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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Brian Warner

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<h3 class="section">8.8 Master-Slave API</h3>

<p>This section is a (very incomplete) description of the master-slave interface. 
The interface is based on Twisted's Perspective Broker.

<h3 class="heading">Connection</h3>

<p>The slave connects to the master, using the parameters supplied to
<code>buildslave create-slave</code>.  It uses a reconnecting process with an
exponential backoff, and will automatically reconnect on disconnection.

   <p><a name="index-buildslave_002ebot_002eBot-166"></a>
Once connected, the slave authenticates with the Twisted Cred (newcred)
mechanism, using the username and password supplied to <code>buildslave
create-slave</code>.  The "mind" is the slave bot instance (class

   <p><a name="index-buildbot_002emaster_002eDispatcher-167"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002ebuildslave_002eBuildSlave-168"></a>
On the master side, the realm is implemented by
<code>buildbot.master.Dispatcher</code>, which examines the username of incoming
avatar requests.  There are special cases for <code>change</code>, <code>debug</code>, and
<code>statusClient</code>, which are not discussed here.  For all other usernames,
the botmaster is consulted, and if a slave with that name is configured, its
<code>buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave</code> instance is returned as the perspective.

<h3 class="heading">Build Slaves</h3>

<p>At this point, the master-side BuildSlave object has a pointer to the remote,
slave-side Bot object in <code>self.slave</code>, and the slave-side Bot object has a
reference to the master-side BuildSlave object in <code>self.perspective</code>.

<h4 class="subheading">Bot methods</h4>

<p>The slave-side object has the following remote methods:

<dt><code>remote_getCommands</code><dd>Returns a list of <code>(name, version)</code> for all commands the slave recognizes

     <br><dt><code>remote_setBuilderList</code><dd>Given a list of builders and their build directories, ensures that those
builders, and only those builders, are running.  This can be called after the
initial connection is established, with a new list, to add or remove builders.

     <p>This method returns a dictionary of <code>SlaveBuilder</code> objects - see below

     <br><dt><code>remote_print</code><dd>Adds a message to the slave logfile

     <br><dt><code>remote_getSlaveInfo</code><dd>Returns the contents of the slave's <samp><span class="file">info/</span></samp> directory. Also contains the keys

<dt><code>environ</code><dd>copy of the slaves environment
<br><dt><code>system</code><dd>OS the slave is running (extracted from pythons
<br><dt><code>basedir</code><dd>base directory where slave is running

     <br><dt><code>remote_getVersion</code><dd>Returns the slave's version


<h4 class="subheading">BuildSlave methods</h4>

<p>The master-side object has the following method:

<dt><code>perspective_keepalive</code><dd>Does nothing - used to keep traffic flowing over the TCP connection


<h3 class="heading">Slave Builders</h3>

<p><a name="index-buildslave_002ebot_002eSlaveBuilder-169"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002eprocess_002ebuilder_002eBuilder-170"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002eprocess_002eslavebuilder_002eSlaveBuilder-171"></a>
Each build slave has a set of builders which can run on it.  These are represented
by distinct classes on the master and slave, just like the BuildSlave and Bot objects
described above.

   <p>On the slave side, builders are represented as instances of the
<code></code> class.  On the master side, they are
represented by the <code>buildbot.process.slavebuilder.SlaveBuilder</code> class.  The
following will refer to these as the slave-side and master-side SlaveBuilder
classes.  Each object keeps a reference to its opposite in <code>self.remote</code>.

<h4 class="subheading">slave-side SlaveBuilder methods</h4>

<dt><code>remote_setMaster</code><dd>Provides a reference to the master-side SlaveBuilder

     <br><dt><code>remote_print</code><dd>Adds a message to the slave logfile; used to check round-trip connectivity

     <br><dt><code>remote_startBuild</code><dd>Indicates that a build is about to start, and that any subsequent
commands are part of that build

     <br><dt><code>remote_startCommand</code><dd>Invokes a command on the slave side

     <br><dt><code>remote_interruptCommand</code><dd>Interrupts the currently-running command

     <br><dt><code>remote_shutdown</code><dd>Shuts down the slave cleanly


<h4 class="subheading">master-side SlaveBuilder methods</h4>

<p>The master side does not have any remotely-callable methods.

<h3 class="heading">Setup</h3>

<p>After the initial connection and trading of a mind (Bot) for an avatar
(BuildSlave), the master calls the Bot's <code>setBuilderList</code> method to set up
the proper slave builders on the slave side.  This method returns a reference to
each of the new slave-side SlaveBuilder objects.  Each of these is handed to the
corresponding master-side SlaveBuilder object.  This immediately calls the remote
<code>setMaster</code> method, then the <code>print</code> method.

<h3 class="heading">Pinging</h3>

<p>To ping a remote SlaveBuilder, the master calls the <code>print</code> method.

<h3 class="heading">Building</h3>

<p>When a build starts, the msater calls the slave's <code>startBuild</code> method. 
Each BuildStep instance will subsequently call the <code>startCommand</code> method,
passing a reference to itself as the <code>stepRef</code> parameter.  The
<code>startCommand</code> method returns immediately, and the end of the command is
signalled with a call to a method on the master-side BuildStep object.

<h4 class="subheading">master-side BuildStep methods</h4>

<dt><code>remote_update</code><dd>Update information about the running command.  See below for the format.

     <br><dt><code>remote_complete</code><dd>Signal that the command is complete, either successfully or with a Twisted failure.


   <p>Updates from the slave are a list of individual update elements.  Each update
element is, in turn, a list of the form <code>[data, 0]</code> where the 0 is present
for historical reasons.  The data is a dictionary, with keys describing the
contents, e.g., <code>header</code>, <code>stdout</code>, or the name of a logfile.  If the
key is <code>rc</code>, then the value is the exit status of the command.  No further
updates should be sent after an <code>rc</code>.
