

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 16c5e5f8b5816c1b1037e59c9a2a8112 > files > 53


title: Monitor FibreChannel ports of Brocade FC switches
agents: snmp
author: Mathias Kettner <>
license: GPL
distribution: check_mk
 This checks monitors a FibreChannel port of a Brocade FC switch
 to very great detail. It obsoletes the older checks {fc_brocade_port} and
 {fc_brocade_port_detailed}. The check goes critical under the following conditions:

 {[1]} The physical state, operational state or adminstrative state of the port is not
 as expected.

 {[2]} The current or averaged throughput exceeds certain absolute or
 percentual levels.

 {[3]} An error counter exceeds its  configured levels (CRC errors, Enc-OUT
 frames, no Tx credits, C3 discards)

 {Averaging}: This check supports averaging on all counters. Averaging is
 turned on but setting the check parameter {"average"} to a number of minutes.
 In that case the check produces additional performance data for each parameter
 and all warning/error levels are only applied on the averaged value, not on
 the current one. This is especially helpful when using levels on the throughput.

 The item is the port-number as two-digit or three-digit string (on switches
 with 100 or more ports) as printed on the switch (note: the SNMP-index of
 port {00} is {1}!). For ISL ports (inter-switch-links), an {ISL} is appended
 to the item, e.g. {00 ISL}. That allows you to create rules that select
 different check parameters for ISL and normal ports without specifying each
 individual port. Also if you have configured port names, they will appear
 in the check item (and thus the service description). This can be turned

 # Generally turn on averaging with 15 Minutes on all ports:
 brocade_fcport_default_levels["average"] = 15

 # Alternative: set all default parameters at once:
 brocade_fcport_default_levels = {
    "rxcrcs":           (3.0, 20.0),   # allowed percentage of CRC errors
    "rxencoutframes":   (3.0, 20.0),   # allowed percentage of Enc-OUT Frames
    "notxcredits":      (3.0, 20.0),   # allowed percentage of No Tx Credits
    "c3discards":       (3.0, 20.0),   # allowed percentage of C3 discards
    "assumed_speed":    2.0,           # used, if speed not available in SNMP data
    "bw":               (80.0, 90.0),  # percentual levels for throughput
    "average":          30,            # apply all levels on 30 minute average

 # Set traffic levels to 80/90% on ISL ports
 check_parameters += [
   ( { "bw" : (80.0, 90.0) }, ALL_HOSTS, [ "Port .* ISL" ]),

 # Ignore port states on non-ISL ports
 check_parameters += [
   ( { "phystate" : None, "opstate" : None }, ALL_HOSTS, [ "!Port .* ISL", "Port" ]),

  For each port there are sent {in}, {out}, {rxframes}, {txframes}, {rxcrcs},
  {rxencoutframes}, {c3discards} and {notxcredits}. If averaging is turned on, then
  each value comes twices: once normal and once with {_avg} appended as averaged
  value. All rates are in Bytes/s or Frames/s. If you are using PNP4Nagios, then
  you are strongly encouraged to set {RRD_STORAGE_TYPE = MULTIPLE} in
  {process_perfdata.cfg}. Please note, that you need to re-create or convert existing
  RRD database if you change this setting.

  The inventory creates checks for all operational ports. What this exactly means,
  can be configured (see CONFIGURATION VARIABLES).

parameters (dict): This check works with dictionary based parameters. The
 following keys are allowed:

  {"bw"}: A pair of warn / crit levels on the throughput. Floating point
  numbers are interpreted as percentages of the maximum bandwidth of
  the port, e.g. {(80.0, 90.0)}. Integer numbers are interpreted as megabytes,
  e.g. {(100, 150)}.

  {"assumed_speed"}: On some older devices the automatic detection of the
  link speed does not work. You can set the assumed link speed (in GBit/s)
  here (example: {2.0})

  {"rxcrcs"}: A pair of percentages of the maximum allowed CRC errors on
  received frames. The default is set to {(3.0, 20.0)}, which will warn
  at 3% and be critical at 20% of errors.

  {"rxencoutframes"}: A pair of percentages for the Enc-Out frames rate. The
  default is {(3.0, 20.0)}.

  {"notxcredits"}: A pair of percentages for no-TxCredits errors. The default
  is {(3.0, 20.0)}.

  {"c3discards"}: A pair of percentages for the C3 discards. The default is
  {(3.0, 20.0)}.

  {"average"}: A number in minutes. If this parameter is set, then averaging
  is turned on and all levels will be applied to the averaged values, not the
  the current ones. Per default, averaging is turned off.

  {"phystate"}: The expected physical state (integer) of the port or {None} if that should
  not be checked. It is also allowed to specify a list of allowed states, e.g. {[1, 2, 3]}.

  {"opstate"}: The expected operational state of the port or {None} if that should
  not be checked. It is also allowed to specify a list here.

  {"admstate"}: The expected adminstrative state of the port of {None} if that should
  not be checked. It is also allowed to specify a list here.

brocade_fcport_inventory_phystates(list): If list of physical states that ports
 must have in order to be inventorized. The default value is {[ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ]}.
 Possible are: {1}: noCard, {2}: noTransceiver, {3}: laserFault, {4}: noLight,
 {5}: noSync, {6}: inSync, {7}: portFault, {8}: diagFault and {9}: lockRef.

brocade_fcport_inventory_opstates(list): The list of operational states inventorized
 ports must have to be inventorized. The default is {[ 1, 2, 3, 4, ]}. Possible are:
 {0}: unknown, {1}: online, {2}: offline, {3}: testing, {4}: faulty.

brocade_fcport_inventory_admstates(list): The list of adminstrative states inventorized
 ports must have. The default is {[ 1, 3, 4, ]}. Possible are:
 {1}: online, {2}: offline, {3}: testing, {4}: faulty.

brocade_fcport_inventory_use_portname(boolean): If you set this to {True}, then
 configured names of the ports appear in the service descripion (and thus can
 also be used for check parameter rules). This uses the SNMP OID {swFCPortName}.
 The default is {True}.

brocade_fcport_inventory_show_isl(boolean): If you set this {True} (which is the default),
 then {ISL} will be appended to the port name if that port is in inter-switch-link.

brocade_fcport_default_levels(dict): The default check parameters for all ports.
 These can be overridden (also partially) by {check_parameters}.