

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 20f3490065edfc6cd9071022c7d6c254 > files > 39


This is the README for the UMTF format specification VERSION 1.0:


1.  	Introduction:
1.1.		Definition.
1.2.		Pre index.
1.3.		Update.


2.	Document form:
2.1.		XML header.
2.2.		Tags/UMTF.
2.2.1			Language.
2.2.2			Translator.
2.2.3			Serial.
2.2.4			Index.				Resource.
2.3			Buffer
2.3.5.				Message.					Value.
2.3.6.				Translation.				Value.					Index.					Tid.				Translator.				Description.				Date.


3.	Programs:
3.1.		gtranslator.
[3.2.		KBabel.]


4.	Authors, Contributors


5.	Version


6. Ego perspective/author of the file


1.1 Definition:

UMTF -> Unified Message/Translation Format

1.2 Pre index:

This explains the specifications the gnome-i18n, me  and Matthias (-> KBabel) 
 have thought to be a sole database format to use for messages/translations.

The base format for the databases is XML and we do work on it without any DTD 
 yet. Comments on the draft should be added to the "COMMENTS" file in this
  directory. A sample comment is put there by me.
This format will be/is used in gtranslator (and KBabel?), so that it should be 
 generally usable. Therefore it's based upon XML which is easily readable &
  writable by many apps due to the open definitions and format specification.

For now the format is quite ready to be used as it includes almost everything 
 imaginable for a message/translation database format written in xml.

1.3 Update:

Unfortunately the coordination efforts on gtranslator & KBabel side somehow did
 drown in the river of history so that currently only gtranslator supports UMTF
  and I didn't hear anything about UMTF & KBabel for more then a year now.

The previously idea to get a general library which supports UMTF by the means
 of a GLib level is now thrown away and I'm about to integrate Semerkent sources
  now completely into gtranslator so that this will get now quite integrated as
   a "natural part" of gtranslator's learn buffer mechanism.


2.1 XML header:

Every database is a XML file and has to start with the XML standard header for
 the current version 1.0:
	<?xml version="1.0"?>

2.2 Tags/UMTF:

Tags which are used in the database files are the following ones listed here.
 The xml file starts and ends with the "umtf" tag as the main descriptor for
  the UMTF format. It should look like this whereas the "...." represents the
   content :-)

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<umtf version="1.0">

The main umtf node has got only one attribute:

	Attribute:	Example:	Description:
	version		1.0		The UMTF version of the file.

2.2.1 Language:

The database should carry a language tag with itself (in fact
 it is mandatory to break up any filename dependance for the
  files) which does have the following attributes:

	Attribute:	Example:	Description:
	ename		Turkish		This attribute describes
					 the languages name in English
					  (therefore the _e_).
	name		Türkçe		This attribute takes the
					 languages own name in the own
					  language (here Türkçe for
	code		tr		Describes the language code in the
					 ISO 639 format (e.g. tr for Turkish).

					Can also be a long language code like
					 tr_TR or de_DE.
	email	This is the standard mailing list
					 for the corresponding language.
	href	A URL for getting more information 
					 on the language team - should be a
					  website, homepage or something alike.


	<language ename="Turkish" name="T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e" code="tr" email="" href=""/>

2.2.2 Translator:

The general translator tags in the beginning of a file gives to define a global
 translator for the whole file (and therefore no need to set the translator
  tag on every message/translation pair); you can also set up a list of some
   translators and ref to them in the translation->"value" tag.

The translator tag doesn't take any data and does only consists of attributes
 which are listed below:

	Attribute:      Example:        Description:
	name		Mr. Foo		The name of the translator
 	email	The EMail address of the translator
	tid		1		A ref counter for internal refs in the
					 buffer itself - should be an integer.

	<translator name="Mr. Foo" email="" tid="1"/>
	<translator name="Ali Baba" email="" tid="2"/>

2.2.3 Serial:

The serial tag defines the databases date and version number. The date of the
 message database is to be included in the serial tag via the attribute "date"
  while the date format is mandatorily "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%s".

	<serial date="2000-11-17 16:22:20">1</serial>

2.2.4 Index:

The index tags enclose a list of resource descriptors which do have several
 possible attributes. It is an including date carrying tag.


	</index> Resource:

The resource tags are used within the index tags and do make a translation
 tracking possible. It has got many attributes which are listed followingly:

        Attribute:      Example:           Description:
	package		gnome-libs	   Where the string could be referring
	premiereversion	1.2.8		   (Optionally) this defines the first
					     version where the resource was
	updated		2000-11-17 16:27:40 The date of the last update.
	index		1		   Sets the index number, here '1' for
					    the gnome-libs package.
	href An information source about the
					    resource; could be a link to a 
					     project homepage et al.

Complete example:

		<resource package="gnome-libs" premiereversion="1.2.8" updated="2000-11-17 16:27:40" index="1" href=""/>

2.3 Buffer:

The new "buffer" has got to be present within UMTF 1.0 and encapsulates all the
 message/translation pairs within itself; it has got to have a mandatory attr.
  called "entries" which shows up the number the following "message" entries.


	<buffer entries="3">

2.3.5 Message:

The message tags sets the informations for which translations are supplied
 for. This can be a date format, any other kind of format or "simply" strings.

It doesn't have any attributes and is only a "container" tag for the following
 translations and related tags. Value:

The value tags do always include the data (here in case the message tp be



2.3.6 Translation:

The translation tag does include the translation data and some more tags and
 is also like the message tag only a container tag as it doesn't have got any
  own attributes. Value:

This value tags do also include the data like the value tags in the message
 tags children nodes but now with the _translated_ entries. Index:

The index attribute of the value tag defines the resource to which the
 translated value does refer. The index attribute can also include multiple
  resources referrals seperated by commas. In the following example there are
   3 resources referred to 1, 2 and 3 which are defined in the index tag of
    the database.


		<value index="1,2,3">Aç</value>
	</translation> Tid:

You can ref the single transaltor by a predefined "tid" attribute which must
 be already given in the head-section on the <translator> tags. Following the
  example below, we're ref'ing to the <translator> tag with the `tid="2"' attr.
   in the header section.


		<value index="1,2,3" tid="2">Aç</value>
	</translation> Translator:

The translator tag is only optional and could be used to assign a translation
 from different authors in the database message entry by message entry. This
  translator tag is the same like the global tag, so you can simply go seeing
   section *2.2.2*. Description:

The description tag has got the role to crarify the entry's translation and
 to enlighten the database users with an useful description of the translation.

This tag is not mandatory but should be used to easify team-work for more
 complicated applications like Gnumeric or GIMP where not everything is under-
  standable at the first glance.


	<description>This is used here because the Technical Engineers do say xyz to yxs in certain situations like ...</description> Date:

The date tag specifies the date of the translation and is also only optional.
 It uses the same format like the serial tag's date attribute *2.2.3*.


	<date>2000-11-17 16:47:30</date>


3 Programs/Libraries:

3.1 gtranslator:

gtranslator is a very extended gettext po file editing program for the GNOME
 desktop and offers many useful functions for editing such files and can also
  handle many subforms of po files (packed, compressed, compiled forms of it and
   aldo remotely stored forms of it).

It does already use UMTF for it's own implementation of learn buffers (=TM) &
 will also support this new and updated version 0.7 of the UMTF specs soon.

You can get gtranslator via GNOME CVS from the module "gtranslator" or via the
 official homepage for gtranslator at:

3.2 KBabel:

KBabel will possibly support UMTF through a XML plugin so that this format
 will be usable between at least two apps -- UPDATE: this didn't happen I guess
  and I didn' hear any interest in joning UMTF from this site anymore, so I
   can't comment on this anymore :-/

KBabel is available from KDE's CVS in the "kdesdk" module or via web:


4 Authors & Contributors:

	Fatih Demir 	<>	[ICQ: 64241161]
	GNOME I18N-list <>

Previously co-worked on this -- read *1.3* Update section for more information:

	Matthias Kiefer <>


5 Version: UMTF version 1.0 as of 19th January 2003 (2003-01-19 15:15:30).


6 Ego perspective/author of the file: Fatih Demir <>