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  <div class="section" id="the-bcfg2-client">
<span id="architecture-client"></span><h1>The Bcfg2 Client<a class="headerlink" href="#the-bcfg2-client" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>The Bcfg2 client performs all client configuration or reconfiguration
operations. It renders a declarative configuration specification, provided
by the Bcfg2 server, into a set of configuration operations which will,
if executed, attempt to change the client&#8217;s state into that described by
the configuration specification. Conceptually, the Bcfg2 client serves to
isolate the Bcfg2 server and specification from the imperative operations
required to implement configuration changes.</p>
<p>This isolation allows declarative specifications to be manipulated
symbolically on the server, without needing to understand the properties
of the underlying system tools. In this way, the  Bcfg2 client acts
as a sort of expert system that <em>knows</em> how to implement declarative
configuration changes.</p>
<p>The operation of the Bcfg2 client is intended to be as simple as
possible. The normal configuration process consists of four main steps:</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Probe Execution</strong></p>
<p>During the probe execution stage, the client connects to the server
and downloads a series of probes to execute. These probes reveal
local facts to the Bcfg2 server. For example, a probe could discover
the type of video card in a system. The Bcfg2 client returns this
data to the server, where it can influence the client configuration
generation process.</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Configuration Download and Inventory</strong></p>
<p>The Bcfg2 client now downloads a configuration specification from the
Bcfg2 server. The configuration describes the complete target state
of the machine. That is, all aspects of client configuration should
be represented in this specification. For example, all software
packages and services should be represented in the configuration
specification. The client now performs a local system inventory.
This process consists of verifying each entry present in the
configuration specification. After this check is completed, heuristic
checks are executed for configuration not included in the configuration
specification. We refer to this inventory process as 2-way validation,
as first we verify that the client contains all configuration that
is included in the specification, then we check if the client has
any extra configuration that isn&#8217;t present. This provides a fairly
rigorous notion of client configuration congruence. Once the 2-way
verification process has been performed, the client has built a list of
all configuration entries that are out of spec. This list has two parts:
specified configuration that is incorrect (or missing) and unspecified
configuration that should be removed.</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Configuration Update</strong></p>
<p>The client now attempts to update its configuration to match the
specification. Depending on options, changes may not (or only partially)
be performed. First, if extra configuration correction is enabled,
extra configuration can be removed. Then the remaining changes
are processed. The Bcfg2 client loops while progress is made in the
correction of these incorrect configuration entries. This loop results
in the client being able to accomplish all it will be able to during
one execution. Once all entries are fixed, or no progress is being
made, the loop terminates. Once all configuration changes that can be
performed have been, bundle dependencies are handled. Bundle groupings
result in two different behaviors. Contained entries are assumed
to be inter-dependent. To address this, the client re-verifies each
entry in any bundle containing an updates configuration entry. Also,
services contained in modified bundles are restarted.</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Statistics Upload</strong></p>
<p>Once the reconfiguration process has concluded, the client reports
information back to the server about the actions it performed during the
reconfiguration process. Statistics function as a detailed return code
from the client. The server stores statistics information. Information
included in this statistics update includes (but is not limited to):</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Overall client status (clean/dirty)</li>
<li>List of modified configuration entries</li>
<li>List of uncorrectable configuration entries</li>
<li>List of unmanaged configuration entries</li>
<div class="section" id="architecture-abstraction">
<h2>Architecture Abstraction<a class="headerlink" href="#architecture-abstraction" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>The Bcfg2 client internally supports the administrative tools available
on different architectures. For example, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rpm</span></tt> and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">apt-get</span></tt> are
both supported, allowing operation of Debian, Redhat, SUSE, and Mandriva
systems. The client toolset is determined based on the availability of
client tools.  The client includes a series of libraries which describe
how to interact with the system tools on a particular platform.</p>
<p>Three of the libraries exist. There is a base set of functions, which
contain definitions describing how to perform POSIX operations. Support
for configuration files, directories, symlinks, hardlinks, etc., are
included here. Two other libraries subclass this one, providing support
for Debian and rpm-based systems.</p>
<p>The Debian toolset includes support for apt-get and update-rc.d. These
tools provide the ability to install and remove packages, and to install
and remove services.</p>
<p>The Redhat toolset includes support for rpm and chkconfig. Any other
platform that uses these tools can also use this toolset. Hence, all
of the other familiar rpm-based distributions can use this toolset
without issue.</p>
<p>Other platforms can easily use the POSIX toolset, ignoring support for
packages or services. Alternatively, adding support for new toolsets
isn&#8217;t difficult. Each toolset consists of about 125 lines of python code.</p>

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