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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

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<a name="WithProperties"></a>
Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="Common-Build-Properties.html#Common-Build-Properties">Common Build Properties</a>,
Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="Property.html#Property">Property</a>,
Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="Using-Build-Properties.html#Using-Build-Properties">Using Build Properties</a>

<h5 class="subsubsection"> WithProperties</h5>

<p><a name="index-WithProperties-80"></a>
You can use build properties in ShellCommands by using the
<code>WithProperties</code> wrapper when setting the arguments of
the ShellCommand. This interpolates the named build properties
into the generated shell command.  Most step parameters accept

   <p>You can use python dictionary-style string interpolation by using
the <code>%(propname)s</code> syntax. In this form, the property name goes
in the parentheses:

<pre class="example">     f.addStep(ShellCommand(
               command=["tar", "czf",
   <p>If this BuildStep were used in a tree obtained from Subversion, it
would create a tarball with a name like <samp><span class="file">build-1234.tar.gz</span></samp>.

   <p>Don't forget the extra &ldquo;s&rdquo; after the closing parenthesis! This is
the cause of many confusing errors.

   <p>The dictionary-style interpolation supports a number of more advanced
syntaxes, too.

<dt><code>propname:-replacement</code><dd>If <code>propname</code> exists, substitute its value; otherwise,
substitute <code>replacement</code>.  <code>replacement</code> may be empty

     <br><dt><code>propname:~replacement</code><dd>Like <code>propname:-replacement</code>, but only substitutes the value
of property <code>propname</code> if it is something Python regards as "true". 
Python considers <code>None</code>, 0, empty lists, and the empty string to be
false, so such values will be replaced by <code>replacement</code>.

     <br><dt><code>propname:+replacement</code><dd>If <code>propname</code> exists, substitute <code>replacement</code>; otherwise,
substitute an empty string.


   <p>Although these are similar to shell substitutions, no other
substitutions are currently supported, and <code>replacement</code> in the
above cannot contain more substitutions.

   <p>If you need to do more complex substitution, you can pass keyword
arguments to <code>WithProperties</code>. The value of each keyword argument
should be a function that takes one argument (the existing properties)
and returns a string value that will be used to replace that key:

<pre class="example">     WithProperties('%(now)s', now=lambda _: time.clock())
   <pre class="example">     def determine_foo(props):
         if props.has_key('bar'):
             return props['bar']
         elif props.has_key('baz'):
             return props['baz']
         return 'qux'
     WithProperties('%(foo)s', foo=determine_foo)
   <p>The <code>WithProperties</code> function also does <code>printf</code>-style string
interpolation, using strings obtained by calling
<code>build.getProperty(propname)</code>. Note that for every <code>%s</code> (or
<code>%d</code>, etc), you must have exactly one additional argument to
indicate which build property you want to insert.

<pre class="example">     from import ShellCommand
     from import WithProperties
               command=["tar", "czf",
                        WithProperties("build-%s.tar.gz", "revision"),
   <p>Note: like python, you can either do positional-argument interpolation
<em>or</em> keyword-argument interpolation, not both. Thus you cannot use
a string like <code>WithProperties("foo-%(revision)s-%s", "branch")</code>.
