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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Brian Warner

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<h5 class="subsubsection"> CVSMaildirSource</h5>

<p><a name="index-buildbot_002echanges_002email_002eCVSMaildirSource-41"></a>
This parser works with the <samp><span class="file"></span></samp> script in the
contrib directory.

   <p>The script sends an email containing all the files submitted in
one directory. It is invoked by using the <samp><span class="file">CVSROOT/loginfo</span></samp> facility.

   <p>The Buildbot's <code>CVSMaildirSource</code> knows how to parse
these messages and turn them into Change objects. It takes two parameters,
the directory name of the maildir root, and an optional function to create
a URL for each file. The function takes three parameters:

<pre class="example">      file   - file name
      oldRev - old revision of the file
      newRev - new revision of the file
   <p>It must return, oldly enough, a url for the file in question. For example:

<pre class="example">     def fileToUrl( file, oldRev, newRev ):
         return '' + file + '?rev=' + newRev
     from buildbot.changes.mail import CVSMaildirSource
     c['change_source'] = CVSMaildirSource("/home/buildbot/Mail", urlmaker=fileToUrl)
   <h4 class="subheading">Configuration of CVS and</h4>

<p>CVS must be configured to invoke the script when files
are checked in. This is done via the CVS loginfo configuration file.

   <p>To update this, first do:

<pre class="example">     cvs checkout CVSROOT
   <p>cd to the CVSROOT directory and edit the file loginfo, adding a line like:

<pre class="example">     SomeModule /cvsroot/CVSROOT/ --cvsroot -e buildbot -P SomeModule %{sVv}
   <p><em>NOTE:</em> For cvs version 1.12.x, the '<code>--path %p</code>' option is required. 
Version 1.11.x and 1.12.x report the directory path differently.

   <p>The above example you put the script under /cvsroot/CVSROOT. 
It can be anywhere. Run the script with &ndash;help to see all the options. 
At the very least, the
options <code>-e</code> (email) and <code>-P</code> (project) should be specified. The line must end with <code>%{sVv}</code>
This is expanded to the files that were modified.

   <p>Additional entries can be added to support more modules.

   <p>The following is an abreviated form of &ndash;help

<pre class="example">     
         buildbot-cvs-mail [options] %{sVv}
     Where options are:
             Category for change. This becomes the Change.category attribute.
             This may not make sense to specify it here, as category is meant
             to distinguish the diffrent types of bots inside a same project,
             such as "test", "docs", "full"
             CVSROOT for use by buildbot slaves to checkout code.
             This becomes the Change.repository attribute.
             Exmaple: :ext:myhost:/cvsroot
         -e email
             Email address of the buildbot.
         -f hostname
             The hostname that email messages appear to be coming from.  The From:
             header of the outgoing message will look like user@hostname.  By
             default, hostname is the machine's fully qualified domain name.
         --help / -h
             Print this text.
         -m hostname
             The hostname of an available SMTP server.  The default is
             The port number of SMTP server.  The default is '25'.
         --quiet / -q
             Don't print as much status to stdout.
         -p path
             The path for the files in this update. This comes from the %p parameter
             in loginfo for CVS version 1.12.x. Do not use this for CVS version 1.11.x
         -P project
             The project for the source. Use the CVS module being modified. This
             becomes the Change.project attribute.
         -R ADDR
           Add a "Reply-To: ADDR" header to the email message.
           Construct message and send to stdout for testing
     The rest of the command line arguments are:
             CVS %{sVv} loginfo expansion.  When invoked by CVS, this will be a single
             string containing the files that are changing.