

distrib > Fedora > 17 > i386 > media > updates > by-pkgid > b50d8ee6d7871fcc13c0677a9364ed59 > files > 225


.. -*- mode: rst -*-

.. _server-plugins-grouping-ldap:


.. warning::
    This plugin is considered experimental and has known issues (see below).


This plugin makes it possible to fetch data from an LDAP directory, process it
and attach it to your metadata.



First, you need to install the `python-ldap library`__. On debian-based systems this is
accomplished by::

    aptitude install python-ldap

To enable the plugin, add "Ldap" to the plugins line in your ``bcfg2.conf``.
Then add a new directory called "Ldap" to the root of your Bcfg2 repository and
define your queries in a file called ```` using the information in the
next section.


As processing LDAP search results can get pretty complex, the configuration has 
to be written in Python.

Here is a minimal example to get you started::

    from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Ldap import LdapConnection, LdapQuery, LdapSubQuery, register_query
    conn_default = LdapConnection()
    conn_default.binddn = "uid=example,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
    conn_default.bindpw = "foobat"
    class ExampleQuery(LdapQuery):
        name = "example"
        base = "ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
        scope = "one"
        attrs = ["cn", "uid"]
        connection = conn_default
        def prepare_query(self, metadata):
            self.filter = "(personalServer=" + metadata.hostname + ")"
        def process_result(self, metadata):
            if not self.result:
                admin_uid = None
                admin_name = "This server has no admin."
            return { 
                "admin_uid" : self.result[0][1]["uid"],
                "admin_name" : self.result[0][1]["cn"]

The first line provides three classes for dealing with connections and queries
(details below) and a decorator function for registering your queries with the plugin.

In this example our LDAP directory has a number of user objects in it. Each of those
may have a personal server they administer. Whenever metadata for this machine is being
generated by the Bcfg2 server, the UID and name of the admin are retrieved from LDAP.

In your bundles and config templates, you can access this data via the metadata object::


Class reference


.. class:: LdapConnection

   This class represents an LDAP connection. Every query must be associated with exactly 
   one connection.
.. attribute:: LdapConnection.binddn 
   DN used to authenticate against LDAP (required).
.. attribute:: LdapConnection.bindpw
   Password for the previously mentioned **binddn** (required).
.. attribute::
   Hostname of host running the LDAP server (defaults to "localhost").

.. attribute:: LdapConnection.port
   Port where LDAP server is listening (defaults to 389).

You may pass any of these attributes as keyword arguments when creating the connection object.


.. class:: LdapQuery
   This class defines a single query that may adapt itself depending on the current metadata.

.. attribute:: LdapQuery.attrs
   Can be used to retrieve only a certain subset of attributes. May either be a list of
   strings (attribute names) or ``None``, meaning all attributes (defaults to ``None``).

.. attribute:: LdapQuery.base
   This is the search base. Only LDAP entries below this DN will be included in your 
   search results (required).
.. attribute:: LdapQuery.connection
   Set this to an instance of the LdapConnection class (required).

.. attribute:: LdapQuery.filter
   LDAP search filter used to narrow down search results (defaults to ``(objectClass=*)``).

.. attribute::
   This will be used as the dictionary key that provides access to the query results from
   the metadata object (``metadata.Ldap["NAMEGOESHERE"]``) (required).

.. attribute:: LdapQuery.scope
   Set this to one of "base", "one" or "sub" to specify LDAP search depth (defaults to "sub"). 

.. method:: LdapQuery.is_applicable(self, metadata)
   You can override this method to indicate whether this query makes sense for a given
   set of metadata (e.g. you need a query only for a certain bundle or group).
   (defaults to returning True)
.. method:: LdapQuery.prepare_query(self, metadata)
   Override this method to alter the query prior to execution. This is useful if your filter
   depends on the current metadata, e.g.::
       self.filter = "(cn=" + metadata.hostname + ")"
   (defaults to doing nothing)

.. method:: LdapQuery.process_result(self, metadata)
   You will probably override this method in every query to reformat the results from LDAP.
   The raw result is stored in ``self.result``, you must return the altered data. Note that LDAP
   search results are presented in this structure::
          ("DN of first entry returned",
                  "firstAttribute" : 1,
                  "secondAttribute" : 2,
          ("DN of second entry returned",
                  "firstAttribute" : 1,
                  "secondAttribute" : 2,
   Therefore, to return just the value of the firstAttribute of the second object returned,
   you'd write::
      return self.result[1][1][0]
   (defaults to returning ``self.result`` unaltered)


.. class:: LdapSubQuery

   Sometimes you need more than one query to obtain the data you need (e.g. use the first
   query to return all websites running on metadata.hostname and another query to find all
   customers that should have access to those sites).
   LdapSubQueries are the same as LdapQueries, except for that the methods
   * ``get_result()``
   * ``prepare_query()``
   * ``process_result()``
   allow any additional keyword arguments that may contain additional data as needed. Note 
   that ``get_result()`` will call ``prepare_query()`` and ``process_result()`` for you,
   so you shouldn't ever need to invoke these yourself, just override them.
Here is another example that uses LdapSubQuery::

	class WebSitesQuery(LdapSubQuery):
	    name = "web_sites"
	    filter = "(objectClass=webHostingSite)"
	    attrs = ["dc"]
	    connection = conn_default
	    def prepare_query(self, metadata, base_dn):
	        self.base = base_dn
	    def process_result(self, metadata):
	        [...] # build sites dict from returned dc attributes
	        return sites
	class WebPackagesQuery(LdapQuery):
	    name = "web_packages"
	    base = "dc=example,dc=com"
	    attrs = ["customerId"]
	    connection = conn_default
	    def prepare_query(self, metadata):
	        self.filter = "(&(objectClass=webHostingPackage)(cn:dn:=" + metadata.hostname + "))"
	    def process_result(self, metadata):
	        customers = {}
	        for customer in self.result:
	            dn = customer[0]
	            cid = customer[1]["customerId"][0]
	            customers[cid]["sites"] = WebSitesQuery().get_result(metadata, base_dn = dn)
	        return customers

This example assumes that we have a number of webhosting packages that contain various
sites. We need a first query ("web_packages") to get a list of the packages our customers
have and another query for each of those to find out what sites are contained in each 
package. The magic happens in the second class where ``WebSitesQuery.get_result()`` is 
called with the additional ``base_dn`` parameter that allows our LdapSubQuery to only 
search below that DN.

.. warning::
    Do NOT apply the ``register_query`` decorator to LdapSubQueries.

Known Issues

* At this point there is no support for SSL/TLS.