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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Testing with mysql-test-run</h5>

<p>The <code>process.mtrlogobserver.MTR</code> class is a subclass of <code>Test</code>
(<a href="Test.html#Test">Test</a>). It is used to run test suites using the mysql-test-run program,
as used in MySQL, Drizzle, MariaDB, and MySQL storage engine plugins.

   <p>The shell command to run the test suite is specified in the same way as for
the Test class. The MTR class will parse the output of running the test suite,
and use the count of tests executed so far to provide more accurate completion
time estimates. Any test failures that occur during the test are summarized on
the Waterfall Display.

   <p>Server error logs are added as additional log files, useful to debug test

   <p>Optionally, data about the test run and any test failures can be inserted into
a database for further analysis and report generation. To use this facility,
create an instance of <code>twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool</code> with
connections to the database. The necessary tables can be created automatically
by setting <code>autoCreateTables</code> to <code>True</code>, or manually using the SQL
found in the <samp><span class="file"></span></samp> source file.

   <p>One problem with specifying a database is that each reload of the
configuration will get a new instance of <code>ConnectionPool</code> (even if the
connection parameters are the same). To avoid that Buildbot thinks the builder
configuration has changed because of this, use the
<code>process.mtrlogobserver.EqConnectionPool</code> subclass of
<code>ConnectionPool</code>, which implements an equiality operation that avoids
this problem.

   <p>Example use:

<pre class="example">     from buildbot.process.mtrlogobserver import MTR, EqConnectionPool
     myPool = EqConnectionPool("MySQLdb", "host", "buildbot", "password", "db")
     myFactory.addStep(MTR(workdir="mysql-test", dbpool=myPool,
                           command=["perl", "", "--force"]))
   <p><code>MTR</code> arguments:

<dt><code>textLimit</code><dd>Maximum number of test failures to show on the waterfall page (to not flood
the page in case of a large number of test failures). Defaults to 5.

     <br><dt><code>testNameLimit</code><dd>Maximum length of test names to show unabbreviated in the waterfall page, to
avoid excessive column width. Defaults to 16.

     <br><dt><code>parallel</code><dd>Value of <code>--parallel</code> option used for (number of processes
used to run the test suite in parallel). Defaults to 4. This is used to
determine the number of server error log files to download from the
slave. Specifying a too high value does not hurt (as nonexisting error logs
will be ignored), however if using <code>--parallel</code> value greater than the default
it needs to be specified, or some server error logs will be missing.

     <br><dt><code>dbpool</code><dd>An instance of twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool, or None.  Defaults to
None. If specified, results are inserted into the database using the

     <br><dt><code>autoCreateTables</code><dd>Boolean, defaults to False. If True (and <code>dbpool</code> is specified), the
necessary database tables will be created automatically if they do not exist
already. Alternatively, the tables can be created manually from the SQL
statements found in the source file.

     <br><dt><code>test_type</code><dd>Short string that will be inserted into the database in the row for the test
run. Defaults to the empty string, but can be specified to identify different
types of test runs.

     <br><dt><code>test_info</code><dd>Descriptive string that will be inserted into the database in the row for the test
run. Defaults to the empty string, but can be specified as a user-readable
description of this particular test run.

     <br><dt><code>mtr_subdir</code><dd>The subdirectory in which to look for server error log files. Defaults to
&ldquo;mysql-test&rdquo;, which is usually correct. WithProperties is supported.

