

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 2d188fde67490ec0aad597adb0f871dd > files > 188


AutoArchive user visible changes

Version 1.0.1 [2013-03-01]

* Fixed crash with Python 3.3 (bug #3606424).

  Application crashed right after the start when running with Python 3.3.
  Thanks to Aleksey Avdeev for the reporting and hints.

Version 1.0.0 [2012-08-02]

* New option --remove-obsolete-backups was added.

  The newly added option --remove-obsolete-backups, when enabled, backups
  of levels higher than the current one are removed during backup creation

* Added option --quiet.

  New option --quiet was added.  If specified, only error messages are shown.
  It has higher priority than --verbose.  So if both are specified at the same
  level (e. g. both are passed on the command line or both are specified in
  the configuration file) then only --quiet is taken into account.

* Selective listing of orphaned archives.

  The List action now shows only selected archives also in case they are
  orphaned.  Previously all orphaned archives were always listed regardless
  of which were specified on the command line.

* Removed support for “.tar.lzma” backups.

  Archive type “tarlzma” which was creating “.tar.lzma” backups is no longer
  supported and was removed.  Type “tarxz” supersedes it.

* Ignore starting “/” and “..” in ‘include-files’ and ‘exclude-files’.

  Implemented new behaviour when reading paths from archive specification
  file – if a path in ‘include-files’ or ‘exclude-files’ variable is an
  absolute path then the starting “/” is ignored.  Likewise, for paths that
  points to a parent directory the “..” is ignored.

* Search for tar binary is done in multiple locations.

  Tar binary is searched in directories specified in PATH environment variable.
  If not found there then it is searched in /bin, /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin

* Improved exit codes in List and Purge operations.

  List operation returns exit code 1 if a warning or error occurs (for example,
  if user pass a name of non-existing archive).  Purge operation returns exit
  code 1 if requested archive was not purged or other problem occurs.

* Archive specifications directory is automatically created.

  If the archive specifications directory (which is by default
  ~/.config/aa/archive_specs) does not exists, it will be created.

* Backup level is not increased in case of a fatal error.

  If the backup operation finishes with a fatal error the backup level is not
  raised.  Also no information (such as number of restarts, etc.) is stored in
  that case.

* Removed error when passing orphaned archive to the List action.

  If an orphaned archive is passed as the argument for List action it no longer
  shows the error that archive specification file can not be found.  The
  selected orphaned archive is listed without errors.

* Fix listing of archives in case of non-existent one.

  The List operation finished prematurely after it attempted to list
  a non-existent archive, which caused that remaining archives were not
  listed.  This was fixed so now it shows all selected archives even if
  there are some non-existent ones among them.

* Fixed exception when absolute paths were used in ‘include-files’.

  If ‘include-files’ contained absolute paths and internal archiver was used
  then the backup creation failed with exception 'RuntimeError: maximum
  recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object'.

* Fixed crash after interrupted backup creation.

  It the backup creation—for the archive with ‘full-restart-after-count’ set—
  was interrupted (e. g. by Ctrl+C) then subsequent attempts to create the
  backup failed because the program crashed.

* User documentation improvements:

** Added examples on backup restoration to the user documentation.

** Added description of the versioning scheme to the user documentation.

** Short description of exit codes was added to the user documentation.

* Refactoring of Archiving component.

  Part of the Archiving component responsibility was moved to the newly created
  Archiver service.

Version 0.5.2 [2012-06-19]

* Fixed exclude matching for external archiver

  Exclude pattern now has to match the whole path, not just the name.  Up to now
  if ‘foo’ was specified as excluded, all files and directories named ‘foo’ were
  excluded (e. g. bar/foo, foo, dir/bar/foo) which was wrong.  From now on, only
  ‘foo’ would be excluded from the previous list.  If one would want to exclude
  ‘bar/foo’ then he has to explicitly specify ‘bar/foo’ as excluded.

* Fixed not excluding content of excluded directories for internal tar archiver

  Content of excluded directories was not excluded when using internal tar
  archiver.  This was fixed.

* Fixed restarting to a higher level

  If ‘max-restart-level-size’ option was specified the restarting was done
  always to the highest level.  The size of previous backup levels was not taken
  into account.  This was fixed to work as expected.

Version 0.5.1 [2012-02-27]

* Fixed ignoring of symbolic links by internal tar

  When *_internal archiver type was used, symbolic links to directories were not
  included in the backup.  Error message "permission denied" was shown instead.

* Fixed showing warnings about non-accessible files in unrelated archives

  During the list operation warnings about non-accessible files were shown for
  _all_ configured archives.  This was fixed, now warnings only related to
  _selected_ archives are being shown.

* Message "Cannot stat: ..." from GNU Tar is now handled as an error

  This corresponds with handling of the message "Cannot open: ...".

* Tests were included into the source distribution

Version 0.5.0 [2012-02-16]

* Options in “negative form” can no longer be used in configuration files

  Normal option form with “no” value should be used instead.  For example,
  instead of using “no-restarting = yes” the form “restarting = no” should be
  used.  This applies to configuration files (system and user) and archive
  specification files.

* Removed option --force-no-incremental

  It is not needed anymore because “no-incremental” can not be specified in the
  archive specification file.

* Changed the default behaviour in case no arguments are passed

  If no AA_SPEC arguments are specified on the command line program no longer
  creates backups for all configured archives.  It shows an error instead.  To
  operate on all archives the --all option has to be used.

* Introduced a concept of commands

  So far AutoArchive was able to do only a single operation - backup creation.
  With this version additional operations were added (archive listing and
  purging archive data).  In order to be able to choose which operation shall
  be executed, commands were introduced.  A command can be passed as a program
  argument in a form similar to long option.  The command can not be specified
  in the any of configuration files.  By default, if no command is specified,
  the backup creation action will be executed.

* Added support for listing archives

  The command --list was added which prints information about all archives as
  configured in the archive specifications directory and all non-configured
  archives for which the application still stores some data (orphaned
  archives).  With AA_SPEC argument only the specified archives are listed.
  Command has also a verbose form activated by “verbose” option.

* Added support for purging remains of non-existing archives

  During the backup creation the application internally stores some data about
  the archive.  If such archive is deleted later (e. g. by removing its archive
  specification file) stored data remains.  Such data, so called orphaned
  archives, can be removed by --purge command.  The are also shown by the
  --list command.

* Name of the application in output messages is not shown with full path

  The application executable name which prefixes output messages now contains
  the name only, without the path to it.

* Added --force-restarting option

* Output of the --help command was clarified

  In the --help output and the user documentation options were grouped to
  categories to make it more clear.

* External archivers show “permission denied” message as an error now

  If a file or directory can not be opened then the type of the shown message
  is now consistent between external and internal archivers.  It is shown as

* Internal archivers shows final error message

  If an error occurs during creation of a backup then at the end of the
  process internal archiver shows a message that the backup creation has
  failed.  This is same behaviour as external archivers already has.

* Fixed ignoring of archive name from the archive specification file

  The archive name specified in the archive specification file via the “name”
  variable was ignored.

* Fixed ignoring of force options in some cases

* Fixed crash if an “empty” variable was specified in a configuration file

  If the configuration file contained non-string option without a value
  (e. g. “compression-level =”), the program thrown an exception and finished.

* A new chapter “Operations Explained” added to User Manual.

  Chapter briefly describes operations which can be performed by the

* Underscores in options on the command-line are not replaced by dashes

  Removed undocumented feature that options specified on the command-line could
  be provided with underscores (“_”) in place of dashes (“-”).  Now, only
  dashes are valid.

* AutoArchive now depends on Python 3.2

Version 0.4.0 [2011-06-17]

* Tar format of created archives was changed to POSIX.1-2001.

  Option --format=posix is passed to GNU tar.

* Backup level restarting

  When incremental archiving is used AutoArchive can automatically restart
  the backup level to a lower number on various occasions such as, when certain
  backup level was reached, or after configured time period.  Two types of
  restarting were added: restarting to a lower level which is higher than
  level 0 (typically to level 1), and restarting to level 0.

  By default the restarting is turned off.  It can be turned on by the
  --restarting option or turned off by --no-restarting.

  Following options were added to support restarting to a lower level:
  --restart-after-level=LEVEL, --restart-after-age=DAYS,

  Following options were added to support restarting to level 0:
  --full-restart-after-count=COUNT, --full-restart-after-age=DAYS

  See the program help or the user documentation for their description.

* Added support for Python's internal tar.

  With internal tar support the GNU tar binary becomes optional.  One may use
  tar_internal, targz_internal and tarbz2_internal archiver types which use
  internal tar implementation that does not depend on GNU tar, gzip and bzip2
  external binaries.

  Incremental archiving and compression strength setting are not supported by
  internal archiver types.

* Added an option for specifying the archive destination directory.

  New option -d DIR_PATH, --dest-dir=DIR_PATH was added.  It takes a path as
  the argument and if specified, the archive will be created in that path.  Its
  default value is "." (current directory) so the behaviour is not changed from
  previous versions.  It can be specified also in archive specification file.

  “Force” option --force-dest-dir=DIR_PATH was added as well.

* Improved handling of tar messages.

  Messages that tar program sends to stderr are printed as warnings by
  AutoArchive.  Similarly, messages that tar sends to stdout are printed as
  verbose messages by AutoArchive.

* If used archiver type does not support a specified feature the user is warned
  about it.

* Fixed the program crash when ‘tar’ archiver type was specified.

* Added User documentation in HTML format

  Alongside with manual pages the user documentation is now available also in
  HTML.  Entire documentation processing was moved to Sphinx.  Sources are
  written in ReStructuredText format and outputs to HTML, manual pages and
  README documents are generated.

Version 0.3.1 [2011-03-28]

* Output messages contains archive specification file reference

  If an error, warning or info message is printed during an archive
  specification file processing (during archive creation), it contains name of
  the currently processed .aa file or a path to it enclosed in square
  brackets.  This is useful if more .aa files are processed in a single run.

* Fixed setting of the exit code

  Exit code was always 0 even if an error occurred.

* Fixed error reporting in case of inaccessible archive root directory

  If directory set in the “path” option is not valid in some way (i.e. does not
  exists) the error is shown only once.

* Fixed priority of user-config-dir option

  If both command line and configuration file specified the user-config-dir
  option then the value from the configuration file was preferred.  This was
  fixed so now the command line option has higher priority.

* Fixed reading the --user-config-file from command line

  Option --user-config-file was ignored when specified on the command line.

Version 0.3.0 [2011-03-18]

* Changed format of the archive specification file

  Incompatible changes of the “.aa file” format were introduced.  Section
  [General] has been renamed to [Content].  Also, a new section [Archive] was
  added.  Preferred option format is now “variable-name = value” instead of
  “variable_name: value” – this affects options “include_files” and

  Migration of all “.aa files” is required.  It involves renaming the [General]
  section to [Archive]; also renaming options “include_files” and
  “exclude_files” to “include-files” and “exclude-files” respectively.
  Optionally, the colon (:) after the variable name can be replaced by equals
  sign (=).

* Added support for configuration files

  Most of the options that is possible to specify on the command line can be
  now specified in a configuration file as well.  System-wide and user
  configuration files are supported in “/etc/aa/aa.conf” and
  “~/.config/aa/aa.conf” paths respectively.  Options names are same as command
  line ones except the leading ‘--’.

* Archive specification files can contain configuration options

  Some of the command line or configuration options can be specified in the
  archive specification file as well, under the [Archive] section.  Options
  specified here have higher priority than options in configuration files and
  the command line.  An error is reported if a known configuration option which
  is not supported in the archive spec. file is present in it.  Also an error
  is reported if the archive spec. file contains an unsupported section.

* Archive specifications directory.

  Archive specification files can now be stored in a dedicated directory – the
  archive specifications directory.  By default, if no “.aa file” is specified
  on the command line, all “.aa files” from the archive specifications
  directory are processed.  If the archive specification file is specified
  without the extension then it is searched in the archive specifications
  directory.  If it is specified with the extension then it is the path to it.

* New options

** --archive-specs-dir

   Directory where archive specification files will be searched.

** --user-config-file

   Alternate user configuration file.

** --user-config-dir

   Alternate user configuration directory.

** Force options

   As some of the options can be specified in the archive specification file
   they can not be overridden by a same command line option.  Therefore several
   “force” command line options was introduced.  For example the option
   “archiver” can be overridden by --force-archiver even if “archiver” is
   specified in an archiver spec. file.

*** --force-archiver

   Force archiver type.

*** --force-incremental

   Force incremental backup.

*** --force-compression-level

   Force compression strength level.

*** --force-no-incremental

   Force disabling the incremental backup.

** --no-incremental

   Disable incremental backup.

* Default archiver type was changed to targz.

* Do not give up if specified level is too high

  If --level value is higher than next level in a row, do not fail but use
  next-in-a-row level value instead.

* Fixed error handling when creating user directories

  If it is not possible to create the user configuration directory or the
  snapshot directory an error is reported instead of an unhandled exception.

* Moved to Python 3

  AutoArchive now requires Python 3.

* Refactored to a new architecture

  Application was split to several separate components (Configuration,
  Archiving, UI) which are managed by a framework (Mainf).  Components are
  using the framework to expose their public interfaces and access interfaces
  of other components.

Version 0.2.0 [2010-03-21]

* Added xz support for tar archives.

  In the --archiver option it is now possible to specify a tarxz type which
  creates .tar.xz archives.

* Changed the --compresion-level option spelling

  Option --compresion-level was changed to --compression-level.

* Fixed environment variable overwriting when using -c option

  If the --compression-level option is specified, the corresponding option is
  added to the environment variable for specific compression utility so its
  previous content is not overwritten.  This fixes behavior in scenarios like:

  $ BZIP2=-v aa -c 1 etc.aa

  where in previous versions the option -v set in BZIP2 environment variable
  did not have any effect.

Version 0.1.2 [2009-04-14]

* Specified GNU GPL version in file headers (bug #2691699).

  No GNU GPL version was specified in headers of source code files which was
  confusing about used version of the license. Now every source file specifies
  version 3 of the GNU GPL license.

* Added example files (bug #2692252).

  Added some example '.aa' configuration files to doc directory.

* Created autoarchive symlink to aa command and aa man page (bug #2692266).

  Created symbolic link to aa command named 'autoarchive'. It is thus possible
  to use either aa or autoarchive command. Same for the man page.

Version 0.1.1 [2008-11-19]

* Better handling of archiver exit codes and failures.

  When tar exits with code 1 (Some files changed while being archived), the
  result of backup operation is not 'failed'. Notice message is printed

Version 0.1.0 [2008-10-25]

* Added gzip and lzma support for tar archives.

  New archiver types are possible to specify in --archiver option: targz and
  tarlzma which creates tar.gz and tar.lzma archives.

* Path to user configuration directory changed.

  User configuration directory is now at ~/.config/aa/ instead of ~/.aa/.

* Added ability to specify multiple .aa files.

  Now it is possible to specify more than one archive spec file as
  arguments. All of them will be processed and corresponding number of archives
  will be created.

Version 0.0.4 [2008-09-19]

* Fixed bug where specifying backup level 0 leads to creation of level 1 if
  level 0 already existed.

* Fixed printing of empty error messages.

* Ctrl-C does not print stack trace anymore.

Version 0.0.3 [2008-09-16]

* First public release.

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