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<title>The Exim FAQ Section 7</title>
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<h1>The Exim FAQ</h1>
<a href="FAQ.html#TOC">Contents</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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<h2><a href="FAQ.html#TOC233">7. POLICY CONTROLS</a></h2>
<a name="TOC234" href="FAQ.html#TOC234">Q0701:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How do I block unwanted messages from outside my host?
<font color="#00BB00">A0701:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim uses Access Control Lists (ACLs) for controlling incoming mail from
other hosts. A whole chapter in the reference manual is devoted to
describing how they work. A wide variety of conditions can be imposed on
incoming messages.
The default Exim run time configuration contains an example of an ACL
which blocks all relaying, and messages whose senders cannot be
verified. This example is heavily commented and worth studying.
<a name="TOC235" href="FAQ.html#TOC235">Q0702:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't want to block spam entirely; how can I inspect each message
before deciding whether or not to deliver it?
<font color="#00BB00">A0702:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Wherever possible, inspection and rejection is best done automatically
in an ACL, that is, before the message is accepted. If you want to
verify manually each message that is classified as spam by an automatic
check, you can arrange for a system filter to freeze such messages after
they have been accepted.
If, after inspection, you decide not to deliver the message, it is
safest to discard it, using the <b>-Mrm</b> option. Use of the <b>-Mg</b> option
to force a bounce carries the risk of &#147;collateral spam&#148; if the sender
address is faked (as it usually is in spam).
<a name="TOC236" href="FAQ.html#TOC236">Q0703:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I test that my spam blocks are working?
<font color="#00BB00">A0703:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The <b>-bh</b> option allows you to run a testing SMTP session as if from a
given IP address. For example,
   exim -bh</pre>
In addition to the normal SMTP replies, it outputs commentary about
which tests have succeeded or failed. If you are not interested in the
details, but just want to know if a particular sender at a particular IP
address is able to mail to a particular recipient, you can use the
<tt>exim_checkaccess</tt> utility, which provides a &#147;packaged&#148; version of
<b>-bh</b>. You call it like this:
   exim_checkaccess recip@my.domain -f sender@some.domain</pre>
If you don't give a sender, <tt>&#60;&#62;</tt> is used (that it, it acts like a
bounce message).
<a name="TOC237" href="FAQ.html#TOC237">Q0704:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I test that Exim is correctly configured to use a DNS black list
such as the Realtime Blackhole List (RBL)?
<font color="#00BB00">A0704:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The <b>-bh</b> option allows you to run a testing SMTP session as if from a
given address. The <i>exim_checkaccess</i> utility provides a more packaged
version of this facility. You need to know a blocked IP address with
which to test. Such a testing address is kindly provided by Russell
<pre> []</pre>
You can also send mail to <i></i> from the server
whose RBL block you are testing. The robot that receives that email
will attempt to send a piece of test email in reply. If your RBL block
didn't work, you get a message to that effect. Regardless of whether the
RBL block succeeds or not, it emails you the results of the SMTP
conversation from a host that is not on the RBL, so you can see how your
server looks from the view of someone on the RBL.
<a name="TOC238" href="FAQ.html#TOC238">Q0705:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I use tcpwrappers in conjunction with Exim?
<font color="#00BB00">A0705:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim's own control facilities can do all that tcpwrappers can do.
However, if you are already using tcpwrappers for other things it might
be convenient to include Exim controls in the same place.
First of all, ensure that Exim is built to call the tcpwrappers library,
by including <small>USE_TCPWRAPPERS=yes</small> in <i>Local/Makefile</i>. You also need to
ensure that the header file <i>tcpd.h</i> is available at compile time, and the
<i>libwrap.a</i> library is available at link time, typically by including it in
<small>EXTRALIBS</small>. You may need to copy these two files from the tcpwrappers
build directory to, for example, <i>/usr/local/include</i> and <i>/usr/local/lib</i>,
respectively. Then you could reference them by
   EXTRALIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lwrap</pre>
in <i>Local/Makefile</i>. There are two ways to make use of the functionality,
depending on how you have tcpwrappers set up. If you have it set up to
use only one file, you ought to have something like:
   exim : &#60;client_list&#62;  : &#60;allow_or_deny&#62;</pre>
For example:
   exim : LOCAL  192.168.0.  .friendly.domain : ALLOW
   exim : ALL                                               : DENY</pre>
This allows connections from local hosts (chiefly <i>localhost</i>), from
the subnet, from all hosts in <i>*.friendly.domain</i>, and
from a specific host called <i></i>. All other connections are
denied. If you have tcpwrappers set up to use two files, use the
   exim    : &#60;client_list&#62;</pre>
   exim    : &#60;client_list&#62;</pre>
Read the <i>hosts_access</i> man page for more ways of specifying clients,
including ports, etc., and on logging connections.
<a name="TOC239" href="FAQ.html#TOC239">Q0706:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I get POP-auth-before-relay (aka POP-before-SMTP) support in
<font color="#00BB00">A0706:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;A cleaner way of authentication is to use the SMTP AUTH facility, which
does not require a prior use of POP. However, it is possible to do what
you have asked for:
Exim 4 supports the &#147;whoson&#148; (<a href=""></a>)
facility for doing this. If you set this up, you can do the check in an
Exim ACL by a statement like this:
   require condition = \
     ${lookup whoson {$sender_host_address}{yes}{no}}</pre>
Otherwise you need to arrange for a list of permitted IP addresses to be
maintained in a file or database, and use this in a <tt>hosts</tt> condition in
an ACL statement. An Exim user has published this recipe:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""></a>
Another Exim user submitted the following idea:
Use a script to grab authenticated IP addresses from the log files of
the POP3 and IMAP4 daemons. These are used to create files in the
directory tree <i>/var/db/popb4smtp</i>. The existence of a file represents a
valid &#147;popped recently token&#148; for the IP address used as the filename.
Another script periodically removes stale files from the tree (after two
hours).  There's a small race condition here; it's possible for a file
to be deleted just after it has been updated by the script that watches
the logs. For low-volume servers, the odds of hitting this window are
A POPB4SMTP_CLIENT macro in the Exim configure file provides a reusable
&#147;has this sender popped recently?&#148; query:
   POPB4SMTP_SUBDIR = /var/db/popb4smtp/${substr_-1_1:$sender_host_address}
   POPB4SMTP_CLIENT = ${if exists {POPB4SMTP_SUBDIR/$sender_host_address} \
       {$sender_host_address} {0} }</pre>
Now you can use it just about anywhere, including in your ACLs. Simple
examples include:
   hostlist relay_hosts = : ... : POPB4SMTP_CLIENT
   host_lookup = ! : ... : !POPB4SMTP_CLIENT
   rfc1413_hosts = ! : ... : !POPB4SMTP_CLIENT</pre>
The two scripts (and a FreeBSD startup script for them) are available
for download at:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""></a>
<a name="TOC240" href="FAQ.html#TOC240">Q0707:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I have one or two cases where my host correctly rejects messages, but
the remote host is quite persistent, and keeps trying over and over.
<font color="#00BB00">A0707:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;It is an unfortunate fact that a number of SMTP clients, in violation of
the SMTP RFC, do not treat a permanent error code that is given after
the DATA portion of the transaction as a permanent error. Consequently
they keep resending the message, and the worst offenders do so at very
short intervals.
The only way to stop such behaviour is to blacklist the IP address, or
the envelope sender, or both, in such a way that future messages get
rejected at RCPT time instead of at DATA time. You could also complain
to the remote host's administrators.
<a name="TOC241" href="FAQ.html#TOC241">Q0708:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I run customized verification checks on incoming addresses?
<font color="#00BB00">A0708:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;There are a number of possibilities:
(1) &nbsp;If you can implement your checks in Perl, you can use Exim's
facility for running an embedded Perl interpreter. For example, if you
want to run special checks on local addresses, you could use ACL
an statement like this:
   require domains = my.local.domain
           condition = ${perl{verify}{$local_part}}</pre>
The result of the Perl function should be &#147;yes&#148; or &#147;no&#148;.
(2) &nbsp;You could also run an external program in a similar way, by a
statement such as:
   require domains = my.local.domain
           condition = ${run{/my/verifier $local_part}}</pre>
This requires the use of another process, so could prove more expensive
than Perl.
(3) &nbsp;If you are prepared to write C code, read the chapter in the manual
entitled <i>Adding a local scan function to Exim</i>.
<a name="TOC242" href="FAQ.html#TOC242">Q0709:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Does Exim apply RBL checks to error messages, those with an envelope
sender of <tt>&#60;&#62;</tt> ?
<font color="#00BB00">A0709:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This depends on the ACL configuration. You can test for bounce messages
(by looking for an empty sender address) and thereby exclude them from
RBL checking if you want. This ACL statement does that:
   deny senders = ! :
        dnslist =</pre>
However, some spam does come with an empty sender address, so this may
not be a good idea.
<a name="TOC243" href="FAQ.html#TOC243">Q0710:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I want to reject certain sender-recipient combinations, with a specific
message for each such combination.
<font color="#00BB00">A0710:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Set up a file (or database) containing the messages, keyed by the
combination, for example:
   sender1@sdomain1=&#62;recipient1@rdomain1: blocked because...
   sender2@sdomain2=&#62;recipient2@rdomain2: blocked because...</pre>
If you have lots of recipients for the same sender, it might be easier
to generate this file from more convenient data. In your ACL that is run
for each RCPT command, you can then put:
   deny message   = ${lookup{$sender_address=&#62;$local_part@$domain}\
        condition = ${lookup{$sender_address=&#62;$local_part@$domain}\
The condition is tested first. If the lookup succeeds, the condition
succeeds so access is denied. The message is then expanded, but the
lookup won't be repeated, because Exim will have cached the previous
This approach blocks only incoming SMTP messages. If you need to do
similar blocks for messages that do not arrive over SMTP, you have to
set up a suitable <b>redirect</b> router with a <tt>:fail:</tt> setting.
<a name="TOC244" href="FAQ.html#TOC244">Q0711:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Will Exim allow me to create a file of regexs and match incoming
external email to the list - and if a match is found file the offending
message into a special location? Also is it possible to make Exim only
filter parts of an incoming email - e.g. ignore large MIME attachments
for example and only process text/plain?
<font color="#00BB00">A0711:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You can do some of this in a system filter. For example:
   if $message_body matches &#60;...some complicated regex...&#62; or
      $message_body matches &#60;...some other regex...&#62; or
      $header_from: matches &#60;...regex...&#62; or
     save /some/special/file
or instead of <tt>save</tt> you could have <tt>deliver</tt> (to some address) or
<tt>pipe</tt> (to some script).
There isn't any mechanism for ignoring attachments, but <i>$message_body</i>
only looks at the first n bytes of the body, where n defaults to 500 but
can be changed.
A more expensive alternative would be to run a Perl subroutine using the
embedded Perl mechanism. If you passed over the message id, the Perl
code could read the message files on the spool and implement any
algorithm it liked for deciding what should be done.
<a name="TOC245" href="FAQ.html#TOC245">Q0712:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I've hacked sendmail to make an ioctl call at the time of the SMTP RCPT
command, to check if a user has exceeded their email quota. If they have
I issue a temporary failure and a message - can I do this with Exim?
<font color="#00BB00">A0712:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;If you can make this happen in Perl you can use the embedded Perl
facility, and use it from a <tt>condition</tt> condition in an ACL statement.
You can also use the expansion facility to run an external program, but
this uses more resources because it uses another process.
<a name="TOC246" href="FAQ.html#TOC246">Q0713:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I'd like to pass all messages through a virus-scanning system before
delivery. Can Exim do this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0713:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;One way of achieving this is to deliver all messages via a pipe to a
checking program that resubmits them for delivery in some private way
that can be checked (e.g. on a specific SMTP port, or IP address). One
possibility is to use the `received protocol` field that can be set
for locally submitted mail via the <b>-oMr</b> command line option. This
router sends all messages that are not from the local host and whose
received protocol is not <tt>scanned-ok</tt> to the <b>virus_scan</b> transport:
     driver = accept
     transport = virus_scan
     condition = ${if or {{eq {$received_protocol}{scanned-ok}} \
                          {eq {$sender_host_address}{}}}\
One problem is that this approach, by default, scans the message for
each recipient, not just once per message. However, you can set the
<tt>batch_max</tt> option on the transport to allow it to send a single copy
for multiple recipients.
The virus_scan transport should be set up to pipe the message to a
suitable checking program or script which runs as a trusted user. This
can then re-submit the message to Exim, using <b>-oMr</b> to set the received
protocol to <tt>scanned-ok</tt>. It is probably easiest to use the Batch SMTP
(BSMTP) facilities for passing the sender address and the recipient
addresses to the checker and then back to Exim (using the <b>-bS</b>
command line option). <b>Warning:</b> If you forget to make the
resubmitting process run as a trusted user, the sender address will be
incorrect and what is worse, the received protocol does not get set, and
you are likely to generate a loop.
<a name="TOC247" href="FAQ.html#TOC247">Q0714:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there a way to configure Exim to reject mail to a certain local host?
<font color="#00BB00">A0714:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;No, only to certain domains. To reject at SMTP time, you can put a line
like this in your ACL:
   deny message = this domain is deliberately rejected
        domains = a.certain.domain</pre>
To fail addresses in messages that do not arrive over SMTP, you can set
up a router like this:
     driver = redirect
     domains = a.certain.domain
     data = :fail: this domain is deliberately rejected</pre>
<a name="TOC248" href="FAQ.html#TOC248">Q0715:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I get Exim to remove attachments from messages?
<font color="#00BB00">A0715:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim does not contain facilities for modifying messages. You must use
an external program if you want to do this. You can route messages that
have a <i>Content-type:</i> header line via a pipe to a command that does
the job and then re-submits the message to Exim. Alternatively, you
could use a transport filter to do this job.
<a name="TOC249" href="FAQ.html#TOC249">Q0716:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I arrange for each user to have a file listing the only sender
addresses from which she will accept mail? I want to do this so my
family members don't get any spam (or other inappropriate mail).
<font color="#00BB00">A0716:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's assume each user has a file called <i>.acceptlist</i> in the home
directory. You can put in your ACL a line like this:
   require senders = /home/$local_part/.acceptlist</pre>
This will reject RCPT commands when the sender is not in the accept
list for the recipient. (Replace <i>/home/$local_part</i> with whatever
the correct path to your user's home directories is.)
One problem with this is that it will block bounce messages, which have
empty senders. You can get round this, by changing the line to this:
   require senders =  : /home/$local_part/.acceptlist</pre>
However, this will, of course, let in spam that has a null sender.
<a name="TOC250" href="FAQ.html#TOC250">Q0717:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When using Nessus on a system that runs Exim, a number of security
issues are raised. Nessus complains that Exim answers to EXPN and/or
VRFY; sometimes it even complains that Exim allows relaying.
<font color="#00BB00">A0717:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim supports EXPN and VRFY only if you permit it to do so in the ACLs
defined by <tt>acl_smtp_expn</tt> and <tt>acl_smtp_vrfy</tt>, respectively. Otherwise,
its responses are
   550 Administrative prohibition
   252 Administrative prohibition</pre>
Maybe the use of 252 is the &#147;problem&#148;. It is recommended that this be
done (by those that discuss these things) because there are stupid
clients that attempt VRFY before sending a message.
<a name="TOC251" href="FAQ.html#TOC251">Q0718:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Could anyone points me to right rules to prevent sending/receiving
messages to/for domains which have one MX to localhost or only have
address ?
<font color="#00BB00">A0718:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_3.html#TOC142">Q0319</a>.
<a name="TOC252" href="FAQ.html#TOC252">Q0719:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to have a per-user limit for the maximum size of messages
that can be sent.
<font color="#00BB00">A0719:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The simplest way to do this is to put something in a system filter along
these lines:
   if $message_size is above
     fail "Message is larger than $sender_address is allowed to send"
In practice, an additional check that the message has arrived from your
local host or local network is probably wise because sender addresses
are easily forged.
<a name="TOC253" href="FAQ.html#TOC253">Q0720:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I set <tt>accept hosts=</tt> in order to accept mail for
relaying from my local LAN, but it doesn't work. What's wrong?
<font color="#00BB00">A0720:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp; is not a network, it is a single host. Exim uses CIDR
notation for specifying networks, where the number after the slash is
the number of bits in the IP address that must match. Your setting says
&#147;32 bits must match&#148;. If you really mean to specify ``the next 32
IP addresses'', you need
<a name="TOC254" href="FAQ.html#TOC254">Q0721:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I have POP-before-SMTP set up on my Exim server, but some clients use
Outlook Express, which sends queued messages before checking the
mailbox, so it doesn't work.
<font color="#00BB00">A0721:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Implement SMTP authentication.
<a name="TOC255" href="FAQ.html#TOC255">Q0722:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I installed Amavis and it is working, but bounces are simply vanishing.
<font color="#00BB00">A0722:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Check that you haven't inadvertently set up the transport like this:
     driver = pipe
     command = "/usr/sbin/amavis -f ${sender_address} -d ${pipe_addresses}"</pre>
The last line should be:
   command = /usr/sbin/amavis -f &#60;$sender_address&#62; -d $pipe_addresses</pre>
The important thing is the &#60;&#62; around the sender address; removal of
the unnecessary "" and {} is just tidying. See the amavis FAQ at
<a href=""></a>.
<a name="TOC256" href="FAQ.html#TOC256">Q0723:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't get Pine to work with PLAIN authentication; Exim keeps
responding "535 Incorrect authentication data".
<font color="#00BB00">A0723:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You need to have this setting in your PLAIN authenticator:
   server_prompts = :</pre>
This is missing in the examples in early Exim documentation, because it
was not realized that PLAIN authentication could be requested by a
client without sending the data with the request. If the data is not
sent, an empty prompt is expected.
<a name="TOC257" href="FAQ.html#TOC257">Q0724:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I have used <tt>:fail:</tt> in some aliases; when one of these addresses is
refused, I see the message on the log, but the response to the remote
user is &#147;unknown user&#148; instead of the message from the alias file.
How can I change this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0724:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you got a <tt>message</tt> qualifier in the relevant ACL? Exim uses the
message line in the ACL in preference to the message returned by the
router. This is so you can restrict the amount of information that
&#147;escapes&#148; from your site via SMTP if you want to. Remove the <tt>message</tt>
line in the ACL entry that has <tt>verify = recipient</tt> and your message
will get through.
Alternatively, if you are running Exim 4.10 or later, you can use the
<i>$acl_verify_message</i> variable in your message to include the message
from the router. See also <a href="FAQ_7.html#TOC258">Q0725</a>.
<a name="TOC258" href="FAQ.html#TOC258">Q0725:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I've set up some specific rejection messages for certain recipients, but
when I test them, the SMTP message is always <i>550 5.1.1
&#60;;... User unknown</i>.
<font color="#00BB00">A0725:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;That is not an Exim message (the &#147;5.1.1&#148; is a clue; Exim doesn't use
those extended codes). You are probably being defeated by software that
sees the 550 error code, and insists on putting in its own text. There
is stupid software that does this. You can test Exim by using <b>-bh</b> or
making a telnet call to the SMTP port. That way, there's no other
software intervening.
<a name="TOC259" href="FAQ.html#TOC259">Q0726:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;My SMTP authentication can be bypassed by sending an unknown user name
and an empty password. What is wrong with this condition in a PLAIN
   server_condition = ${if eq{$2} {${lookup mysql{SELECT password FROM \
     accounts WHERE username='${local_part:$1}'}}}{1}{0}}</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0726:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Your lookup item returns an empty string when the user does not exist.
You should instead arrange for the lookup to fail:
   server_condition = ${if eq{$2} {${lookup mysql{SELECT password FROM \
     accounts WHERE username='${local_part:$1}'}{$value}fail}}{1}{0}}</pre>
<a name="TOC260" href="FAQ.html#TOC260">Q0727:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When a message has many recipients, how can I stop SpamAssassin from
being called for each of them? I'm running it from a pipe transport.
<font color="#00BB00">A0727:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;In the transport configuration, set <tt>batch_max</tt> to a value greater than
<a name="TOC261" href="FAQ.html#TOC261">Q0728:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How do I use Exiscan, SA-Exim, SpamAssassin, Clam Antivirus, Sophos
SAVI, or sophie with Exim?
<font color="#00BB00">A0728:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;There's a mini-HOWTO about these available via
<a href=""></a>.
See also sample configuration <a href="C047.txt">C047</a>.
<a name="TOC262" href="FAQ.html#TOC262">Q0729:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I screen out addresses that are neither valid usernames or
distribution lists on mail being forwarded to an internal Win2K server?
<font color="#00BB00">A0729:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;A user suggested using a router like this to do the recipient
      driver = accept
      domains =
        pass=guest \
Set up ldap-guest as a normal domain user on the Win2K PDC.
Also, you need to set <tt>no_verify</tt> on all the other routers that handle
that domain.
<a name="TOC263" href="FAQ.html#TOC263">Q0730:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I use the same passwords for SMTP authentication as I use for
Courier IMAP access to my server?
<font color="#00BB00">A0730:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You can access the Courier authdaemon from an Exim authenticator. You
must arrange for the Exim user (often <i>exim</i> but sometimes <i>mail</i>)
to be able to access <i>/var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket</i>. The
configuration is something of a hack, but it is reported to work. Here
is a LOGIN authenticator:
     driver = plaintext
     public_name = LOGIN
     server_prompts = Username:: : Password::
     server_condition = \
       ${if eq {${readsocket{/var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket}\
       {AUTH 76\n${length_76:exim\nlogin\n$1\n$2\
       \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n}}}}{FAIL\n} {no}{yes}}
     server_set_id = $1</pre>
Here is a PLAIN authenticator:
     driver = plaintext
     public_name = PLAIN
     server_prompts = :
     server_condition = \
       ${if eq {${readsocket{/var/run/courier/authdaemon/socket}\
       {AUTH 76\n${length_76:exim\nlogin\n$2\n$3\
       \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n}}}}{FAIL\n} {no}{yes}}
     server_set_id = $2</pre>
<a name="TOC264" href="FAQ.html#TOC264">Q0731:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there any defence I can use against spam sent through an open proxy?
<font color="#00BB00">A0731:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The <i>ident</i> feature can be used in some cases. See the discussion in
<a href="FAQ_19.html#TOC358">Q5023</a>.
<a name="TOC265" href="FAQ.html#TOC265">Q0732:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to either warn or deny when a host uses an underscore in
the EHLO command.
<font color="#00BB00">A0732:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;First, set
   helo_allow_chars = _</pre>
This tells Exim not to reject the EHLO or HELO command immediately. Once
you have done that, you can test for the underscore in an ACL. For
example, to log a warning for hosts in your LAN, and reject for other
hosts, you could do something like this:
   deny  message = Underscores are not valid in host names
         hosts = ! +lan_hosts
         condition = ${if match{$sender_helo_name}{_}{yes}{no}}</pre>
   warn  log_message = Accepted underscore from [$sender_host_address]
         condition = ${if match{$sender_helo_name}{_}{yes}{no}}</pre>
<a name="TOC266" href="FAQ.html#TOC266">Q0733:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there any way to tell Exim not to lookup the IP address against any
DNS black list if the connection is over IPv6?
<font color="#00BB00">A0733:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Use this condition in your ACL:
   condition = ${if match{${mask:$sender_host_address/0}}\
From Exim 4.23 onwards, this can be simplified to
   condition = ${if isip6{$sender_host_address}{no}{yes}}</pre>
<a name="TOC267" href="FAQ.html#TOC267">Q0734:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How do MailScanner and Exiscan compare? What are the pros and cons?
<font color="#00BB00">A0734:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The big advantage of Exiscan is that it can reject messages at SMTP time
before you have accepted responsibility for them, which means you don't
have to deal with bouncing messages and thereby becoming a collateral
The big advantage of MailScanner is that it gives you much greater
control over the load on your machines. You configure it according to
the maximum processing capacity of your computer and it will not exceed
that; in fact because it deals with messages in batches the cost of
processing a message actually goes down slightly as the load increases,
because the per-batch costs are shared by more messages.
With Exiscan, you have to rely on Exim's load protection mechanisms,
which basically means that you have to stop accepting messages when your
machine gets too loaded. This is bad if the machine happens to be an
SMTP smarthost. You therefore need more overcapacity with Exiscan than
with MailScanner.
<a name="TOC268" href="FAQ.html#TOC268">Q0735:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I block non-FQDNs in HELO/EHLOs?
<font color="#00BB00">A0735:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Many workstation clients send single-component names; take care that you
do not block legitimate mail. With that proviso, you can do it using
something like this in an ACL:
 	 drop  message = HELO doesn't look like a hostname
	       log_message = Not a hostname
	       condition = ${if match{$sender_helo_name} \
This means: Drop the HELO unless it contains a dot somewhere in the HELO
string, but the string may not begin or end with a dot. Thus, the
imposed minimum length is 3 characters.
The data for HELO/EHLO doesn't have to be a host name; it may
legitimately be an IP address literal instead. The above test succeeds
with an IPv4 address literal, but if you want also to accept IPv6
address literals, you will have to modify the regular expression.
<a name="TOC269" href="FAQ.html#TOC269">Q0736:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it possible to tell exim to drop the connection after a server
attempts to send a message to a number of unknown users?
<font color="#00BB00">A0736:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes. Use <i>$rcpt_fail_count</i> and the <i>drop</i> ACL command, as in this
   drop  message = Too many unknown users
         condition = ${if &#62;{$rcpt_fail_count}{15}{yes}{no}}</pre>
<a name="TOC270" href="FAQ.html#TOC270">Q0737:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there some way to tell Exim not to consider as a valid MX?
<font color="#00BB00">A0737:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_3.html#TOC142">Q0319</a>.
<a name="TOC271" href="FAQ.html#TOC271">Q0738:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I configure Exim to delay the SMTP connection if more than 10
invalid recipients are received in one message?
<font color="#00BB00">A0738:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Put something like this in your RCPT ACL:
   deny  message         = Max $rcpt_fail_count failed recipients allowed
         condition       = ${if &#62;{$rcpt_fail_count}{10} {1}}
         ! verify        = recipient
         delay           = ${eval: $rcpt_fail_count * 10}s
         log_message     = $rcpt_fail_count failed recipient attempts</pre>
This example increases the delay for each failed recipient.
<a name="TOC272" href="FAQ.html#TOC272">Q0739:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Does Exim support SPF?
<font color="#00BB00">A0739:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;An Exim ACL can be used. See <a href=""></a>.
<a name="TOC273" href="FAQ.html#TOC273">Q0740:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I change the MAIL FROM address that is used for callouts?
<font color="#00BB00">A0740:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;It depends on which type of callout you are using.
(1) &nbsp;For envelope sender verification callouts, you cannot make any
change. My view is that an envelope sender verification is testing
whether Exim could send a bounce to that address. Therefore, it must
use <tt>MAIL FROM:&#60;&#62;</tt> because that is what it would do if it were
sending a bounce message. If <tt>MAIL FROM:&#60;&#62;</tt> is rejected, it means
Exim could not send a bounce. Therefore the callout fails.
(2) &nbsp;For verifying addresses in the <i>From:</i>, <i>Sender:</i>, or <i>Reply-to:</i>
header lines (the <tt>verify = header_sender</tt> condition), it is
possible to make a change, on the grounds that these addresses are
not necessarily ones that must accept bounce messages. You can do
this by adding a <tt>mailfrom</tt> option, like this:
   require  verify = header_sender/callout=mailfrom=abcd@x.y.z</pre>
(3) &nbsp;It is also possible to make a change for the postmaster verification
option, also on the grounds that a postmaster address need not
accept bounces if it is never used as an envelope sender. Instead of
just <tt>postmaster</tt>, <tt>postmaster_mailfrom</tt> is used, like this:
   require  verify = sender/callout=postmaster_mailfrom=abcd@x.y.z</pre>
(4) &nbsp;For recipient verification, there are three possibilities. The
default is to use <tt>MAIL FROM:&#60;&#62;</tt>. If the <tt>use_postmaster</tt> option
is given, for example:
   require  verify = recipient/callout=use_postmaster</pre>
then the address for MAIL FROM is made up from the local part
<tt>postmaster</tt> and the contents of <i>$qualify_domain</i>.
Alternatively, if the <tt>use_sender</tt> option is given, the sender
address of the incoming message is used. You should use this option
only when you know that the receiving host makes use of the sender
address when verifying. The reason is that the callout cache is much
less effective in this case, causing many more callouts to be
In all cases when you configure Exim to use a non-empty address in MAIL
FROM during callout processing, you should think carefully about what
might happen if this causes the called host to make its own callout back
to your host. Make sure that callout loops cannot happen.
<a name="TOC274" href="FAQ.html#TOC274">Q0741:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I get Outlook Express to use TLS when authenticating?
<font color="#00BB00">A0741:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;If you check <tt>auth required</tt> in OE, it will authenticate as soon as
it sees AUTH LOGIN, in preference to STARTTLS. The trick is to
advertise things to OE in a certain order. The first EHLO should
advertise STARTTLS but not AUTH, and only the second EHLO (after TLS
starts) should advert AUTH. One way of achieving this is to put, in
the main section of your Exim configuration:
   auth_advertise_hosts = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{}{*}}</pre>
This means that the only host to which AUTH is advertised is
when the session is not encrypted (that is, before TLS has started). The
idea here is that there's no need for encryption for anything coming via
the loopback interface. For an encrypted session, however, AUTH is
advertised to all hosts.
You can also block the AUTH command itself for unencrypted connections,
by creating an ACL for <tt>acl_smtp_auth</tt> that is something like this:
   accept  encrypted = *
   accept  hosts =
   deny    message = TLS encryption required before AUTH</pre>
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