this = q \oplus point_other \f$</span>
<a name="l00170"></a>00170 <span class="comment">                  * \param in_correspondences The set of correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00171"></a>00171 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_transformation The pose that minimizes the mean-square-error between all the correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00172"></a>00172 <span class="comment">                  * \param out_estimateCovariance If provided (!=NULL) this will contain on return a 3x3 covariance matrix with the NORMALIZED optimal estimate uncertainty. This matrix must be multiplied by \f$\sigma^2_p\f$, the variance of matched points in \f$x\f$ and \f$y\f$ (see paper</span>
<a name="l00173"></a>00173 <span class="comment">                  * \exception Raises a std::exception if the list &quot;in_correspondences&quot; has not a minimum of two correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00174"></a>00174 <span class="comment">                  * \return True if there are at least two correspondences, or false if one or none, thus we cannot establish any correspondence.</span>
<a name="l00175"></a>00175 <span class="comment">                  * \sa robustRigidTransformation</span>
<a name="l00176"></a>00176 <span class="comment">                  */</span>
<a name="l00177"></a>00177                 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html#af764ca0b8ca1e4eba93cf3e18203ee46">SCANMATCHING_IMPEXP</a> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#ga7a5ed1b5f7e14adbcd2ec35198327ae7" title="This method provides the basic least-square-error solution to a set of over-constrained correspondenc...">leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation</a>(
<a name="l00178"></a>00178                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1utils_1_1_t_matching_pair_list.html" title="A list of TMatchingPair.">TMatchingPairList</a>       &amp;in_correspondences,
<a name="l00179"></a>00179                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose_p_d_f_gaussian.html" title="Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose ...">CPosePDFGaussian</a>                                &amp;out_transformation );
<a name="l00180"></a>00180 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00181"></a>00181 <span class="comment">                /** This method implements a RANSAC-based robust estimation of the rigid transformation between two planes, returning a probability distribution over all the posibilities as a Sum of Gaussians.</span>
<a name="l00182"></a>00182 <span class="comment">                  * This works are follows:</span>
<a name="l00183"></a>00183 <span class="comment">                                - Repeat &quot;ransac_nSimulations&quot; times:</span>
<a name="l00184"></a>00184 <span class="comment">                                        - Randomly pick TWO correspondences from the set &quot;in_correspondences&quot;.</span>
<a name="l00185"></a>00185 <span class="comment">                                        - Compute the associated rigid transformation.</span>
<a name="l00186"></a>00186 <span class="comment">                                        - For &quot;ransac_maxSetSize&quot; randomly selected correspondences, test for &quot;consensus&quot; with the current group:</span>
<a name="l00187"></a>00187 <span class="comment">                                                - If if is compatible (ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold), grow the &quot;consensus set&quot;</span>
<a name="l00188"></a>00188 <span class="comment">                                                - If not, do not add it.</span>
<a name="l00189"></a>00189 <span class="comment">                  *</span>
<a name="l00190"></a>00190 <span class="comment">                  *  For more details refer to the tutorial on &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;scan matching methods&lt;/a&gt;.</span>
<a name="l00191"></a>00191 <span class="comment">                  *  NOTE:</span>
<a name="l00192"></a>00192 <span class="comment">                  *        - If a pointer is supplied to &quot;out_largestSubSet&quot;, the largest consensus sub-set</span>
<a name="l00193"></a>00193 <span class="comment">                  *          of correspondences will be returned there.</span>
<a name="l00194"></a>00194 <span class="comment">                  *        - The parameter &quot;normalizationStd&quot; is the &lt;b&gt;standard deviation&lt;/b&gt; (not variance) of landmarks</span>
<a name="l00195"></a>00195 <span class="comment">                  *          being matched in X,Y. Used to normalize covariances returned as the SoG.</span>
<a name="l00196"></a>00196 <span class="comment">                  *        - If ransac_nSimulations=0 then an adaptive algorithm is used to determine the number of iterations, such as</span>
<a name="l00197"></a>00197 <span class="comment">                  *           a good model is found with a probability p=0.999, or that passed as the parameter probability_find_good_model</span>
<a name="l00198"></a>00198 <span class="comment">                  *        - When using &quot;probability_find_good_model&quot;, the minimum number of iterations can be set with &quot;ransac_min_nSimulations&quot;.</span>
<a name="l00199"></a>00199 <span class="comment">                  *</span>
<a name="l00200"></a>00200 <span class="comment">                  *  If ransac_fuseByCorrsMatch=true (the default), the weight of Gaussian modes will be increased when an exact match in the</span>
<a name="l00201"></a>00201 <span class="comment">                  *   subset of correspondences for the modes is found. Otherwise, an approximate method is used as test by just looking at the</span>
<a name="l00202"></a>00202 <span class="comment">                  *   resulting X,Y,PHI means (Threshold in this case are: ransac_fuseMaxDiffXY, ransac_fuseMaxDiffPhi).</span>
<a name="l00203"></a>00203 <span class="comment">                  *</span>
<a name="l00204"></a>00204 <span class="comment">                  * \exception Raises a std::exception if the list &quot;in_correspondences&quot; has not a minimum of two correspondences.</span>
<a name="l00205"></a>00205 <span class="comment">                  * \sa leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation</span>
<a name="l00206"></a>00206 <span class="comment">                  */</span>
<a name="l00207"></a>00207                 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="scanmatching_2include_2mrpt_2scanmatching_2link__pragmas_8h.html#af764ca0b8ca1e4eba93cf3e18203ee46">SCANMATCHING_IMPEXP</a> <a class="code" href="group__mrpt__scanmatching__grp.html#ga1714c0f5d66a47509926ffdbfcd261d6" title="This method implements a RANSAC-based robust estimation of the rigid transformation between two plane...">robustRigidTransformation</a>(
<a name="l00208"></a>00208                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1utils_1_1_t_matching_pair_list.html" title="A list of TMatchingPair.">TMatchingPairList</a>       &amp;in_correspondences,
<a name="l00209"></a>00209                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1poses_1_1_c_pose_p_d_f_s_o_g.html" title="Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose ...">poses::CPosePDFSOG</a>                              &amp;out_transformation,
<a name="l00210"></a>00210                         <span class="keywordtype">float</span>                                                   normalizationStd,
<a name="l00211"></a>00211                         <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span>                                    ransac_minSetSize = 3,
<a name="l00212"></a>00212                         <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span>                                    ransac_maxSetSize = 20,
<a name="l00213"></a>00213                         <span class="keywordtype">float</span>                                                   ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold = 3.0f,
<a name="l00214"></a>00214                         <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span>                                    ransac_nSimulations = 0,
<a name="l00215"></a>00215                         <a class="code" href="classmrpt_1_1utils_1_1_t_matching_pair_list.html" title="A list of TMatchingPair.">TMatchingPairList</a>               *out_largestSubSet = NULL,
<a name="l00216"></a>00216                         <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>                                            ransac_fuseByCorrsMatch = <span class="keyword">true</span>,
<a name="l00217"></a>00217                         <span class="keywordtype">float</span>                                           ransac_fuseMaxDiffXY = 0.01f,
<a name="l00218"></a>00218                         <span class="keywordtype">float</span>                                           ransac_fuseMaxDiffPhi = <a class="code" href="namespacemrpt_1_1utils.html#a186dc19748953878f7be5e9b0c345dfd" title="Degrees to radians.">DEG2RAD</a>(0.1f),
<a name="l00219"></a>00219                         <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>                                            ransac_algorithmForLandmarks = <span class="keyword">true</span>,
<a name="l00220"></a>00220                         <span class="keywordtype">double</span>                                          probability_find_good_model = 0.999,
<a name="l00221"></a>00221                         <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span>                            ransac_min_nSimulations = 1500
<a name="l00222"></a>00222                         );
<a name="l00223"></a>00223 
<a name="l00224"></a>00224 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00225"></a>00225 <span class="comment">                /** @} */</span>  <span class="comment">// end of grouping</span>
<a name="l00226"></a>00226 
<a name="l00227"></a>00227         }
<a name="l00228"></a>00228 
<a name="l00229"></a>00229 } <span class="comment">// End of namespace</span>
<a name="l00230"></a>00230 
<a name="l00231"></a>00231 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
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