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<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Special Variables and Values</title></head><body bgcolor="ffffff"><table cellspacing="10"><tr><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="../images/homebutton.gif"><br>Home</a></td><td><a href="interfaces.html#Scripting_Interfaces"><img src="../images/backbutton.gif"><br>Back
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			</a></td></tr></table><h1>Special Variables and Values</h1>

In addition to the scope modifiers: 'this', 'super', 'global', BeanShell
supports a number of pre-defined system variables, "magic" values, and methods.
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>

<em>Special Values</em>
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>
<li><strong>$_</strong> - The value of the last expression evaluated.  The
strange construct for this is drawn from Perl, but the idea exists in many
scripting languages.  It is useful for getting back 
the last result when you are working interactively.  

<li><strong>$_e</strong> - The last uncaught exception object thrown.  
This is useful in interactive use for retrieving the last exception to inspect
it for details.

<li><strong>bsh</strong> - The BeanShell root system object, containing 
system information and variables.</li>

<li><strong>bsh.args</strong> - An array of Strings passed as command 
line arguments to the BeanShell interpreter.</li>

<li><strong>bsh.shared</strong> - A special static space which is 
shared across all interpreter instances.  Normally each bsh.Interpreter 
instance is entirely independent; having its own unique global namespace
and settings.  bsh.shared is implemented as a static namespace in the 
bsh.Interpreter class.  It was added primarily to support communication
among instances for the GUI desktop.

<li><strong>bsh.console</strong> - If BeanShell is running in 
its GUI desktop mode, this variable holds a reference to the current 
interpreter's console, if it has one.</li>

<li><strong>bsh.appletcontext</strong> - If BeanShell
is running inside an Applet, the current applet context, if one exists.</li>

<li><strong>bsh.cwd</strong> - A String representing the current working
directory of the BeanShell interpreter.  This is used or manipulated by the 
cd(), dir(), pwd(), and pathToFile() commands.</li>

<li><strong></strong> - A boolean value used by the show() command.
It indicates whether results are always printed, for interactive use.

<li><strong>bsh.interactive</strong> - A boolean indicating whether this 
interpreter running in an interactive mode</li> 

<li><strong>bsh.evalOnly</strong> - A boolean indicating whether this 
interpreter has an input stream or whether is it only serving as an engine 
for eval() operations (e.g. for embedded use).</li>
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>

<p></p><center><table width="90%" border="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeebb"><strong>Note:</strong><br CLEAR="ALL">
The choice of "bsh" for the root system object name was somewhat unfortunate
because it conflicts with the current package name for BeanShell (also bsh).
This means that if you wish to work with BeanShell classes explicitly from
BeanShell scripts (e.g. bsh.Interpreter) you must first import them, e.g.:
    import bsh.Interpreter;
    i=new Interpreter();

<h2><a name="Special_Members_of_'this'_type_References">Special Members of 'this' type References</a></h2>
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>

'this' type references have several "magic" members:  


<li><strong>this.variables</strong> - An array of Strings listing the 
variables defined in the current method context (namespace).</li>

<li><strong>this.methods</strong> - An array of Strings listing the methods 
defined the current method context (namespace).</li>

<li><strong>this.interpreter</strong> - A bsh.Interpreter reference to the 
currently executing BeanShell Interpreter object.</li>

<li><strong>this.namespace</strong> - A bsh.NameSpace reference to the BeanShell
NameSpace object of the current method context. See "Advanced Topics".</li>

<li><strong>this.caller</strong> - A bsh.This reference to the calling
BeanShell method context. See "Variables and Scope Modifiers".</li>

<li><strong>this.callstack</strong> - An array of bsh.NameSpace references 
representing the "call stack" up to the current method context. 
See "Advanced Topics".</li>

<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>

These magic references are primarily used by BeanShell commands. 
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>

<h2><a name="Undefined_Variables">Undefined Variables</a></h2>
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>
You can test to see if a variable is defined using the special value 
<b>void</b>.  For example:

<p></p><center><table width="100%" cellpadding="5" border="1"><tr><td bgcolor="#dfdfdc"><pre>
if ( foobar == void )
    // undefined

You can return a variable to the undefined state using the unset() command:

<p></p><center><table width="100%" cellpadding="5" border="1"><tr><td bgcolor="#dfdfdc"><pre>
a == void;  // true
unset("a"); // note the quotes
a == void;  // true

<h2><a name="Setting_the_Command_Prompt">Setting the Command Prompt</a></h2>

Users may set the command line prompt string for use in interactive mode 
by setting the value of the variable bsh.prompt or by defining the scripted
method (or command) getBshPrompt().  
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>

If the command or method getBshPrompt() is defined it will be called to
get a string to display as the user prompt.  For example, one could
define the following method to place the current working directory into
their command prompt:

<p></p><center><table width="100%" cellpadding="5" border="1"><tr><td bgcolor="#dfdfdc"><pre>
	getBshPrompt() { return bsh.cwd + " % "; }

The default getBshPrompt() command returns the value of the variable
bsh.prompt if it is defined or the string "bsh % " if not.  If the
getBshPrompt() method or command does not exist, throws an exception, or does
not return a String, a default prompt of "bsh % " will be used.
<p CLEAR="ALL"></p>

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