

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > 4bc66056a634db26a1f4d0845dc41ca6 > files > 5339


<map id="G" name="G">
<area shape="rect" id="node3" href="$classmrpt_1_1gui_1_1_c_base_g_u_i_window.html" title="The base class for GUI window classes." alt="" coords="228,81,420,108"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node11" href="$classmrpt_1_1opengl_1_1_c_open_g_l_viewport.html" title="A viewport within a COpenGLScene, containing a set of OpenGL objects to render." alt="" coords="219,208,429,235"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node13" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_metric_map.html" title="Declares a virtual base class for all metric maps storage classes." alt="" coords="243,309,405,336"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node5" href="$classmrpt_1_1gui_1_1_c_display_window.html" title="This class creates a window as a graphical user interface (GUI) for displaying images to the user..." alt="" coords="509,5,691,32"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node7" href="$classmrpt_1_1gui_1_1_c_display_window3_d.html" title="A graphical user interface (GUI) for efficiently rendering 3D scenes in real&#45;time." alt="" coords="501,56,699,83"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node9" href="$classmrpt_1_1gui_1_1_c_display_window_plots.html" title="Create a GUI window and display plots with MATLAB&#45;like interfaces and commands." alt="" coords="494,107,706,133"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node15" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_beacon_map.html" title="A class for storing a map of 3D probabilistic beacons, using a Montecarlo, Gaussian, or Sum of Gaussians (SOG) representation (for range&#45;only SLAM)." alt="" coords="515,157,685,184"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node17" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_height_grid_map2_d.html" title="A mesh representation of a surface which keeps the estimated height for each (x,y) location..." alt="" coords="497,208,703,235"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node19" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_landmarks_map.html" title="A class for storing a map of 3D probabilistic landmarks." alt="" coords="505,259,695,285"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node21" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_multi_metric_map.html" title="This class stores any customizable set of metric maps." alt="" coords="505,309,695,336"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node23" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_occupancy_grid_map2_d.html" title="A class for storing an occupancy grid map." alt="" coords="483,360,717,387"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node25" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_points_map.html" title="A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans or other sensors..." alt="" coords="518,411,682,437"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node33" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_random_field_grid_map2_d.html" title="CRandomFieldGridMap2D represents a 2D grid map where each cell is associated one real&#45;valued property..." alt="" coords="477,461,723,488"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node39" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_reflectivity_grid_map2_d.html" title="A 2D grid map representing the reflectivity of the environment (for example, measured with an IR prox..." alt="" coords="483,512,717,539"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node27" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_coloured_points_map.html" title="A map of 2D/3D points with individual colours (RGB)." alt="" coords="800,309,1016,336"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node29" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_simple_points_map.html" title="A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans." alt="" coords="806,360,1010,387"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node31" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_weighted_points_map.html" title="A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans." alt="" coords="799,411,1017,437"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node35" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_gas_concentration_grid_map2_d.html" title="CGasConcentrationGridMap2D represents a PDF of gas concentrations over a 2D area." alt="" coords="771,461,1045,488"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node37" href="$classmrpt_1_1slam_1_1_c_wireless_power_grid_map2_d.html" title="CWirelessPowerGridMap2D represents a PDF of wifi concentrations over a 2D area." alt="" coords="780,512,1036,539"/>