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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Brian Warner

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without
modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty
provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.-->
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<a name="Build-Factories"></a>
Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="Build-Steps.html#Build-Steps">Build Steps</a>,
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<h3 class="section">4.11 Build Factories</h3>

<p>Each Builder is equipped with a &ldquo;build factory&rdquo;, which is
responsible for producing the actual <code>Build</code> objects that perform
each build. This factory is created in the configuration file, and
attached to a Builder through the <code>factory</code> element of its

   <p>The standard <code>BuildFactory</code> object creates <code>Build</code> objects
by default. These Builds will each execute a collection of BuildSteps
in a fixed sequence. Each step can affect the results of the build,
but in general there is little intelligence to tie the different steps

   <p>The steps used by these builds are all subclasses of <code>BuildStep</code>. 
The standard ones provided with Buildbot are documented later,
See <a href="Build-Steps.html#Build-Steps">Build Steps</a>. You can also write your own subclasses to use in

   <p>The basic behavior for a <code>BuildStep</code> is to:

<li>run for a while, then stop
<li>possibly invoke some RemoteCommands on the attached build slave
<li>possibly produce a set of log files
<li>finish with a status described by one of four values defined in
buildbot.status.builder: SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, SKIPPED
<li>provide a list of short strings to describe the step

<ul class="menu">
<li><a accesskey="1" href="BuildFactory.html#BuildFactory">BuildFactory</a>
<li><a accesskey="2" href="GNUAutoconf.html#GNUAutoconf">GNUAutoconf</a>
<li><a accesskey="3" href="BasicBuildFactory.html#BasicBuildFactory">BasicBuildFactory</a>
<li><a accesskey="4" href="BasicSVN.html#BasicSVN">BasicSVN</a>
<li><a accesskey="5" href="QuickBuildFactory.html#QuickBuildFactory">QuickBuildFactory</a>
<li><a accesskey="6" href="CPAN.html#CPAN">CPAN</a>
<li><a accesskey="7" href="Distutils.html#Distutils">Distutils</a>
<li><a accesskey="8" href="Trial-_0028Factory_0029.html#Trial-_0028Factory_0029">Trial (Factory)</a>
<li><a accesskey="9" href="Build-Factory-Index.html#Build-Factory-Index">Build Factory Index</a>
