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This is the BuildBot manual for Buildbot version 0.8.4p1.

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Brian Warner

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<h4 class="subsection">4.7.9 GitPoller</h4>

<p><a name="index-buildbot_002echanges_002egitpoller_002eGitPoller-48"></a>
If you cannot take advantage of post-receive hooks as provided by
<code>contrib/</code> for example, then you can use the <code>GitPoller</code>.

   <p>The <code>GitPoller</code> periodically fetches from a remote git repository and
processes any changes. It requires its own working directory for operation, which
can be specified via the <code>workdir</code> property. By default a temporary directory will
be used.

   <p>The <code>GitPoller</code> only works with git <code>1.7</code> and up, out of the
box.  If you're using earlier versions of git, you can get things to
work by manually creating an empty repository in

   <p><code>GitPoller</code> accepts the following arguments:

<dt><code>repourl</code><dd>the git-url that describes the remote repository, e.g. <code></code>
(see the <code>git fetch</code> help for more info on git-url formats)

     <br><dt><code>branch</code><dd>the desired branch to fetch, will default to <code>'master'</code>

     <br><dt><code>workdir</code><dd>the directory where the poller should keep its local repository. will default
to <code>&lt;tempdir&gt;/gitpoller_work</code>, which is probably not what you want.  If
this is a relative path, it will be interpreted relative to the master's

     <br><dt><code>pollInterval</code><dd>interval in seconds between polls, default is 10 minutes.

     <br><dt><code>gitbin</code><dd>path to the git binary, defaults to just <code>'git'</code>

     <br><dt><code>fetch_refspec</code><dd>One or more refspecs to use when fetching updates for the repository. By default,
the <code>GitPoller</code> will simply fetch all refs. If your repository is large
enough that this would be unwise (or active enough on irrelevant branches that
it'd be a waste of time to fetch them all), you may wish to specify only a certain
refs to be updated. (A single refspec may be passed as a string, or multiple refspecs
may be passed as a list or set of strings.)

     <br><dt><code>category</code><dd>Set the category to be used for the changes produced by the <code>GitPoller</code>. 
This will then be set in any changes generated by the <code>GitPoller</code>, and can
be used in a Change Filter for triggering particular builders.

     <br><dt><code>project</code><dd>Set the name of the project to be used for the <code>GitPoller</code>. 
This will then be set in any changes generated by the <code>GitPoller</code>,
and can be used in a Change Filter for triggering particular builders.

     <br><dt><code>usetimestamps</code><dd>parse each revision's commit timestamp (default is <code>True</code>), or ignore it in favor of the current time (so recently processed commits appear together in the waterfall page)

     <br><dt><code>encoding</code><dd>Set encoding will be used to parse author's name and commit message. Default
encoding is <code>'utf-8'</code>. This will not be applied to file names since git
will translate non-ascii file names to unreadable escape sequences.


<h3 class="heading">Example</h3>

<pre class="example">     from buildbot.changes.gitpoller import GitPoller
     c['change_source'] = GitPoller('',