

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > d3a33ddc7d10aa51b5a238bb3f79b31e > files > 7


OBEX client API description

Copyright (C) 2007-2010  Marcel Holtmann <>

Client hierarchy

Service		org.openobex.client
Interface	org.openobex.Client
Object path	/

Methods		void SendFiles(dict device, array{string} files, object agent)

			Send one or multiple local files to the specified
			device. The device is configured via properties. At
			least the Destination property should be specified.

		void PullBusinessCard(dict device, string file)

			Request the business card from a remote device and
			store it in the local file.

		void ExchangeBusinessCards(dict device, string clientfile, string file)

			Push the client's business card to the remote device
			and then retrieve the remote business card and store
			it in a local file.

		object CreateSession(dict device)

			Create a new OBEX session. The device is configured
			via properties like in SendFiles.

		void RemoveSession(object session)

			Unregister session and abort pending transfers.

		string GetCapabilities(dict device)

			Get remote device capabilities.

Properties	string Target

		string Source

		string Destination

		byte Channel

Session hierarchy

Service		org.openobex.client
Interface	org.openobex.Session
Object path	[variable prefix]/{session0,session1,...}

Methods		dict GetProperties()

			Returns all properties for the session.

		void AssignAgent(object agent)

			Assign an OBEX agent to this session. This allows
			detailed progress reports about the transactions.

		void ReleaseAgent(object agent)

			Release a previously assigned OBEX agent.

Properties	string Source [read-only]

		string Destination [read-only]

		byte Channel [read-only]

File Transfer hierarchy

Service		org.openobex.client
Interface	org.openobex.FileTransfer
Object path	[variable prefix]/{session0,session1,...}

Methods		void ChangeFolder(string folder)

			Change the current folder of the remote device.

		void CreateFolder(string folder)

			Create a new folder in the remote device.

		array{dict} ListFolder()

			Returns a dictionary containing information about
			the current folder content.

			The following keys are defined:

				string Name : Object name in UTF-8 format
				string Type : Either "folder" or "file"
				uint64 Size : Object size or number of items in folder
				string Permission : Group, owner and other permission
				guint64 Modified : Last change
				guint64 Accessed : Last access
				guint64 Created : Creation date

		void GetFile(string targetfile, string sourcefile)

			Copy the source file (from remote device) to the
			target file (on local filesystem).

			A new Transfer object is created to represent this

		void PutFile(string sourcefile, string targetfile)

			Copy the source file (from local filesystem) to the
			target file (on remote device).

			A new Transfer object is created to represent this

		void CopyFile(string sourcefile, string targetfile)

			Copy a file within the remote device from source file
			to target file.

		void MoveFile(string sourcefile, string targetfile)

			Movea file within the remote device from source file
			to the target file.

		void Delete(string file)

			Deletes the specified file/folder.

Phonebook Access hierarchy

Service		org.openobex.client
Interface	org.openobex.PhonebookAccess
Object path	[variable prefix]/{session0,session1,...}

Methods		void Select(string location, string phonebook)

			Select the phonebook object for other operations. Should
			be call before all the other operations.

			location : Where the phonebook is stored, possible inputs :
				"INT" ( "INTERNAL" which is default )
				"SIM" ( "SIM1" )

			phonebook : Possible inputs :
				"pb" :	phonebook for the saved contacts
				"ich":	incoming call history
				"och":	outgoing call history
				"mch":	missing call history
				"cch":	combination of ich och mch

		string PullAll()

			Return the entire phonebook object from the PSE server
			in plain string with vcard format.

		array{string vcard, string name} List()

			Return an array of vcard-listing data which contains the
			vcard : name paired string, for example "1.vcf" : "John".

		string Pull(string vcard)

			Retrieve the vcard in the current phonebook object
			for example : Pull("0.vcf")

		array{string vcard, string name}
		Search(string field, string value)

			Return an array of vcard-listing data which contains the
			vcard : name paired string match the search condition.

			field : the field in the vcard to search with
				{ "name" (default) | "number" | "sound" }
			value : the string value to search for

		uint16 GetSize()

			Return the number of the non-null entries in the selected
			phonebook object.

		void SetFormat(string format)

			Indicate the format of the vcard that should be return by
			related methods.

			format : { "vcard21" (default) | "vcard30" }

		void SetOrder(string order)

			Indicate the sorting method of the vcard-listing data returned
			by List and Search methods.

			order : { "indexed" (default) | "alphanumeric" | "phonetic" }

		void SetFilter(array{string})

			Indicate fields that should be contained in vcards return by
			related methods.

			Give an empty array will clear the filter and return all fields
			available in vcards. And this is the default behavior.

			Possible filter fields : "VERSION", "FN", ..., "ALL", "bit[0-63]"

		array{string} ListFilterFields()

			Return All Available fields that can be used in SefFilter method.

		array{string} GetFilter()

			Return the current filter setting

Synchronization hierarchy

Service		org.openobex.client
Interface	org.openobex.Synchronization
Object path	[variable prefix]/{session0,session1,...}

Methods		void SetLocation(string location)

			Set the phonebook object store location for other operations. Should
			be called before all the other operations.

			location: Where the phonebook is stored, possible values:
				"INT" ( "INTERNAL" which is default )

		string GetPhonebook()

			retrieve an entire Phonebook Object store from remote device

		void PutPhonebook(string obj)

			send an entire Phonebook Object store to remote device

Transfer hierarchy

Service		org.openobex.client
Interface	org.openobex.Transfer
Object path	[variable prefix]/{transfer0,transfer1,...}

Methods		dict GetProperties()

			Returns all properties for the transfer. See the
			properties section for available properties.

		void Cancel()

			Cancels this transfer.

Properties	string Name [read-only]

			Name of the transferred object.

		uint64 Size [read-only]

			Size of the transferred object. If the size is
			unknown, then this property will not be present.

		string Filename [read-only]

			Complete name of the file being received or sent.

Agent hierarchy

Service		unique name
Interface	org.openobex.Agent
Object path	freely definable

Methods		void Release()

			This method gets called when the service daemon
			unregisters the agent. An agent can use it to do
			cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the
			agent, because when this method gets called it has
			already been unregistered.

		string Request(object transfer)

			Accept or reject a new transfer (client and server)
			and provide the filename for it.

			In case of incoming transfers it is the filename
			where to store the file and for outgoing transfers
			it is the filename to show the remote device. If left
			empty it will be calculated automatically.

			Possible errors: org.openobex.Error.Rejected

		void Progress(object transfer, uint64 transferred)

			Progress within the transfer has been made. The
			number of transferred bytes is given as second
			argument for convenience.

		void Complete(object transfer)

			Informs that the transfer has completed sucessfully.

		void Error(object transfer, string message)

			Informs that the transfer has been terminated because
			of some error.