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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

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<h4 class="subsection">4.8.3 SingleBranchScheduler</h4>

<p><a name="index-buildbot_002eschedulers_002ebasic_002eSingleBranchScheduler-53"></a>
This is the original and still most popular scheduler class. It follows
exactly one branch, and starts a configurable tree-stable-timer after
each change on that branch. When the timer expires, it starts a build
on some set of Builders. The scheduler accepts a <code>fileIsImportant</code>
function which can be used to ignore some Changes if they do not
affect any &ldquo;important&rdquo; files.

   <p>The arguments to this scheduler are:

<br><dt><code>change_filter</code><dd>see <a href="Configuring-Schedulers.html#Configuring-Schedulers">Configuring Schedulers</a>

     <br><dt><code>treeStableTimer</code><dd>The scheduler will wait for this many seconds before starting the
build. If new changes are made during this interval, the timer will be
restarted, so really the build will be started after a change and then
after this many seconds of inactivity.

     <p>If treeStableTimer is <code>None</code>, then a separate build is started
immediately for each Change.

     <br><dt><code>categories (deprecated; use change_filter)</code><dd>A list of categories of changes that this scheduler will respond to.  If this
is specified, then any non-matching changes are ignored.

     <br><dt><code>branch (deprecated; use change_filter)</code><dd>The scheduler will pay attention to this branch, ignoring Changes that occur
on other branches. Setting <code>branch</code> equal to the special value of
<code>None</code> means it should only pay attention to the default branch. Note that
<code>None</code> is a keyword, not a string, so write <code>None</code> and not



<pre class="example">     from buildbot.schedulers.basic  import SingleBranchScheduler
     quick = SingleBranchScheduler(name="quick",
                         builderNames=["quick-linux", "quick-netbsd"])
     full = SingleBranchScheduler(name="full",
                         builderNames=["full-linux", "full-netbsd", "full-OSX"])
     c['schedulers'] = [quick, full]
   <p>In this example, the two &ldquo;quick&rdquo; builders are triggered 60 seconds
after the tree has been changed. The &ldquo;full&rdquo; builds do not run quite
so quickly (they wait 5 minutes), so hopefully if the quick builds
fail due to a missing file or really simple typo, the developer can
discover and fix the problem before the full builds are started. Both
Schedulers only pay attention to the default branch: any changes
on other branches are ignored by these schedulers. Each scheduler
triggers a different set of Builders, referenced by name.

   <p><a name="index-buildbot_002eschedulers_002ebasic_002eScheduler-54"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002escheduler_002eScheduler-55"></a>The old names for this scheduler, <code>buildbot.scheduler.Scheduler</code> and
<code>buildbot.schedulers.basic.Scheduler</code>, are deprecated in favor of the more
accurate name <code>SingleBranchScheduler</code>.
