

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0c50510da6afb7d0650c0f7664a377b3 > files > 157


************* DIMENSION PARAMETERS *************************************************
@ -1. -1. -1. -1. 10.  Length_ref Density_ref Temp Dielec_ref VEXT_MAX
************* MESH PARAMETERS *************************************************
@   3 	      Ndim
@   11.5  11.5 11.5        size_x(idim): idim=1,Ndim
@  .25 .25 .25     Esize_x(idim): idim=1,Ndim
@   0   0        Type_bc(x0,: left, right)  (-1=none, 0=rho_bulk, 1=pbc, 2=ref)
@   0   0        Type_bc(x1,: down, up)     (-1=none, 0=rho_bulk, 1=pbc, 2=ref)
@   0   0        Type_bc(x2,: back, front)  (-1=none, 0=rho_bulk, 1=pbc, 2=ref)

************ FUNCTIONAL SWITCHES *********************************************
@  1		Type_func (-1=No HS functional, 0=Rosen1, 1=Rosen2, 2=LDA, 3=GHRM, 4=GVDWM)
@  0 		Type_attr (-1=No attractions, 0=strict MF, 1=B2, 2=B2 ions & strict mf solvent)
@ -1		Type_coul (-1=No coulomb, 0=strict MF, 1=include 2nd order corrections)
@ -1            Type_poly (-1=No polymer, 0-3 different polymer formulations)
@  0     Lcompare_fastram

************** SURFACE PARAMETERS **********************************************
@  1  10  1  1  0  Nwall_types  Nwall   Nlink Lauto_center Lauto_size
@  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0     Xtest_reflect_TF[ilink=0,Nlink][idim=0,Ndim]
@  3 3     Surf_type[iwall_type] ; iwall_type=0,Nwall_types
             (0 = smooth uniform planar wall of infinite extent, 
              1 = finite length smooth wall, 
              2 = bumpy_wall 
              3 = spheres(3D) or cylinders(2D) as colloids
              4 = cylinders (3D) (to compare w/ #3 in 2D)
              5 = a cylindrical pore (2D) spherical cavity (3D),
              6 = spheres or cylinders as atoms 
                  (uses Sigma_w rather than WallParam to define size).
              7 = finite length cylin/slit pores in 3D/2D
              8 = finite length conical pores in 3D/2D
              9 = periodic function superimposed on cylinder model
             10 = randomly placed colloidal cylinders (2D) or spheres (3D)

@   0 0  Orientation[iwall_type]:iwall_type=1,Nwall_type
                     (0=normal perpendicular to left/right surfaces - 2D/3D
                      1=normal perpendicular to top/bottom surfaces - 2D/3D
                      2=normal perpendicular to front/back surfaces - 3D only
                      applicable to Surface_type = 0,1,2
                      surfaces 6,7: indicate long axis of pores.

@   0.5 0.5   WallParam[iwall_type], iwall_type=1,Nwall_type
                      if surf_type=0: enter wall thickness
                      if surf_type=1: enter wall length in x0 direction
                      if surf_type=2,3,4,5,6,8 : enter the radius of the feature 
                          of interest (bumps, cylinders, spheres, cyl.pores).
                      if shape_surf = 7: enter left(LBB)-radius of cone

@   0. 0. WallParm2[iwall_type]: iwall_type=1,Nwall_type
                        if surf_type=1 : enter wall length in x1 direction
                        if surf_type=6 : enter length in Orientation direction 
                        if surf_type=7 :  enter right(RTF)-radius of cone
                        if surf_type=8 : enter thickness of wall.

@   0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.  0. 0. 0.  WallParm3[iwall_type]: iwall_type=1,Nwall_type
                      if surf_type=1  enter wall length in x2 direction
                      if surf_type=7: enter length in Orientation direction

************** WALL-FLUID AND WALL-WALL  INTERACTION TYPE PARAMETERS  **********************
@ 6             Type of neutral surface-fluid interactions (param. Ipot_wf_n[iwall_type])
                          (0=No_wall-fluid interaction,
                           1=pure exclusion /  Hard_wall interactions,
                           2=LJ9_3 interactions,
                           3=HARD_EXP : hard wall + exponential
                           4=stepped 9_3 (for 2D or 3D problems),
                           5=LJ12_6 integrated interactions,
                           6=LJ_ATOMIC: atomic surfaces with LJ12-6 wf interactions,

@ -2              Type of wall-wall interactions::Ipot_ww_n[iwall_type][jwall_type]
                           (-2 : set all array to 0
                            -1 : set all array to 1
                             0 : No interactions
                             1 : Compute interactions of atom centers LJ+COULOMB)

************** FLUID INTERACTION PARAMETERS  ************************************
@  1 1             Ncomp  Mixing Rule Type (0=L-B Rules, 1=manual input)

@  1.            Mass[i] i=1,Ncomp
@  0. .            Charge[i] i=1,Ncomp
@  0.             Pol[i] i=1,Ncomp  (bulk polarizeability)

@  1. 1.           Sigma_ff[i][j], [0][1]...[0][Ncomp]; 
@  1. 1.           Eps_ff[i][j]
@  2.            Cut_ff[i][j] 
@  1.            Bond_ff[i][j]

@  1. 1.            Rho_w[i] [i=0,Nwall_type]
@  1. 1. 1. 1.            Sigma_ww[i][j] [i=0,Nwall_type-1][j=0,Nwall_type-1]
@  1. 1. 1. 1.         Eps_ww[i][j]
@  2. 2. 2. 2.        Cut_ww[i][j]

@  1.0  1.0        Sigma_wf[i][j] [i=0,Ncomp-1][j=0,Nwall_type-1]
@  1. 1.       Eps_wf[i][j]
@  2. 2.       Cut_wf[i][j]

   *Note for polymers: --- treat each segment (or block) TYPE as a distinct 
     component in this section (& MIX section below).
  => 1 for homopolymer, 2 for diblock or ABA triblock, 3 for ABC triblock
     3 for diblock with solvent, etc.

************* POLYMER INPUT PARAMETERS ****************************************
@ 0             Npol_comp:                 Number of (co)polymer components
@ 2             Nblock[pol_number]:        Number of blocks in each copolymer
@ 8 8           block[pol_number][iblock]: Number of segments in each block 
@ 0 1           block_type[iblock_tot]:    Segment types in each block (start w/0, must not skip)
@ poly_file     poly_file:                 File containing polymer connectivity
@ 1 1.0 crf8.8_0.7    NCr_files  Crfac  Cr_file:                   c(r) filename
@ 0.333 0.667          Cr_break[i=0;NCr_files-2]
@ 1.0           Cr_rad:                    c(r) radius (units of sigma)
@ 0.9814        Gauss_a:                   Aspect ratio ( gauss bl/sigma)

************** SEMI-PERMEABLE SURFACE PARAMETERS *******************************
@ -2      Lsemiperm[iwall_type][icomp]; [0][0],[0][1],...[0][Ncomp][1][0]...
@ 0.    Vext_membrane[iwall_type][icomp]; [0][0],[0][1],...[0][Ncomp][1][0]...

    *Note for polymers: --- see note above.  Again replace Ncomp with Nblock_tot.

************** STATE POINT PARAMETERS ******************************************
@  .7           Rho_b[Icomp], Icomp = 1,Ncomp  (or Npol_comp for polymers)

   *Note for polymers:  
    Rho_b is indexed Npol_comp rather than Nblock_tot.  The code automatically
    converts to the density of the different polymer segments.
    For example: For an ABC triblock in solvent you enter Rho_b[0],Rho_b[1]
    corresponding to the polymer density and the solvent density.  The
    code converts them to Rho_b'[0-2] based on the first value, and Rho_b'[3] 
    based on the second entry.

*************** CHARGED SURFACE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ***************************

@ 0  0     Type_bc_elec[iwall_type]: 0=neutral surface, 
                        	      1=const potential,
                                      2=const surface charge,
                                      3=atomic charges

@  0                   Nlocal_charge # of local charges on surfaces
                        not necessarily on every atom of a given type.  Or
                        to approximate a local charge on a non-atomic surface.
                        (-1 indicates linear profile of point charges between
                            two point aligned with principle axes.  !!!)

@ 0.   Charge_loc[i]: i=0-Nlocal_charge-1 : Value of charge
@ 0. 
@ 0.0 0.0 0. Charge_x[i][idim] : position of charge
@ 0  0          Charge_type_atoms  Charge_type_local 
			point charge=0 : smeared charge over sigma=1 : background charge=2
                               for either Type_elec=3 or Nlocal_charge !=0.
************** DIELECTRIC CONSTANTS ************************************
@ 0                 Type_dielec
                    (0 = all the same; 1 = fluid/walls different;
                     2 = bulk fluid/wall fluid/pore fluid;
                     3 = constant in walls; varies with density in fluid !)

@ 1.0  1.0     Dielec (bulk fluid); Dielec (pore_fluid);
                    distance from wall for "pore fluid"

@ 1. 1. 0.03 0.03   Dielec_wall[i]  i=1,Nwall_type

************* STEADY STATE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ********************************
@   0        Lsteady_state 
@   2  0  7.0      Grad_dim direction of gradient (0=x, 1=y, 2=z), L1D_bc, X_1D_bc
@   0.25     x_const_mu (on both sides of domain).
@   0  1     Geom_Flag; (0=unit area;1=cyl pore;2=vary pore) Nseg (# pore segments)
@   2.5 0.75 4.  Radius_L, Radius_R, Length
@   .02 .02        Rho_b_Left[Icomp]  B.C. on left or bottom or back
@   .02 .02        Rho_b_Right[Icomp] B.C. on right or top or front
@   4.67e-7 1.e-8 4.e-6  4.e-7  D_coef[icomp] Diffusion Coefficients per component (cm^2/sec)
@   0.0 5.0     Elec_pot_L, Elec_pot_R B.C. on elec. potential lbb and rtf
@   0.0 0.0 -0.05  -0.035    Velocity 

************** STARTUP CONTROL PARAMETERS ********************************
@  -2             Iliq_vap (-2=no coex -1=none,1=W-V, 2=W-L, 3=L-V profiles)
                  LJ wetting output
@  -3 0           Iguess
                     -3: Constant Bulk Density
                     -2: Constant liquid coexistence density
                     -1: Constant vapor coexistence density
                      0: rho_bulk*exp(-Vext/kT)
                      1: rho_liq*exp(-Vext/kT)
                      2: rho_vap*exp(-Vext/kT)
                      3: step function profile
                      4: chopped profile: to rho_bulk
                      5: chopped profile: to rho_liq
                      6: chopped profile: to rho_vap
                      7: chopped profile: to rho_step
                      8: linear profile (for diffusion cases)

@ 0             Nsteps
@ 0             Orientation[istep]
@ 0.0           Xstart_step[istep]
@ 0.0           Xend_step[istep]
@ 0.0           Rho_step[icomp][istep]

@ 0              Restart (0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes, but w/ step function, 3=yes for
                         densities but not elec.pot or chem.pot.)
                        (if 1 : densww.dat must exist)
@  1000.        Rho_max   maximum density allowed from restart file

************* OUTPUT FORMAT PARAMETERS ****************************************
               **** set how you would like all of the output to print ******
@  0  0 0 0      Lper_area Lcount_reflect Lprint_gofr Lprint_pmf
@  0          Print_rho_type (0= all output in dft_dens.dat, 
                               1= each run gets a different file)
@  0   0       Print_rho_switch    Print_mesh_switch: 
               switches to determine how output will look in dft_force file
               rho: (0 - all densities, 1=p/po, 2=kappa, 3=all betamu)
               mesh: (0=surface separations, 1=wall positions)

*********** COARSENING SWITCHES ************************************************
@  2           Nzone (Coarsens Mesh/Jacobian by factor of 2)
@  0.00       Rmax_zone[Nzone-1] [0.0 for complete coarsening]
@  2            Coarsen Residual ? (0=NO, 1=YES)
@  0  0.1      Coarser_jac; Esize_jacobian
                         0 =Jac. zones are the same as resid zones.
                         1 =coarsen finest Jacobian zone by fac of 2 
                         2 =coarsen all but coarsest zone by fac of 2
                         3 =use coarsest zone everywhere
                         4 =use 2nd coarsest zone in all but coarsest zone 
                         5 =use Esize_jacobian for all Jacobian integrals
@  0   100.      Ljac_cut   Jac_threshold
@  0             Matrix_fill_flag 
                    0= Exact Jacobian, 
                    1= Jac_Save1 (only rhobar2 and rhobar 3)
                    2= Jac_Save2 (rhobar 2,3 exact: rhobar 0,1 estimated)
                    3= Enumerated rhobar equations (all of them)
                    4= Enumerated rhobar equations (no vector terms)

************ NONLINEAR SOLVER PARAMETERS *************************************
@ 30             Maximum # of Newton Iterations
@ 1.0e-4  1.0e-6 0.1  Relative and Absolute convergence tolerances
@ 0             Load balance switch (0=linear,1=box,2=weights,3=timings)
************ LINEAR SOLVER PARAMETERS ****************************************
@   0  50         Solver (0=gmres, 1=cg, 2=tfqmr, 3=cg2, 4=bicgstab) AZ_kspace
@   1            Scaling (0=row_sum, 1=Jacobi, 2=symrow_sum, -1=none)
@   0  1.5         Preconditioner (0=ilu, 1=Jacobi, 2=symGS, 3=LSpoly3, -1=none)
@ 100 1.e-3      Max iterations and Convergence Tolerance for Linear Solver

************* MESH CONTINUATION PARAMETERS ************************************
               Here you enter information for mesh continuation.
               All other types are handled by LOCA
@  1       N_runs   
@  -.125 0.0 0.0        Del_1[idim=0;Ndim]  How much to change parameter.
@  0   0      Plane_new_nodes     Pos_new_nodes 
                  (0=yz,1=xz,2=xy)   (-1=lbb,0=center,1=rtf)
@  -1.  0.   Guess_range[0,1] 
                Guess_range[0] is the surf separation to stop using 100% Rho_b
                Guess_range[1] is the surf separation to start using 100% X_old
************ LOCA CONTINUATION LIBRARY PARAMETERS ****************************
@  -1      Continuation Method (-1=None; 0,1,2=0th, 1st, arc-length
                         3=Spinodal (Turning Point); 4=Binodal (Phase Eq))
@  2  1.0     Continuation parameter :  Scale_fac (for CONT_SCALE cases only)
                        CONT_TEMP        1   /* State Parameters */
                        CONT_RHO_0       2
                        CONT_RHO_ALL     3
                        CONT_LOG_RHO_0   4
                        CONT_LOG_RHO_ALL 5
                        CONT_SCALE_RHO   6

                        CONT_EPSW_0      7    /* Wall-Wall Energy Params */
                        CONT_EPSW_ALL    8
                        CONT_SCALE_EPSW  9

                        CONT_EPSWF00     10    /* Wall-Fluid Energy Params */
                        CONT_EPSWF_ALL_0 11
                        CONT_SCALE_EPSWF 12

                        CONT_EPSFF_00    13   /* Fluid-Fluid Energy Params */
                        CONT_EPSFF_ALL   14
                        CONT_SCALE_EPSFF 15

                        CONT_SCALE_CHG   16  /* Charged surface params */

@ 1.e-7   Parameter initial step size
@  1  0.25  N Steps,  Step Control Aggressiveness  (0.0 = constant step)
@  2       Second parameter for Spinodal and Binoadal Calculations (Same list).
************* END OF INPUT FILE ************************************************