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<h1>3 Erlang Top</h1>

  <h3><a name="id64602">3.1 
    <p>Erlang Top, <span class="code">etop</span> is a tool for presenting information
      about erlang processes similar to the information presented by
      <span class="code">top</span> in UNIX.

  <h3><a name="id64621">3.2 
    <p>The output from <span class="code">etop</span> can be graphical or text based. 
    <p>Text based it looks like this:</p>
    <div class="example"><pre>
 tiger@durin                                                               13:40:32
 Load:  cpu         0               Memory:  total        1997    binary         33
        procs     197                        processes       0    code          173
        runq      135                        atom         1002    ets            95

Pid            Name or Initial Func    Time    Reds  Memory    MsgQ Current Function
&lt;127.23.0&gt;     code_server                0   59585   78064       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.21.0&gt;     file_server_2              0   36380   44276       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.2.0&gt;      erl_prim_loader            0   27962    3740       0 erl_prim_loader:loop
&lt;127.9.0&gt;      kernel_sup                 0    6998    4676       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.17.0&gt;     net_kernel                62    6018    3136       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.0.0&gt;      init                       0    4156    4352       0 init:loop/1         
&lt;127.16.0&gt;     auth                       0    1765    1264       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.18.0&gt;     inet_tcp_dist:accept       0     660    1416       0 prim_inet:accept0/2 
&lt;127.5.0&gt;      application_controll       0     569    6756       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.137.0&gt;    net_kernel:do_spawn_       0     553    5840       0 dbg:do_relay_1/1    
    <p>And graphically it looks like this:</p>
    <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="etop_main.gif"><br>
        Graphical presentation of etop</em>
    <p>The header includes some system information:
<span class="code">cpu</span> is <span class="code">Runtime/Wallclock</span>, i.e. the
       percentage of time where the node has been
       active, <span class="code">procs</span> is the number of processes on the node,
       and <span class="code">runq</span> is the number of processes that are ready to
      <dd>This is the memory allocated by the node in kilo bytes.</dd>
    <p>For each process the following information is presented:
      <dd>This is the runtime for the process, i.e. the actual
       time the process has been scheduled in.</dd>
      <dd>This is the number of reductions that has been executed
       on the process</dd>
      <dd>This is the size of the process in bytes, obtained by a
       call to <span class="code">process_info(Pid,memory)</span>.</dd>
      <dd>This is the length of the message queue for the process.</dd>
    <div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content"><p>
      <p><strong>Time</strong> and <strong>Reds</strong> can be presented as
        accumulated values or as values since last update.</p>

  <h3><a name="id64768">3.3 
    <p>To start etop with the graphical presentation, use the script
      <span class="code">getop</span> or the batch file <span class="code">getop.bat</span>, e.g. <span class="code">getop -node tiger@durin</span></p>
    <p>To start etop with the text based presentation use the script
      <span class="code">etop</span> or the batch file <span class="code">etop.bat</span>, e.g. <span class="code">etop -node tiger@durin</span>,

  <h3><a name="id64805">3.4 
    <p>All configuration parameters can be set at start by adding
      <span class="code">-OptName Value</span> to the command line, e.g. <span class="code">etop -node tiger@durin -setcookie mycookie -lines 15</span>.
    <p>The parameters <span class="code">lines</span>, <span class="code">interval</span>, <span class="code">accumulate</span>
      and <span class="code">sort</span> can be changed during runtime. Use the
      <strong>Options</strong> menu with the graphical presentation or the
      function <span class="code">etop:config/2</span> with the text based presentation.
    <p>A list of all valid configuration parameters can be found in
      the reference manual for <span class="code">etop</span>.
    <p>Note that it is even possible to change which information to
      sort by by clicking the header line of the table in the graphical

    <h4>Example: Change configuration with graphical presentation</h4>
      <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="etop_opt.gif"><br>
        Select the option to change from the Options menu.</em>
      <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="etop_lines.gif"><br>
        Enter the new value in the popup window and click "Ok"</em>
      <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="etop_5.gif"><br>
        The interface is updated with the new configuration</em>

    <h4>Example: Change configuration with text based presentation</h4>
      <div class="example"><pre>
 tiger@durin                                                               10:12:39
 Load:  cpu         0               Memory:  total        1858    binary         33
        procs     191                        processes       0    code          173
        runq        2                        atom         1002    ets            95

Pid            Name or Initial Func    Time    Reds  Memory    MsgQ Current Function
&lt;127.23.0&gt;     code_server                0   60350   71176       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.21.0&gt;     file_server_2              0   36380   44276       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.2.0&gt;      erl_prim_loader            0   27962    3740       0 erl_prim_loader:loop
&lt;127.17.0&gt;     net_kernel                 0   13808    3916       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.9.0&gt;      kernel_sup                 0    6998    4676       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.0.0&gt;      init                       0    4156    4352       0 init:loop/1         
&lt;127.18.0&gt;     inet_tcp_dist:accept       0    2196    1416       0 prim_inet:accept0/2 
&lt;127.16.0&gt;     auth                       0    1893    1264       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.43.0&gt;     ddll_server                0     582    3744       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.5.0&gt;      application_controll       0     569    6756       0 gen_server:loop/6   
========================================================================================      </pre></div>
      <p><strong><span class="code">etop:config(lines,5).</span></strong>        <br>
<strong><span class="code">ok</span></strong></p>
      <div class="example"><pre>
 tiger@durin                                                               10:12:44
 Load:  cpu         0               Memory:  total        1859    binary         33
        procs     192                        processes       0    code          173
        runq        2                        atom         1002    ets            95

Pid            Name or Initial Func    Time    Reds  Memory    MsgQ Current Function
&lt;127.17.0&gt;     net_kernel               183      70    4092       0 gen_server:loop/6   
&lt;127.335.0&gt;    inet_tcp_dist:do_acc     141      22    1856       0 dist_util:con_loop/9
&lt;127.19.0&gt;     net_kernel:ticker/2      155       6    1244       0 net_kernel:ticker1/2
&lt;127.341.0&gt;    net_kernel:do_spawn_       0       0    5840       0 dbg:do_relay_1/1    
&lt;127.43.0&gt;     ddll_server                0       0    3744       0 gen_server:loop/6   

  <h3><a name="id64958">3.5 
        Print to file</a></h3>
    <p>At any time, the current <span class="code">etop</span> display can be dumped to a
      text file. Use <strong>Dump to file</strong> on the <strong>File</strong> menu
      with the graphical presentation or the function <span class="code">etop:dump/1</span>
      with the text based presentation.

  <h3><a name="id64985">3.6 
    <p>To stop <span class="code">etop</span>, use <strong>Exit</strong> on the <strong>File</strong>
      menu for the graphical presentation, or the function
      <span class="code">etop:stop/0</span> with the text based presentation.
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