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<div class="refnamediv"><h2><span class="refentrytitle">make.index.markup</span></h2><p>
 &#8212; Generate XML index markup in the index?

<div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h2>Synopsis</h2>
<a name="make.index.markup.frag"></a><pre class="programlisting">
&lt;xsl:param name="make.index.markup" select="0"&gt;&lt;/xsl:param&gt;

<div class="refsection"><a name="idp3526224"></a><h2>Description</h2>

<p>This parameter enables a very neat trick for getting properly
merged, collated back-of-the-book indexes. G. Ken Holman suggested
this trick at Extreme Markup Languages 2002 and I'm indebted to him
for it.</p>

<p>Jeni Tennison's excellent code in
<code class="filename">autoidx.xsl</code> does a great job of merging and
sorting <a href=""><code class="sgmltag-element">indexterm</code></a>s in the document and building a
back-of-the-book index. However, there's one thing that it cannot
reasonably be expected to do: merge page numbers into ranges. (I would
not have thought that it could collate and suppress duplicate page
numbers, but in fact it appears to manage that task somehow.)</p>

<p>Ken's trick is to produce a document in which the index at the
back of the book is <span class="quote">&#8220;<span class="quote">displayed</span>&#8221;</span> in XML. Because the index
is generated by the FO processor, all of the page numbers have been resolved.
It's a bit hard to explain, but what it boils down to is that instead of having
an index at the back of the book that looks like this:</p>

<div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote">
<p><b>A. </b>
ap1, 1, 2, 3

<p>you get one that looks like this:</p>

<div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote">
<pre class="programlisting">&lt;indexdiv&gt;A&lt;/indexdiv&gt;
&lt;phrase role="pageno"&gt;1&lt;/phrase&gt;,
&lt;phrase role="pageno"&gt;2&lt;/phrase&gt;,
&lt;phrase role="pageno"&gt;3&lt;/phrase&gt;

<p>After building a PDF file with this sort of odd-looking index, you can
extract the text from the PDF file and the result is a proper index expressed in

<p>Now you have data that's amenable to processing and a simple Perl script
(such as <code class="filename">fo/pdf2index</code>) can
merge page ranges and generate a proper index.</p>

<p>Finally, reformat your original document using this literal index instead of
an automatically generated one and <span class="quote">&#8220;<span class="quote">bingo</span>&#8221;</span>!</p>

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