

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > 4c2c36da51dd9321ac3d5927a671399c > files > 69



ChmSee is an HTML Help viewer for Unix/Linux.

Homepage: [](


For ChmSee 2.0(1.99+), ChmSee has been changed from GTK+ based
application to a xulrunner application.

Now in ChmSee, most of codes use cross-platform languages: JavaScript,
XUL, CSS. So building is unnecessary for them.

But you still need to compile a C/C++ component, it's a XPCOM
component which is used to retrieve HTML and image from packed chm
file. All source codes for this component are located in `chmsee/src`

Before building, you must confirm *xulrunner sdk* and *chmlib* already
installed in your system.

Then `cd chmsee/src` directory, choose one of Makefile.${OS} files and
rename it to Makefile. If there is no proper Makefile.${OS} file for
your OS in chmsee distribution, you can create one by copying from a
similar Makefile.${OS} or Makefile.sample and modify the INCLUDE, LIB
or CFLAGS variables in it.

When the Makefile is ready, type GNU `make` in the `chmsee/src`
directory. If building succeed, the compiled XPCOM component and its
xpt defines will be output to `chmsee/components` directory.


You can launch ChmSee immediately in the chmsee folder with xulrunner
platform command from xulrunner sdk or firefox.

In the following examples, ChmSee source directory is located in
`~/downloads/chmsee`, xulrunner sdk is installed to
`/usr/lib/xulrunner-sdk` and  firefox is installed to

Launch ChmSee with xulrunner sdk tool:

    $ cd ~/downloads/chmsee
    $ /usr/lib/xulrunner-sdk/xulrunner application.ini

Launch ChmSee with firefox:

    $ cd ~/downloads/chmsee
    $ /usr/lib/firefox/firefox --app application.ini


You can also use xulrunner sdk tool *xulrunner* to install ChmSee
to any directory you want.

If you want to install it to `~/tools/chmsee`, enter following command:

    $ /usr/lib/xulrunner-sdk/xulrunner --install-app ~/downloads/chmsee ~/tools

The `~/tools/chmsee` directory will be created and contains an execute
file `chmsee`, running this file will launch ChmSee program.

If chmsee can not launch and display a "Could not find the Mozilla
runtime." message. You need ensure that there is a *xulrunner runtime*
directory located in the installed chmsee folder, if not, add one by

    $ cd ~/tools/chmsee
    $ ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner-sdk xulrunner

If you have *firefox* installed, this link can be changed to:

    $ ln -s /usr/lib/firefox xulrunner

Report bug

If you encounter any ChmSee problem, please issue them to

About ChmSee logo

ChmSee logo comes from Open Clip Art Library.
The logo author is AJ Ashton.