

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 363269de034a06db17f95d6d5a969e1e > files > 2


# Conditional for release and snapshot builds. Uncomment for release-builds.
# %%global rel_build 1

# This is needed, because src-url contains branched part of versioning-scheme.
%global branch 1.6

# Settings used for build from snapshots.
%{!?rel_build:%global commit 77a60402b58e004651f769b5baa98ab8574864f1}
%{!?rel_build:%global commit_date 20130919}
%{!?rel_build:%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit};echo ${c:0:7})}
%{!?rel_build:%global git_ver git%{commit_date}-%{shortcommit}}
%{!?rel_build:%global git_rel .git%{commit_date}.%{shortcommit}}
%{!?rel_build:%global git_tar %{name}-%{version}-%{git_ver}.tar.xz}

Summary:     Mate user file sharing
Name:            mate-user-share
Version:        %{branch}.1
Release:        0.4%{?git_rel}%{?dist}
License:        GPLv2+
Group:          System Environment/Libraries

# for downloading the tarball use 'spectool -g -R mate-user-share.spec'
# Source for release-builds.
# Source for snapshot-builds.

# pull request at uptream to fix rhbz #(1031307)
%if 0%{?fedora} > 19
Patch0:  mate-user-share_download-dir.patch

BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
BuildRequires: httpd  mod_dnssd
# disable bluetooth support for bluez5
%if 0%{?fedora} > 19
#BuildRequires: mate-bluetooth-devel
BuildRequires: mate-bluetooth-devel
BuildRequires: libcanberra-devel
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: mate-doc-utils
BuildRequires: libselinux-devel
BuildRequires: dbus-glib-devel
BuildRequires: libnotify-devel
%if 0%{?fedora} > 20
BuildRequires: caja-devel
BuildRequires: mate-file-manager-devel
BuildRequires: unique-devel
BuildRequires: perl(XML::Parser)
BuildRequires: mate-common
BuildRequires: libICE-devel
BuildRequires: libSM-devel

Requires: httpd
# obsolete with bluez5
%if 0%{?fedora} > 19
#Requires: obex-data-server
Requires: obex-data-server
Requires: mod_dnssd

mate-user-share is a small package that binds together various free
software projects to bring easy to use user-level file sharing to the

The program is meant to run in the background when the user is logged
in, and when file sharing is enabled a webdav server is started that
shares the $HOME/Public folder. The share is then published to all
computers on the local network using mDNS/rendezvous, so that it shows
up in the Network location in MATE.

The program also allows to share files using ObexFTP over Bluetooth.

%setup -q%{!?rel_build:n %{name}-%{commit}}
%if 0%{?fedora} > 19
%patch0 -p1 -b .download-dir

# nedded to create missing configure and make files

# disable bluetooth support for bluez5
%if 0%{?fedora} > 19
%configure \
    --disable-scrollkeeper \
    --disable-static \
    --disable-bluetooth \
%configure \
    --disable-scrollkeeper \
    --disable-static \
make %{?_smp_mflags}


rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/caja/extensions-2.0/*.la

# no need to provide a convert file for mateconf user settings,
# because Mate started with gsettings in f17/18
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/MateConf/gsettings/mate-user-share.convert

%find_lang %{name}

# disable bluetooth support for bluez5
%if 0%{?fedora} > 19
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/mate-user-share-obexftp.desktop
rm -f desktop-file-validate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/mate-user-share-obexpush.desktop
desktop-file-validate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/applications/mate-user-share-properties.desktop
desktop-file-validate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/mate-user-share-webdav.desktop
desktop-file-validate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/applications/mate-user-share-properties.desktop
desktop-file-validate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/mate-user-share-obexftp.desktop
desktop-file-validate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/mate-user-share-obexpush.desktop
desktop-file-validate ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/mate-user-share-webdav.desktop

/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor >&/dev/null || :

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor >&/dev/null || :
  /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor >&/dev/null || :
  /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :

/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor >&/dev/null || :
/usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :

%files -f %{name}.lang
# disable bluetooth support for bluez5
%if 0%{?fedora} > 19

* Sat Dec 21 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.6.1-0.4.git20130919.77a6040
- make Maintainers life easier and use better git snapshot usage, Thanks to Björn Esser
- use BR caja-devel for f21

* Thu Nov 21 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.6.1-0.3.git77a6040
- do not use download dir for incoming bluetooth downloads if mate-bluetooth
- isn't installed, rhbz #(1031307)

* Thu Sep 19 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.6.1-0.2.git77a6040
- update to latest git snapshot
- remove runtime require obex-data-server for > f19
- remove upstreamed patches

* Sun Aug 25 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.6.1-0.1.git48b2c97
- update latest git snapshot
- add manpage
- update to apache-2.24
- use mate-session to track the active session, remove consolkit
- add dbus requires patch
- add OpenBSD suffers from the same httpd race condition as the other BSDs patch
- add fix turning on sharing not starting mate-user-share
- add bluetooth support optional
- add BR libICE-devel
- add BR libSM-devel
- remove runtime require hicolor-icon-theme
- disable bluetooth support for fedora > f19
- update make install macro

* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.6.0-4
- Rebuilt for

* Mon May 20 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.6.0-3
- remove %%check
- add a comment for usage of

* Sat May 11 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.6.0-2
- remove gsettings.convert file
- add requires high-color-icon-theme
- add desktop file check for mate-user-share.desktop

* Wed Apr 03 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.6.0-1
- update to 1.6.0
- remove upstreamed desktop file fix
- switch to libnotify as BR

* Thu Mar 21 2013 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.5.0-2
- initial build for fedora

* Thu Sep 27 2012 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.5.0-1
- build against official fedora Mate-Desktop

* Sun Sep 16 2012 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.4.1-0101
- fix desktop files

* Sun Sep 02 2012 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.4.1-0100
- improve spec file
- security update

* Fri Jul 20 2012 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.4.1-1
- remove mate-user-share_fix_rpm-scriplet-output.patch, it's upstreamed

* Thu Jul 19 2012 Wolfgang Ulbrich <> - 1.4.0-1
- initial package
- spec file is based on gnome-user-share-2.30.2-4.fc15 spec file
- add mate-user-share_fix_rpm-scriplet-output.patch