

distrib > Fedora > 16 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > d542a12ba1c1838a4ee18bf43b1a0e41 > files > 2


Mon Feb 22 06:45:12 PST 2010  Adam Vogt <>
  * Resolve conflicts Geoff Reedy's window focus hack.
Sat Oct 10 16:19:07 PDT 2009  Geoff Reedy <>
  * Give focus to windows that don't set the input hint
Sun Jun 21 22:19:11 PDT 2009  Geoff Reedy <>
  * implement the ICCCM WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol
Sun Jun 21 20:56:49 PDT 2009  Geoff Reedy <>
  * track currently processing event
diff -rN -u old-xmonad/XMonad/Core.hs new-xmonad/XMonad/Core.hs
--- old-xmonad/XMonad/Core.hs	2012-11-14 22:40:50.637523085 -0800
+++ new-xmonad/XMonad/Core.hs	2012-11-14 22:40:50.649523104 -0800
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     runX, catchX, userCode, userCodeDef, io, catchIO, installSignalHandlers, uninstallSignalHandlers,
     withDisplay, withWindowSet, isRoot, runOnWorkspaces,
     getAtom, spawn, spawnPID, xfork, getXMonadDir, recompile, trace, whenJust, whenX,
-    atom_WM_STATE, atom_WM_PROTOCOLS, atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, ManageHook, Query(..), runQuery
+    atom_WM_STATE, atom_WM_PROTOCOLS, atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS, ManageHook, Query(..), runQuery
   ) where
 import XMonad.StackSet hiding (modify)
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@
     , mousePosition :: !(Maybe (Position, Position))
                                       -- ^ position of the mouse according to
                                       -- the event currently being processed
+    , currentEvent :: !(Maybe Event)
+                                      -- ^ event currently being processed
 -- todo, better name
@@ -202,10 +204,11 @@
 getAtom str = withDisplay $ \dpy -> io $ internAtom dpy str False
 -- | Common non-predefined atoms
 atom_WM_PROTOCOLS       = getAtom "WM_PROTOCOLS"
 atom_WM_STATE           = getAtom "WM_STATE"
+atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS      = getAtom "WM_TAKE_FOCUS"
 -- LayoutClass handling. See particular instances in Operations.hs
diff -rN -u old-xmonad/XMonad/Main.hsc new-xmonad/XMonad/Main.hsc
--- old-xmonad/XMonad/Main.hsc	2012-11-14 22:40:50.636523083 -0800
+++ new-xmonad/XMonad/Main.hsc	2012-11-14 22:40:50.652523110 -0800
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@
             , keyActions    = keys xmc xmc
             , buttonActions = mouseBindings xmc xmc
             , mouseFocused  = False
-            , mousePosition = Nothing }
+            , mousePosition = Nothing
+            , currentEvent  = Nothing }
         st = XState
             { windowset       = initialWinset
@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@
         prehandle e = let mouse = do guard (ev_event_type e `elem` evs)
                                      return (fromIntegral (ev_x_root e)
                                             ,fromIntegral (ev_y_root e))
-                      in local (\c -> c { mousePosition = mouse }) (handleWithHook e)
+                      in local (\c -> c { mousePosition = mouse, currentEvent = Just e }) (handleWithHook e)
         evs = [ keyPress, keyRelease, enterNotify, leaveNotify
               , buttonPress, buttonRelease]
diff -rN -u old-xmonad/XMonad/Operations.hs new-xmonad/XMonad/Operations.hs
--- old-xmonad/XMonad/Operations.hs	2012-11-14 22:40:50.630523074 -0800
+++ new-xmonad/XMonad/Operations.hs	2012-11-14 22:40:50.654523114 -0800
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Monoid          (Endo(..))
 import Data.List            (nub, (\\), find)
-import Data.Bits            ((.|.), (.&.), complement)
+import Data.Bits            ((.|.), (.&.), complement, testBit)
 import Data.Ratio
 import qualified Data.Map as M
 import qualified Data.Set as S
@@ -325,7 +325,27 @@
     -- If we ungrab buttons on the root window, we lose our mouse bindings.
     whenX (not <$> isRoot w) $ setButtonGrab False w
-    io $ setInputFocus dpy w revertToPointerRoot 0
+    hints <- io $ getWMHints dpy w
+    protocols <- io $ getWMProtocols dpy w
+    wmprot <- atom_WM_PROTOCOLS
+    wmtf <- atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS
+    currevt <- asks currentEvent
+    let inputHintSet = wmh_flags hints `testBit` inputHintBit
+    when ((inputHintSet && wmh_input hints) || (not inputHintSet)) $
+      io $ do setInputFocus dpy w revertToPointerRoot 0
+    when (wmtf `elem` protocols) $
+      io $ allocaXEvent $ \ev -> do
+        setEventType ev clientMessage
+        setClientMessageEvent ev w wmprot 32 wmtf $ maybe currentTime event_time currevt
+        sendEvent dpy w False noEventMask ev
+        where event_time ev =
+                if (ev_event_type ev) `elem` timedEvents then
+                  ev_time ev
+                else
+                  currentTime
+              timedEvents = [ keyPress, keyRelease, buttonPress, buttonRelease, enterNotify, leaveNotify, selectionRequest ]
 -- Message handling