

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 30590cb001265e4258071e6c719711b9 > files > 42


  Copyright (c) 1990-2006 Info-ZIP.  All rights reserved.

  See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2005-Feb-10 or later
  (the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
  If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
  also may be found at:
#include "zip.h"

#ifndef UTIL    /* the companion #endif is a bit of ways down ... */

#include <time.h>

//#undef UNIX
#ifdef UNIX
#  include <natspec.h>
#  include <locale.h>

#if defined(MINIX) || defined(__mpexl)
#  ifdef S_IWRITE
#    undef S_IWRITE
#  endif /* S_IWRITE */
#  define S_IWRITE S_IWUSR
#endif /* MINIX */

#if (!defined(S_IWRITE) && defined(S_IWUSR))
#  define S_IWRITE S_IWUSR

#if defined(HAVE_DIRENT_H) || defined(_POSIX_VERSION)
#  include <dirent.h>
#else /* !HAVE_DIRENT_H */
#  ifdef HAVE_NDIR_H
#    include <ndir.h>
#  endif /* HAVE_NDIR_H */
#  ifdef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H
#    include <sys/ndir.h>
#  endif /* HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */
#  ifdef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H
#    include <sys/dir.h>
#  endif /* HAVE_SYS_DIR_H */
#  ifndef dirent
#    define dirent direct
#  endif

#define PAD 0
#define PATH_END '/'

/* Library functions not in (most) header files */

#  include <utime.h>
   int utime OF((char *, time_t *));

extern char *label;
local ulg label_time = 0;
local ulg label_mode = 0;
local time_t label_utim = 0;

/* Local functions */
local char *readd OF((DIR *));
local const char *oem_charset = NULL;

#ifdef NO_DIR                    /* for AT&T 3B1 */
#include <sys/dir.h>
#ifndef dirent
#  define dirent direct
typedef FILE DIR;
**  Apparently originally by Rich Salz.
**  Cleaned up and modified by James W. Birdsall.

#define opendir(path) fopen(path, "r")

struct dirent *readdir(dirp)
DIR *dirp;
  static struct dirent entry;

  if (dirp == NULL)
    return NULL;
  for (;;)
    if (fread (&entry, sizeof (struct dirent), 1, dirp) == 0)
      return NULL;
    else if (entry.d_ino)
      return (&entry);
} /* end of readdir() */

#define closedir(dirp) fclose(dirp)
#endif /* NO_DIR */

local char *readd(d)
DIR *d;                 /* directory stream to read from */
/* Return a pointer to the next name in the directory stream d, or NULL if
   no more entries or an error occurs. */
  struct dirent *e;

  e = readdir(d);
  return e == NULL ? (char *) NULL : e->d_name;

int procname(n, caseflag)
char *n;                /* name to process */
int caseflag;           /* true to force case-sensitive match */
/* Process a name or sh expression to operate on (or exclude).  Return
   an error code in the ZE_ class. */
  char *a;              /* path and name for recursion */
  DIR *d;               /* directory stream from opendir() */
  char *e;              /* pointer to name from readd() */
  int m;                /* matched flag */
  char *p;              /* path for recursion */
  struct stat s;        /* result of stat() */
  struct zlist far *z;  /* steps through zfiles list */

  if (strcmp(n, "-") == 0)   /* if compressing stdin */
    return newname(n, 0, caseflag);
  else if (LSSTAT(n, &s))
    /* Not a file or directory--search for shell expression in zip file */
    p = ex2in(n, 0, (int *)NULL);       /* shouldn't affect matching chars */
    m = 1;
    for (z = zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt) {
      if (MATCH(p, z->iname, caseflag))
        z->mark = pcount ? filter(z->zname, caseflag) : 1;
        if (verbose)
            fprintf(mesg, "zip diagnostic: %scluding %s\n",
               z->mark ? "in" : "ex", z->name);
        m = 0;
    free((zvoid *)p);
    return m ? ZE_MISS : ZE_OK;

  /* Live name--use if file, recurse if directory */
#ifdef OS390
  if (S_ISREG(s.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(s.st_mode))
#  ifdef S_IFLNK
  if ((s.st_mode & S_IFREG) == S_IFREG || (s.st_mode & S_IFLNK) == S_IFLNK)
#  else
  if ((s.st_mode & S_IFREG) == S_IFREG)
#  endif
    /* add or remove name of file */
    if ((m = newname(n, 0, caseflag)) != ZE_OK)
      return m;
#ifdef OS390
  else if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode))
  else if ((s.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR)
    /* Add trailing / to the directory name */
    if ((p = malloc(strlen(n)+2)) == NULL)
      return ZE_MEM;
    if (strcmp(n, ".") == 0) {
      *p = '\0';  /* avoid "./" prefix and do not create zip entry */
    } else {
      strcpy(p, n);
      a = p + strlen(p);
      if (a[-1] != '/')
        strcpy(a, "/");
      if (dirnames && (m = newname(p, 1, caseflag)) != ZE_OK) {
        free((zvoid *)p);
        return m;
    /* recurse into directory */
    if (recurse && (d = opendir(n)) != NULL)
      while ((e = readd(d)) != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(e, ".") && strcmp(e, ".."))
          if ((a = malloc(strlen(p) + strlen(e) + 1)) == NULL)
            free((zvoid *)p);
            return ZE_MEM;
          strcat(strcpy(a, p), e);
          if ((m = procname(a, caseflag)) != ZE_OK)   /* recurse on name */
            if (m == ZE_MISS)
              zipwarn("name not matched: ", a);
              ziperr(m, a);
          free((zvoid *)a);
    free((zvoid *)p);
  } /* (s.st_mode & S_IFDIR) */
#if defined(S_IFIFO) || defined(OS390)
#ifdef OS390
  else if (S_ISFIFO(s.st_mode))
  else if ((s.st_mode & S_IFIFO) == S_IFIFO)
    /* FIFO (Named Pipe) - handle as normal file */
    /* add or remove name of FIFO */
    if (noisy) zipwarn("FIFO (Named Pipe): ", n);
    if ((m = newname(n, 0, caseflag)) != ZE_OK)
      return m;
#endif /* S_IFIFO || OS390 */
    zipwarn("ignoring special file: ", n);
  return ZE_OK;

char *ex2in(x, isdir, pdosflag)
char *x;                /* external file name */
int isdir;              /* input: x is a directory */
int *pdosflag;          /* output: force MSDOS file attributes? */
/* Convert the external file name to a zip file name, returning the malloc'ed
   string or NULL if not enough memory. */
  char *n;              /* internal file name (malloc'ed) */
  char *t = NULL;       /* shortened name */
  int dosflag;

  dosflag = dosify;     /* default for non-DOS and non-OS/2 */

  /* Find starting point in name before doing malloc */
  /* Strip "//host/share/" part of a UNC name */
  if (!strncmp(x,"//",2) && (x[2] != '\0' && x[2] != '/')) {
    n = x + 2;
    while (*n != '\0' && *n != '/')
      n++;              /* strip host name */
    if (*n != '\0') {
      while (*n != '\0' && *n != '/')
        n++;            /* strip `share' name */
    if (*n != '\0')
      t = n + 1;
  } else
      t = x;
  while (*t == '/')
    t++;                /* strip leading '/' chars to get a relative path */
  while (*t == '.' && t[1] == '/')
    t += 2;             /* strip redundant leading "./" sections */

  /* Make changes, if any, to the copied name (leave original intact) */
  if (!pathput)
    t = last(t, PATH_END);

#ifdef UNIX
  setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
  if (!oem_charset)
    oem_charset = natspec_get_charset_by_locale(NATSPEC_DOSCS, "");
  /* Convert to internal encoding */
  if ((n = natspec_convert(t, oem_charset, 0, 0)) == NULL)
    return NULL;
  printf("n=%s t=%s oem=%s, unix=%s\n",n,t, oem_charset,natspec_get_charset_by_locale(NATSPEC_UNIXCS, ""));
  return n;
  /* Malloc space for internal name and copy it */
  if ((n = malloc(strlen(t) + 1)) == NULL)
    return NULL;
  strcpy(n, t);

  if (dosify)

#ifdef EBCDIC
  strtoasc(n, n);       /* here because msname() needs native coding */

  /* Returned malloc'ed name */
  if (pdosflag)
    *pdosflag = dosflag;

  if (isdir) return n;  /* avoid warning on unused variable */
  return n;

char *in2ex(n)
char *n;                /* internal file name */
/* Convert the zip file name to an external file name, returning the malloc'ed
   string or NULL if not enough memory. */
  char *x;              /* external file name */

#ifdef UNIX
  setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
  if (!oem_charset)
    oem_charset = natspec_get_charset_by_locale(NATSPEC_DOSCS, "");
  /* Convert to internal encoding */
  if ((x = natspec_convert(n, 0, oem_charset, 0)) == NULL)
    return NULL;
  printf("x=%s n=%s oem=%s\n",x,n, oem_charset);
  return x;
  if ((x = malloc(strlen(n) + 1 + PAD)) == NULL)
    return NULL;
#ifdef EBCDIC
  strtoebc(x, n);
  strcpy(x, n);
  return x;

 * XXX use ztimbuf in both POSIX and non POSIX cases ?
void stamp(f, d)
char *f;                /* name of file to change */
ulg d;                  /* dos-style time to change it to */
/* Set last updated and accessed time of file f to the DOS time d. */
  struct utimbuf u;     /* argument for utime()  const ?? */
  time_t u[2];          /* argument for utime() */

  /* Convert DOS time to time_t format in u */
  u.actime = u.modtime = dos2unixtime(d);
  utime(f, &u);
  u[0] = u[1] = dos2unixtime(d);
  utime(f, u);


ulg filetime(f, a, n, t)
  char *f;              /* name of file to get info on */
  ulg *a;               /* return value: file attributes */
  long *n;              /* return value: file size */
  iztimes *t;           /* return value: access, modific. and creation times */
/* If file *f does not exist, return 0.  Else, return the file's last
   modified date and time as an MSDOS date and time.  The date and
   time is returned in a long with the date most significant to allow
   unsigned integer comparison of absolute times.  Also, if a is not
   a NULL pointer, store the file attributes there, with the high two
   bytes being the Unix attributes, and the low byte being a mapping
   of that to DOS attributes.  If n is not NULL, store the file size
   there.  If t is not NULL, the file's access, modification and creation
   times are stored there as UNIX time_t values.
   If f is "-", use standard input as the file. If f is a device, return
   a file size of -1 */
  struct stat s;        /* results of stat() */
  /* converted to pointer from using FNMAX - 11/8/04 EG */
  char *name;
  int len = strlen(f);

  if (f == label) {
    if (a != NULL)
      *a = label_mode;
    if (n != NULL)
      *n = -2L; /* convention for a label name */
    if (t != NULL)
      t->atime = t->mtime = t->ctime = label_utim;
    return label_time;
  if ((name = malloc(len + 1)) == NULL) {
    ZIPERR(ZE_MEM, "filetime");
  strcpy(name, f);
  if (name[len - 1] == '/')
    name[len - 1] = '\0';
  /* not all systems allow stat'ing a file with / appended */
  if (strcmp(f, "-") == 0) {
    if (fstat(fileno(stdin), &s) != 0) {
  else if (LSSTAT(name, &s) != 0) {
    /* Accept about any file kind including directories
     * (stored with trailing / with -r option)
    return 0;

  if (a != NULL) {
#ifndef OS390
    *a = ((ulg)s.st_mode << 16) | !(s.st_mode & S_IWRITE);
**  The following defines are copied from the unizip source and represent the
**  legacy Unix mode flags.  These fixed bit masks are no longer required
**  by XOPEN standards - the S_IS### macros being the new recommended method.
**  The approach here of setting the legacy flags by testing the macros should
**  work under any _XOPEN_SOURCE environment (and will just rebuild the same bit
**  mask), but is required if the legacy bit flags differ from legacy Unix.
#define UNX_IFDIR      0040000     /* Unix directory */
#define UNX_IFREG      0100000     /* Unix regular file */
#define UNX_IFSOCK     0140000     /* Unix socket (BSD, not SysV or Amiga) */
#define UNX_IFLNK      0120000     /* Unix symbolic link (not SysV, Amiga) */
#define UNX_IFBLK      0060000     /* Unix block special       (not Amiga) */
#define UNX_IFCHR      0020000     /* Unix character special   (not Amiga) */
#define UNX_IFIFO      0010000     /* Unix fifo    (BCC, not MSC or Amiga) */
    mode_t legacy_modes;

    /* Initialize with permission bits--which are not implementation-optional */
    legacy_modes = s.st_mode & (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO | S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX);
    if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode))
      legacy_modes |= UNX_IFDIR;
    if (S_ISREG(s.st_mode))
      legacy_modes |= UNX_IFREG;
    if (S_ISLNK(s.st_mode))
      legacy_modes |= UNX_IFLNK;
    if (S_ISBLK(s.st_mode))
      legacy_modes |= UNX_IFBLK;
    if (S_ISCHR(s.st_mode))
      legacy_modes |= UNX_IFCHR;
    if (S_ISFIFO(s.st_mode))
      legacy_modes |= UNX_IFIFO;
    if (S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode))
      legacy_modes |= UNX_IFSOCK;
    *a = ((ulg)legacy_modes << 16) | !(s.st_mode & S_IWRITE);
    if ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
      *a |= MSDOS_DIR_ATTR;
  if (n != NULL)
    *n = (s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG ? s.st_size : -1L;
  if (t != NULL) {
    t->atime = s.st_atime;
    t->mtime = s.st_mtime;
    t->ctime = t->mtime;   /* best guess, (s.st_ctime: last status change!!) */

  return unix2dostime(&s.st_mtime);

#ifndef QLZIP /* QLZIP Unix2QDOS cross-Zip supplies an extended variant */

int set_extra_field(z, z_utim)
  struct zlist far *z;
  iztimes *z_utim;
  /* store full data in local header but just modification time stamp info
     in central header */
  struct stat s;
  char *name;
  int len = strlen(z->name);

  /* For the full sized UT local field including the UID/GID fields, we
   * have to stat the file again. */

  if ((name = malloc(len + 1)) == NULL) {
    ZIPERR(ZE_MEM, "set_extra_field");
  strcpy(name, z->name);
  if (name[len - 1] == '/')
    name[len - 1] = '\0';
  /* not all systems allow stat'ing a file with / appended */
  if (LSSTAT(name, &s)) {
    return ZE_OPEN;

#define EB_L_UT_SIZE    (EB_HEADSIZE + EB_UT_LEN(2))
#define EB_C_UT_SIZE    (EB_HEADSIZE + EB_UT_LEN(1))

  if ((z->extra = (char *)malloc(EF_L_UNIX_SIZE)) == NULL)
    return ZE_MEM;
  if ((z->cextra = (char *)malloc(EF_C_UNIX_SIZE)) == NULL)
    return ZE_MEM;

  z->extra[0]  = 'U';
  z->extra[1]  = 'T';
  z->extra[2]  = (char)EB_UT_LEN(2);    /* length of data part of local e.f. */
  z->extra[3]  = 0;
  z->extra[4]  = EB_UT_FL_MTIME | EB_UT_FL_ATIME;    /* st_ctime != creation */
  z->extra[5]  = (char)(s.st_mtime);
  z->extra[6]  = (char)(s.st_mtime >> 8);
  z->extra[7]  = (char)(s.st_mtime >> 16);
  z->extra[8]  = (char)(s.st_mtime >> 24);
  z->extra[9]  = (char)(s.st_atime);
  z->extra[10] = (char)(s.st_atime >> 8);
  z->extra[11] = (char)(s.st_atime >> 16);
  z->extra[12] = (char)(s.st_atime >> 24);
  z->extra[13] = 'U';
  z->extra[14] = 'x';
  z->extra[15] = (char)EB_UX2_MINLEN;   /* length of data part of local e.f. */
  z->extra[16] = 0;
  z->extra[17] = (char)(s.st_uid);
  z->extra[18] = (char)(s.st_uid >> 8);
  z->extra[19] = (char)(s.st_gid);
  z->extra[20] = (char)(s.st_gid >> 8);
  z->ext = EF_L_UNIX_SIZE;

  memcpy(z->cextra, z->extra, EB_C_UT_SIZE);
  z->cextra[EB_LEN] = (char)EB_UT_LEN(1);
  memcpy(z->cextra+EB_C_UT_SIZE, z->extra+EB_L_UT_SIZE, EB_C_UX2_SIZE);
  z->cextra[EB_LEN+EB_C_UT_SIZE] = 0;
  z->cext = EF_C_UNIX_SIZE;

#if 0  /* UID/GID presence is now signaled by central EF_IZUNIX2 field ! */
  /* lower-middle external-attribute byte (unused until now):
   *   high bit        => (have GMT mod/acc times) >>> NO LONGER USED! <<<
   *   second-high bit => have Unix UID/GID info
   * NOTE: The high bit was NEVER used in any official Info-ZIP release,
   *       but its future use should be avoided (if possible), since it
   *       was used as "GMT mod/acc times local extra field" flags in Zip beta
   *       versions 2.0j up to 2.0v, for about 1.5 years.
  z->atx |= 0x4000;
#endif /* never */
  return ZE_OK;

#endif /* !QLZIP */

int deletedir(d)
char *d;                /* directory to delete */
/* Delete the directory *d if it is empty, do nothing otherwise.
   Return the result of rmdir(), delete(), or system().
   For VMS, d must be in format [x.y]z.dir;1  (not [x.y.z]).
# ifdef NO_RMDIR
    /* code from Greg Roelofs, who horked it from Mark Edwards (unzip) */
    int r, len;
    char *s;              /* malloc'd string for system command */

    len = strlen(d);
    if ((s = malloc(len + 34)) == NULL)
      return 127;

    sprintf(s, "IFS=\" \t\n\" /bin/rmdir %s 2>/dev/null", d);
    r = system(s);
    return r;
# else /* !NO_RMDIR */
    return rmdir(d);
# endif /* ?NO_RMDIR */

#endif /* !UTIL */

/*  Function version_local()  */

#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__386BSD__) || \
    defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__bsdi__)
#include <sys/param.h> /* for the BSD define */
/* if we have something newer than NET/2 we'll use uname(3) */
#if (BSD > 199103)
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#endif /* BSD > 199103 */
#endif /* __{Net,Free,Open,386}BSD__ || __bsdi__ */

void version_local()
#ifdef __GNUC__
    char compiler_name[80];
#  endif
#  if (defined( __SUNPRO_C))
    char compiler_name[33];
#  else
#    if (defined( __HP_cc))
    char compiler_name[33];
#    else
#      if (defined( __DECC_VER))
    char compiler_name[33];
    int compiler_typ;
#      else
#        if ((defined(CRAY) || defined(cray)) && defined(_RELEASE))
    char compiler_name[40];
#        endif
#      endif
#    endif
#  endif

#ifdef BSD
# if (BSD > 199103)
    struct utsname u;
    char os_name[40];
# else
# if defined(__NETBSD__))
    static ZCONST char *netbsd[] = { "_ALPHA", "", "A", "B" };
    char os_name[40];
# endif /* __NETBSD__ */
# endif /* BSD > 199103 */
#else /* !BSD */
#if ((defined(CRAY) || defined(cray)) && defined(_UNICOS))
    char os_name[40];
#endif /* (CRAY && defined(_UNICOS)) */
#endif /* ?BSD */

/* Define the compiler name and version string */
#ifdef __GNUC__
    sprintf(compiler_name, "NeXT DevKit %d.%02d (gcc " __VERSION__ ")",
#    define COMPILER_NAME compiler_name
#  else
#    define COMPILER_NAME "gcc " __VERSION__
#  endif
#else /* !__GNUC__ */
#  if defined(__SUNPRO_C)
    sprintf( compiler_name, "Sun C version %x", __SUNPRO_C);
#    define COMPILER_NAME compiler_name
#  else
#    if (defined( __HP_cc))
    if ((__HP_cc% 100) == 0)
      sprintf( compiler_name, "HP C version A.%02d.%02d",
       (__HP_cc/ 10000), ((__HP_cc% 10000)/ 100));
      sprintf( compiler_name, "HP C version A.%02d.%02d.%02d",
       (__HP_cc/ 10000), ((__HP_cc% 10000)/ 100), (__HP_cc% 100));
#      define COMPILER_NAME compiler_name
#    else
#      if (defined( __DECC_VER))
    sprintf( compiler_name, "DEC C version %c%d.%d-%03d",
     ((compiler_typ = (__DECC_VER / 10000) % 10) == 6 ? 'T' :
     (compiler_typ == 8 ? 'S' : 'V')),
     __DECC_VER / 10000000,
     (__DECC_VER % 10000000) / 100000, __DECC_VER % 1000);
#        define COMPILER_NAME compiler_name
#      else
#        if ((defined(CRAY) || defined(cray)) && defined(_RELEASE))
    sprintf(compiler_name, "cc version %d", _RELEASE);
#          define COMPILER_NAME compiler_name
#        else
#          ifdef __VERSION__
#            define COMPILER_NAME "cc " __VERSION__
#          else
#            define COMPILER_NAME "cc"
#          endif
#        endif
#      endif
#    endif
#  endif
#endif /* ?__GNUC__ */

/* Define the name to use for the OS we're compiling on */
#if defined(sgi) || defined(__sgi)
#  define OS_NAME "Silicon Graphics IRIX"
#ifdef sun
#  ifdef sparc
#    ifdef __SVR4
#      define OS_NAME "Sun SPARC/Solaris"
#    else /* may or may not be SunOS */
#      define OS_NAME "Sun SPARC"
#    endif
#  else
#  if defined(sun386) || defined(i386)
#    define OS_NAME "Sun 386i"
#  else
#  if defined(mc68020) || defined(__mc68020__)
#    define OS_NAME "Sun 3"
#  else /* mc68010 or mc68000:  Sun 2 or earlier */
#    define OS_NAME "Sun 2"
#  endif
#  endif
#  endif
#ifdef __hpux
#  define OS_NAME "HP-UX"
#ifdef __osf__
#  define OS_NAME "DEC OSF/1"
#ifdef _AIX
#  define OS_NAME "IBM AIX"
#ifdef aiws
#  define OS_NAME "IBM RT/AIX"
#if defined(CRAY) || defined(cray)
#  ifdef _UNICOS
    sprintf(os_name, "Cray UNICOS release %d", _UNICOS);
#    define OS_NAME os_name
#  else
#    define OS_NAME "Cray UNICOS"
#  endif
#if defined(uts) || defined(UTS)
#  define OS_NAME "Amdahl UTS"
#ifdef NeXT
#  ifdef mc68000
#    define OS_NAME "NeXTStep/black"
#  else
#    define OS_NAME "NeXTStep for Intel"
#  endif
#if defined(linux) || defined(__linux__)
#  ifdef __ELF__
#    define OS_NAME "Linux ELF"
#  else
#    define OS_NAME "Linux a.out"
#  endif
#ifdef MINIX
#  define OS_NAME "Minix"
#ifdef M_UNIX
#  define OS_NAME "SCO Unix"
#ifdef M_XENIX
#  define OS_NAME "SCO Xenix"
#ifdef BSD
# if (BSD > 199103)
#    define OS_NAME os_name
    sprintf(os_name, "%s %s", u.sysname, u.release);
# else
# ifdef __NetBSD__
#   define OS_NAME os_name
#   ifdef NetBSD0_8
      sprintf(os_name, "NetBSD 0.8%s", netbsd[NetBSD0_8]);
#   else
#   ifdef NetBSD0_9
      sprintf(os_name, "NetBSD 0.9%s", netbsd[NetBSD0_9]);
#   else
#   ifdef NetBSD1_0
      sprintf(os_name, "NetBSD 1.0%s", netbsd[NetBSD1_0]);
#   endif /* NetBSD1_0 */
#   endif /* NetBSD0_9 */
#   endif /* NetBSD0_8 */
# else
# ifdef __FreeBSD__
#    define OS_NAME "FreeBSD 1.x"
# else
# ifdef __bsdi__
#    define OS_NAME "BSD/386 1.0"
# else
# ifdef __386BSD__
#    define OS_NAME "386BSD"
# else
#    define OS_NAME "Unknown BSD"
# endif /* __386BSD__ */
# endif /* __bsdi__ */
# endif /* FreeBSD */
# endif /* NetBSD */
# endif /* BSD > 199103 */
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
#  define OS_NAME "Cygwin"
#if defined(i686) || defined(__i686) || defined(__i686__)
#  define OS_NAME "Intel 686"
#if defined(i586) || defined(__i586) || defined(__i586__)
#  define OS_NAME "Intel 586"
#if defined(i486) || defined(__i486) || defined(__i486__)
#  define OS_NAME "Intel 486"
#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__)
#  define OS_NAME "Intel 386"
#ifdef pyr
#  define OS_NAME "Pyramid"
#if defined(ultrix) || defined(__ultrix)
#  if defined(mips) || defined(__mips)
#    define OS_NAME "DEC/MIPS"
#  else
#  if defined(vax) || defined(__vax)
#    define OS_NAME "DEC/VAX"
#  else /* __alpha? */
#    define OS_NAME "DEC/Alpha"
#  endif
#  endif
#ifdef gould
#  define OS_NAME "Gould"
#ifdef MTS
#  define OS_NAME "MTS"
#ifdef __convexc__
#  define OS_NAME "Convex"
#ifdef __QNX__
#  define OS_NAME "QNX 4"
#ifdef __QNXNTO__
#  define OS_NAME "QNX Neutrino"
#ifdef __APPLE__
#  define OS_NAME "Mac OS X"
#  define OS_NAME "Unknown"
#endif /* Apple */
#endif /* QNX Neutrino */
#endif /* QNX 4 */
#endif /* Convex */
#endif /* MTS */
#endif /* Gould */
#endif /* DEC */
#endif /* Pyramid */
#endif /* 386 */
#endif /* 486 */
#endif /* 586 */
#endif /* 686 */
#endif /* Cygwin */
#endif /* BSD */
#endif /* SCO Xenix */
#endif /* SCO Unix */
#endif /* Minix */
#endif /* Linux */
#endif /* NeXT */
#endif /* Amdahl */
#endif /* Cray */
#endif /* RT/AIX */
#endif /* AIX */
#endif /* OSF/1 */
#endif /* HP-UX */
#endif /* Sun */
#endif /* SGI */

/* Define the compile date string */
#ifdef __DATE__
#  define COMPILE_DATE " on " __DATE__
#  define COMPILE_DATE ""

    printf("Compiled with %s for Unix (%s)%s.\n\n",

} /* end function version_local() */