

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 3bcff189759dbf3e07f2ef88941ad6fd > files > 2



# Where Eucalyptus is installed

# This is the username that you would like eucalyptus to run as

# Extra options to pass to the eucalyptus-cloud process, such as log
# levels, heap size, or other JVM flags.


# The number of loop devices to make available at SC startup time.
# The default is 256.  If you supply "max_loop" to the loop driver
# then this setting must be equal to that number.


# The level of logging output.  Valid settings are, in descending order of
# default is INFO.

# The number of old log files to keep when rotating logs, in range [0-999].
# The default is 10. When set to 0, no rotation is performed and log size
# limit is (LOGMAXSIZE, below) is not enforced.

# The maximum size of the log file, in bytes. 100MB by default. For this
# size to be enforced, LOGROLLNUMBER, above, must be 1 or higher. If log
# rotation is performed by an outside tool, either set LOGROLLNUMBER to 0
# or set this limit to a large value.

# On a NC, this defines the TCP port on which the NC will listen.
# On a CC, this defines the TCP port on which the CC will contact NCs.


# The TCP port on which the CC will listen.

# The scheduling policy that the CC uses to choose the NC on which to
# run each new instance.  Valid settings include GREEDY and ROUNDROBIN.
# The default scheduling policy is ROUNDROBIN.

# A space-separated list of IP addresses for all the NCs that this CC
# should communicate with.  The ``euca_conf --register-nodes'' command
# manipulates this setting.

# When multiple CCs reside in the same layer 2 broadcast domain, change
# this setting to "Y" to disable tunneling.  This setting has no effect
# in Static or System modes.

# The location of the NC service.  The default is
# axis2/services/EucalyptusNC

# Set this to make the CC cache images, kernels and ramdisks.  NCs must
# be able to reach the CC with the specified value.

# Set this to the location where the CC image proxy should store cached
# images.  The default is /var/lib/eucalyptus/dynserv/

# Set this to the maximum size (in megabytes) of the CC image proxy cache.
# The default is 32768, or 32 gigabytes.


# The hypervisor that the NC will interact with in order to manage
# virtual machines.  Supported values include "kvm" and "xen".

# The following three options determine whether KVM uses Virtio for
# specific types of I/O with instances.  These options only affect the
# KVM hypervisor.

# If "1", use Virtio for the root file system

# If "1", use Virtio for dynamic block volumes

# If "1", use Virtio for the network card

# The amount of memory, in megabytes, that Eucalyptus is allowed to
# allocate to instances running on this system.  The default value of
# 0 allows Eucalyptus to use all available memory for instances.

# The number of virtual CPU cores that Eucalyptus is allowed to allocate
# to instances.  The default value of 0 allows Eucalyptus to use all
# CPU cores on the system.

# The amount of disk space, in megabytes, that the NC is allowed to use
# in its work directory ($INSTANCE_PATH/eucalyptus/work).  By default
# the NC chooses automatically.  Values below 10 are ignored.

# The amount of disk space, in megabytes, that the NC is allowed to use in
# its image cache directory ($INSTANCE_PATH/eucalyptus/cache).  By default
# the NC chooses automatically.  A value below 10 will disable caching.

# The number of disk-intensive operations that the NC is allowed to
# perform at once.  A value of 1 serializes all disk-intensive operations.
# The default value is 4.

# By default, a NC attempts to write the SSH public key associated to
# the instance's filesystem before the instance starts.  A value of 1
# disables this behavior.

# The number of loop devices to make available at NC startup time.
# The default is 256.  If you supply "max_loop" to the loop driver then
# this setting must be equal to that number.

# The directory where the NC will store instances' root filesystems,
# ephemeral storage, and cached copies of images.

# If euca-bundle-upload, euca-check-bucket, or euca-delete-bundle do
# not appear in the NC's search PATH then specify their locations here.

# The set of networking settings that apply to a cloud varies based on
# its networking mode.  Each setting in this section lists the modes in
# which it applies.  Unless otherwise noted, all of these settings apply
# only to CCs.  All settings that lack default values must be specified
# in the networking modes that use them.

# The networking mode in which to run.  The same mode must be specified
# on all CCs and NCs in the entire cloud.  Valid values include SYSTEM,

# The name of the network interface that is on the same network as
# the NCs.  In Managed and Managed (No VLAN) modes this may need to be
# a bridge.  The default is "eth0".
# Networking modes: Static, Managed, Managed (No VLAN)

# On a CC, this is the name of the network interface that is connected
# to the "public" network.  The default is "eth0".
# Networking modes: Managed, Managed (No VLAN)
# On an NC, this is the name of the network interface that is connected
# to the same network as the CC.  Depending on the hypervisor's
# configuration, this may be a bridge or a physical interface that is
# attached to the bridge.  The default is "eth0".
# Networking modes: Managed

# On an NC, this is the name of the bridge interface to which instances'
# network interfaces should attach.  A physical interface that can reach
# the CC must be attached to this bridge.
# Networking modes: System, Static, Managed (No VLAN)

# A map of MAC addresses to IP addresses that Eucalyptus should allocate
# to instances when running in Static mode.  Separate MAC addresses and
# IP addresses with '=' characters.  Separate pairs with spaces.
# Networking modes: Static

# A space-separated list of individual and/or hyphenated ranges of public
# IP addresses to assign to instances.
# Networking modes: Managed, Managed (No VLAN)
#VNET_PUBLICIPS="your-free-public-ip-1 your-free-public-ip-2 ..."

# The address and network mask of the network the cloud should use for
# instances' private IP addresses.
# Networking modes: Static, Managed, Managed (No VLAN)

# The number of IP addresses to allocate to each security group.
# Specify a power of 2 between 16 and 2048.
# Networking modes: Managed, Managed (No VLAN)

# The address of the DNS server to supply to instances in DHCP responses.
# Networking modes: Static, Managed, Managed (No VLAN)

# The network broadcast address and default gateway to supply to instances
# in DHCP responses.
# Networking modes: Static

# Set this to the IP address that other CCs can use to reach this CC
# if layer 2 tunneling between CCs does not work.  It is not normally
# necessary to change this setting.
# Networking modes: Managed, Managed (No VLAN)

# The ISC DHCP server executable to use.  The default is
# "/usr/sbin/dhcpd3".
# Networking modes: Static, Managed, Managed (No VLAN)

# The user as which the DHCP daemon runs on your distribution.
# The default is "dhcpd".
# Networking modes: Static, Managed, Managed (No VLAN)