

distrib > Fedora > 16 > i386 > by-pkgid > e30909705678314199db51fea6a17909 > files > 3


Hello list!

I've written a patch around the chroot() function in
suPHP 0.6.1. First I'll explain our old setup and why
we find this patch useful.

Since we are improving our webserver security at the
moment, we were looking for a possibility to
chroot() some users.

Our old setup consists of mod_php and PHP per VirtualHost
configurations like:
   php_admin_value open_basedir ...
   php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir ...
With disable_functions we disabled functions like exec(),
system(), etc to let the user stay in his open_basedir
(executed programs don't got the open_basedir

Some users requested the possibility to exec programs like
the ImageMagick tools, needed for Typo3 or other PHP
programs like PHP gallery. I know about the possibility to
configure a safe_mode_exec_dir within the php.ini, but it
is not the best solution.

The new suPHP version 0.6.1 offers the possibility to
chroot and it works nice. Though there are some problems:
- There is only one configuration file and the chroot-path
  is configured within the global config. If you want to
  chroot each virtual host into it's own chroot-jail it
  isn't possible.
- When chrooted the path of the php script stays like
  outsite the chroot environment.
     before suPHP chroot()
     SCRIPT_FILENAME = /chroot/YOUR_SITE/var/www/index.php
     CURRENT_ROOT    = /
     CHROOT          = /chroot/YOUR_SITE/

     after suPHP chroot()
     SCRIPT_FILENAME = /chroot/YOUR_SITE/var/www/index.php
     CURRENT_ROOT    = /chroot/YOUR_SITE/

     PHP will look for a file called
     inside the chroot environment.
     Infact the file is
     inside the chroot environment.

What the attached patch does:
- It adds a mod_suphp configuration option called
  "suPHP_Options" (the name might not be the best, but
  since suPHP_ConfigPath was already in use, I've choosen
  this name)
- It "translates" the script path after chroot() so that
  PHP will find the right script.

Here are the steps I used to build a chroot environment for
a virtual host:
- Create a directory structure for the chroot directory:
  $ mkdir -p /chroot/YOUR_SITE/\

- Copy the php binary and depending libraries into the
  chroot directory:
  $ ldd /usr/bin/php-cgi | sed -e \
's,.*=> /\(.*\) (0x.*,\1,' | while read lib; \
   LIBDIR="/chroot/YOUR_SITE/`dirname ${lib}`"; \
   test ! -d $LIBDIR && mkdir -p $LIBDIR; \
   cp -v /${lib} /chroot/YOUR_SITE/${lib}; \

- Copy a php.ini into the chroot directory and change the
  doc_root configuration parameter.
  $ cat /chroot/YOUR_SITE/etc/php.ini |
     sed -e 's,^doc_root.*$,doc_root ="/var/www/",' > \

- Create a apache VirtualHost:
    <VirtualHost *>
       ServerName YOUR_SITE.EXAMPLE
       ServerAdmin [11]YOU at YOUR_SITE.EXAMPLE

       DocumentRoot /chroot/YOUR_SITE/var/www/
       <Directory /chroot/YOUR_SITE/var/www>
          suPHP_Engine On
          suPHP_Options /chroot/YOUR_SITE-suphp.conf

          # chrooted view
          suPHP_ConfigPath /etc/

- Create a suPHP configuration file.
  Just pick the default file and set

WARNING there are some limitations with this patch:
- First, I'm not the best C, C++ developer and this is my
  first apache module work
- The code is mostly quick and dirty hacked, because I
  wanted to try if this would work.
- Only the apache2 module was patched.

I'd appreciate if you review this patch and post your
comments on this.


--- suphp-0.6.1/src/apache2/mod_suphp.c.orig	2006-05-24 04:31:35.000000000 +0200
+++ suphp-0.6.1/src/apache2/mod_suphp.c	2006-05-24 04:34:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
     char *target_user;
     char *target_group;
+    char *suphp_options;
     apr_table_t *handlers;
 } suphp_conf;
@@ -130,7 +131,9 @@
     cfg->target_user = NULL;
     cfg->target_group = NULL;
+    cfg->suphp_options = NULL;
     /* Create table with 0 initial elements */
     /* This size may be increased for performance reasons */
     cfg->handlers = apr_table_make(p, 0);
@@ -175,6 +178,13 @@
         merged->target_group = NULL;
+    if (child->suphp_options)
+    	merged->suphp_options = apr_pstrdup(p, child->suphp_options);
+    else if (parent->suphp_options)
+	merged->suphp_options = apr_pstrdup(p, parent->suphp_options);
+    else
+	merged->suphp_options = NULL;
     merged->handlers = apr_table_overlay(p, child->handlers, parent->handlers);
@@ -265,6 +275,17 @@
     return NULL;
+static const char *suphp_handle_cmd_options(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig,
+                                           const char *arg)
+    suphp_conf *cfg;
+    cfg = (suphp_conf *) mconfig;
+    cfg->suphp_options = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, arg);
+    return NULL;
 static const char *suphp_handle_cmd_user_group(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig,
@@ -315,6 +336,7 @@
     AP_INIT_ITERATE("suPHP_AddHandler", suphp_handle_cmd_add_handler, NULL, RSRC_CONF | ACCESS_CONF, "Tells mod_suphp to handle these MIME-types"),
     AP_INIT_ITERATE("suPHP_RemoveHandler", suphp_handle_cmd_remove_handler, NULL, RSRC_CONF | ACCESS_CONF, "Tells mod_suphp not to handle these MIME-types"),
+	AP_INIT_TAKE1("suPHP_Options", suphp_handle_cmd_options, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, "The configuration file suPHP should use for this virtual host"),
@@ -436,6 +458,11 @@
         apr_table_setn(r->subprocess_env, "SUPHP_PHP_CONFIG", apr_pstrdup(p, dconf->php_config));
+    if (dconf->suphp_options)
+    {
+        apr_table_setn(r->subprocess_env, "SUPHP_OPTIONS", apr_pstrdup(p, dconf->suphp_options));
+    }
     apr_table_setn(r->subprocess_env, "SUPHP_HANDLER", r->handler);
--- suphp-0.6.1/src/Application.cpp.orig	2006-05-24 04:31:35.000000000 +0200
+++ suphp-0.6.1/src/Application.cpp	2006-05-24 04:34:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -50,16 +50,23 @@
     API& api = API_Helper::getSystemAPI();
     Logger& logger = api.getSystemLogger();
-    File cfgFile = File(OPT_CONFIGFILE);
-    File cfgFile = File("/etc/suphp.conf");
     std::string interpreter;
     TargetMode targetMode;
     Environment newEnv;
+    File cfgFile = File("");
+    try {
+        cfgFile = File(env.getVar("SUPHP_OPTIONS").c_str());
+    } catch (KeyNotFoundException &e) {
+	cfgFile = File(OPT_CONFIGFILE);
+	cfgFile = File("/etc/suphp.conf");
+    }
     // Begin try block - soft exception cannot really be handled before
     // initialization
     try {
@@ -88,14 +95,23 @@
 	    return 1;
-	this->checkScriptFile(scriptFilename, config, env);
 	// Root privileges are needed for chroot()
 	// so do this before changing process permissions
 	if (config.getChrootPath().length() > 0) {
+	    // after chroot() the SCRIPT_FILENAME path has changed
+	    // and needs to get "translated"
+	    std::string strChrootPath(config.getChrootPath());
+	    // TODO: check if there is a "/" at the beginning of scriptFilename
+	    scriptFilename.replace(scriptFilename.find(strChrootPath), strChrootPath.length(), "");
+	    env.setVar("DOCUMENT_ROOT", "/");
+	    env.setVar("SCRIPT_FILENAME", scriptFilename);
+	this->checkScriptFile(scriptFilename, config, env);
 	this->changeProcessPermissions(scriptFilename, config, env);
 	interpreter = this->getInterpreter(env, config);
@@ -396,6 +412,8 @@
     if (env.hasVar("SUPHP_PHP_CONFIG"))
+    if (env.hasVar("SUPHP_OPTIONS"))
+	env.deleteVar("SUPHP_OPTIONS");
     // Reset PATH
     env.putVar("PATH", config.getEnvPath());