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<h1>SRC/sp_preorder.c File Reference</h1>Permute and performs functions on columns of orginal matrix. <a href="#_details">More...</a>
<code>#include &quot;<a class="el" href="slu__ddefs_8h-source.html">slu_ddefs.h</a>&quot;</code><br>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Functions</h2></td></tr>
<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="sp__preorder_8c.html#d3a9a45f02456022c7eba79e17e215bc">sp_preorder</a> (<a class="el" href="structsuperlu__options__t.html">superlu_options_t</a> *options, <a class="el" href="structSuperMatrix.html">SuperMatrix</a> *<a class="el" href="ilu__zdrop__row_8c.html#c900805a486cbb8489e3c176ed6e0d8e">A</a>, int *perm_c, int *etree, <a class="el" href="structSuperMatrix.html">SuperMatrix</a> *AC)</td></tr>

<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="sp__preorder_8c.html#c79059104ae6abf212c41986820d358c">check_perm</a> (char *what, int n, int *perm)</td></tr>

<hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
<hr><h2>Function Documentation</h2>
<a class="anchor" name="c79059104ae6abf212c41986820d358c"></a><!-- doxytag: member="sp_preorder.c::check_perm" ref="c79059104ae6abf212c41986820d358c" args="(char *what, int n, int *perm)" -->
<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">int check_perm           </td>
          <td class="paramtype">char *&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>what</em>, </td>
          <td class="paramkey"></td>
          <td class="paramtype">int&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>n</em>, </td>
          <td class="paramkey"></td>
          <td class="paramtype">int *&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>perm</em></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
          <td></td><td></td><td width="100%"></td>
<div class="memdoc">


<a class="anchor" name="d3a9a45f02456022c7eba79e17e215bc"></a><!-- doxytag: member="sp_preorder.c::sp_preorder" ref="d3a9a45f02456022c7eba79e17e215bc" args="(superlu_options_t *options, SuperMatrix *A, int *perm_c, int *etree, SuperMatrix *AC)" -->
<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">void sp_preorder           </td>
          <td class="paramtype"><a class="el" href="structsuperlu__options__t.html">superlu_options_t</a> *&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>options</em>, </td>
          <td class="paramkey"></td>
          <td class="paramtype"><a class="el" href="structSuperMatrix.html">SuperMatrix</a> *&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>A</em>, </td>
          <td class="paramkey"></td>
          <td class="paramtype">int *&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>perm_c</em>, </td>
          <td class="paramkey"></td>
          <td class="paramtype">int *&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>etree</em>, </td>
          <td class="paramkey"></td>
          <td class="paramtype"><a class="el" href="structSuperMatrix.html">SuperMatrix</a> *&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="paramname"> <em>AC</em></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
          <td></td><td></td><td width="100%"></td>
<div class="memdoc">

<pre> <a class="el" href="slu__util_8h.html#df9c573cbfb4520a5ea820702d27cfa5">sp_preorder()</a> permutes the columns of the original matrix. It performs
 the following steps:</pre><p>
<pre>    1. Apply column permutation perm_c[] to A's column pointers to form AC;</pre><p>
<pre>    2. If options-&gt;Fact = DOFACT, then
       (1) Compute column elimination tree etree[] of AC'AC;
       (2) Post order etree[] to get a postordered elimination tree etree[],
           and a postorder permutation post[];
       (3) Apply post[] permutation to columns of AC;
       (4) Overwrite perm_c[] with the product perm_c * post.</pre><p>
<pre> Arguments
<pre> options (input) superlu_options_t*
         Specifies whether or not the elimination tree will be re-used.
         If options-&gt;Fact == DOFACT, this means first time factor A, 
         etree is computed, postered, and output.
         Otherwise, re-factor A, etree is input, unchanged on exit.</pre><p>
<pre> A       (input) SuperMatrix*
         Matrix A in A*X=B, of dimension (A-&gt;nrow, A-&gt;ncol). The number
         of the linear equations is A-&gt;nrow. Currently, the type of A can be:
         Stype = NC or SLU_NCP; Mtype = SLU_GE.
         In the future, more general A may be handled.</pre><p>
<pre> perm_c  (input/output) int*
	   Column permutation vector of size A-&gt;ncol, which defines the 
         permutation matrix Pc; perm_c[i] = j means column i of A is 
         in position j in A*Pc.
         If options-&gt;Fact == DOFACT, perm_c is both input and output.
         On output, it is changed according to a postorder of etree.
         Otherwise, perm_c is input.</pre><p>
<pre> etree   (input/output) int*
         Elimination tree of Pc'*A'*A*Pc, dimension A-&gt;ncol.
         If options-&gt;Fact == DOFACT, etree is an output argument,
         otherwise it is an input argument.
         Note: etree is a vector of parent pointers for a forest whose
         vertices are the integers 0 to A-&gt;ncol-1; etree[root]==A-&gt;ncol.</pre><p>
<pre> AC      (output) SuperMatrix*
         The resulting matrix after applied the column permutation
         perm_c[] to matrix A. The type of AC can be:
         Stype = SLU_NCP; Dtype = A-&gt;Dtype; Mtype = SLU_GE.
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