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            <p class="big">Don't get cut off !</p>
            <p class="basic"><b>The fourth game of Project GIPF. For 2 players.</b></p>
            <p class="basic"><b>Build stacks, try to control your opponent's pieces 
              and, above all, remain linked to the red DVONN pieces - that's what 
              you have to keep in mind. If you do not? Well, you may suddenly 
              see quite a few of your pieces disappear from the board. Be aware 
              of everything your opponent does, but don't forget to watch your 
              step, too. If you do not? Well, you may end up being forced to make 
              moves you really don't want to make and, then, strange things can 
              happen&#8230; </b></p>
            <p><span class="big"><br>
              A. Contents</span><br>
            </p><blockquote class="basic">- 23 white pieces<br>
              - 23 black pieces<br>
              - 3 red DVONN pieces <br>
              - 1 game board<br>
              - 1 rulebook</blockquote>
            <p class="basic"><span class="big">B. Aim</span><br>
              Control as many pieces as possible by stacking them on top of each 
              other and try to keep your stacks linked to the red DVONN pieces. 
              When no more moves can be made, the player who controls the most 
              pieces wins the game. </p>
            <p class="basic"><span class="big">C. Preparation</span><br>
              1. Draw lots to determine who begins. The starting player takes 
              2 DVONN pieces and the 23 white pieces; the other player takes the 
              remaining DVONN piece and the 23 black pieces. <br>
              2. Place the board horizontally between the players (i.e. so that 
              each player has 9 spaces on his side).<br>
              <span class="big">D. The first phase: placing pieces</span><br>
              <span class="basic">1. The game starts with an empty board. The 
              players take turns placing their pieces on the board, one at a time. 
              They must start with the DVONN pieces and then continue with their 
              own color: <br>
            </p><blockquote class="basic">White: first DVONN piece <br>
              Black: second DVONN piece<br>
              White: third DVONN piece<br>
              Black: first black piece<br>
              White: first white piece<br>
              Black: second black piece<br>
              And so on&#8230;</blockquote>
            <span class="basic">2. A piece may be put on any vacant space, without 
            restriction. <br>
            3. When all the pieces are placed on the board, all spaces will be 
            occupied. This is the end of the first phase.</span> 
            <p class="basic"><span class="big">E. The second phase: stacking pieces</span><br>
              1. IMPORTANT: the player who started the first phase also starts 
              the second phase! In other words: after White has put his last piece 
              on the board, he must immediately play again. Then the players alternate 
              turns. (As Black is the first to put a piece of his own color on 
              the board in the 1st phase, so now it is White who may first move 
              one of his pieces.)<br>
              2. Each turn a player must move one piece or one stack. He may only 
              move a piece or a stack of his own color. When two or more pieces 
              are stacked on top of each other, the color of the topmost piece 
              determines who owns the stack, and thus which player may move it.<br>
              3. A single piece may move one space in any direction, but only 
              to an occupied space (i.e. on top of another piece or stack of any 
              color). <br>
              4. A stack must always be moved as a whole and moves as many spaces 
              as there are pieces in the stack. Thus, a stack of 3 pieces (regardless 
              of their color) must be moved exactly 3 spaces. Just like a single 
              piece, a stack may be moved in any direction, but always in a straight 
              line. <br>
              5. A move may never end in an empty space, but it is allowed to 
              move across one or more empty spaces. When making a move, each space 
              must be counted, no matter whether it is empty or occupied (see 
              diagram below).<br>
            <blockquote><span class="basic"><img src="dvonn-diagram1.png" align="left" height="191" hspace="20" width="427"><font class="basic" ><i>The 
              indicated stack may be moved 3 spaces in the direction of the arrows.</i></font></span></blockquote>
            <br clear="all">
            6. <b>Important:</b> a piece or stack that is surrounded on all 6 
            sides may not be moved. So, at the beginning of the game only the 
            pieces at the edge of the board may move. The pieces that are not 
            positioned at the edge remain blocked for as long as they remain completely 
            surrounded (see diagram below).<br>
            <blockquote><span class="basic"><img src="dvonn-diagram2.png" align="left" height="191" hspace="20" width="427"><font class="basic" ><i>The 
              pieces and stacks marked with an "x" are surrounded on 
              all 6 sides and may not be moved.</i></font></span></blockquote>
           <br clear="all">
            7. A single DVONN piece may not be moved, but a piece or stack may 
            move on top of it. When a DVONN pieces is part of a stack, it is perfectly 
            legal to move the stack containing the DVONN piece - but, as explained 
            above, only by the player who controls the stack.<br>
            8. You may not pass a turn, unless you cannot make any more moves. 
            <p class="basic"><span class="big">F. Losing pieces</span><br>
              1. Pieces and stacks must somehow remain in contact with at least 
              one DVONN piece to remain in play. "In contact" means 
              that there must always be a link (directly or through a chain of 
              other pieces) with at least one DVONN piece. Each and every piece 
              and/or stack that is not linked to any of the DVONN pieces, must 
              be removed from the board at once. <br>
              Be careful: it may happen that a great number of pieces are suddenly 
              removed as a result of one single move (see diagram below).<br>
            <blockquote><span class="basic"><img src="dvonn-diagram3.png" align="left" height="191" hspace="20" width="427"><font class="basic" ><i>If 
              White moves the indicated piece, the pieces on the left will no 
              longer be in contact with a DVONN piece. They must all be removed 
              from the board at once.</i></font></span></blockquote>
                <br clear="all">
              2. All removed pieces go out of the game. It doesn't matter who 
              makes the move through which the pieces and/or stacks become isolated. 
              Watch out for this, especially in the endgame. Since you may not 
              pass, you may be forced to make a move that isolates one or more 
              of your own stacks (see Diagram below).<br>
              3. All 3 DVONN pieces remain in play until the end of the game, 
              even if one of them becomes isolated, as it will always remain in 
              contact with itself.<br>
            <blockquote><span class="basic"><img src="dvonn-diagram4.png" align="left" height="191" hspace="20" width="427"><font class="basic" ><i>The 
              endgame. It is White's turn. White has only one stack left to play 
              with. Since he must make a move he has no other choice than to play 
              it, as a result of which the stacks marked with an "x" 
              are out of the game&#8230; </i></font></span></blockquote>
            <p class="basic"><br>
            <p class="basic"><span class="big">G. The end</span><br>
              1. The players must play for as long as they can do so. If one player 
              can't make a move any more, the other must continue to play until 
              he, too, has made his very last possible move. In the rare event 
              that a player who must pass gets the opportunity to make a move 
              again, he must do so. This can happen when one or more of his pieces 
              are blocked (i.e. completely surrounded).<br>
              2. The game ends when the last move is made. When this stage is 
              reached, each player puts all of the stacks he controls on top of 
              each other. The player with the highest stack wins the game, regardless 
              of the color of the pieces in his stack. <br>
              3. If both players end up with an equal stack, then the game ends 
              in a tie.<br>
              Note: if the stacks are equally high or if the difference is only 
              one piece, then do count the pieces to be sure. As a result of the 
              manufacturing process of the pieces, their thickness may differ 
            <p class="basic"><b>Have fun!<br>