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<span id="architecture-goals"></span><h1>Goals<a class="headerlink" href="#goals" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Model configurations using declarative semantics.</strong></p>
<p>Declarative semantics maximize the utility of configuration management
tools; they provide the most flexibility for the tool to determine
the right course of action in any given situation. This means that
users can focus on the task of describing the desired configuration,
while leaving the task of transitioning clients states to the tool.</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Configuration descriptions should be comprehensive.</strong></p>
<p>This means that configurations served to the client should be sufficient
to reproduce all desired functionality. This assumption allows the
use of heuristics to detect extra configuration, aiding in reliable,
comprehensive configuration definitions.</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Provide a flexible approach to user interactions.</strong></p>
<p>Most configuration management systems take a rigid approach to user
interactions; that is, either the client system is always correct,
or the central system is. This means that users are forced into an
overly proscribed model where the system asserts where correct data
is. Configuration data modification is frequently undertaken on both
the configuration server and clients. Hence, the existence of a single
canonical data location can easily pose a problem during normal tool
use. Bcfg2 takes a different approach.</p>
<p>The default assumption is that data on the server is correct, however,
the client has the option to run in another mode where local changes are
catalogued for server-side integration. If the Bcfg2 client is run in dry
run mode, it can help to reconcile differences between current client
state and the configuration described on the server. The Bcfg2 client
also searches for extra configuration; that is, configuration that is
not specified by the configuration description. When extra configuration
is found, either configuration has been removed from the configuration
description on the server, or manual configuration has occurred on the
client. Options related to two-way verification and removal are useful
for configuration reconciliation when interactive access is used.</p>
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<li>Plugins and administrative applications.</li>
<li>Incremental operations.</li>

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