

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 2450cb26be3a0b13d5d2efd83310088e > files > 9


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY kappname "&ark;">
<!ENTITY % Galician  "INCLUDE">

<refentry lang="&language;">
>&kde; User's Manual</title>

>&Raphael.Kubo.da.Costa; &Raphael.Kubo.da.Costa.mail;</author>

>2.13 (&kde; 4.3.1)</releaseinfo>
>K Desktop Environment</productname>


>&kde; archiving tool</refpurpose>

> <group choice="opt"
> <group choice="opt"
> <group choice="opt"
> <group choice="opt"
> <group choice="opt"
> <replaceable
> suffix</replaceable
> <group choice="opt"
> <group choice="opt"
> <replaceable
> file</replaceable
> <group choice="opt"
> <group choice="opt"
> <replaceable
> directory</replaceable
> <arg choice="opt"
>&kde; Generic Options</arg
> <arg choice="opt"
>&Qt; Generic Options</arg
> </cmdsynopsis>

>&ark; is a program for managing various compressed file formats within &kde;. Archives can be viewed, extracted, created and modified with &ark;. The program can handle various formats such as <application
>, <application
>, <application
>, <application
>, <application
> (when the appropriate libraries or command-line programs are installed).</para>

>Operation modes</title>
>&ark; can be used either as a stand-alone &GUI; program as well as a command-line program in order to perform some specific tasks.</para>
>If invoked without the -b (--batch) or -c (--add) options, &ark; is started as a normal &GUI; program.</para>
>When the -b (--batch) option is used, &ark; can be used to extract the contents of one or more files directly from the command-line, without launching its &GUI;.</para>
>When the -c (--add) option is used, &ark; prompts for files that should be added to a new archive or to an existing archive.</para>


>-d, --dialog</option
>Show a dialog for specifying the options for a batch or add operation.</para>
>-o, --destination <replaceable
>Default the extraction directory to <replaceable
>. If not passed, the current path is used.</para>

>Options for adding files</title>
>-c, --add</option
>Query the user for an archive filename and add specified files to it. Quit when finished.</para>
>-t, --add-to <replaceable
>Add the specified files to <replaceable
>. Create archive if it does not exist. Quit when finished.</para>
>-p, --changetofirstpath</option
>Change the current directory to the first entry and add all other entries relative to this one.</para>

>-f, --autofilename <replaceable
>Automatically choose a filename, with the selected <replaceable
> (for example rar, tar.gz, zip or any other supported types).</para>

>Options for batch extraction</title>
>b, --batch</option
>Use the batch interface instead of the usual dialog. This option is implied if more than one url is specified.</para>

>-e, --autodestination</option
>The destination argument will be set to the path of the first file supplied.</para>

>-a, --autosubfolder</option
>Archive contents will be read, and if detected to not be a single folder archive, a subfolder by the name of the archive will be created.</para>



> <option
> <replaceable
>Will extract <replaceable
> into the current directory without showing any &GUI;. </para>

> <option
> <option
> <replaceable
> <replaceable
>Will first show an extraction options dialog and then extract both <replaceable
> and <replaceable
> into the directory chosen in the dialog.</para>

> <option
> <replaceable
> <replaceable
> <replaceable
>Will create <replaceable
> if does not exist and then add <replaceable
> and <replaceable
> to it. </para>


>&ark; is currently maintained by &Harald.Hvaal; &Harald.Hvaal.mail; and &Raphael.Kubo.da.Costa; &Raphael.Kubo.da.Costa.mail;.</para>
>This man page was first written by &Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail; in 2005 for &kde; 3.4, and was later updated in 2009 by &Raphael.Kubo.da.Costa; &Raphael.Kubo.da.Costa.mail;.</para>
