

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > a99c463cccd19ab912401d5eb4e6ee20 > files > 362


What's New in Bazaar 2.3?

Bazaar 2.3 has been released on the 3rd of February 2011 and marks the start
of another long-term-stable series. From here, we will only make bugfix
releases on the 2.3 series (2.3.1, etc), while 2.4 will become our new
development series. The 2.1 and 2.2 series will also continue to get
bugfixes. (Currently 2.0 is planned to be EOLed circa September 2011.)

This document accumulates a high level summary of what's changed.
See the
:doc:`../release-notes/index` for a full list.

Users are encouraged to upgrade from the other stable series.  This document
outlines the improvements in Bazaar 2.3 vs Bazaar 2.2. As well as summarizing
improvements made to the core product, it highlights enhancements within the
broader Bazaar world of potential interest to those upgrading.

Bazaar 2.3.1 includes all the fixes in the un-released 2.0.7, 2.1.4 and 2.2.5
versions that weren't included in 2.3.0 and fixes some bugs on its own.

Bazaar 2.3.2 is a bugfix release that was never released.

Bazaar 2.3.3 is a bugfix release including the fixes in 2.3.2 and
fixing the test helpers deprecated by python-2.7.

Bazaar 2.3.4 is a bugfix release.

See the :doc:`../release-notes/index` for details.

Bazaar 2.3 is fully compatible both locally and on the network with 2.0, 2.1,
and 2.2. It can read and write repositories generated by all previous

Changed Behaviour

* Committing a new revision in a stacked branch is now supported, as long as
  you are using the current repository format (2a). It will preserve the
  stacking invariants, etc, so that fetching after commit is guaranteed to
  work. (John Arbash Meinel, #375013)

* Support for some old development formats have been removed:
  ``development-rich-root``, ``development6-rich-root``, and
  ``development7-rich-root``.  These formats were always labelled experimental
  and not used unless the user specifically asked for them.  If you have
  repositories using these old formats you should upgrade them to ``2a`` using
  Bazaar 2.2.  (Andrew Bennetts)

* The default ``ignore`` file created by Bazaar will contain ``__pycache__``,
  which is the name of the directory that will be used by Python to store
  bytecode files.
  (Andrea Corbellini, #626687)

* The default sort order for the ``bzr tags`` command now uses a natural sort
  where numeric substrings are sorted numerically.  The previous default was
  "asciibetical" where tags were sorted by the characters they contained.  To
  get the old behavior, one can use ``bzr tags --sort=alpha``.
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #640760)

* On platforms other than Windows and Mac OS X, Bazaar will use configuration
  files that live in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bazaar if that directory exists.  This
  allows interested individuals to conform to the XDG Base Directory
  specification.  The plugin location has not changed and is still
  ~/.bazaar/plugins.  To use a different directory for plugins, use the
  environment variable BZR_PLUGIN_PATH.  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #195397)

* ``bzr upgrade`` now operates recursively when run on a shared
  repository, automatically upgrading the branches within it, and has
  grown additional options for showing what it will do and cleaning up
  after itself.  (Ian Clatworthy, Matthew Fuller, #89830, #374734, #422450)

Launchpad integration

* The ``lp:`` prefix will now use your known username (from
  ``bzr launchpad-login``) to expand ``~`` to your username.  For example:
  ``bzr launchpad-login user && bzr push lp:~/project/branch`` will now
  push to ``lp:~user/project/branch``.  (John Arbash Meinel)

* Launchpad has announced that the ```` instance is
  deprecated and may be shut down in the future
  <>.  Bazaar has therefore
  been updated in this release to talk to the main (````) servers,
  rather than the ``edge`` ones.

Performance improvements

* ``bzr revert`` and ``bzr status`` are up to 15% faster on large trees
  with many changes by not repeatedly building a list of all file-ids.
  (Andrew Bennetts)

* ``bzr send`` uses less memory.
  (John Arbash Meinel, #614576)

* Fetches involving stacked branches and branches with tags now do slightly less
  I/O, and so does branching from an existing branch.  This also improves the
  network performance of these operations.  (Andrew Bennetts)

* Inventory entries now consume less memory (on 32-bit Ubuntu file entries
  have dropped from 68 bytes to 40, and directory entries from 120 bytes
  to 48).  This affects most operations, and depending on the size of the
  tree may substantially improve the speed of operations like ``bzr
  commit``.  (Andrew Bennetts)

* Lower memory consumption when reading many chk index pages. Helpful for
  things like ``bzr co`` or ``bzr ls -R`` on large trees.
  (John Arbash Meinel)

* When building new working trees, default to reading from the repository
  rather than the source tree unless explicitly requested. (via
  ``--files-from`` and ``--hardlink`` for ``bzr branch`` and
  ``bzr checkout``. Generally, 2a format repositories extract
  content faster than seeking and reading content from another tree,
  especially in cold-cache situations. (John Arbash Meinel, #607298)

New revision specifiers

* The ``mainline`` revision specifier has been added.  It takes another revision
  spec as its input, and selects the revision which merged that revision into
  the mainline.
  For example, ``bzr log -vp -r mainline:1.2.3`` will show the log of the
  revision that merged revision 1.2.3 into mainline, along with its status
  output and diff.  (Aaron Bentley)

* The ``annotate`` revision specifier has been added.  It takes a path and a
  line as its input (in the form ``path:line``), and selects the revision which
  introduced that line of that file.

  For example: ``bzr log -vp -r annotate:bzrlib/`` will select
  the revision that introduced line 500 of, and display its log,
  status output and diff.

  It can be combined with ``mainline`` to select the revision that landed this
  line into trunk, like so: 
  ``bzr log -vp -r mainline:annotate:bzrlib/``
  (Aaron Bentley)

Testing/Bug reporting

* Shell-like scripts can now be run directly from the command line without
  writing a python test. This should help users adding reproducing recipes
  to bug reports. (Vincent Ladeuil)

Improved conflict handling

* ``pull``, ``merge`` or ``switch`` can lead to conflicts when deleting a
  versioned directory contains unversioned files. The cause of the conflict
  is that deleting the directory will orphan the unversioned files so the
  user needs to instruct ``bzr`` what do to do about these orpahns. This is
  controlled by setting the ``bzr.transform.orphan_policy`` configuration
  variable with a value of ``move``. In this case the unversioned files are
  moved to a ``bzr-orphans`` directory at the root of the working tree. The
  default behaviour is specified (if needed) by setting the variable to
  ``conflict``.  (Vincent Ladeuil, #323111)

* ``bzr resolve --take-this`` and ``bzr resolve --take-other`` can now be
  used for text conflicts. This will ignore the differences that were merged
  cleanly and replace the file with its content in the current branch
  (``--take-this``) or with its content in the merged branch
  (``--take-other``). (Vincent Ladeuil, #638451)

* ``bzr resolve`` now provides more feedback about the conflicts just
  resolved and the remaining ones. (Vincent Ladeuil)


* A beta version of the documentation is now available in GNU TexInfo
  format, used by emacs and the standalone ``info`` reader.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #219334)


``bzr`` can be configured via environment variables, command-line options
and configurations files. We've started working on unifying this and give
access to more options. The first step is a new ``bzr config`` command that
can be used to display the active configuration options in the current
working tree or branch as well as the ability to set or remove an
option. Scripts can also use it to get only the value for a given option.

Further information

For more detailed information on the changes made, see the
the :doc:`../release-notes/index` for:

* the interim bzr `milestones <>`_
* the plugins you use.

For a summary of changes made in earlier releases, see:

* :doc:`whats-new-in-2.1`
* :doc:`whats-new-in-2.2`

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