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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Brian Warner

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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Visual C++</h5>

<p><a name="index-buildbot_002esteps_002evstudio_002eVC6-104"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002esteps_002evstudio_002eVC7-105"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002esteps_002evstudio_002eVC8-106"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002esteps_002evstudio_002eVS2003-107"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002esteps_002evstudio_002eVS2005-108"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002esteps_002evstudio_002eVS2008-109"></a><a name="index-buildbot_002esteps_002evstudio_002eVCExpress9-110"></a>
This step is meant to handle compilation using Microsoft compilers. 
VC++ 6-9, VS2003, VS2005, VS2008, and VCExpress9 are supported. This step will take care
of setting up a clean compilation environment, parse the generated
output in real time and deliver as detailed as possible information
about the compilation executed.

   <p>All of the classes are in <code>buildbot.steps.vstudio</code>.  The available classes are:


   <p>The available constructor arguments are

<dt><code>mode</code><dd>The mode default to <code>"rebuild"</code>, which means that first all the
remaining object files will be cleaned by the compiler. The alternate
value is <code>"build"</code>, where only the updated files will be recompiled.

     <br><dt><code>projectfile</code><dd>This is a mandatory argument which specifies the project file to be used
during the compilation.

     <br><dt><code>config</code><dd>This argument defaults to <code>"release"</code> an gives to the compiler the
configuration to use.

     <br><dt><code>installdir</code><dd>This is the place where the compiler is installed. The default value is
compiler specific and is the default place where the compiler is installed.

     <br><dt><code>useenv</code><dd>This boolean parameter, defaulting to <code>False</code> instruct the compiler
to use its own settings or the one defined through the environment
variables <code>%PATH%</code>, <code>%INCLUDE%</code>, and <code>%LIB%</code>. If any of
the <code>INCLUDE</code> or <code>LIB</code> parameter is defined, this parameter
automatically switches to <code>True</code>.

     <br><dt><code>PATH</code><dd>This is a list of path to be added to the PATH environment
variable. The default value is the one defined in the compiler options.

     <br><dt><code>INCLUDE</code><dd>This is a list of path where the compiler will first look for include
files. Then comes the default paths defined in the compiler options.

     <br><dt><code>LIB</code><dd>This is a list of path where the compiler will first look for
libraries. Then comes the default path defined in the compiler options.

     <br><dt><code>arch</code><dd>That one is only available with the class VS2005 (VC8). It gives the
target architecture of the built artifact. It defaults to <code>"x86''</code>.

     <br><dt><code>project</code><dd>This gives the specific project to build
from within a workspace. It defaults to building all projects. This is useful
for building cmake generate projects. 

   <p>Here is an example on how to use this step:

<pre class="example">     from buildbot.steps.VisualStudio import VS2005
             projectfile="project.sln", config="release",
             arch="x64", mode="build",