

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 1a36150950432897706b8940120efbe4 > files > 84


 * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010, James Auldridge
 * All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the BSD, MIT, and GPL (your choice!) Licenses:
var jaaulde = window.jaaulde || {};
jaaulde.utils = jaaulde.utils || {};
jaaulde.utils.cookies = ( function()
	var resolveOptions, assembleOptionsString, parseCookies, constructor, defaultOptions = {
		expiresAt: null,
		path: '/',
		domain:  null,
		secure: false
	* resolveOptions - receive an options object and ensure all options are present and valid, replacing with defaults where necessary
	* @access private
	* @static
	* @parameter Object options - optional options to start with
	* @return Object complete and valid options object
	resolveOptions = function( options )
		var returnValue, expireDate;

		if( typeof options !== 'object' || options === null )
			returnValue = defaultOptions;
			returnValue = {
				expiresAt: defaultOptions.expiresAt,
				path: defaultOptions.path,
				domain: defaultOptions.domain,

			if( typeof options.expiresAt === 'object' && options.expiresAt instanceof Date )
				returnValue.expiresAt = options.expiresAt;
			else if( typeof options.hoursToLive === 'number' && options.hoursToLive !== 0 )
				expireDate = new Date();
				expireDate.setTime( expireDate.getTime() + ( options.hoursToLive * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) );
				returnValue.expiresAt = expireDate;

			if( typeof options.path === 'string' && options.path !== '' )
				returnValue.path = options.path;

			if( typeof options.domain === 'string' && options.domain !== '' )
				returnValue.domain = options.domain;

			if( === true )
			{ =;

		return returnValue;
	* assembleOptionsString - analyze options and assemble appropriate string for setting a cookie with those options
	* @access private
	* @static
	* @parameter options OBJECT - optional options to start with
	* @return STRING - complete and valid cookie setting options
	assembleOptionsString = function( options )
		options = resolveOptions( options );

		return (
			( typeof options.expiresAt === 'object' && options.expiresAt instanceof Date ? '; expires=' + options.expiresAt.toGMTString() : '' ) +
			'; path=' + options.path +
			( typeof options.domain === 'string' ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '' ) +
			( === true ? '; secure' : '' )
	* parseCookies - retrieve document.cookie string and break it into a hash with values decoded and unserialized
	* @access private
	* @static
	* @return OBJECT - hash of cookies from document.cookie
	parseCookies = function()
		var cookies = {}, i, pair, name, value, separated = document.cookie.split( ';' ), unparsedValue;
		for( i = 0; i < separated.length; i = i + 1 )
			pair = separated[i].split( '=' );
			name = pair[0].replace( /^\s*/, '' ).replace( /\s*$/, '' );

				value = decodeURIComponent( pair[1] );
			catch( e1 )
				value = pair[1];

			if( typeof JSON === 'object' && JSON !== null && typeof JSON.parse === 'function' )
					unparsedValue = value;
					value = JSON.parse( value );
				catch( e2 )
					value = unparsedValue;

			cookies[name] = value;
		return cookies;

	constructor = function(){};

	 * get - get one, several, or all cookies
	 * @access public
	 * @paramater Mixed cookieName - String:name of single cookie; Array:list of multiple cookie names; Void (no param):if you want all cookies
	 * @return Mixed - Value of cookie as set; Null:if only one cookie is requested and is not found; Object:hash of multiple or all cookies (if multiple or all requested);
	constructor.prototype.get = function( cookieName )
		var returnValue, item, cookies = parseCookies();

		if( typeof cookieName === 'string' )
			returnValue = ( typeof cookies[cookieName] !== 'undefined' ) ? cookies[cookieName] : null;
		else if( typeof cookieName === 'object' && cookieName !== null )
			returnValue = {};
			for( item in cookieName )
				if( typeof cookies[cookieName[item]] !== 'undefined' )
					returnValue[cookieName[item]] = cookies[cookieName[item]];
					returnValue[cookieName[item]] = null;
			returnValue = cookies;

		return returnValue;
	 * filter - get array of cookies whose names match the provided RegExp
	 * @access public
	 * @paramater Object RegExp - The regular expression to match against cookie names
	 * @return Mixed - Object:hash of cookies whose names match the RegExp
	constructor.prototype.filter = function( cookieNameRegExp )
		var cookieName, returnValue = {}, cookies = parseCookies();

		if( typeof cookieNameRegExp === 'string' )
			cookieNameRegExp = new RegExp( cookieNameRegExp );

		for( cookieName in cookies )
			if( cookieName.match( cookieNameRegExp ) )
				returnValue[cookieName] = cookies[cookieName];

		return returnValue;
	 * set - set or delete a cookie with desired options
	 * @access public
	 * @paramater String cookieName - name of cookie to set
	 * @paramater Mixed value - Any JS value. If not a string, will be JSON encoded; NULL to delete
	 * @paramater Object options - optional list of cookie options to specify
	 * @return void
	constructor.prototype.set = function( cookieName, value, options )
		if( typeof options !== 'object' || options === null )
			options = {};

		if( typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null )
			value = '';
			options.hoursToLive = -8760;

		else if( typeof value !== 'string' )
			if( typeof JSON === 'object' && JSON !== null && typeof JSON.stringify === 'function' )
				value = JSON.stringify( value );
				throw new Error( 'cookies.set() received non-string value and could not serialize.' );

		var optionsString = assembleOptionsString( options );

		document.cookie = cookieName + '=' + encodeURIComponent( value ) + optionsString;
	 * del - delete a cookie (domain and path options must match those with which the cookie was set; this is really an alias for set() with parameters simplified for this use)
	 * @access public
	 * @paramater MIxed cookieName - String name of cookie to delete, or Bool true to delete all
	 * @paramater Object options - optional list of cookie options to specify ( path, domain )
	 * @return void
	constructor.prototype.del = function( cookieName, options )
		var allCookies = {}, name;

		if( typeof options !== 'object' || options === null )
			options = {};

		if( typeof cookieName === 'boolean' && cookieName === true )
			allCookies = this.get();
		else if( typeof cookieName === 'string' )
			allCookies[cookieName] = true;

		for( name in allCookies )
			if( typeof name === 'string' && name !== '' )
				this.set( name, null, options );
	 * test - test whether the browser is accepting cookies
	 * @access public
	 * @return Boolean
	constructor.prototype.test = function()
		var returnValue = false, testName = 'cT', testValue = 'data';

		this.set( testName, testValue );

		if( this.get( testName ) === testValue )
			this.del( testName );
			returnValue = true;

		return returnValue;
	 * setOptions - set default options for calls to cookie methods
	 * @access public
	 * @param Object options - list of cookie options to specify
	 * @return void
	constructor.prototype.setOptions = function( options )
		if( typeof options !== 'object' )
			options = null;

		defaultOptions = resolveOptions( options );

	return new constructor();
} )();

( function()
	if( window.jQuery )
		( function( $ )
			$.cookies = jaaulde.utils.cookies;

			var extensions = {
				* $( 'selector' ).cookify - set the value of an input field, or the innerHTML of an element, to a cookie by the name or id of the field or element
				*                           (field or element MUST have name or id attribute)
				* @access public
				* @param options OBJECT - list of cookie options to specify
				* @return jQuery
				cookify: function( options )
					return this.each( function()
						var i, nameAttrs = ['name', 'id'], name, $this = $( this ), value;

						for( i in nameAttrs )
							if( ! isNaN( i ) )
								name = $this.attr( nameAttrs[ i ] );
								if( typeof name === 'string' && name !== '' )
									if( $ ':checkbox, :radio' ) )
										if( $this.attr( 'checked' ) )
											value = $this.val();
									else if( $ ':input' ) )
										value = $this.val();
										value = $this.html();

									if( typeof value !== 'string' || value === '' )
										value = null;

									$.cookies.set( name, value, options );

					} );
				* $( 'selector' ).cookieFill - set the value of an input field or the innerHTML of an element from a cookie by the name or id of the field or element
				* @access public
				* @return jQuery
				cookieFill: function()
					return this.each( function()
						var n, getN, nameAttrs = ['name', 'id'], name, $this = $( this ), value;

						getN = function()
							n = nameAttrs.pop();
							return !! n;

						while( getN() )
							name = $this.attr( n );
							if( typeof name === 'string' && name !== '' )
								value = $.cookies.get( name );
								if( value !== null )
									if( $ ':checkbox, :radio' ) )
										if( $this.val() === value )
											$this.attr( 'checked', 'checked' );
											$this.removeAttr( 'checked' );
									else if( $ ':input' ) )
										$this.val( value );
										$this.html( value );
					} );
				* $( 'selector' ).cookieBind - call cookie fill on matching elements, and bind their change events to cookify()
				* @access public
				* @param options OBJECT - list of cookie options to specify
				* @return jQuery
				cookieBind: function( options )
					return this.each( function()
						var $this = $( this );
						$this.cookieFill().change( function()
							$this.cookify( options );
						} );
					} );

			$.each( extensions, function( i )
				$.fn[i] = this;
			} );

		} )( window.jQuery );
} )();