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The Hercules System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator</TITLE>
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<h1>The Hercules System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator</h1>

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<b>Hercules</b> is an open source software implementation of the mainframe
System/370 and ESA/390 architectures, in addition to the latest 64-bit
z/Architecture. Hercules runs under Linux, Windows,
Solaris, FreeBSD,
and Mac OS X.


Hercules is <a href="">OSI Certified Open Source Software</a>
licensed under the terms of the <a href="herclic.html">Q Public Licence</a>.


Hercules was created by Roger Bowler.
Jay Maynard (&#8220;the Tron Guy&#8221;) was the maintainer from 2000 to 2012.
Jan Jaeger designed and implemented many of the advanced features of
Hercules, including dynamic reconfiguration, integrated console,
interpretive execution and z/Architecture support. A dedicated crew of
programmers is constantly at work implementing new features and fixing bugs.


<h3>To find out more about Hercules, follow these links:</h3>

<h4>Web documentation:</h4>
<li><a href="hercinst.html">Hercules Installation and Operation</a>
<li><a href="hercconf.html">Hercules Configuration File</a>
<li><a href="hercmsg.html">Hercules System Messages</a>
<li><a href="hercnew.html">What's new in this release</a>
<li><a href="hercrnot.html">Release notes</a>
<li><a href="hercfaq.html">Hercules Frequently-Asked Questions</a>
<li><a href="hercsupp.html">Technical Support</a>
<li><a href="herclic.html">The Q Public Licence</a>

<h4>PDF manuals:</h4>
<li><a href="">Hercules General Information</a>
<li><a href="">Hercules Reference Summary</a>
<li><a href="">Hercules Installation Guide</a>
<li><a href="">Hercules User Reference Guide</a>
<li><a href="">Hercules Messages and Codes</a>


<h3>To download the current release version, use the following links:</h3>

<li>Source code:
<li><a href=""></a> (Windows format)
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08.tar.gz</a> (Unix format)
<li>Linux RPM:
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08.i686.rpm</a>: 32-bit Intel RPM
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08.x86_64.rpm</a>: 64-bit Intel RPM
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08.src.rpm</a>: Source
RPM (if you want to build RPMs yourself)
<li>Windows binaries:
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08-w32.msi</a>:
Windows 32-bit Installer package
<li><a href=""></a>:
32-bit binaries only archive
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08-w64.msi</a>:
Windows 64-bit Installer package
<li><a href=""></a>:
64-bit binaries only archive
<b>Note:</b> Installing the .msi Windows Installer package ensures the
required Microsoft Runtime components are installed and also provides
convenience shortcuts in the programs menu. If the required components
are already present and the shortcuts are not needed on the target system,
the self-extracting or .zip archive may be used instead.
The required component for this build is the x86 version of the C runtime at
level 8.50727.762.
<li>Mac OS X:
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08-tiger.dmg</a>: Mac OS X
10.4 (Tiger) universal binary version, 32-bit Intel and PowerPC
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08-leopard.dmg</a>: Mac OS X
10.5 (Leopard) universal binary version, 32- and 64-bit Intel and PowerPC
<li><a href="">hercules-3.08-snowleopard.dmg</a>: Mac OS X
10.6 (Snow Leopard) universal binary version, 32- and 64-bit Intel


<center><hr width=15% noshade></center>

What people are saying about Hercules


Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see MVS
running on a machine that I personally own.
Hercules is a marvelous tool.  My thanks to you all for a job
very well done.
Reed H. Petty
I do miss my mainframe a lot, and playing with Herc sure brings back
memories.  Just seeing the IBM message prefixes, and responding to
console messages again was a wonderful bit of nostalgia!
Bob Brown
I have installed your absolutely fantastic /390 emulator.
You won't believe what I felt when I saw the prompt.
Congratulations, this is a terrific software.
I really have not had such a fascinating and interesting
time on my PC lately.
IBM Large Systems Specialist
Such simulators have been available for a long time.  One of the most
complete (up to modern 64-bit z/Architecture) is hercules.
Michel Hack, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
An apparently excellent emulator that allows those open source
developers with an "itch to scratch", to come to the S/390 table
and contribute.
Mike MacIsaac, IBM
BTW grab a copy of Hercules and you can test it at home.
It's a very good S/390 and zSeries (S/390 64bit) emulator..
Alan Cox
It works even better than I imagined.
Hercules is a fine piece of software!
Dave Sienkiewicz
Hercules is a systems programmer's dream come true.
Ren&eacute; Vincent Jansen
Aside from the electric trains my parents got
me in 1953, this is the best toy I've ever been given,
bar none.&#148;</em>
Jeffrey Broido
Congratulations to you and your team on a fine piece of work!
Rich Smrcina
Congratulations on a magnificent achievement!
Mike Ross
For anyone thinking running Hercules is too much trouble or too hard
or whatever, I came home from work one day and my 13 year old 8th
grade son had MVS running under VM under Hercules on Linux. He had
gotten all the information about how to do this from the Internet.
When he complained about MVS console configuration and figuring out
how to get it to work with VM, I knew he had felt all the pain he
ever needed to feel about mainframes.
Scott Ledbetter, StorageTek
I am running a fully graphical Centos z/Linux environment on my desktop.
The Hercules emulator is an amazing feat of engineering.
I just wanted to send my compliments to the team for an excellent job!
Thanks much for making this product part of the open-source community!
Roby Gamboa
I have DOS and DOS/VS running on Hercules with
some demo applications, both batch and on-line.  It does bring back
some good memories. My compliments go to the Hercules team.  Thank you.
Bill Carlborg
This is stunning piece of work. To say that I am blown away is an
understatement. I have a mainframe on my notebook!!!!!!
P.S. Now if I can just remember my JCL
Roger Tunnicliffe


Read Hesh Wiener's Technology News article about Hercules at
<a href=""></a>

Read Moshe Bar's article about Hercules at
<a href=""></a>

For eighteen months, the IBM Redbook
<em>SG24-4987 Linux for S/390</em> at
<a href=""></a>
contained a chapter written by Richard Higson
describing how to run Linux/390 under Hercules.
Then suddenly, all mention of Hercules was mysteriously
removed from the online edition of the book!
Read the story of the disappearing Redbook chapter at
<a href=""></a>

View the foils from Jay Maynard's presentation given at
SHARE Session 2880
in San Francisco on 20 August 2002
as a PDF file (815K) from
<a href=""></a>


<center><hr width=15% noshade></center>
The source code repository

The complete source code and development history for
Hercules is also available via anonymous access from
these git repositories:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- for the current release 3.xx development stream
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- for the future release 4.xx development stream
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- for the cutting-edge developer sandbox
Please note that the development repositories may contain faults which
may be fixed at an unspecified later date, as well as experimental code
which might not appear in any future production release.
Please read the file <tt>README.SVN</tt> included with the source for additional and updated
instructions for building the development version.


<p><center><hr width=15% noshade></center>

Other Hercules-related sites

<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Volker Bandke's Hercules site.  This is <i>the</i> site for
    users of Hercules on Windows, and here you can also obtain Volker's
    MVS 3.8J turnkey system.
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Fish's Hercules GUI for Windows.
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Jim Morrison's downloads (includes 3380 support for MVS 3.8!)
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Jay Moseley's Hercules site - lots of Hercules and MVS information
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Tommy Sprinkle's MVS 3.8 documentation
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Bob Hansen's MVS 3.8 documentation
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Malcolm Beattie's MVT/TSO documentation
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Jay Maynard's S/360 and S/370 public domain software archive
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>George Shedlock's archive of
    DOS/VS Release 34 and VM/370 software, books, and information
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Dave Wade's VM/370 archive
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Rafael Pereira's Standalone Programs and 1401 simulator project
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Tim Pinkawa's Hercules Page
<li><a href=""></a>
    <br>Max Parke's Hercules 2703 Page - TTY, TCAM, 3705 and more


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<img src="images/note.gif">
<b>If you have any questions or comments</b>
&nbsp;please consider joining the hercules-390 discussion group at
<a href=""></a>.
Bug reports (together with your diagnosis of the fault, please)
may be posted at the hercules-390 discussion group.


<p><center><hr width=15% noshade></center>



IBM, System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture are trademarks or
registered trademarks of <a href="">IBM Corporation</a>.
Other product names mentioned here are trademarks of other companies.


<p class="lastupd">Last updated $Date$ $Revision$</p>
