

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > 4eff6a27327df98ac249278297191aba > files > 12


This file documents additions, changes, and fixes made to gentoo.
	Entries are grouped by the version of gentoo they apply to.
The most recent fixes appear closer to the top of the file.
	Entries for older versions of gentoo (the 0.15.x, 0.11.x
and 0.9.x series) have been dropped from this document.

* Made gentoo run better with all buttons (!) deleted, removing a
  warning generated by GTK+.
* Fixed bug that prevented the Information window from properly closing
  when the window's close button was clicked. Could crash, instead.
* Rewrote the core of the Move command; don't compute the size of the
  items to move before trying the "fast" (same-device) move, since doing
  so can take a very long time and totally kill the point of having a
  fast move path in the first place. This greatly speeds up moving deep
  hierarchies on the same device.
* Fixed a typo that caused the Information window to show raw byte size
  with periods as the thousands-separators, rather than commas.
* Made the Goto popup in the text viewer go away when Return is pressed.

* The "Run" dialog didn't execute when Return was pressed.
* Refactored the running of external commands, the check for requiring
  a selection was done *after* the command definition was parsed,
  causing use of e.g. {Fu} to fail since it unselects everything.
  This addresses bug #3284458, thanks to Skotlex for analysis.
* Added support for setting window "roles", a GTK+ feature which might
  make it easier for window managers to position gentoo's windows.
  This addresses bug #3406791, thanks to Skotlex for the suggestion.
* Added quite hackish single-line code to force focus to the current
  pane when gentoo comes back from being blocked by running an external
  command. This makes the selection (if any) look correct.
* Added a file chooser to the "list dialog" used for the Paths config
  setting; double-click a path in the list to edit, then click the
  magnifying glass to the right in the entry to access it.
* Hard-coded a larger initial size for many of the dialog windows.
* Pretty-printed the various byte sizes displayed by the Join command.
* Implemented copying of "special files", i.e. character and block
  devices, and FIFOs. Assumes the destination is in your local file
  system, since ordinary POSIX calls are used. See bug #3239428.
* Made the maximum buffer size used for copying files larger (16 MB).
* Rewrote the core of the Join command to no longer block; now it's
  possible to cancel an on-going join, and also to see its progress.
* Updated Spanish and Catalan translations, courtesy I. De Marchi.

* Added a new configurable setting to the Rename command, which lets
  you control the "pre-selection" of the old name that it does. You
  can turn it off, or just have it select the part up to the first
  dot which is often handy. Also, try Ctrl+Period when renaming.
* Updated Spanish and Catalan translations, courtesy I. De Marchi.
* Made most text-entry boxes automatically activate the default
  choice in dialogs, so you can press Return to dismiss the dialog.
  This addresses bug #3372329, reported by Skotlex.
* Made the window used by the Information command configurable on
  the Windows config page, so the size and position can be tracked.
* When starting without a configuration file (and thus no configured 
  startup-path), default to file:/// to at least show something.
* Made gentoo store its config files in ~/.config/gentoo, rather than
  littering ~ with several dot-files. See bug #3174134.

* Updated gentoo to require GTK+ 2.24. This might be annoying to some
  users, but upgrading GTK+ should be possible manually even if your
  distribution doesn't yet ship it. I don't have the bandwidth to
  support gentoo on multiple GTK+ versions, and Ubuntu uses 2.24.
* Updated Catalan and Spanish translations, courtesy of Mr De Marchi.
* Don't fail and abort if unable to monitor a folder for changes
  (which happens easily when accessing e.g. remote smb:// folders).
* When switching panes, make sure the newly activated pane also gets
  the input focus. See bug #3232067.
* Added an argument (select) to the DirParent command, that when will
  (when set to true) select the just-left directory in the new view.
  This addresses bug #3241286.
* Re-introduced re-coloring of the pane headers to indicate which
  pane is active. Currently the highlighting is hardcoded to be
  toned-down version of the pane's selection color. See bug #3232136.
* Added support for GTK+'s "rubber-band" selection mode, using which
  you can click and drag to multi-select in a quite nice way.
* Fixed horrible bug that made gentoo interpret Return in a dialog
  as the left-most button, regardless of button focusing. This could
  have nasty consequences in e.g. Delete (Skip -> OK). Reported in
  bug #3285394 by Skotlex.
* Fixed bug #3286621 (thanks to a patch by Skotlex) that crashed
  gentoo when invoking SelectType and not doing so by direct mouse
  binding. Neat.
* Noticed that the Information command window actually didn't show
  the size of the selected object(s), which was surprising. Fixed.
* Also noticed that the file and directory counts in the Information
  window weren't "pretty-printed" with thousands-separators. Fixed.
* Made gentoo show the active pane's current directory in the main
  window title bar. This addresses feature request #3232016.

* Bug fix: the introduction of rename in-place in 0.19.8 managed to
  break double-click on directory and file names. Oops.
* Made gentoo's script explicitly require a more recent
  version of GTK+, to match the code. You need 2.18 or higher.
* Added translations into Catalan (ca.po) and Spanish (es.po), from
  (and by) Innocent De Marchi. Thanks a lot!
* Added a previously forgotten string (the check button text of the
  "nag" dialog that warns for some issues) translatable. Reported
  as missing from the PO files by Mr De Marchi. 
* Incorporated a couple of spelling fixes to the German translation,
  by Jens Seidel, sent in my Mr De Marchi. Thanks.
* Fixed a few markup bugs in the manual page, reported by the ever-
  vigilant Debian folks (again, through Mr De Marchi).
* Made columns resizable directly in the pane, while tracking the
  changes and updating the config. This fixes bug #3217499.

* Bug fix: gentoo sometimes failed to rescan directories in response
  to change notifications from the GIO file-monitoring system. One
  easily-triggered failure occurred when moving a file from the left
  to the right pane; only the left would rescan.
* Added a helpful dialog to the Split command that shows the various
  codes available in the Name text entry box.
* Added an option to the Rename command to make it support renaming
  "in-place", i.e. by just editing the name directly in the pane.
  This only works if there is exactly one selected item when Rename
  is called.
* Made the various sizes for command options display without useless
  ".000" decimal part.
* Fixed a bug that made some combo box labels not appear translated.
* Fixes and improvements in the Swedish translation.

* The Split command was massively improved, now features a real-time
  preview that shows the first and last names that will be generated.
* Made error display a bit more flexible; now you can select that
  all error (and status) messages be shown in the main window's
  title bar, which suppresses the status bar altogether and thus will
  let you save some vertical space. This addresses bug #3121230.
* Improved window icon-setting, trying to make even more sure that all
  gentoo windows have the same icon. Specifically, this makes the
  command output capture window have an icon. See bug #3128013.
* Moved the "CD Source?" and "CD Destination?" check boxes so they are
  next to each other, saving some vertical space in the Commands config.
* Re-implement "CD Source?" and "CD Destination?" using glib's spawn
  API, but only for local paths. This addresses bug #3124829.
* Bug fix: the RenameSeq command's UI code was a bit broken which
  caused it to generate GTK+ warnings on the console.
* Bug fix: the GetSize command's error handling was a bit shaky, it
  often failed to properly report what went wrong.
* The configuration window can now be shrunk to a lot smaller size than
  before, and the right-hand side content will scroll as needed. This
  addresses bug #3121235.
* The "Nagging" configuration page was not hooked up to the gettext
  system so it was untranslatable. Fixed, and translated to Swedish.

* Fixed a bug that caused position and size numbers to track badly on
  the Window configuration page; especially typing values in went bad.
* Add explicit GTK+ geometry hinting code to ensure that it's possible
  to shrink the main window down to a very small (postage stamp) size.
* Bug fix: the "Link Clone" command was broken, and generated a GIO
  error to the console when used.
* Bug fix: made the SymLinkEdit command behave properly if called with
  no selection (it opens a dialog, letting you create a new link).
* The ChOwn and ChMod commands now do an explicit refresh of the source
  directory pane, since they failed to refresh automatically. This
  addresses bug #3097322.
* Converted a bunch of old constants from #defines into enums. Fresh.
* Reworked handling of symbolic links, they should now work a whole
  lot better (more like 0.15.x series). Links now behave more like their
  targets when it comes to styling, sorting and so on.
* The Information command shows a "yes" (green circle) or "no" (red)
  icon next to the text box that holds the link target name, indicating
  whether or not the target exists or not.

* Tweaked the command button layout a bit, so that buttons can now be
  more narrow. See bug #3101048.
* Fixed a bug that disabled the button row edit buttons, and made
  them behave a bit erratically.
* Fixed a bug that made it impossible to edit the "General" flags for
  External-type command rows in the GUI.

* Replaced gentoo's custom command line parser with the one provided
  by the glib library. This means much better support for help on the
  options, and also for sub-group options for GTK+ itself.
* Added support for the "changed" time content type. See for instance
  man stat(2) for information about the differences between "changed"
  and "modified", which are somewhat subtle. Also note that "created"
  doesn't seem to work on regular EXT3 filesystems in Linux.
* Implemented support for setting the font of the dir panes, with GUI
  font picker and all. Maybe a bit late, but better late than never.
* When expanding the {P} command code, hide any "file://" prefix that
  might be present, since they confuse typical shell commands.

* A few build improvements that should make it easier to either figure
  out why gentoo won't build, or simply make it work. Check for glib
  version 2.24 or greater; check if -lm needed to find pow() function.
* Remove use of GtkNotebookPage, helps building on GTK+ 2.22+.
* Rewrote dirpane formatting for date (accessed, created, modified)
  content, since it was completely broken. See Bug #3085097.
* Translations actually work now, a very silly typo in the code had
  accidentally disabled the gettext initialization code.
* Added a few strings to the Swedish translation.

* Removed the "right click on path" command binding, since it didn't
  actually work and I had forgotten it existed. Let's un-bloat a bit.
* Added a DpMaximize builtin, which simply maximizes the current pane
  (or the one given with the index=N argument).
* Removed some uses of old GTK_WIDGET macros that have been finally
  removed in GTK+ 2.20.0, preventing gentoo 0.19.1 from building.
* The manual page (in docs/gentoo.1x in the source archive) is now
  more correct regarding gentoo's command-line options.

* Ported gentoo to use GIO, a virtualizing file system layer that
  is part of the GTK+/glib family of APIs. Note that there is no
  mounting support in this release, mounting and auto-mounting are
  in need of an overhaul, and there didn't seem to be any point in
  keeping the legacy /etc/fstab-driven support.
* gentoo is now totally GTK+ 2.x clean, there are no GTK+ 1.2 widgets
  being used. This means the main panes are now GtkTreeViews.
* Because of the port to GIO, case-sensitive sorting is weaker now.
* Block sizes for files have been deemed legacy, and support is
  largely removed.
* Double-clicking the status bar at the top opens the About window.
* There are new strings, but the translators have not been contacted
  prior to the release. If you run gentoo in a non-English langauge,
  feel free to get in touch with me about translation issues. Maybe
  you can help out?
* The built-in text viewer has been made encoding-aware; see the new
  ViewText 'encoding' argument to specify source encoding. Note that
  gentoo does not contain code to auto-detect encoding; that's hard.
* The Information command has gained a secondary page, that shows all
  GIO properties for the selected file.
* There is a new Rerun command which re-runs the last command executed
  by the Run command.
* The Split command finally has had its missing other mode (fixed
  number of parts) implemented, after ~12 years without it. The
  other mode has also gained a few more built-in part sizes.