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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Brian Warner

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<h4 class="subsection">8.12.1 Metric Events</h4>

<p><code>MetricEvent</code> objects represent individual items to monitor. There are three sub-classes implemented:

<dt><code>MetricCountEvent</code><dd>Records incremental increase or decrease of some value, or an absolute measure of some value.
     <pre class="example">          from buildbot.process.metrics import MetricCountEvent
          # We got a new widget!
          MetricCountEvent.log('num_widgets', 1)
          # We have exactly 10 widgets
          MetricCountEvent.log('num_widgets', 10, absolute=True)
     <br><dt><code>MetricTimeEvent</code><dd>Measures how long things take. By default the average of the last 10 times will be reported.
     <pre class="example">          from buildbot.process.metrics import MetricTimeEvent
          # function took 0.001s
          MetricTimeEvent.log('time_function', 0.001)
     <br><dt><code>MetricAlarmEvent</code><dd>Indicates the health of various metrics.
     <pre class="example">          from buildbot.process.metrics import MetricAlarmEvent, ALARM_OK
          # num_slaves looks ok
          MetricAlarmEvent.log('num_slaves', level=ALARM_OK)
