

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > 5970b6814eccb2a64ac9394f18f3fe01 > files > 13


<chapter id="kdm-themes">
  <title>Creating themes for the &kdm; greeter</title>

    This section describes the creation of themes for the themed
    greeter.  For examples including screenshots, see the installed
    standard themes and the themes from
    <ulink type="http" url="">
    the theme website</ulink>.

  <sect1 id="theme-overview">
    <title>Theme Overview</title>

      &kdm; themes can be created by creating an XML file that follows the
      specification in
      Theme files are stored in the directory
      <filename class="directory">$<envar>KDEDIR</envar>/share/apps/kdm/themes/<replaceable>theme_name</replaceable></filename>.
      The theme directory should contain a file called
      <filename>KdmGreeterTheme.desktop</filename> which has similar format
      to other <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> files and looks

Description=Theme with blue circles
Author=Bond, James Bond
Copyright=(c) 2002 Bond, James Bond

      The <literal>Name</literal>, <literal>Description</literal>,
      <literal>Author</literal> and <literal>Copyright</literal> fields can
      be translated just like in other
      <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> files. All the files
      that are mentioned should be in the theme directory itself.  The
      <literal>Screenshot</literal> field points to a file which should be a
      200x150 screenshot of the theme in action (it is OK not to have one,
      but it makes it nicer for the user).  The <literal>Greeter</literal>
      entry points to an XML file that contains the description of the theme.

      Once a theme is installed, it can be tested with the
      <command>gdmthemetester</command> program.  This program assumes that
      the X server supports a nested server command.  This command takes two
      arguments, first the environment that should be used.  The environment
      can be one of the following values: console, console-timed, flexi,
      remote-flexi, or xdmcp.  The &quot;console&quot; option tests the
      theme as it would be shown on an attached display.  The
      &quot;console-timed&quot; option tests the theme as it would be shown
      on an attached display with timed login enabled.  The &quot;flexi&quot;
      option tests the theme as it would be shown on an attached flexible
      display (such as started via Xnest).  Finally, the &quot;xdmcp&quot;
      option tests the theme as it would be shown for remote XDMCP 
      displays.  The second argument is the theme name.  For example, to 
      test how the circles theme would look in XDMP remote display mode,
      you would run the following command:

  <command>gdmthemetester</command> <arg>xdmcp</arg> <arg><replaceable>circles</replaceable></arg>

      When developing a theme, make sure to test all the environments, and
      make sure to test how the caps lock warning looks by pressing the caps
      lock key.  Running <command>gdmthemetester</command> is also a good way
      to take screenshots of &kdm; themes.  Simply take a screenshot of the
      theme running in the nested display window.  This can be done in GNOME
      by focusing the nested login window and pressing Alt-PrintScreen.

      Once a theme has been fully tested, make a tarball that contains
      the directory as it would be installed to the
      <filename class="directory">$<envar>KDEDIR</envar>/share/apps/kdm/themes</filename>
      directory. This is the standard format for distributing &kdm; themes.

  <sect1 id="theme-format">
    <title>Detailed Description of Theme XML format</title>

    <sect2 id="greeter-tag">
      <title>Toplevel Node</title>

        &kdm; themes are XML files with the &lt;greeter&gt; tag at their root.
        The toplevel node is an <link linkend="item-nodes">item node</link>
        of type <literal>rect</literal> with an implicit
        <link linkend="fixed-nodes">fixed layout</link>.

        You may specify a Qt GUI style to
        be used with this theme by using the gui-style attribute in the
          greeter tag as in the following example.

&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM "greeter.dtd"&gt;

        Contained within the greeter tag can be the nodes described
        in the next sections of this document.  Some of these nodes are
        containers (layout nodes, item nodes) which can contain other
        nodes again.

    <sect2 id="item-nodes">
      <title>Item Nodes</title>

        A &kdm; theme is created by specifying a hierarchy of item and layout
        nodes.  Item nodes can have the following value for the
        <literal>type</literal> attribute:


              A button field.  This field uses a Qt button.
              It is also possible to make any other item act like a button
              by setting its <literal>button</literal> attribute to
              <literal>true</literal>.  However, it is better to use
              Qt buttons in &kdm; themes since these are accessible to
              users with disabilities.

            <para>An input widget like a line edit or combo box.
              Note that this is merely a placeholder for Qt widgets.</para>

              A text label.  Must contain either a
              <link linkend="text-nodes"><literal>text</literal> node</link>
              or a
              <link linkend="stock-nodes"><literal>stock</literal> node</link>
              to specify the text.

            <para>A face browser widget.</para>

            <para>A raster image in a format that Qt supports, &eg;
              PNG, JPEG, Tiff, etc.</para>

            <para>A plain rectangle.</para>

            <para>A vector image in SVG format.</para>

        For example:
&lt;item type=&quot;label&quot;&gt;

        An item that acts as a button:
 &lt;item type=&quot;rect&quot; id=&quot;disconnect_button&quot; button=&quot;true&quot;&gt;.

        By default, the &kdm; login screen will disappear after authentication.
        This can result in flicker between the login screen and the session.
        The <literal>background</literal> attribute allows users to specify
        what elements of the theme are the background image.  When used, this
        will cause &kdm; to remove all non-background items from the display
        and render the remaining <literal>background</literal> items to the root
        window.  This can be used to create a smooth transition between the
        login screen and the session:

&lt;item type=&quot;rect&quot; background=&quot;true&quot;&gt;
  &lt;normal file="background.svg"/&gt;
  &lt;pos x=&quot;0&quot; y=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;-75&quot;/&gt;

        To use a different background for login transition than the one
        used for login, the theme should specify two item nodes (which
        could contain pixmaps or svg images, for example).  The item
        which corresponds to the greeter background should not have the
        <literal>background</literal> property while the item which corresponds
        to the transition background should have the
        <literal>background</literal> property.  For instance :

&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM &quot;greeter.dtd&quot;&gt;
  &lt;item type=&quot;rect&quot; background=&quot;true&quot;&gt;
    &lt;normal file="background_for_login.svg" element="background"/&gt;
    &lt;pos x=&quot;0&quot; y=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot;/&gt;
  &lt;item type=&quot;rect&quot;&gt;
    &lt;normal file="background_for_greeter.svg"/&gt;
    &lt;pos x=&quot;0&quot; y=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot;/&gt;


        In multi-screen setups, themes may also specify the look of other
        screens than the one the greeter is on - but typically only background
        items will appear there. To specify which screen(s) an item should
        appear on, the <literal>screen</literal> attribute can be used with the
        value being one of <literal>greeter</literal>, <literal>other</literal>
        or <literal>all</literal>, meaning the screen the greeter is on, all
        screens the greeter is not on and all screens, resp.

          Each item can be given a name via the <literal>id</literal>
          attribute. Certain ids are recognized by &kdm; to give those
          items a special function:

          <term><literal>list</literal> items</term>

              List items by default display as lists, but the
              <literal>combo=&quot;true&quot;</literal> attribute can be used
              to specify combo box style (combo style supported since &kde; ).
              Some predefined lists may be included in a theme by using the
              following id values.  Customized lists may also be defined,
              which are explained below.

              <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

                <seg>A list of available sessions, which allows the user to
                  pick the session to use.  Supported since &kde; .</seg>

                <seg>A list of available languages, which allows the user to
                  pick the language to use.  Supported since &kde; .</seg>


          <term><literal>button</literal> items and items with the
            <literal>button=&quot;true&quot;</literal> attribute.</term>

              Buttons typically trigger certain actions.
              Addionally, &kdm; will hide buttons whose actions are
              not available for some reason.

              <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

                <seg>Runs the XDMCP chooser.</seg>

                <seg>Runs the <filename>n-th</filename> custom command.</seg>

                <seg>Disconnect from remote session.</seg>

                <seg>Open the language selection menu.</seg>

                <seg>Power off the system.</seg>

                <seg>Restart the system.</seg>

                <seg>Suspend the system.</seg>

                <seg>Open the session type selection menu.</seg>

                <seg>Open a catch-all menu with various options and actions,
                  depending on the configuration.</seg>

          <term><literal>label</literal> items</term>

              &kdm; will show/hide these labels and set their text depending
              on the state of the login dialog.

              <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

                <seg>Label that displays the <acronym>PAM</acronym> prompt.
                  This is the prompt that <acronym>PAM</acronym>
                  uses to ask for username, password, etc.</seg>

                <seg>Label that displays the <acronym>PAM</acronym> message.
                  These are messages that <acronym>PAM</acronym>/&kdm; gives
                  about state of the account, help about the prompts and other

                <seg>This displays the <guilabel>Login failed.</guilabel>


          <term>Widget embedding items</term>

              &kdm; will embed particular Qt widgets into these items.

              <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

                <seg>Entry field for username entry.</seg>

                <seg>Entry field for password entry.</seg>

                <seg>Some <quote>conversation</quote> plugins use this field
                  to query a domain name. If this field is present, the related
                  enclosing items should have
                  <link linkend="show-nodes">show nodes</link> with the type

                <seg>This item should be of type <literal>rect</literal>.
                  It represents the <quote>hot</quote> area of the
                  greeter: it contains the <literal>label</literal> and
                  <literal>entry</literal> items which concern the
                  authentication process.  If a given
                  <quote>conversation</quote> plugin cannot match the
                  existing items with its needs, it tries to embed a complex
                  widget with an own layout into this item, thus completely
                  overriding the theme's <quote>talker</quote>.
                  Strictily speaking, &kdm; themes do not need to provide
                  own <quote>talker</quote> designs at all, as all &kdm;
                  authentication plugins are able make use of the
                  <literal>talker</literal> item.

                <seg>This item must be of type <literal>list</literal>.
                  If the user list feature is enabled, &kdm; will embed
                  the user list widget here. Otherwise, this item is

                <seg>This item should be of type <literal>rect</literal>.
                  If the built-in <command>xconsole</command> feature is
                  compiled in and enabled, &kdm; will embed
                  the console log widget here. Otherwise, this item is


          <term>Other items</term>

              &kdm; will show/hide these items depending on the configuration
              and the current state of the greeter.  &kdm; does not impose
              type requirements on them, but they usually lend themselves
              to a particular type.

              <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
              <segtitle>Id</segtitle><segtitle>Shown only when ...</segtitle>

                <seg>... timed login is in progress.</seg>

                <seg>... Caps Lock is active.</seg>

                <seg>... the &X-Server; requires no X authorization to

                <seg>... a pam-error message is being displayed.
                  This is useful for displaying an <guiicon>Attention</guiicon>
                  icon, for example.</seg>

                <seg>... the user list is enabled.  By nesting the
                  <literal>userlist</literal> item into this one, it is possible
                  to create something like a frame around the list and have
                  it shown only when the user list itself if shown.</seg>

                <seg>... the built-in <command>xconsole</command> is enabled.
                  Analogous to <literal>userlist-rect</literal>.</seg>




    <sect2 id="layout-nodes">
      <title>Layout Container Nodes</title>

        Layout nodes appear inside item nodes and contain item nodes again.
        The type of the layout node determines the arrangement of its
        child nodes.  An item node can contain one layout node of each type.

      <sect3 id="box-nodes">
        <title>Box Nodes</title>

          Box nodes automatically arrange their children in a row.
          They are specified as follows:
&lt;box orientation=&quot;<replaceable>alignment</replaceable>&quot; min-width=&quot;<replaceable>num</replaceable>&quot; min-height=&quot;<replaceable>num</replaceable>&quot;
    xpadding=&quot;<replaceable>num</replaceable>&quot; ypadding=&quot;<replaceable>num</replaceable>&quot; spacing=&quot;<replaceable>num</replaceable>&quot;
          Where <replaceable>num</replaceable> means number of pixels and
          <replaceable>bool</replaceable> means either <literal>true</literal>
          or <literal>false</literal>.
          The <replaceable>alignment</replaceable> value can be either
          <literal>horizontal</literal> or <literal>vertical</literal>.
          If you leave any attribute off, it will default to zero for numbers,
          <literal>false</literal> for bools and <literal>vertical</literal>
          for the orientation.

          The spacing is the distance between neighboring child items.
          The padding is the box' outer margin.
          If the box is homogeneous, the same amount of space is allocated
          to each child item.

      <sect3 id="fixed-nodes">
        <title>Fixed Nodes</title>

          Fixed is a container that has its children
          laid out at precise coordinates.  The size of this container
          is the smallest rectangle that contains all the children.  Fixed
          has no extra attributes and so you just use:
          Then you put other items with proper position nodes inside it.


    <sect2 id="position-nodes">
      <title>Position Nodes</title>

        Each item can specify its position and size via the <literal>pos</literal>
        node.  For example:
&lt;pos x=&quot;0&quot; y=&quot;4&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot;/&gt;

        If the size is not specified, it will be the item's
        <quote>natural</quote> size, called the size hint.
        Note that not all items have a useful size hint.

        Both position and size can be given in percent and will be calculated
        relative to the size of the enclosing container in this case.
        For toplevel items it is the percentage of the whole screen.
        By appending circumflexes (<literal>^</literal>) to the size
        specification it is possible to modify it to be relative to the
        size of the enclosing item's enclosing item and so on.

        If the item contains a box, <literal>width</literal> and
        <literal>height</literal> can be specified to be
        <literal>box</literal> to mean that they are supposed to be the width
        and height of the box, that is the items in the box plus the padding.

        One of <literal>width</literal> and <literal>height</literal> can
        be specified to be <literal>scale</literal>
        to mean that it should be scaled according to the other dimension's
        scale relative to its size hint.  Use this to preserve the aspect
        ratio of scaled images automatically.

        If the <literal>expand</literal> attribute is specified and
        <literal>true</literal>, this item will be expanded in the
        enclosing box as much as possible (that is it will be given
        more space if available).

        If <literal>width</literal> or <literal>height</literal> is a
        plain number, a negative value represents
        an offset from the enclosing container's size.  Note that it is
        possible to specify a positive offset by writing two minus signs.

        In either case it is possible to constrain the final size with the
        <literal>min-width</literal>, <literal>min-height</literal>,
        <literal>max-width</literal> and <literal>max-height</literal>
        attributes which can be specified in the same ways as
        <literal>width</literal> and <literal>height</literal>.

        If <literal>x</literal> or <literal>y</literal> is a plain number,
        a negative value represents an offset from the right resp. bottom edge,
        unlike the default which is the left resp. top edge.

        It is also possible to specify which point within the item the
        position refers to.  This is called the anchor and can be
        either <literal>c</literal> for center or one of
        <literal>n</literal>, <literal>ne</literal>, <literal>e</literal>,
        <literal>se</literal>, <literal>s</literal>, <literal>sw</literal>,
        <literal>w</literal> and <literal>nw</literal>
        which stand for the different edges/corners corresponding the
        directions on a topographical map.
        The default is <literal>nw</literal>, which is the upper left corner.
        For example:
&lt;pos x=&quot;10%&quot; y=&quot;50%&quot; anchor=&quot;w&quot; width=&quot;80%&quot; height=&quot;95&quot;/&gt;


    <sect2 id="show-nodes">
      <title>Show Nodes</title>

      <!-- not really implemented
        Some items may only display in certain modes, like when doing a
        remote display.  Multiple values can be specified and must be
        separated with commas.  The following values are possible:

        <filename>console</filename> - In console mode.
        <filename>console-fixed</filename> - In console non-flexi mode.
        <filename>console-flexi</filename> - In console &amp; flexi mode.
        <filename>flexi</filename> - In flexi mode.
        <filename>remote</filename> - In remote mode.
        <filename>remote-flexi</filename> - In remote &amp; flexi mode.

        For example:
&lt;show modes=&quot;flexi,remote&quot;/&gt;

        You can specify the <literal>type</literal> attribute to indicate that
        certain items should only be displayed if the type is set.
        Prefixing the type with an exclamation mark (<literal>!</literal>)
        reverses the condition.
        Valid values include the following:
          <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
          <segtitle>Type</segtitle><segtitle>Display if ...</segtitle>

            <seg>switching to remote login is permitted.</seg>

            <seg><literal>n-th</literal> CustomCommand is specified in
              the &kdm; configuration.</seg>

            <seg><literal>halt</literal> and <literal>reboot</literal></seg>
            <seg>system shutdown is permitted.</seg>

            <seg>suspending the system is permitted.</seg>

            <seg>no condition (always set in &kdm;).</seg>

            <seg>a timed login is being counted down.</seg>

            <seg>the <quote>conversation</quote> plugin provides a
              corresponding input field.</seg>


        For example:
&lt;show type=&quot;chooser&quot;/&gt;

        Alternatively, you can specify a <literal>min-screen-width</literal> or
        <literal>min-screen-height</literal> value to indicate that certain
        items should be displayed only if the screen resolution is the
        at least the specified size.
        For example:
&lt;show min-screen-height=&quot;768&quot;/&gt;


    <sect2 id="nor-act-pre-nodes">
      <title>Normal/Active/Prelight Nodes</title>

        The look of most item types can be parametrized via the following

            <para>Normal state.</para>
            <para>When the mouse is hovering over the item.</para>
            <para>When a mouse button is clicked on the item.</para>


          The exact set of available attributes depends on the item type:

&lt;normal color=&quot;#000000&quot; alpha=&quot;0.0&quot;/&gt;
              Either of the attributes may be omitted, in which case the
              default is used (the example represents the defaults).
              <literal>alpha</literal> is a floating point number between
              zero (transparent) and one (opaque).
              <literal>color</literal> is a hashmark followed by a six-digit
              hex number; the format is
              Alternatively, <literal>color</literal> may be specified as an
              eight-digit hex number, in which case the first two digits are
              the alpha value.

&lt;normal color=&quot;#ffffff&quot; alpha=&quot;1.0&quot; font=&quot;Sans 14&quot;/&gt;
              <literal>alpha</literal> and <literal>color</literal> are
              specified like in <quote>rect</quote> items.
              <literal>font</literal> follows the format
              Each part is optional.
              <replaceable>family-list</replaceable> is a comma-separated
              list of font families like <quote>helvetica</quote>,
              <quote>monospace</quote>, etc.
              <replaceable>style-options</replaceable> is a space-delimited
              list of keywords from the categories style, weight and stretch;
              from each category at most one.
              The style can be <literal>normal</literal>,
              <literal>italic</literal> or <literal>oblique</literal>.
              Weight can be <literal>ultra-light</literal>,
              <literal>light</literal>, <literal>medium</literal>,
              <literal>semi-bold</literal>, <literal>bold</literal>,
              <literal>ultra-bold</literal> or <literal>heavy</literal>.
              Allowable stretches comprise <literal>ultra-condensed</literal>,
              <literal>extra-condensed</literal>, <literal>condensed</literal>,
              <literal>semi-condensed</literal>, <literal>normal</literal>,
              <literal>semi-expanded</literal>, <literal>expanded</literal>,
              <literal>extra-expanded</literal> and <literal>ultra-expanded</literal>.
              <replaceable>size</replaceable> is either a floating point
              number representing the size in points (1/72 inch) or an
              integer followed by <literal>px</literal> representing the
              size in pixels.  Point sizes are preferable, as they are
              independent from the display resolution.
              If either attribute is left out, the values from the
              <link linkend="style-nodes">style node</link> are used.
              If this yields no window-text color specification, white
              is used.  The default font is the one configured in &kdmrc;.

&lt;normal file=&quot;picture.png&quot; tint=&quot;#dddddd&quot; alpha=&quot;1.0&quot;/&gt;

              <literal>file</literal> specifies the file containing the image.
              Relative pathnames are relative to the theme's directory.

              <literal>wallpaper</literal> can be used instead of
              <literal>file</literal> to have &kdm; look for images in the
              usual locations for &kde; wallpapers. Plasma wallpaper packages
              are supported.

              <literal>element</literal> specifies the element id of a SVG file.
              If empty, the whole SVG image will be rendered.

              For <literal>pixmap</literal> nodes, it is possible to provide
              multiple images, so the best-quality image for a given resolution
              can be used. Size-tagged file names have the format
              If the not size-tagged file exists and it is no Plasma
              wallpaper package, &kdm; will accept only a perfect match
              for a given size and otherwise fall back to the original file.
              Otherwise it will try to find an image whose dimensions come
              closest to the required size if no perfect match is found.

              Note that an alternative image file can be specified using the
              attribute.  &kdm; will use the last valid image filename
              specified.  For example:
&lt;normal file=&quot;picture.png&quot; altfile1=&quot;distribution-blah-image.png&quot; altfile2=&quot;distribution-foo-image.png&quot;/&gt;
              If <filename>distribution-foo-image.png</filename> is a valid
              image filename it will be used.
              Otherwise distribution-blah-image.png will be used if valid.
              This feature is supported since &kde; .

              <literal>scalemode</literal> specifies how to adjust the size of
              images which do not match the element's size.
              <literal>free</literal> (the default) means to simply scale the
              image to the right size, possibly distorting its aspect ratio.
              The other two modes maintain the image's aspect ratio:
              <literal>fit</literal> means to zoom the image to the maximal size
              which fits into the element's geometry. The image will be centered.
              The remaining area will not be painted by this element, so it should
              be placed on top of a solid-filled <literal>rect</literal>.
              <literal>crop</literal> means to zoom the image to the minimal size
              which completely fills the element's geometry. The image will be
              clipped symmetrically.

              <literal>tint</literal> and <literal>alpha</literal> form a
              color specification like in <literal>rect</literal> items.
              Each pixel of the image is multiplied with this color



    <sect2 id="style-nodes">
      <title>Widget Style Nodes</title>

        This tag makes it possible to change the appearance of labels and
        Qt widgets embedded into the theme, e.g., line edits, buttons or
        the user list.
        The style settings are inherited by child items, but can be
        overridden individually. The defaults are taken from &kdmrc;.

        The <literal>font</literal> attribute defines the font for all widgets.
        For widgets with an input function it can be overridden with the
        <literal>edit-font</literal> attribute.
        Fonts are specified the same way as in
        <link linkend="nor-act-pre-nodes">normal/active/prelight nodes</link>.

        Usually, the theming engine tries hard to remove any frames from
        Qt widgets, so they melt into the theme seamlessly.  In cases
        where this is not desired, the <literal>frame</literal> attribute can
        be set to <literal>true</literal>.

        The <literal>guistyle</literal> attribute can be used to override the
        Qt GUI style for embedded widgets. The default is given by
        <option>GUIStyle</option> in &kdmrc;

        It is possible to specify almost the entire palette for the widgets
        as documented at
        <ulink type="http" url="">Trolltech's site</ulink>.
        Attribute names are composed from a scope, a color role and a suffix.

        Possible scopes are - in order of increasing precedence -
        <literal>all-</literal> for all color groups,
        no scope for the active and inactive color groups and
        <literal>active-</literal>, <literal>inactive-</literal> and
        <literal>disabled-</literal> for the respective color group.

        Supported color roles are
        <literal>window</literal>, <literal>window-text</literal>,
        <literal>base</literal>, <literal>alternate-base</literal>,
        <literal>text</literal>, <literal>bright-text</literal>,
        <literal>highlight</literal>, <literal>highlighted-text</literal>,
        <literal>button</literal> and <literal>button-text</literal>.

        The suffix can be <literal>-color</literal> or
        <literal>-alpha</literal> with the respective meaning as in
        <link linkend="nor-act-pre-nodes">normal/active/prelight nodes</link>.

        As an alternative to specifying the palette inline, the
        <literal>colorscheme</literal> attribute can be used to load
        a complete &kde; color scheme. The default is given by
        <option>ColorScheme</option> in &kdmrc;.
        Individual <literal>color</literal> specifications will override
        the colors from the scheme.

&lt;style edit-font=&quot;Comic 16&quot; text-color=&quot;#dddddd&quot; frame=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;

    <sect2 id="color-nodes">
      <title>Face Browser Color Nodes</title>

        Color nodes permit overriding the background color of the items
        in the face browser. <literal>labelcolor</literal> and
        <literal>altlabelcolor</literal> are essentially equivalent to
        <literal>all-base-color</literal> resp.
        <literal>all-alternate-base-color</literal> in
        <link linkend="style-nodes">style nodes</link>.
        If only <literal>labelcolor</literal> is specified, alternating
        item backgrounds are disabled.

&lt;color labelcolor=&quot;#80ffffff&quot; altlabelcolor=&quot;#80f0f0f0&quot;/&gt;

    <sect2 id="text-nodes">
      <title>Text Nodes</title>

        Text tags are used by labels.  They can be used to display
        localized text as follows (if the <literal>xml:lang</literal>
        attribute is omitted, the POSIX locale is assumed):
&lt;text xml:lang=&quot;fr&quot;&gt;Option&lt;/text&gt;

        You can include pango markup in the text nodes for labels, however
        you must encode it.  So for example to have the label of
        &quot;foo&lt;sup&gt;bar&lt;/sup&gt;&quot;, you must type:

        Text nodes can contain the following special character sequences
        which will be translated as follows:

        <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

          <seg>A literal % character</seg>

          <seg>Wall clock time and date</seg>

          <seg>Display name (<envar>DISPLAY</envar> environment variable)</seg>

          <seg>Hostname (<function>gethostname</function> output)</seg>

          <seg>Machine name (<structfield>machine</structfield> part of
            <function>uname</function> output)</seg>

          <seg>Node name (<structfield>nodename</structfield> part of
            <function>uname</function> output)</seg>

          <seg>Domain name (<function>getdomainname</function> output)</seg>

          <seg>Release name (<structfield>release</structfield> part of
            <function>uname</function> output)</seg>

          <seg>System name (<structfield>sysname</structfield> part of
            <function>uname</function> output)</seg>

          <seg>Remaining number of seconds until timed login is performed,
            plus the appropriate i18n plural form of <quote>second</quote></seg>

          <seg>Username for timed login</seg>

        <!-- Need to switch to richtext painting for this purpose.

          <seg>Causes the following character to be an accelerator</seg>


        <literal>%t</literal> and <literal>%u</literal> are intended to be
        used only internally to display the <literal>timed-label</literal>
        message, which is automatically updated every second.

    <sect2 id="stock-nodes">
      <title>Stock Nodes</title>

        Certain common localized labels can be specified via the stock
        tags.  The <literal>text</literal> tag is ignored if the
        <literal>stock</literal> tag is used.  You really should use the
        stock labels rather than just putting all the translations into
        the themes.  This yields faster load times and likely better
        translations.  The following values are valid:

        <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

          <seg>Obtained from the config file.</seg>
          <seg><quote>Caps Lock is enabled</quote></seg>
          <seg><quote>XDMCP Choose_r</quote></seg>
          <seg><quote>Power o_ff</quote></seg>
          <seg><quote>Session _Type</quote></seg>
          <seg><quote>User %u will login in %t</quote></seg>
          <seg><quote>Welcome to %h</quote></seg>


        For example:
&lt;stock type=&quot;welcome-label&quot;/&gt;

    <sect2 id="buddy-nodes">
      <title>Buddy Nodes</title>

        Items which do not directly cause an action can be assigned a buddy.
        The buddy is given input focus when the item is activated (clicked
        or a <literal>label</literal>'s accelerator pressed).

        The buddy is referenced by id with the <literal>idref</literal>
        attribute.  Obviously, it must be given an id.  Example:
&lt;item type=&quot;label&quot;&gt;
  &lt;stock type=&quot;username-label&quot;/&gt;
  &lt;buddy idref=&quot;user-entry&quot;/&gt;
&lt;item type=&quot;entry&quot; id=&quot;user-entry&quot;&gt;

