

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 3cbcde6d30f5f6c262ae20bc766e4498 > files > 14


UP, CTRL-P                        cursor up
DOWN, CTRL-N                      cursor down
LEFT, CTRL-B                      cursor left
RIGHT, CTRL-F                     cursor right
CTRL-A                            cursor top
CTRL-E                            cursor bottom
PAGEUP, CTRL-U, meta + v          cursor up a lots
PAGEDOWN, CTRL-D, CTRL-V          cursor down a lots
BACKSPACE, CTRL-H, DELETE         move to parent direcotry
\                                 move to root directory
~                                 move to home directory
ENTER                             run cursor file(insert directory)
tab                               go to 2pane mode
q                                 quit from 2pane mode or quit from mfiler4
CTRL-C                            quit
CTRL-L                            reread diskt and redraw the screen
SPACE                             mark file
[                                 mark range begin
]                                 mark range end
HOME, meta + a                    mark all files without directory
END, meta + e                     mark all files
*                                 glob mark
+                                 regex mark
.                                 toggle dot file mask
c                                 copy mark files to other directory
C                                 cp
m                                 move mark files to other directory
M                                 mv
d                                 move mark files to $TRASHBOX_DIR
D                                 delete mark files
l                                 make symbolic links with mark files to a other directory
e                                 edit file(vim)
v                                 view file(less)
r                                 rename
mark & r                          regex rename (for example, regex_rename '(.+)\.c$' '\1.h')
a                                 open attribute menu
n                                 make new file
k                                 make new direcotry
b                                 make backup of file under cursor
g                                 mgrep(grep and edit file)
G                                 vgrep(virtual directory with grep)
f,/                               incremental search
F                                 virtual directory with find
s                                 open sort and mask menu
V                                 open view menu
o,O                               copy direcotry path
w                                 exchange two directories
j                                 jump menu
H                                 directory history menu
J                                 cmdline jump
h                                 switch to command line mode
x                                 excute under file
p                                 make tar archive file
P                                 make tar archive file
u                                 unzip tar archive file
U                                 unzip tar archive file
CTRL-T                            make new directory
CTRL-W                            delete ative directory
meta + 1-9                        activate the number directory
meta + l                          forward directory
meta + r                          backward directory
:                                 run bash
1-9                               forground job
!                                 run file manager(GUI)
?                                 help

Usage of xyzsh
    When switching cmdline, run help

mfiler4 inner command

    $keycode::f1, keycode::f12
    $keycode::a,..., keycode::z
    $keycode::A, ..., keycode::Z
    $keycode::ctrl_a, keycode::ctrl_z