

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > 758daf1ff079e98f78eb98429996d455 > files > 8


This file documents the Dinotrace package for viewing signal waveforms.

  Copyright 1998-2010 by Wilson Snyder. <>

  Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.

  Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

  Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the author.

  This file documents the Dinotrace package for signal waveform tracing.
This is edition 9.4b, for Dinotrace version 9.4b.

  For the latest version, please see `'

  Please feel free to send comments and suggestions to
<>.  If you install this tool, please also send mail
so that I can inform you of new releases.

1 Summary

Dinotrace is a tool designed to aid in viewing Verilog Value Change
Dump, ASCII, Verilator, Tempest CCLI, COSMOS, Chango and Decsim Binary
simulation traces.  It is optimized for rapid design debugging using
X-Windows Mosaic.  A special interface allows signal information to be
annotated into source code using Emacs.

  Please see the file `INSTALL' in the distribution directory for
installation instructions.

1.1 Copying

Dinotrace is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
later version.

  Dinotrace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*without any warranty*; without even the implied warranty of
*merchantability* or *fitness for a particular purpose*.  See the GNU
General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Dinotrace; see the file `COPYING'.  If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.

2 History

Dinotrace was conceived in the early 1980's by Allen Gallotta at Digital
Equipment Corporation, who wrote the code and supported it through
version 4.2.  When created, it was the first graphical display tool for
the simulators being designed at Digital.

  In 1992 I joined Digital Semiconductor (a division of Digital
Equipment Corporation) and took over the support of Dinotrace.  I
converted it from Digital's X toolkit to Motif, added color,
highlighting, searching, and other features.  Several formats were
added to Dinotrace to support Verilator, our group's own Verilog to C
translator, written by Paul Wasson.  As the years went on, other groups
started using the typical industry standard Verilog simulators.
Although programs like vwaves were available, they had some silly
limitations.  Besides, we were hooked on Dinotrace, so I added Verilog
format, and Dinotrace lived on.

  In 1998 I moved to Maker Communications, where I am currently
employed.  Life, however, was sad and incomplete without Dinotrace.
Through the efforts of existing DECies, mainly Duane Galbi, Digital
graciously agreed to release the source code.  (Subject to the code not
being resold, which is compatible with the GNU Public License.)

  Still at Maker Communications, life is now complete as Dinotrace can
be shared by all.  This release is based upon the Digital version, with
many enhancements, most notably portability improvements and true
4-state signal support.

2.1 Contributors

Many people have provided ideas and other assistance with Dinotrace.

  The major corporate sponsors of Dinotrace, by providing funds or
equipment grants, are Compaq Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation,
Intel Corporation, and Maker Communications.

  The people who have contributed code or other major functionality are
Allen Gallotta, Steve Hoover, Nathan Hughes, and Craig Ziegler.

  Some of the people who have provided ideas and feedback for Dinotrace
include Edward Arthur, Sally Barry, Josh Belkin, Yifat Ben-Shachar, Lee
Bradshaw, Rachel Berman, Sass Berman, Mike Blake, Serge Bogdanov, Ronen
Boneh, Gregg Bouchard, Derek Bosch, Bill Bruce, Lauren Carlson, Paul
Chan, Ta-Chung Chang, David Chen, Dave Colson, Derrick Dacosta, Erik
Debriae, Paul Dormitzer, Duane Galbi, Allen Gallotta, Steve Glaser,
Mike Goulet, Larry Gust, Larry Herman, Dave Horan, Steve Hoover, Nathan
Hughes, Tom Hunt, Tracey Jones, Mike Kagen, Dan Katz, Sol Katzman,
Steve Kolecki, Steve Lang, Charlie Lind, Greg Loxtercamp, Dan Lussier,
Ben Marshall, Bob McNamara, Harunobu Miyashita, John Murphy, Aki
Niimura, Lisa Noack, Mitch Norcross, Michael Quadri, Reinhard Schumann,
Simcha, Jai Singh, Dean Sovie, Julie Staraitis, Dominik Strasser, Bob
Walsh, Paul Wasson, Steve Wilson, Bob Yodlowski, and Craig Ziegler.

3 Invoking Dinotrace

Dinotrace accepts switches and filenames on the command line.  Any
filenames on the command line will be read in before Dinotrace gives
control to the user.

  Dinotrace accepts switches with leading `-', and everything else is a
trace filename.  Filenames are in standard Unix format, with a optional
`.gz' or `.Z' extension to indicate the trace should be piped before
opening through *gunzip* or *uncompress* respectively.

  These switches are supported, in addition to the standard *X-11*
switches, like `-display'.

     Read following trace filenames using Verilog format.  This is the
     default format.

     Read following trace filenames using Verilog Plus Dump format.

     Read following trace filenames using Decsim format.  If running on
     a VMS system, Decsim Binary format is also supported.

     Read following trace filenames using Tempest/CCLI format.

     Skip reading the standard global, user, and directory .dino files.
     Do read any trace-specific .dino files.

`-geometry GEOMETRY'
     Specifies the window size and position in standard X format

     Specify the trace resolution.

4 Screen Description

This chapter describes the layout of the screen, and the function of the
various widget and menu items.

4.1 Window Widgets

The main window is broken into the display area, with signal names on
the left and values stretching to the vertical scroll bar.

  The state of each signal across time is indicated by the way the line
is drawn.  As usual, low, tristate, and high are low, middle, and high
strait lines.  The high value has a bolder line to aid in discriminating
it from a low.  Unknowns are filled areas.

  Busses are drawn in one of four ways; if zero they are low, if all
bits are one it it is two parallel lines with the upper one bolded.  If
the bus is some mix of zeros and ones it is two narrow parallel lines.
If there is space the value of the bus will be shown based on the
`Signal Radix' menu option.  Finally, the `Signal Waveform' allows
analog waveforms, or signed waveforms (two's complement with 0 making a
centered trace.)

  Gadgets surround the main area.  The vertical scroll bar on the right
is the _Signal Slider_ used to scroll signals, if they all cannot fit
on the screen at once.  At the bottom of the screen is the _Time
Slider_ on the right, and the _Name Slider_ on the left.

4.1.1 Time Slider

On the left bottom of the main window is the _Time Slider_.

     Dragging the _Time Slider_ will scroll the time across the screen.
     Lines are printed in the scroll area to indicate where cursors are

_Unit Dec_
     Clicking the <- arrow at the left of the _Time Slider_, or
     pressing `<left>' will move the time one grid #0 (or the first
     visible grid) resolution earlier.

_Unit Inc_
     Clicking the -> arrow at the right of the _Time Slider_, or
     pressing `<right>' will move the time one grid #0 resolution
     (usually one clock) later.

_Page Dec_
     Clicking the blank area at the left of the _Time Slider_, or
     pressing `S-<right>' will move the time one screen width earlier,
     so the time at the left of the screen is now at the right.  (Or
     1/2 or 1/4 screen width, depending on the `page_inc' customization

_Page Inc_
     Clicking the blank area at the right of the _Time Slider_, or
     pressing `S-<right>' will move the time one screen width later, so
     the time at the right of the screen is now at the left. (Or 1/2 or
     1/4 screen width, depending on the `page_inc' customization

4.1.2 Name Slider

The _Name Slider_ is the horizontal scroll bar left of the _Time

     Dragging the _Name Slider_ will scroll the signal names left and
     right so that they may be completely seen.  Dinotrace aligns the
     signals on the last dot (hierarchy character).

4.1.3 Signal Slider

The _Signal Slider_ is the vertical scroll bar to the right of the

     Dragging the _Signal Slider_ will scroll the signals so that new
     signals can be seen.  Lines are printed in the scroll area to
     indicate where highlighted signals are located.

_Unit Dec_
     Clicking the <- arrow at the top of the _Signal Slider_, or
     pressing `<up>' will move the signals down one, displaying a new
     signal at the top.

_Unit Inc_
     Clicking the -> arrow at the bottom of the _Signal Slider_, or
     pressing `<down>' will move the Moves signals up one, displaying a
     new signal at the bottom.

_Page Dec_
     Clicking the blank area above the _Signal Slider_, or pressing
     `<pageup>' will move the signals up one screen full, so the
     previous top signal is now at the bottom.

_Page Inc_
     Clicking the blank area below the _Signal Slider_, or pressing
     `<pagedown>' will move the signals down one screen full, so the
     previous bottom signal is now at the top.

4.1.4 Buttons

The buttons below the lower sliders perform common functions that affect
the display.

     Clicking the _Begin_ button below the _Time Slider_, or pressing
     `<begin>' will move to the earliest time in the trace.

     Clicking the _End_ button below the _Time Slider_, or pressing
     `<end>' will move to the earliest time in the trace.

     Clicking the _Goto_ button below the _Time Slider_, or pressing
     `g' will make a popup that prompts for a time.  The window will
     scroll horizontally so that the entered time is centered on the
     screen.  A option menu will place a cursor of the selected color
     at the time entered.  A note may be attached to the cursor, and
     seen with `Value Examine'.

     Clicking the _Refresh_ button below the scroll bar will refresh
     the screen.  Normally this is automatic.  When using Dinotrace
     over slow links, it may be desirable to refresh manually, *Note

     Clicking the _Resolution_ number button at the middle bottom will
     make a popup that can change the resolution to the number

_Inc Res_
     Clicking the arrow button to the right of the _Resolution_ button
     expands the trace so the same amount of time takes more space.

_Dec Res_
     Clicking the arrow button to the left of the _Resolution_ button
     expands the trace so the same amount of time takes less space.

     Clicking the _Zoom_ button, then clicking `<MB1>' on two times
     expands the trace so that the time between the clicks occupies the
     entire screen.

     Clicking the _Full_ button shrinks the resolution so that the
     entire trace fits onto the screen.  It is often quicker to press
     _Full_ then zoom to the desired location rather than scrolling.

4.2 Trace Menu

4.2.1 Trace Read...

Selecting the `Trace Read...' menu option, or pressing `C-o' pops up a
file requester to read a trace.  If a file ends in a `.Z' or `.gz'
extension, it will be piped through uncompress or gunzip respectively
before being read.  The type of trace may be set with the option box;
the default is set by the `file_format' configuration command.  If
_Preserve Signal Ordering_ is checked, the signals in the new trace
will be reorganized to attempt to match the ordering of the current
trace in the window.

4.2.2 Trace ReRead

Selecting `Trace ReRead' checks if there is a new version of the file
currently begin displayed and reads it.  The file will only be read if
a new one exists.  If no file is displayed, it is the same as the
`Trace Read' option.

  This is useful for rereading a trace after it has changed due to a new
simulation run.

4.2.3 Trace ReRead All

Selecting `Trace ReRead All', or pressing `C-r', checks every window to
see if that window's file has been updated, and rereads if it has.

4.2.4 Trace Open...

Selecting `Trace Open...' shrinks the current window in half, and opens
another Dinotrace window, linked in time to the original.  The two
traces will then pan together and share cursors, etc.  Multiple window
support is intended for traces that have the same time lengths.  See
*note open_geometry:: for how to change the default window sizes, such
as to not shrink the original window when opening.

4.2.5 Trace Close

Selecting `Trace Close' closes the current window if more than one is
open.  If this is the only one remaining open, use `Trace Exit' instead.

4.2.6 Trace Clear

Selecting `Trace Clear' closes all other windows and resets Dinotrace
as if Dinotrace was exited and ran again.

4.2.7 Trace Print...

Selecting `Trace Print...' pops up a file requester allowing the
current screen to be printed to a file.  The amount of time, and number
of signals on the screen will match the time and signals put onto one
page of paper.

  The _Filename_ and _Note_ specify where to put the output, and a note
to be placed on the bottom of each page.

  The _Layout_ option selects the size of the page.  _EPS_ will make a
Encapsulated Postscript file that does not include all of the headers.
This is suitable for making figures for inclusion in other documents.

  The _Include off-screen times_ button will print multiple
"horizontal" pages of paper, so that all times in the trace is printed.
The _Include off-screen signals_ button will print multiple "vertical"
pages, so that all signals are printed.  Both may be checked and taped
together to get a nice wall hanging.

  The _Begin printing at_ and _End printing at_ select the region to be
printed.  This may be based on the whole trace, what is displayed on
the screen, or the cursors.

4.2.8 Trace Print

Selecting `Trace Print' performs a print using the last `Trace
Print...' settings.

4.2.9 Trace Exit

Selecting `Trace Exit' will exit Dinotrace.

4.3 Customize Menu

4.3.1 Customize Change...

Selecting `Customize Change' pops up a requester that allows the
configuration to be customized.  See *note Customization Files:: for
permanent configuration, and additional options that are not selectable

  The _Page Increment_ option selects how much of a screen clicking on
the _Page Inc_ space on the _Time Slider_ will increment.

  The _Time Representation_ option selects how times are displayed and
entered in the _Goto_ popup.  Selecting _Grid #0 Cycles_ will put all
times in the period defined by Grid #0.

  The _Signal Height_ option controls how many signals can fit on the
screen and printout.  Small sizes have more information, but may cause
the values to be hard to read.

  The _Click To Edge_ button enables `Cursor Add' and other menu items
that require mouse clicks to find the closest transition and add it at
that point.  The search will be only within 20 pixels; if there is no
edge within that distance, the cursor is added right where the cursor

  The _Rise/Fall Time_ slider controls how fast signals transition.

  Thw _Draw Prefix_ enables displaying the entire signal name, instead
of the default where a prefix common to every signal in the design is
not shown.

  Thw _Manual Refreshing_ button disables automatic refreshing, for
dialup lines.  The _Refresh_ button must be pressed to refresh the

4.3.2 Customize Grid...

Selecting `Customize Grid' pops up a requester that allows the
configuration to be customized.  See *note Customization Files:: for
permanent configuration.  Note that the lowest numbered grid that is
visible is used for moving one increment, stepping cursors forward and
back, and for counting cycles.

4.3.3 Customize Read...

Selecting `Customize Read' pops up a requester that reads the specified
`.dino' file.  The requester also allows enabling and disabling of
which `.dino' files will be read when a new trace is read.

4.3.4 Customize ReRead

Selecting `Customize ReRead' will reread the customize `.dino' files.
This is useful for applying changes to Dinotrace after a `.dino' file
has been edited outside Dinotrace.

4.3.5 Customize Save As...

Selecting `Customize Save As...' will create a popup.  A filename may
then be entered to save the current customization settings.  Buttons
allow different portions of the configuration to be written.  Note that
many of the settings that will be saved can be applied only to one
window, and should be edited out before being included in any global
`dinotrace.dino' files.

4.3.6 Customize Restore

Selecting `Customize Restore' will restore the customization options to
their program defaults.  It will not read any `.dino' files.

4.4 Cursor Menu

4.4.1 Cursor Add

Selecting `Cursor Add', or pressing `c', then clicking `<MB1>' will
insert cursors at the clicked on times.  The `Next' color button, or
pressing `C' will select the next color down in the menu from the last
color selected.  See *note cursor_add:: for the equivalent
configuration file command.

4.4.2 Cursor Highlight

Selecting `Cursor Delete' then clicking `<MB1>' on cursors will change
the color of those cursors.

4.4.3 Cursor Move

Selecting `Cursor Move' then Dragging `<MB1>' on a cursor will move
that cursor.  Press and hold mouse button one and release when the
cursor is at the new time desired.  Moving a cursor that was created
with `Signal Search' will make that cursor permanent; the cursor will
not go away if the search is changed.

4.4.4 Cursor Delete

Selecting `Cursor Delete' then clicking `<MB1>' on cursors will delete
those cursors.  To delete cursors that were created by `Value Search'
(those with dotted lines), turn off the second button on the `Value
Search' requester.

4.4.5 Cursor Note

Selecting `Cursor Note' then clicking `<MB1>' on a cursor will pop up a
dialog box to change the note attached to that cursor.

4.4.6 Cursor Step Forward

Selecting `Cursor Step Forward' or pressing `>' will move all user
cursors forward the by grid #0's (or the first visible grid's) period.

4.4.7 Cursor Step Backward

Selecting `Cursor Step Back' or pressing `<' will move all user cursors
backward the by grid #0's (or the first visible grid's) period.

4.4.8 Cursor Clear

Selecting `Cursor Clear' will delete all cursors.

4.4.9 Cursor Cancel

Selecting `Cursor Cancel', or pressing `<esc>' will stop `<MB1>' mouse
clicks from having any affect.

4.5 Signal Menu

4.5.1 Signal Add...

Selecting `Signal Add' will pop up a popup allowing a signal to be
selected then added at the point where `<MB1>' is clicked.  See *note
signal_add:: for the equivalent configuration file command.

4.5.2 Signal Highlight

Selecting `Signal Highlight', or pressing `s', then clicking `<MB1>' on
signals changes the color of those signals.  See *note
signal_highlight:: for the equivalent configuration file command.

4.5.3 Signal Move

Selecting `Signal Move' then clicking `<MB1>' on a signal and clicking
`<MB1>' again on a new position moves a signal.  Signals may be moved
between traces, but closing a trace eliminates all signals that were
originally from that trace.  See *note signal_move:: for the equivalent
configuration file command.

4.5.4 Signal Copy

Selecting `Signal Copy' then clicking `<MB1>' on a signal and clicking
`<MB1>' again on a new position copies a signal.  Signals may be copied
between traces, but closing a trace eliminates all signals that were
originally from that trace.  See *note signal_copy:: for the equivalent
configuration file command.

4.5.5 Signal Delete

Selecting `Signal Delete' then clicking `<MB1>' on signals deletes
those signals.  `Signal Select' may be used to recover the deleted
signals.  See *note signal_delete:: for the equivalent configuration
file command.

4.5.6 Signal Note

Selecting `Signal Note' then clicking `<MB1>' on a signal will pop up a
dialog box to change the note attached to that signal.

4.5.7 Signal Radix

Selecting `Signal Radix' then clicking `<MB1>' on signals changes the
radix of the signals to the one selected.  Note that the `real' radix
is detected for Verilog automatically, and changing other non-real
signals to a real format probably won't display the values you wish.
See *note signal_radix:: for the equivalent configuration file command.

4.5.8 Signal Waveform

Selecting `Signal Waveform' then clicking `<MB1>' on signals changes
the signal to be displayed as either analog or digital.  See *note
signal_waveform:: for the equivalent configuration file command.

4.5.9 Signal Search...

Selecting `Signal Search' opens a popup for highlighting signal names.
Nine signal names which will be searched for in the trace are
specified.  Any signal name which matches the signal name pattern will
be highlighted using the color of the toggle button, just as if `Signal
Highlight' was used to color it.  Unlike `Signal Search', highlighting
a signal with `Signal Highlight' makes it permanent; it will not go
away when the search that found that signal changes.

  The _Signal name pattern_ indicates which signal names to highlight,
potentially containing `*' to match any number of characters, or `?' to
match any single character.  Case never matters when matching signal

  The _Enable_ button enables the search, and shows the color to be
used for highlighting when the signal is found.

4.5.10 Signal Select...

Selecting `Signal Select', or pressing `C-f', presents a requester
which lists the names of the signals which are being displayed, and
those which are deleted.  Both lists have a pattern at the top which a
signal must match to be displayed.  Clicking on a signal will add it to
the bottom of the other list.  Clicking on the _Add All_ or _Delete
All_ will affect all of those in the list.  By specifying a pattern
then _Add All_ or _Delete All_, signals which match a pattern can be
added or deleted.

  The _Delete Constants_ button will delete only those signals which
have a single constant value for all times in the trace.  Likewise the
_Delete Const or X/Z_ button will delete only those signals which have
a constant value, or are unknown or tristated.  This is useful for
deleting those signals which have uninitialized values before reset
then later in the trace are initalized to constants.

  The _Sort Wholename_ and _Sort Basename_ buttons will sort the
selected signals and place them at the bottom of the trace.  The former
uses the entire signal name, while the latter sorts by the basename,
ignoring the hierarchy portion of the signal name.

4.5.11 Clear Highlight

Selecting `Signal Clear Highlight' will remove all highlighting from

4.5.12 Keep Highlight

Selecting `Signal Keep Highlighted' will delete signals from the trace
which are not highlighted.  This allows signals to be highlighed that
match a given pattern using _Signal Select..._, then all others deleted
using this selection.

4.5.13 Signal Cancel

Selecting `Signal Cancel', or pressing `<esc>' will stop `<MB1>' mouse
clicks from having any affect.

4.6 Value Menu

4.6.1 Value Annotate...

Selecting `Value Annotate...' makes a file with the highlighted
signals, and values under every cursor.  Behavioral code can then be
highlighted with the values by `dinotrace.el''s reading the written
file.  Cursors which are exactly on a edge of a signal will get the
value that the signal is changing _to_, not from.

  Buttons specify which cursor and signal colors are included in the
file.  If a button is on, the color is included, else it is as if the
cursor did not exist, or the signal was not highlighted.

  User cursors are those placed using the `Cursor Add' menu.  Automatic
cursors are from searching for values or cursors placed by `.dino'

  See *note Dinotrace and Emacs::

4.6.2 Value Annotate

Selecting `Value Annotate', or pressing `a' annotates code using the
last Annotate... settings.  See *note annotate:: for the equivalent
configuration file command.

4.6.3 Value Highlight

Selecting `Value Highlight', or pressing `v', then clicking `<MB1>' on
a value loads that value into one of the 9 search values, and
highlights it where it occurs in the trace.  The search value can then
be seen and modified with the `Value Search' popup.  See *note
value_highlight:: for the equivalent configuration file command.

4.6.4 Value Examine

Selecting `Value Examine' then holding `<MB1>' will show the state of
the entity under the mouse.  `<MB2>' can always be used for this

  Signal transitions can be examined when over the transition lines.
Signal names and base information can be seen when over the signal
names.  Cursors can be examined when at the bottom of the screen, and
grids when at the top.

4.6.5 Value Search...

Selecting `Value Search...' allows specification of 9 values to be
searched for in the trace.  Each value is entered into a text widget and
one or two toggle buttons to the left are activated.  The `Value
Highlight' menu can be used to load a search automatically.  See *note
value_highlight:: for the equivalent configuration file command.

  The _Highlight value_ button will make anywhere that the value
appears in a trace to be printed using the color of the toggle button.

  The _Add cursor_ button will add a cursor at the time where the value
begins.  Cursors that are placed in this fashion are displayed as
dotted lines, and will go away if the search value is changed.
Highlighting or moving a cursor makes it permanent; it will not go away
when the search changes.

  The _Signal name pattern_ indicates which signals names to search for
the value, potentially containing `*' to match any number of
characters, or `?' to match any single character.  Often a single `*'
is useful to search all signals.

  The _Value_ indicates the value to be found.  Unfortunately wildcards
are not supported.  A standard verilog or VHDL prefix may be added to
specify the radix of the number being entered.  (The radix of the
signal found does not have to match the radix entered; `'h10' will
match `'d16'.








     Ascii (String)

4.6.6 Value Cancel

Selecting `Value Cancel', or pressing `<esc>' will stop `<MB1>' mouse
clicks from having any affect.

5 Keyboard Shortcuts

This chapter describes the keyboard shortcuts for Dinotrace.

  Any menu function may be invoked with the standard Motif accelerators;
hold down `<ALT>' then press the first letter of the menu name.
Release `<ALT>' and press the underlined letter of the sub menu item,
and so on.

  The following keys are also hard-coded: Function keys have the
identical function when using GNU Emacs's Verilog, C, Merlin, or CCLI

     `Value Examine'.

     Signal scroll up one signal.

     Signal scroll up a screen full.

     Signal scroll down one signal.

     Signal scroll down a screen full.

     Signal scroll up a screen full.

     Signal scroll down a screen full.

     Time scroll left a grid #0 increment.

     Time scroll left a screen full.

     Time scroll left a grid #0 increment.

     Time scroll left a screen full.

     Beginning of time.

     End of time.

     `Signal Cancel'.

     `Cursor Step Forward'.

     `Cursor Step Backward'.

     `Value Annotate'.

     `Cursor Add' with current color.

     `Cursor Add' with next color.

     _Goto_ time.

     `Signal Highlight' with current color.

     `Signal Highlight' with next color.

     `Value Highlight' with current color.

     `Value Highlight' with next color.

     `Signal Search...'.

     `Trace Read...'.

     `Trace ReRead All'.

6 Customization Files

This chapter describes customization files, and the commands that may
be used in them.

  Customization files allow the options and display in Dinotrace to be
customized to suit a specific site, user, directory, and trace.

6.1 Automatically Read Files

When a trace file is read using the `Trace Read' menu option, several
configuration files are read automatically:

     The `$DINODISK:dinotrace.dino' file is intended to have site wide
     defaults.  This will probably contain a `file_format verilog' or
     similar commands.  (On Unix, `$DINODISK' represents the contents of
     the `DINODISK' environment variable.  On VMS, it represents the
     value of the system define.)

     The `$DINOCONFIG' file is intended to be used for session specific
     start-up, like setting screen size depending on what type of
     system you are using.  Users will probably point this to several
     possible sources using their `.login'.

     The `~/dinotrace.dino' file is for user defaults.  The author for
     example has a `signal_height 15' and `signal_delete_constant *',
     which are both personal preference items.  (On VMS, `SYS$LOGIN:'
     is used instead of `~/'.)

     The `{current/trace/directory}/dinotrace.dino' is for signal_states
     and other information on a per-simulation setup basis.  This
     probably includes `signal_state' commands (unless they are in the
     global dinotrace.dino).

     The `{current/trace/directory}/CURRENT_TRACE_NAME.dino' is for
     highlighting and such that only apply to the current file.  See the
     enclosed example *Perl* script that will parse a log file for times
     that errors occurred and write a dino that places a cursor at
     every such time.

6.2 Configuration Commands

Configuration files are organized with one command per line, with the
exception of `signal_states', which may be multiple lines.  Case is
ignored in all but state names.  The commands are:

6.2.1 #


  Comments out the remainder of the line.

6.2.2 page_inc

`page_inc'		4 | 2 | 1

  Changes the increment used during _Page Inc_ and _Page Dec_ clicks on
the horizontal scroll-bar.  1=full page, 2=half, 4=quarter.  Same as
the page option menu in `Customize Change'.

6.2.3 rise_fall_time

`rise_fall_time'	NUMBER

  Changes the slope used when drawing signal assertions and deassertion.
Use 0 to minimize the `rise_fall_time'.

6.2.4 signal_height

`signal_height'	NUMBER

  Changes the vertical spacing between signals on the screen.  Same as
the slider in `Customize Change'.

6.2.5 grid

`grid'		GRID_NUMBER       ON | OFF

  Enables or disables the grid.  Same as the visible toggle buttons in
`Customize Grid'.

6.2.6 grid_resolution

`grid_resolution'	GRID_NUMBER       NUMBER | AUTO | EDGE

  Changes the horizontal space between grids, normally the period of a
clock.  Specify a number in nanoseconds, or `AUTO' to compute the grid
based on the `grid_signal'.  Use `EDGE' to place a grid on each change
of the `grid_signal'.

6.2.7 grid_align


  Changes the horizontal location of the first grid mark.  Specify a
number in nanoseconds, `ASSERTION' to align with the asserting edge of
the `grid_signal', or `DEASSERTION' to align with the deasserting edge
of the `grid_signal', or `BOTH' to align with both edges of the
`grid_signal'.  The grid may also align with changes in a bus, although
in that case `ASSERTION' and `DEASSERTION' have the same effect.

6.2.8 grid_signal


  Specifies which signal is to be used when calculating the period and
alignment with grid_resolution and grid_alignment respectively.  The
first signal that matches the pattern is used, it defaults to `"*"',
which is the first signal in the trace.  If no signal is found that
matches the pattern, that grid will be disabled.

6.2.9 grid_type


  Specifies normal grids, or extra wide grids.  Wide grids are plotted 2
pixels wide, and help low-contrast colors show up better.

6.2.10 grid_color

`grid_color'	GRID_NUMBER	COLOR

  Changes the color used to display the grid.

6.2.11 refreshing

`refreshing'		AUTO | MANUAL

  In automatic refresh mode, any change in the screen such as zooming,
Dragging, or exposing refreshes (redraws) the screen.  When set to
manual the screen will only redraw when the refresh gadget is pressed.
Note that when in manual mode, it is just as if the display _was_
refreshed, so for example clicking on the display is relative to the
_new_ display. Useful when using slow network links, such as dialup *eXcursion*
or *exceed*.

6.2.12 refresh


  Refresh the screen, even if in manual refresh mode.  When a `.dino'
file is being read, the screen will not be refreshed until the entire
file is completely read, unless a `refresh' command is used.

6.2.13 draw_prefix


  By default, a prefix common to every signal in the design is not shown
in the main window.  With this setting, the signal name will be shown in
it's entirety.

6.2.14 annotate


  Makes the annotation file, like the `Value Annotate' menu.

6.2.15 resolution

`resolution'		NUMBER

  Sets the screen resolution, like the _Resolution_ Button on the
bottom of the screen.

6.2.16 save_enables

`save_enables'	ON | OFF

  When reading in verilator CCLI traces, Dinotrace converts two-state
enables and data signals into a single four-state signal, then deletes
the original signals.  When `save_enables' is on, the original signals
are not deleted.  This is useful for debugging problems related to

6.2.17 save_duplicates

`save_duplicates'	ON | OFF

  When reading in verilog traces, Dinotrace by default drops signals
that connect to a signal higher in the hierarchy.  This saves space and
reduces clutter.  When `save_duplicates' is on, the duplicate signals
are not deleted, except under rare situations.

6.2.18 save_ordering

`save_ordering'	ON | OFF

  When set, Dinotrace will attempt to preserve signal colors, ordering,
and deletions between the trace that existed before and the new trace
being read in.  Signals that were deleted because they were constants
are not preserved, they will be recalculated.  When clear, the new trace
does not preserve any ordering information.

6.2.19 signal_goto

`signal_goto'		SIGNAL

  Move the window so that signal is in the center of the window.  If the
signal was already on the screen, do nothing.

6.2.20 time_goto

`time_goto'		TIME

  Move the window so that time is in the center of the window.  If time
was already on the screen, do nothing.

6.2.21 time_rep

`time_rep'		NUMBER | FS | PS | NS | US | CYCLE

  Changes the time representation to be in picoseconds, nanoseconds,
microseconds or in number of grid #0 cycles.  Cycle based timing is good
for performance estimates.  Same as the buttons in `Customize Change'.
If a number, then that number is the baseline in picoseconds.  For
example, `2000' will make one unit on the screen be equal to 2 ns in
the trace file.  Default is nanoseconds.

6.2.22 time_precision

`time_precision'	FS | PS | NS | US

  Changes the internal precision to be in picoseconds, nanoseconds, or
microseconds.  Traces that are read in will have all times rounded to
this number.  Setting to higher units requires less memory and speeds up
execution.  This parameter must only be changed in the global or user
`dinotrace.dino' files, as it should not change between reading
different traces.  Default is nanoseconds.

  Only Decsim Binary and Verilog formats contain absolute time periods,
and these will be scaled by the precision.  Decsim Ascii traces are
always assumed to be in nanoseconds.  The Tempest format will be assumed
to be in the same units as the `time_precision', and will not be scaled.

6.2.23 time_format

`time_format'		%0.6lf | %0.6lg | %lg | ""

  Changes the number of decimal places used to print times.  This format
string is the same as that used by the C-Language printf command.  (See
`man printf' or `HELP CC RUN PRINTF'.) Some of the useful choices are
`%0.6lf' which will print 6 decimal places with trailing zeros
(123.450000), `%0.6lg' which will print up to 6 decimal places
(123.45), and `%lg' which will print the number of decimal places
required to fully show the number.

  The default is null ("").  When null time_precision and time_rep will
set the preferred format for time stamps.  For example, setting
`time_precision PS' and `time_rep NS' will make times display as
"nn.ppp ns" where n is the nanoseconds, and p is the picoseconds.

6.2.24 time_divisor

`time_divisor'	NUMBER

  When reading Ascii traces, all times are divided by this number.
Generally the time_precision is what is wanted instead, as
time_precision doesn't change the internal times but instead the
display. Time_divisor changes the value that is read in from the file,
and is most useful for Ascii traces which do not specify any time units
in the file itself.

6.2.25 time_multiplier

`time_multiplier'	NUMBER

  When reading Tempest traces, the multiplier will be used to convert
the phase counter to the time.  Defaults to 2.

6.2.26 file_format

`file_format'		DECSIM | TEMPEST | VERILOG | VPD

  Changes the file format to be read.  Same as the buttons in the
`Trace Open' menu.

6.2.27 cursor

`cursor'		ON | OFF

  Enables or disables the cursors.  Same as the toggle buttons in
`Customize Change'.

6.2.28 cursor_add

`cursor_add'	TIME COLOR [-USER] [COMMENT]

  Adds a cursor of color number COLOR (0 to 9) at the specified time.
If specified, add COMMENT that may be seen with `Value Examine'.  The
cursor will be dotted, and will disappear the next time a file is read
in.  The `-USER' flag makes the cursor like a manual cursor; it will be
a solid line and will not disappear on rereads.

6.2.29 click_to_edge

`click_to_edge'	ON | OFF

  Enables or disables whether adding a cursor or grid close to a signal
edge will place the cursor on that edge.

6.2.30 debug

`debug'		ON | OFF

  Enables or disables debugging mode.

6.2.31 print

`print'		NUMBER | ON | OFF

  Enables or disables debugging print mode at the specified
informational level.

6.2.32 print_size

`print_size'		A | B | EPSPORT | EPSLAND

  Selects the paper size, A (8 1/2" by 11") or B (11" by 17").
`EPSPORT' and `EPSLAND' make an Encapsulated Postscript file without
headers, in portrait or landscape layout, suitable for inclusion in
other documents.

  Same as the buttons in the `Trace Print' popup.

6.2.33 vector_separator

`vector_separator'	"CHARACTER"

  Sets the character that separates the base signal name from vector
numbers.  The default is `[', which means that the signal `alpha[1]'
consists of vector number 1 in the signal named alpha.  Three other
useful combinations are `_' for spider signals `alpha_1', `<' for
Decsim signals `alpha<1>', and null ("") for no separator `alpha1'.  If
the separator is null ("") then `<' will still be accepted.  Tempest
traces are assumed to use the `<' separator, and setting it otherwise
will split up all of the bits into individual entries.

6.2.34 start_geometry


  Specifies the geometry to be used when the first window is opened by
Dinotrace.  Specified in standard X-Windows format, for example
`start_geometry 1200x900+20+95' specifies a window at position 20, 95
of width 1200 and height 900.

6.2.35 open_geometry

`open_geometry'	WIDTH[%]xHEIGHT[%]+XOFFSET[%]+YOFF[%]

  Specifies the geometry to be used when a new trace window is created
with `Trace Open' menu.  The format may be the same as
`start_geometry', in which case the exact dimensions specified will be
used for the new window.  Percentage may be used to specify a position
and size relative to the old window.  For example the default is
`open_geometry 100%x50%+0%+50%' which means that the new window will
have the same width and half the height of the old window.  The
position will be the same in the x direction and 50% more (not 50% of
the value) in the y direction.

6.2.36 shrink_geometry

`shrink_geometry'	WIDTH%xHEIGHT%+XOFFSET%+YOFF%

  Specifies the geometry to be used when a old trace window is being
shrunk with `Trace Open' menu option.  Absolute positions should not be
used, instead percentages should be used to specify a position and size
relative to the original window size.  For example the default is
`shrink_geometry 100%x50%+0%+0%' which means that when the new opened
window is created the old window will have the same width, X, and Y
position, but half the height of the old window.

6.2.37 value_highlight


  Searches for the value in signals matching the pattern.  If the
`-COLOR' flag is set, changes the color of the value to COLOR (0 to 9).
If the `-CURSOR' flag is set, adds a cursor of the specified COLOR. The
signal_pattern is the name of the signal inside the trace, with <*>
being a wild card that matches any number of characters.

6.2.38 signal_highlight

`signal_highlight'       SIGNAL_PATTERN   COLOR

  Changes the color of any signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN to the given
color number COLOR (0 to 9).  The signal_pattern is the name of the
signal inside the trace, with <*> being a wild card that matches any
number of characters.

6.2.39 signal_add


  Adds signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN from the trace, if the signal was
deleted.  If the signal hasn't been deleted, nothing happens.  If the
AFTER_SIGNAL is provided, the signal is added after the first signal
that matches the AFTER_SIGNAL pattern.  If AFTER_SIGNAL is not
provided, the new signal is added to the end of the trace.

6.2.40 signal_delete

`signal_delete'	SIGNAL_PATTERN

  Deletes signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN from the trace.

6.2.41 signal_delete_constant

`signal_delete_constant'	SIGNAL_PATTERN [-IGNOREXZ]

  Deletes signals matching the pattern, which have a constant value,
from the trace.  If `-IGNOREXZ' is specified, don't consider transitions
to/from unknown or tristate as making a signal non-constant.  Useful for
reducing a large number of signals down to only those which change.

6.2.42 signal_copy


  Copies signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN from the trace to a new
position.  If the AFTER_SIGNAL is provided, the signal is added after
the first signal that matches the AFTER_SIGNAL pattern.  If
AFTER_SIGNAL is not provided or is not found, the new signal is added
to the end of the trace.

6.2.43 signal_move


  Move signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN to a new position.  If the
AFTER_SIGNAL is provided, the signal is moved after the first signal
that matches the AFTER_SIGNAL pattern.  If AFTER_SIGNAL is not
provided, the new signal is added to the end of the trace.

6.2.44 signal_note

`signal_note'		SIGNAL_PATTERN NOTE

  Add the specified note to signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN.  The
signal note may be viewed by pressing with the Examine button over the
signal name.

6.2.45 signal_rename


  Changes the *first* signal matching SIGNAL_PATTERN to have the name
NEW_SIGNAL_NAME This can be used to make a alias copy of a signal by
copying a signal, then renaming it.

6.2.46 signal_radix


  Changes signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN to have the specified radix.
Note that the `real' radix is detected for Verilog automatically, and
changing other non-real signals to a real format probably won't display
the values you wish.

6.2.47 signal_waveform


  Changes signals matching SIGNAL_PATTERN to have the specified
waveform representation on the display.

6.2.48 signal_states

`signal_states'	SIGNAL_PATTERN = {STATE, STATE...};

  Allows the value of a bus to be translated to a text string.  The
SIGNAL_PATTERN is the name of the signal inside the trace, with `*'
being a wild card that matches any number of characters.  Each state is
the text to be displayed, using the characters `0-9A-Z%._/'.  States
are assigned in numerical order starting with zero, unless a `##='
proceeds a state name: If a state name is of the form `##=name', for
example in `7=Read' the Read name is assigned to the bus value seven.
(The number is always in decimal.)  The next assignment will be to 8 if
no number is specified.


     signal_states *cpucreq[2:0] = {
        1=Barrier, Fetch, FetchM, Read, Write, LDx_L, STx_C};

  In this example, any signal ending in `cpucreq[2:0]' (any case) will
convert 1 to Barrier, 2 to Fetch, etc.  Unspecified values, such as 0
and 8 will be displayed as a number.  If the state does not fit on the
screen, the number will be printed instead.  Text strings may only be
defined for state numbers 0-255.

7 X Resources

This chapter describes the X-Windows resources that Dinotrace supports.

  Dinotrace uses the X resource database for color and font selection.

  To use a resource, put in your ~/.Xdefaults file
     Dinotrace*Foreground: Black
     Dinotrace*Background: #cacaaaaa9191
     Dinotrace*color1: DarkOliveGreen

  Then type at the shell `xrdb ~/.Xdefaults' to reread the database.

  Dinotrace adds the following resources over and above the core X
Toolkit resource names and classes (such as foreground and background):

     `color#', where # is 1-9, specifies the colors for searches,
     highlighting, and cursors.  color0 is fixed to the foreground

     `barcolor' specifies the color to be used for the background of
     alternate signals.  Defaults to 7% greener than the background
     color.  Those that remember green bar tractor-feed paper should
     feel comfortable with this default.

     `signalfont' specifies the font to be used for signal names along
     the sides of the trace window.  Defaults to

     `timefont' specifies the font to be used for time values along the
     top of the trace window.  Defaults to

     `valuefont' specifies the font to be used for values inside buses.
     Defaults to `-*-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-1'

8 Remote Control

Dinotrace can be triggered to reread traces by sending a USR1 signal to
it.  This allows build environments to automatically refresh dinotrace
when a new waves file is available.  See the kill manpage for details on
sending a signal, usually it's `kill -USR1 %?dino'.

  After annotation, Emacs creates a socket that can be used to send
commands into it.  See the Emacs chapter and internal code for details.

9 Dinotrace and Emacs

This chapter describes the interaction between Dinotrace and Emacs.

  Dinotrace provides the means for back-annotating highlighting and
values into Emacs buffers, and from Emacs, highlighting signals,
values, and the like.  This is what separates Dinotrace from the rest.

9.1 Installation

The appropriate Emacs code should have been installed along with the
rest of Dinotrace.  If you encounter problems, you should return to this

  You'll probably also need `verilog-mode.el' from
`'.  Make sure that file, and the
distribution's files `lisp/dinotrace.el' and `lisp/sim-mode.el' are
installed in your Emacs `site-lisp' directory. (In Emacs `C-h v
load-path <RET>' should list the name of that directory.)  Check that
in your `.emacs' file, or better yet, the site's `site-start.el' file
there are the lines:

     (autoload 'sim-log-mode "sim-log" "Mode for Simulation Log files." t)
     (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list '("\\.log$" . sim-log-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
     (autoload 'dinotrace-update "dinotrace" "Update dinotrace annotations in this buffer" t)
     (autoload 'dinotrace-mode   "dinotrace" "Toggle dinotrace annotations in this buffer" t)
     (global-set-key "\C-x\C-aa" 'dinotrace-update)
     (global-set-key "\C-x\C-ad" 'dinotrace-mode)

9.2 Annotation

With a trace up in Dinotrace, select the `Value Annotate...' menu item.
This will create a magic file in your home directory.

  In Emacs, visit a Verilog or C file which has some signals that are in
the trace.  Press `C-x C-a a'.  Emacs will read the annotation file and
add highlighting to your buffer.  A new menu will appear on the screen,
and the mode line will indicate `Dinotrace'.

  In a simulation log file (ending in `.log'), Pressing `C-x C-a a'
will likewise add annotations of where cursors exist.

9.3 Signal Matching

Emacs chooses what to highlight based upon only the base part of the
signal name; all hierarchy and bus descriptors are stripped.  If
multiple signals exist with the same basename, all signals other than
those with the desired hierarchy should be deleted so they won't
participate in the annotation.

9.4 Entering Dinotrace-Mode

There are two keys used to enter Dinotrace Mode:

`C-x C-a a'
`M-x dinotrace-update'
     `C-x C-a a' will enter dinotrace-mode in this buffer.  If there is
     a new annotation file, read it, update all annotations in all
     visible widows, and remove outdated annotations from invisible

`C-x C-a d'
`M-x dinotrace-mode'
     `C-x C-a d' will toggle Dinotrace Mode in this buffer.  With arg,
     turn Dinotrace mode on if and only if arg is positive.

     It will not read a new annotation file if one has already been
     read in.

9.5 Exiting Dinotrace Mode

There are two ways to exit Dinotrace Mode:

`C-x C-a d'
`M-x dinotrace-mode'
     `C-x C-a d' will toggle Dinotrace Mode in this buffer.  With zero
     or negative arg, turn off Dinotrace mode.

`C-x C-q'
`M-x dinotrace-toggle-read-only'
     `C-x C-q' will toggle read-only status.  Dinotrace traps this key
     and will remove annotations and make the buffer writable.

9.6 Configuring Dinotrace-Mode

These keys configure Dinotrace Mode:

`C-x C-a a'
`M-x dinotrace-hierarchy-set'
     `C-x C-a a' will specify the hierarchy as a regular expression.
     Any signals must match this regular expression in order to be
     annotated.  This is useful if the same signal name appears in many
     modules with different values; you can thus choose which modules
     the signals will come from.

9.7 Keys in Dinotrace Mode

When inside a Dinotrace Mode buffer, many keys are defined to affect
both Emacs and also Dinotrace.  All begin with `C-x C-a', and are also
selectable from the Emacs menubar.  Most match the keyboard accelerator
keys for Dinotrace itself.

`C-x C-a c'
`M-x dinotrace-goto-and-cursor-time'
     Take the time that the point is over, and scroll Dinotrace so time
     is visible.  Add a cursor using the current color.

`C-x C-a C'
`M-x dinotrace-goto-and-cursor-time-next-color'
     Take the time that the point is over, and scroll Dinotrace so time
     is visible.  Add a cursor using the next color.

`C-x C-a s'
`M-x dinotrace-goto-and-highlight-signal'
     `C-x C-a s' will take the signal name the point is over, and scroll
     Dinotrace so the signal is visible.  The signal is highlighted
     using the current color.

`C-x C-a S'
`M-x dinotrace-goto-and-highlight-signal-next-color'
     `C-x C-a S' will take the signal name the point is over, and scroll
     Dinotrace so the signal is visible.  The signal is highlighted
     using the next color.

`C-x C-a v'
`M-x dinotrace-highlight-value'
     `C-x C-a v' will take the value the point is over, and highlight it
     using the current color.  With a prefix-arg, cursors will also be
     put where the value occurs.

`C-x C-a V'
`M-x dinotrace-highlight-value-next-color'
     `C-x C-a S' will take the value the point is over, and highlight it
     using the next color.  With a prefix-arg, cursors will also be put
     where the value occurs.

`C-x C-a >'
`M-x dinotrace-cursor-step-forward'
     `C-x C-a >' will move all cursors forward one grid #0 period and
     reannotate the buffer.  If the grid is set correctly, this will
     change the values to represent one clock period later.

`C-x C-a <'
`M-x dinotrace-cursor-step-backward'
     `C-x C-a <' will move all cursors back one grid #0 period and
     reannotate the buffer.  If the grid is set correctly, this will
     change the values to represent one clock period earlier.

10 File Formats

This chapter describes the file formats supported by Dinotrace, and how
to produce them with various simulators.

  If you're making a quick trace that is small, the ASCII format is
probably quickest and dirtiest.  If you're making a real 4-state
simulator, Tempest XOR format is very compact and fast.  A example
reader for this format is included with the Dinotrace distribution.

10.1 Verilog Value Change Dumps

Dinotrace can read the Value Change Dump format, common with simulators
such as Verilog-XL, VCS, and many others.

  VCD files have a `.vcd' extension.  Under the `Trace Read' menu,
select Verilog Format.  Select `Trace Read' to read the file.  If this
is your standard format, you can set it permanently by placing in the
`$DINODISK:dinotrace.dino' file:

     file_format verilog
     vector_separator "["

  VCD files can contain a great number of signals, potentially every net
in the design.  To cut down on the clutter, Dinotrace removes any signal
that is identical to a signal higher up in the design hierarchy.  For
example, if the signal `top.cpu.cache.index_addr[7:0]' is the same net
as `top.cpu.addr[27:20]', then only the latter will be shown in
Dinotrace.  This can be disabled with `save_duplicates'.

  To save disk space you may wish to store files as gziped.  This will
result in about a 10 times space savings, and Dinotrace will uncompress
them automatically.  (By detecting the `.gz' extension and piping
through gunzip.  Gunzip must exist in your `$PATH' for this to work.)

10.1.1 Making VCDs in Verilog

To create a value change dump file inside of Verilog, add the code
somewhere in a module:

     // Create a dump file
     initial begin
             $dumpfile ("|gzip --fast --stdout >trace_top.vcd.gz");
             $dumpvars (12, top);

  Where top is the name of the module to be traced, trace_top.vcd.gz is
the output file, and 12 is the number of levels of hierarchy underneath
top to be traced.  Dinotrace expects the `.vcd' extension.  This
command will dump all signals in the module top.  For more information
on dump files, see `Chapter 18 of the Verilog-XL reference manual'.

10.1.2 VCD File Format

For a description of the VCD file format, see `Chapter 18 of the
Verilog-XL reference manual'.

10.2 Verilog Value Plus Dumps

Dinotrace can read the Value Plus Dump format, common with VCS.

  VPD files have a `.vpd' extension.  Under the `Trace Read' menu,
select Verilog VPD Format.  Select `Trace Read' to read the file.  If
this is your standard format, you can set it permanently by placing in
the `$DINODISK:dinotrace.dino' file:

     file_format vpd
     vector_separator "["

  For this to work, you must have the *vpd2vcd* program installed in
your search path.  It was distributed with VCS, and requires a key to
operate; contact your simulation vendor for details.

  Dinotrace will convert the format to a standard VCD file using a pipe.
Thus all of the notes above for the *note Verilog Value Change Dumps::
also apply to this format.

10.2.1 Making VPDs in Verilog

To create a value plus dump file inside of Verilog, add the code
somewhere in a module:

     // Create a vpd file
     initial begin
             $vcdpluson (12, top);

  Where top is the name of the module to be traced, and 12 is the number
of levels of hierarchy underneath top to be traced.  For this to work
you may also need a `-I' or other compile time option for your

10.3 ASCII Traces

The initial format that Dinotrace supported was a Decsim ASCII format.
This format is still very useful for reading traces created by *perl*
scripts and other quick programs.  For large traces, any of the other
formats will make significantly smaller files.

10.3.1 Making Decsim ASCII Traces

Decsim provides both ASCII and binary formats.  For a Decsim ASCII
trace, type at the command prompt:

     set trace/radix=2/vector/header/exact/logname=name
     	clock, signal1, signal2, signal3

  For information, see *note Making Decsim Binary Traces::.

10.3.2 ASCII Trace Format

The ASCII Trace format is broken into two pieces, the header, and the
data lines.

  The header consists of a leading !, followed by signal names that are
read vertically, with each bit in a independent column.  Some character
separates the signal name from the bit number, this exact character
varies depending on the simulator.  The header is actually optional,
Dinotrace will create some pretty boring names if the header is not

  Here's a header, with the signal names SIG[2:0] and OUT.  (Read it

     !     SSS
     !     III
     !     GGGO
     !     ___U
     !     210T

  The data follows, with one time per line.  The spaces leading the
header above were added so that the first signal column lines up with
the first value after the time stamp.  Actually, the time stamps are
optional, in which case Dinotrace will assign successive times,
starting at 0 and incrementing by 100 for each data line.

     0     xxxx
     100   000x
     103   0000
     200   1100
     203   0001

  Dinotrace understands the values `0', `1', the tristate `Z', and the
unknowns `?', `X', and `U'.  Case does not matter.

10.4 Tempest Traces

Dinotrace supports Digital's tempest (BT02) format, as produced by CCLI,
COSMOS and other tools.  After creating a trace, start up Dinotrace.
Under the `Trace Read' menu section, select _Tempest Format_.  (To make
this the default, read the instructions about configuration files.)
Select `Trace Read' to read the file.

  Tempest designs use underscores to indicate bus subscripts.  To have
Dinotrace collapse signals into vectors, create a configuration file
with the lines:

     vector_separator "<"
     hierarchy_separator ">"

  Some CPU groups use a timestamp that is a integer that increases every
other cycle.  The half cycle is a phase.  Dinotrace can either count
phases, which is the default, or cycles.  Since Dinotrace times are
integers, the trick is to change the time resolution so that fractional
values can be displayed:

     time_multiplier 500
     time_precision ps
     time_rep ns

  To detect traces that start on phase B, the second signal in the
trace, right after the cycle_count, must be "phase", which toggles
zero/one every phase.  If this signal is not present, it is assumed the
trace starts on phase A.  (If incorrect - it starts on phase B and
there is no phase signal, the first phase in the entire trace will seem
to be stretched one cycle.)

  To save disk space you may wish to store files as gziped.  This will
result in about a 50 times space savings, and Dinotrace will uncompress
them automatically.

10.5 Making Verilator Traces

Dinotrace can read in Verilator traces created using CCLI.  Dinotrace
will convert the two signals that Verilator creates for tristate busses
(foo and foo__en) into a single signal with tristates shown normally.

10.6 Making Cosmos Traces

Dinotrace can read in COSMOS traces created under Merlin.  Dinotrace
will convert the two signals that COSMOS creates for each signal (foo
and foo__cos) into a single signal with unknowns shown normally.

10.7 Tempest Trace Format

The Tempest Trace Format is a relatively simple binary format.  Files
all have a `.bt' extension, and are stored by unix `write()'s of arrays
of *little-endian* longwords.  (Little is the endianness as Windows NT
and Digital Unix, and opposite that of Suns.)

  The first record is at the head of the file, and is the identification

`char (4 bytes)'
     File signature plus revision (e.g. `BT02').

`uint (32 bits)'
     Number of bytes for the header.

`uint (32 bits)'
     Number of signals.

`uint (32 bits)'
     Number of simulation rows (Do not rely on this, it is not correct
     if not known when the header is written)

`uint (32 bits)'
     Number of bits per simulation 'row', non-padded.

`uint (32 bits)'
     Number of bits per simulation 'row', padded to mod 64.

  Following that is a signal description block for every signal in the
design.  The number of such records was read from the above
identification block.

`uint (32 bits)'
     Flags for signal characteristics:
    `bit 0'
          Signal is input.

    `bit 1'
          Signal is output.

    `bit 2'
          Signal is pseudo-pin.

    `bit 3'
          Signal contains time-stamp value (not a real signal in

    `bit 4'
          Signal is 3 or 4 state (not 2 state).

`uint (32 bits)'
     Offset in body row (in bits).

`uint (32 bits)'
     Width of signal (in bits).

`uint (32 bits)'
     Number of chars in signal name.  N below.

`char (N bytes)'
     Signal name, not null terminated.

`char padding (8-(N%(8 bytes))) if N%8 != 0'
     Padding characters to insure quadword alignment.

  Finally is binary packed data.  Each simulation row contains the value
of all signals at that time stamp.  The location of each bit was defined
in the signal description blocks above.  For example, storage of 300
signals requires 320 bits per row of simulation data.  This data
continues to EOF.  (The number of simulation rows in the header may not
be correct if it was unknown at the time the header was written.)

  For three and four state signals, the four state bit in the flag
section is set for that signal.  Two bits are stored in the file per
wire bit, where 00=0, 01=1, 10=tristate, and 11=unknown.

10.8 Tempest XOR Traces

Dinotrace and Verilator have colluded to make a derivative of the
Tempest format, called XOR format (format string BX02).  This format is
detected by Dinotrace automatically when tempest format is selected.

  Ungziped files are only slightly smaller than as traditional Tempest
files.  Gziping however yields a 90% shrink in file size.  Since the
code to generate the trace is compiled in, the actual simulation time to
create the trace is also greatly reduced, speeding simulations by 30% or

10.9 Making Verilator XOR Traces

Verilator makes Tempest XOR traces using the fast trace *perl* script
(see the `Verilator Manual').  A list of signals to be traced must be
provided at compile time.

10.10 Tempest XOR Format

Tempest XOR format is very close to tempest normal format.  The first
difference is that the format characters are BX02 rather than BT02.

  The second difference is that the binary data for each time record is
a XOR of the previous row's binary data.  (Starting with all zeros
before the first record.)  Thus if a single signal changes in a given
time, the first longword will have a couple of bits set to indicate the
bits that changed in the time stamp, and a single bit will be set in a
later longword for the bit that changed.

  This seemingly trivial change greatly improves compression, as 0's are
now the majority of the file, and compress to near nothing.

  Any Tempest XOR format readers and writers should only operate on
gziped files.  Thus the normal file extension is `.bt.gz'.

10.11 Decsim Binary

The Digital internal Decsim simulator has a proprietary format supported
by Dinotrace built under VMS only.

  Decsim designs use <>'s to indicate bus subscripts.  To have Dinotrace
collapse signals into vectors, create a configuration file with the
line: `vector_separator "<"'.

10.11.1 Making Decsim Binary Traces

Decsim uses the set trace command to create Dinotrace compatible
traces.  Usually a clock should be the first signal as Dinotrace will
automatically align the grid to the first signal in a trace.

  At the command prompt, type:

     set trace/radix=2/vector/binary/exact/logname=name
     	clock, signal1, signal2, signal3

  Our group creates a trace file for each sub chip, and turns that
trace into a macro in a separate file.  This way the same trace may be
called from many tests. For example:

     macro/command TRACE_subchip [$text] =
     set trace/radix=2/vector/binary/exact/logname=$text

  A test would then call:
     TRACE_subchip testname_subchip

  The test will create a file testname_subchip.TRA.  We find this naming
convention convenient as it will group all of the traces from one chip
together.  For example, running the test `ERRORS' with the trace files
`TRACE_SSM.IND' and `TRACE_CSR.IND' creates the trace files

11 Bugs

This chapter describes bug reporting and the known bugs in the current

  Please report bugs to <>

  The following bugs are known to exist:

   * When using *lessTIF*, the lines indicating highlighted signals and
     cursors that appear in the scroll bars may not always appear.  To
     make them reappear, simply press the refresh widget.

   * The Ultrix version of Dinotrace requires *Motif V1.1.3*.  It will
     run under older versions, however toolkit warnings will be printed
     which may be ignored and Trace Open will make the window size too

   * Decsim does not correctly create binary traces of arrays.  For
     example `signal[1:0]<1:0>' will not display the correct data in
     Dinotrace because Decsim incorrectly creates the file.  Decsim will
     work correctly if the trace is changed to ASCII.

   * There is a problem with the *X-11* Toolkit that causes strange dots
     to appear in the trace window.  This only occurs on some systems.
     Please contact me if this occurs on your systems.


This is an alphabetical index of this manual.

# (configuration comment):                     See 6.2.1.    (line  940)
-decsim:                                       See 3.        (line  137)
-geometry:                                     See 3.        (line  148)
-noconfig:                                     See 3.        (line  144)
-res:                                          See 3.        (line  152)
-tempest:                                      See 3.        (line  141)
-verilog:                                      See 3.        (line  130)
-vpd:                                          See 3.        (line  134)
.gz:                                           See 3.        (line  121)
.Z:                                            See 3.        (line  121)
<begin>:                                       See 4.1.4.    (line  270)
<down>:                                        See 4.1.3.    (line  248)
<end>:                                         See 4.1.4.    (line  274)
<esc>:                                         See 4.4.9.    (line  543)
<left>:                                        See 4.1.1.    (line  196)
<pagedown>:                                    See 4.1.3.    (line  258)
<pageup>:                                      See 4.1.3.    (line  253)
<right>:                                       See 4.1.1.    (line  201)
<up>:                                          See 4.1.3.    (line  243)
a:                                             See 4.6.2.    (line  699)
Adding, Cursors <1>:                           See 6.2.28.   (line 1206)
Adding, Cursors:                               See 4.4.1.    (line  488)
Adding, Signals <1>:                           See 6.2.39.   (line 1325)
Adding, Signals:                               See 4.5.1.    (line  552)
Aligning, Grids:                               See 6.2.7.    (line  990)
annotate:                                      See 6.2.14.   (line 1060)
Annotate...:                                   See 4.6.1.    (line  680)
Annotation <1>:                                See 6.2.14.   (line 1060)
Annotation:                                    See 4.6.1.    (line  680)
ASCII Trace Format:                            See 10.3.2.   (line 1767)
ASCII Traces:                                  See 10.3.     (line 1748)
barcolor:                                      See 7.        (line 1456)
Begin Button:                                  See 4.1.4.    (line  270)
BT02:                                          See 10.7.     (line 1864)
Bugs:                                          See 11.       (line 2016)
BX02:                                          See 10.10.    (line 1953)
C:                                             See 4.4.1.    (line  488)
c:                                             See 4.4.1.    (line  488)
C-f:                                           See 4.5.10.   (line  633)
C-o:                                           See 4.2.1.    (line  321)
C-r:                                           See 4.2.3.    (line  344)
C-x C-a <:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1642)
C-x C-a >:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1636)
C-x C-a a <1>:                                 See 9.6.      (line 1585)
C-x C-a a:                                     See 9.4.      (line 1548)
C-x C-a C:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1607)
C-x C-a c:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1602)
C-x C-a d <1>:                                 See 9.5.      (line 1569)
C-x C-a d:                                     See 9.4.      (line 1555)
C-x C-a S:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1618)
C-x C-a s:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1612)
C-x C-a V:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1630)
C-x C-a v:                                     See 9.7.      (line 1624)
C-x C-q:                                       See 9.5.      (line 1574)
Clear Highlight:                               See 4.5.11.   (line  657)
Clearing, Cursors:                             See 4.4.8.    (line  538)
Clearing, Traces:                              See 4.2.6.    (line  366)
Click to Edge <1>:                             See 6.2.29.   (line 1217)
Click to Edge:                                 See 4.3.1.    (line  427)
click_to_edge:                                 See 6.2.29.   (line 1217)
Closing, Traces:                               See 4.2.5.    (line  360)
color#:                                        See 7.        (line 1451)
Color, Bars:                                   See 7.        (line 1456)
Color, Grids:                                  See 6.2.10.   (line 1022)
Color, Searching:                              See 7.        (line 1450)
Comments:                                      See 6.2.1.    (line  940)
Configuration Files, Disabling:                See 3.        (line  144)
Contributors:                                  See 2.1.      (line   91)
Copying, Dinotrace:                            See 1.1.      (line   43)
Copying, Signals <1>:                          See 6.2.42.   (line 1353)
Copying, Signals:                              See 4.5.4.    (line  575)
Cosmos, Making Traces:                         See 10.6.     (line 1848)
cursor:                                        See 6.2.27.   (line 1198)
Cursor Add:                                    See 4.4.1.    (line  488)
Cursor Cancel:                                 See 4.4.9.    (line  543)
Cursor Clear:                                  See 4.4.8.    (line  538)
Cursor Delete:                                 See 4.4.4.    (line  512)
Cursor Highlight:                              See 4.4.2.    (line  497)
Cursor Move:                                   See 4.4.3.    (line  503)
Cursor Note:                                   See 4.4.5.    (line  520)
Cursor Step Backward:                          See 4.4.7.    (line  532)
Cursor Step Foward:                            See 4.4.6.    (line  526)
Cursor, Add:                                   See 6.2.28.   (line 1206)
Cursor, Enables:                               See 6.2.27.   (line 1198)
cursor_add:                                    See 6.2.28.   (line 1206)
Customize Change...:                           See 4.3.1.    (line  411)
Customize Grid...:                             See 4.3.2.    (line  446)
Customize Read...:                             See 4.3.3.    (line  455)
Customize ReRead:                              See 4.3.4.    (line  462)
Customize Restore:                             See 4.3.6.    (line  479)
Customize Save As...:                          See 4.3.5.    (line  469)
debug:                                         See 6.2.30.   (line 1225)
Debugging, Mode:                               See 6.2.30.   (line 1225)
Debugging, Print:                              See 6.2.31.   (line 1232)
Decrement Resolution Button:                   See 4.1.4.    (line  301)
Decsim, Arrays Bug:                            See 11.       (line 2032)
Decsim, Making Binary Traces:                  See 10.11.1.  (line 1982)
Decsim, Making Traces:                         See 10.3.1.   (line 1756)
Deleting, Cursors:                             See 4.4.4.    (line  512)
Deleting, Signals <1>:                         See 6.2.40.   (line 1336)
Deleting, Signals <2>:                         See 4.5.12.   (line  663)
Deleting, Signals:                             See 4.5.5.    (line  584)
DINOCONFIG:                                    See 6.1.      (line  905)
DINODISK:                                      See 6.1.      (line  898)
Divisor, Time:                                 See 6.2.24.   (line 1170)
draw_prefix:                                   See 6.2.13.   (line 1051)
Duplicate Signals, Saving:                     See 6.2.17.   (line 1086)
Edge, Clicking to <1>:                         See 6.2.29.   (line 1217)
Edge, Clicking to:                             See 4.3.1.    (line  427)
Emacs, Annotation <1>:                         See 9.        (line 1490)
Emacs, Annotation:                             See 4.6.1.    (line  680)
Enables, Saving:                               See 6.2.16.   (line 1075)
End Button:                                    See 4.1.4.    (line  274)
Environment Variables, DINOCONFIG:             See 6.1.      (line  905)
Environment Variables, DINODISK:               See 6.1.      (line  898)
Examining, Values:                             See 4.6.4.    (line  715)
exceed:                                        See 6.2.11.   (line 1036)
eXcursion:                                     See 6.2.11.   (line 1036)
Exiting:                                       See 4.2.9.    (line  403)
File Format, Switch:                           See 3.        (line  141)
file_format:                                   See 6.2.26.   (line 1190)
Finding, Signals:                              See 4.5.9.    (line  614)
Font, Time:                                    See 7.        (line 1467)
Font, Value:                                   See 7.        (line 1472)
Format, File:                                  See 6.2.26.   (line 1190)
Format, Time:                                  See 6.2.23.   (line 1152)
Full:                                          See 4.1.4.    (line  310)
g:                                             See 4.1.4.    (line  278)
Geometry, Open:                                See 6.2.35.   (line 1276)
Geometry, Shrink:                              See 6.2.36.   (line 1291)
Geometry, Start:                               See 6.2.34.   (line 1266)
Geometry, Switch:                              See 3.        (line  148)
Goto Button:                                   See 4.1.4.    (line  278)
Goto, Signal:                                  See 6.2.19.   (line 1107)
Goto, Time:                                    See 6.2.20.   (line 1115)
grid:                                          See 6.2.5.    (line  972)
Grid, Customization:                           See 4.3.2.    (line  446)
Grid...:                                       See 4.3.2.    (line  446)
grid_align:                                    See 6.2.7.    (line  990)
grid_color:                                    See 6.2.10.   (line 1022)
grid_resolution:                               See 6.2.6.    (line  980)
grid_signal:                                   See 6.2.8.    (line 1003)
grid_type:                                     See 6.2.9.    (line 1014)
Grids, Stepping Cursors by <1>:                See 4.4.7.    (line  532)
Grids, Stepping Cursors by:                    See 4.4.6.    (line  526)
gunzip:                                        See 3.        (line  121)
Height, Signals <1>:                           See 6.2.4.    (line  964)
Height, Signals:                               See 4.3.1.    (line  423)
Highlighting, Cursors:                         See 4.4.2.    (line  497)
Highlighting, Signals <1>:                     See 6.2.38.   (line 1315)
Highlighting, Signals <2>:                     See 4.5.11.   (line  657)
Highlighting, Signals:                         See 4.5.2.    (line  559)
Highlighting, Values <1>:                      See 6.2.37.   (line 1304)
Highlighting, Values:                          See 4.6.3.    (line  706)
History:                                       See 2.        (line   61)
Increment Resolution Button:                   See 4.1.4.    (line  297)
          See ``''.                                          (line   19)
Invoking Dinotrace:                            See 3.        (line  117)
Keep Highlight:                                See 4.5.12.   (line  663)
Keyboard Shortcuts:                            See 5.        (line  789)
lessTIF:                                       See 11.       (line 2023)
Manual Refreshing <1>:                         See 6.2.11.   (line 1029)
Manual Refreshing:                             See 4.3.1.    (line  439)
Motif:                                         See 11.       (line 2027)
Moving, Cursors:                               See 4.4.3.    (line  503)
Moving, Cursors by Grid <1>:                   See 4.4.7.    (line  532)
Moving, Cursors by Grid:                       See 4.4.6.    (line  526)
Moving, Signals <1>:                           See 6.2.43.   (line 1364)
Moving, Signals:                               See 4.5.3.    (line  566)
Multiplier, Time:                              See 6.2.25.   (line 1182)
Name Slider:                                   See 4.1.2.    (line  222)
Notes, Cursors:                                See 4.4.5.    (line  520)
Notes, Signals <1>:                            See 6.2.44.   (line 1374)
Notes, Signals:                                See 4.5.6.    (line  592)
open_geometry:                                 See 6.2.35.   (line 1276)
Opening, Traces:                               See 4.2.4.    (line  350)
Page Increment <1>:                            See 6.2.2.    (line  947)
Page Increment:                                See 4.3.1.    (line  416)
Page Size, Print <1>:                          See 6.2.32.   (line 1240)
Page Size, Print:                              See 4.2.7.    (line  380)
page_inc:                                      See 6.2.2.    (line  947)
Precision, Time:                               See 6.2.22.   (line 1135)
Prefix, Drawing <1>:                           See 6.2.13.   (line 1051)
Prefix, Drawing:                               See 4.3.1.    (line  435)
print:                                         See 6.2.31.   (line 1232)
Print, Page Size <1>:                          See 6.2.32.   (line 1240)
Print, Page Size:                              See 4.2.7.    (line  380)
Print...:                                      See 4.2.7.    (line  372)
print_size:                                    See 6.2.32.   (line 1240)
Printing:                                      See 4.2.7.    (line  372)
Radix, Signals <1>:                            See 6.2.46.   (line 1392)
Radix, Signals:                                See 4.5.7.    (line  598)
Radix, Values:                                 See 4.6.5.    (line  753)
Reading, Customization:                        See 4.3.3.    (line  455)
Reading, Traces:                               See 4.2.1.    (line  321)
refresh:                                       See 6.2.12.   (line 1042)
Refresh Button:                                See 4.1.4.    (line  286)
refreshing:                                    See 6.2.11.   (line 1029)
Refreshing, Doing:                             See 6.2.12.   (line 1042)
Refreshing, Mode <1>:                          See 6.2.11.   (line 1029)
Refreshing, Mode:                              See 4.3.1.    (line  439)
Renaming, Signals:                             See 6.2.45.   (line 1383)
Representation, Time <1>:                      See 6.2.21.   (line 1123)
Representation, Time:                          See 4.3.1.    (line  419)
Rereading, Traces:                             See 4.2.2.    (line  333)
Resolution:                                    See 6.2.15.   (line 1067)
resolution:                                    See 6.2.15.   (line 1067)
Resolution Button:                             See 4.1.4.    (line  292)
Resolution, Decrementing:                      See 4.1.4.    (line  301)
Resolution, Grids:                             See 6.2.6.    (line  980)
Resolution, Incrementing:                      See 4.1.4.    (line  297)
Restoring, Customization:                      See 4.3.6.    (line  479)
Rise-fall time <1>:                            See 6.2.3.    (line  956)
Rise-fall time:                                See 4.3.1.    (line  433)
rise_fall_time:                                See 6.2.3.    (line  956)
S:                                             See 4.5.2.    (line  559)
s:                                             See 4.5.2.    (line  559)
S-<down>:                                      See 4.1.3.    (line  258)
S-<left>:                                      See 4.1.1.    (line  206)
S-<right>:                                     See 4.1.1.    (line  213)
S-<up>:                                        See 4.1.3.    (line  253)
save_duplicates:                               See 6.2.17.   (line 1086)
save_enables:                                  See 6.2.16.   (line 1075)
save_ordering:                                 See 6.2.18.   (line 1096)
Saving, Customization:                         See 4.3.5.    (line  469)
Searching, Signals:                            See 4.5.9.    (line  614)
Searching, Values:                             See 4.6.5.    (line  727)
Selecting, Signal:                             See 4.5.10.   (line  633)
Separator, Vector:                             See 6.2.33.   (line 1252)
shrink_geometry:                               See 6.2.36.   (line 1291)
Signal Add:                                    See 4.5.1.    (line  552)
Signal Cancel:                                 See 4.5.13.   (line  671)
Signal Copy:                                   See 4.5.4.    (line  575)
Signal Delete:                                 See 4.5.5.    (line  584)
Signal Highlight:                              See 4.5.2.    (line  559)
Signal Move:                                   See 4.5.3.    (line  566)
Signal Names, Scrolling:                       See 4.1.2.    (line  222)
Signal Note:                                   See 4.5.6.    (line  592)
Signal Radix:                                  See 4.5.7.    (line  598)
Signal Search...:                              See 4.5.9.    (line  614)
Signal Select...:                              See 4.5.10.   (line  633)
Signal Slider:                                 See 4.1.3.    (line  234)
Signal Waveform:                               See 4.5.8.    (line  607)
Signal, Grids:                                 See 6.2.8.    (line 1003)
Signal, Prefix, Drawing <1>:                   See 6.2.13.   (line 1051)
Signal, Prefix, Drawing:                       See 4.3.1.    (line  435)
Signal, Rise-fall time <1>:                    See 6.2.3.    (line  956)
Signal, Rise-fall time:                        See 4.3.1.    (line  433)
signal_add:                                    See 6.2.39.   (line 1325)
signal_copy:                                   See 6.2.42.   (line 1353)
signal_delete:                                 See 6.2.40.   (line 1336)
signal_delete_constant:                        See 6.2.41.   (line 1343)
signal_goto:                                   See 6.2.19.   (line 1107)
signal_height:                                 See 6.2.4.    (line  964)
signal_highlight:                              See 6.2.38.   (line 1315)
signal_move:                                   See 6.2.43.   (line 1364)
signal_note:                                   See 6.2.44.   (line 1374)
signal_radix:                                  See 6.2.46.   (line 1392)
signal_rename:                                 See 6.2.45.   (line 1383)
signal_states:                                 See 6.2.48.   (line 1410)
signal_waveform:                               See 6.2.47.   (line 1402)
signalfont:                                    See 7.        (line 1462)
Signals, Deleting:                             See 4.5.12.   (line  663)
Signals, Duplicates, Saving:                   See 6.2.17.   (line 1086)
Signals, Height:                               See 4.3.1.    (line  423)
Signals, Highlighting:                         See 4.5.11.   (line  657)
Signals, Scrolling:                            See 4.1.3.    (line  234)
Signals, SIGUSR:                               See 8.        (line 1479)
start_geometry:                                See 6.2.34.   (line 1266)
States, Signals:                               See 6.2.48.   (line 1410)
Tempest Trace Format:                          See 10.7.     (line 1855)
Tempest Traces:                                See 6.2.25.   (line 1182)
Tempest XOR Format:                            See 10.10.    (line 1953)
Time Slider:                                   See 4.1.1.    (line  188)
Time, Full Window:                             See 4.1.4.    (line  310)
Time, Goto:                                    See 4.1.4.    (line  278)
Time, Moving to Beginning:                     See 4.1.4.    (line  270)
Time, Moving to End:                           See 4.1.4.    (line  274)
Time, Representation <1>:                      See 6.2.21.   (line 1123)
Time, Representation:                          See 4.3.1.    (line  419)
Time, Zooming:                                 See 4.1.4.    (line  305)
time_divisor:                                  See 6.2.24.   (line 1170)
time_format:                                   See 6.2.23.   (line 1152)
time_goto:                                     See 6.2.20.   (line 1115)
time_multiplier:                               See 6.2.25.   (line 1182)
time_precision:                                See 6.2.22.   (line 1135)
time_rep:                                      See 6.2.21.   (line 1123)
timefont:                                      See 7.        (line 1467)
Trace Clear:                                   See 4.2.6.    (line  366)
Trace Close:                                   See 4.2.5.    (line  360)
Trace Exit:                                    See 4.2.9.    (line  403)
Trace Open...:                                 See 4.2.4.    (line  350)
Trace Print:                                   See 4.2.8.    (line  397)
Trace Print...:                                See 4.2.7.    (line  372)
Trace Read...:                                 See 4.2.1.    (line  321)
Trace ReRead:                                  See 4.2.2.    (line  333)
Trace ReRead All:                              See 4.2.3.    (line  344)
Tristates, Saving:                             See 6.2.16.   (line 1075)
uncompress:                                    See 3.        (line  121)
V:                                             See 4.6.3.    (line  706)
v:                                             See 4.6.3.    (line  706)
Value Annotate:                                See 4.6.2.    (line  699)
Value Annotate...:                             See 4.6.1.    (line  680)
Value Cancel:                                  See 4.6.6.    (line  783)
Value Examine:                                 See 4.6.4.    (line  715)
Value Highlight:                               See 4.6.3.    (line  706)
Value Search...:                               See 4.6.5.    (line  727)
value_highlight:                               See 6.2.37.   (line 1304)
valuefont:                                     See 7.        (line 1472)
Values, indicating Radix:                      See 4.6.5.    (line  753)
VCS, Making Traces <1>:                        See 10.2.1.   (line 1732)
VCS, Making Traces:                            See 10.1.1.   (line 1687)
vector_separator:                              See 6.2.33.   (line 1252)
Verilator:                                     See 2.        (line   66)
Verilator, Making Traces <1>:                  See 10.9.     (line 1946)
Verilator, Making Traces:                      See 10.5.     (line 1841)
Verilog, Duplicate Signals:                    See 6.2.17.   (line 1086)
verilog-mode.el:                               See 9.1.      (line 1499)
Verilog-XL, Making Traces <1>:                 See 10.2.1.   (line 1732)
Verilog-XL, Making Traces:                     See 10.1.1.   (line 1687)
Waveform, Signals <1>:                         See 6.2.47.   (line 1402)
Waveform, Signals:                             See 4.5.8.    (line  607)
Zoom Button:                                   See 4.1.4.    (line  305)
Table of Contents

1 Summary
  1.1 Copying
2 History
  2.1 Contributors
3 Invoking Dinotrace
4 Screen Description
  4.1 Window Widgets
    4.1.1 Time Slider
    4.1.2 Name Slider
    4.1.3 Signal Slider
    4.1.4 Buttons
  4.2 Trace Menu
    4.2.1 Trace Read...
    4.2.2 Trace ReRead
    4.2.3 Trace ReRead All
    4.2.4 Trace Open...
    4.2.5 Trace Close
    4.2.6 Trace Clear
    4.2.7 Trace Print...
    4.2.8 Trace Print
    4.2.9 Trace Exit
  4.3 Customize Menu
    4.3.1 Customize Change...
    4.3.2 Customize Grid...
    4.3.3 Customize Read...
    4.3.4 Customize ReRead
    4.3.5 Customize Save As...
    4.3.6 Customize Restore
  4.4 Cursor Menu
    4.4.1 Cursor Add
    4.4.2 Cursor Highlight
    4.4.3 Cursor Move
    4.4.4 Cursor Delete
    4.4.5 Cursor Note
    4.4.6 Cursor Step Forward
    4.4.7 Cursor Step Backward
    4.4.8 Cursor Clear
    4.4.9 Cursor Cancel
  4.5 Signal Menu
    4.5.1 Signal Add...
    4.5.2 Signal Highlight
    4.5.3 Signal Move
    4.5.4 Signal Copy
    4.5.5 Signal Delete
    4.5.6 Signal Note
    4.5.7 Signal Radix
    4.5.8 Signal Waveform
    4.5.9 Signal Search...
    4.5.10 Signal Select...
    4.5.11 Clear Highlight
    4.5.12 Keep Highlight
    4.5.13 Signal Cancel
  4.6 Value Menu
    4.6.1 Value Annotate...
    4.6.2 Value Annotate
    4.6.3 Value Highlight
    4.6.4 Value Examine
    4.6.5 Value Search...
    4.6.6 Value Cancel
5 Keyboard Shortcuts
6 Customization Files
  6.1 Automatically Read Files
  6.2 Configuration Commands
    6.2.1 #
    6.2.2 page_inc
    6.2.3 rise_fall_time
    6.2.4 signal_height
    6.2.5 grid
    6.2.6 grid_resolution
    6.2.7 grid_align
    6.2.8 grid_signal
    6.2.9 grid_type
    6.2.10 grid_color
    6.2.11 refreshing
    6.2.12 refresh
    6.2.13 draw_prefix
    6.2.14 annotate
    6.2.15 resolution
    6.2.16 save_enables
    6.2.17 save_duplicates
    6.2.18 save_ordering
    6.2.19 signal_goto
    6.2.20 time_goto
    6.2.21 time_rep
    6.2.22 time_precision
    6.2.23 time_format
    6.2.24 time_divisor
    6.2.25 time_multiplier
    6.2.26 file_format
    6.2.27 cursor
    6.2.28 cursor_add
    6.2.29 click_to_edge
    6.2.30 debug
    6.2.31 print
    6.2.32 print_size
    6.2.33 vector_separator
    6.2.34 start_geometry
    6.2.35 open_geometry
    6.2.36 shrink_geometry
    6.2.37 value_highlight
    6.2.38 signal_highlight
    6.2.39 signal_add
    6.2.40 signal_delete
    6.2.41 signal_delete_constant
    6.2.42 signal_copy
    6.2.43 signal_move
    6.2.44 signal_note
    6.2.45 signal_rename
    6.2.46 signal_radix
    6.2.47 signal_waveform
    6.2.48 signal_states
7 X Resources
8 Remote Control
9 Dinotrace and Emacs
  9.1 Installation
  9.2 Annotation
  9.3 Signal Matching
  9.4 Entering Dinotrace-Mode
  9.5 Exiting Dinotrace Mode
  9.6 Configuring Dinotrace-Mode
  9.7 Keys in Dinotrace Mode
10 File Formats
  10.1 Verilog Value Change Dumps
    10.1.1 Making VCDs in Verilog
    10.1.2 VCD File Format
  10.2 Verilog Value Plus Dumps
    10.2.1 Making VPDs in Verilog
  10.3 ASCII Traces
    10.3.1 Making Decsim ASCII Traces
    10.3.2 ASCII Trace Format
  10.4 Tempest Traces
  10.5 Making Verilator Traces
  10.6 Making Cosmos Traces
  10.7 Tempest Trace Format
  10.8 Tempest XOR Traces
  10.9 Making Verilator XOR Traces
  10.10 Tempest XOR Format
  10.11 Decsim Binary
    10.11.1 Making Decsim Binary Traces
11 Bugs