

distrib > Fedora > 18 > i386 > by-pkgid > 4387aaf6ac09b3a2a09b0d145c44cb78 > files > 59


* Riak 1.0.3 Release Notes
** Bugs Fixed
-[[][bz1291 - Incorrect match of erlang:decode_packet return value in mochiweb]]
-[[][bz1306 - get_fsm crashes when riak_object value is not a binary]]
** Other Additions
*** riak-admin top
=riak-admin= can now run top against the server.  Top provides
information about what the erlang processes inside of Riak are doing.
Top reports process reductions (an indicator of CPU utilization),
memory used and message queue sizes.

Start with =riak-admin top= and exit with double-^C

*** busy_port / busy_dist_port 
Riak will now log whenever distributed erlang is overloaded by logging
=busy_dist_port= messages on the console and to the logs.  If the
message is being logged frequently, the buffer used for distributed
erlang can be increased by adding +zdbbl KBytes in the =vm.args= file
(in =/etc/riak= or =/opt/riak/etc= depending on platform).

*** Bitcask Support for O_SYNC
Bitcask has been reworked to perform I/O directly on the Erlang
scheduler threads; this is the result of extensive load testing in a
production environment. As a result of this change, it can now support
=O_SYNC= on Linux.

*** New Claim Algorithm 
The new claim algorithm introduced in the 1.0 release has been set as
the default for 1.0.3.

The new claim algorithm significantly reduces the amount of ownerhip
shuffling for clusters with more than N+2 nodes in them.  Changes to
the cluster membership code in 1.0 made the original claim algorithm
fall back to just reordering nodes in sequence in more cases than it
used to, causing massive handoff activity on larger clusters.  Mixed
clusters including pre-1.0 nodes will still use the original algorithm
until all nodes are upgraded.

*** Changes to Handoff Concurrency
The default value for =handoff_concurrency= was set to 1 to err on the
side of caution and not overload the cluster with handoff traffic.

** Known Issues

* Riak 1.0.2 Release Notes
** Bugs Fixed
-[[][bz1227 - badstate crash in handoff]]
-[[][bz1261 - pipe mapreduce jobs fail in mixed 1.0.0/1.0.1 clusters]]
-[[][bz1263 - bitcask-backed vnodes handle requests while dropping]]
-[[][bz1265 - eleveldb not opened with configuration options from environment]]

** Other Additions
*** New stats
Two new stats categories have been added to riak stats.

-=node_get_fsm_siblings= reports the statstics on the number of siblings retrieved with get over the last minute.
-=node_get_fsm_objsize= reports an estimate of the object sizes retrieved with get over the last minute.

For both categories mean, median, max, 95th & 99th percentiles are given.  
The new stats are available using riak-admin status or from the /stats endpoint.
** Known Issues
*** Pipe based MapReduce during rolling upgrades
A bug was found that caused pipe-based MapReduce to be
unusable during rolling upgrades from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 (they work again
once the upgrade is complete).  The problem has been fixed such that
MapReduce will stay available when upgrading from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, and
also from 1.0.2 onward.

If you are still using Riak 1.0.0, pipe-based MapReduce will still be
unusable during the rolling upgrade to 1.0.2.  We apologize for the
inconvenience.  If your MapReduce queries work on the legacy
subsystem, you may want to switch back to it for the duration of your
upgrade to 1.0.2.  To switch MapReduce subsystems, either edit the
'mapred_system' setting in your app.config and restart each node, or
connect to each nodes console and evaluate
'application:set_env(riak_kv, mapred_system, Choice).' where 'Choice'
is either 'legacy' or 'pipe'.

*** Large Ring Sizes

The new cluster protocol in 1.0 leads to a practical limit on the size
of the ring in a Riak cluster. While there is no hard coded limit, large
ring sizes lead to increasingly slower performance and potentially unstable
clusters. This limitation will be addressed in a future major release of
Riak. For the time being, it is recommended that users limit clusters to
no more than 256, 512, 1024 partitions depending on the performance of the
underlying hardware.

*** Ownership Handoff Stall

It has been observed that 1.0 clusters can end up in a state with ownership
handoff failing to complete. This state should not happen under normal
circumstances, but has been observed in cases where Riak nodes crashed due
to unrelated issues (eg. running out of disk space/memory) during cluster
membership changes. The behavior can be identified by looking at the output
of =riak-admin ring_status= and looking for transfers that are waiting on an
empty set. As an example:

============================== Ownership Handoff ==============================
Owner:      riak@host1
Next Owner: riak@host2

Index: 123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123
  Waiting on: []
  Complete:   [riak_kv_vnode,riak_pipe_vnode]

To fix this issue, copy/paste the following code sequence into an Erlang
shell for each =Owner= node in =riak-admin ring_status= for which
this case has been identified. The Erlang shell can be accessed with =riak attach=

fun() ->
  Node = node(),
  {_Claimant, _RingReady, _Down, _MarkedDown, Changes} =
  Stuck =
      [{Idx, Complete} || {{Owner, NextOwner}, Transfers} <- Changes,
                          {Idx, Waiting, Complete, Status} <- Transfers,
                          Owner =:= Node,
                          Waiting =:= [],
                          Status =:= awaiting],

  RT = fun(Ring, _) ->
           NewRing = lists:foldl(fun({Idx, Mods}, Ring1) ->
                         lists:foldl(fun(Mod, Ring2) ->
                             riak_core_ring:handoff_complete(Ring2, Idx, Mod)
                         end, Ring1, Mods)
                     end, Ring, Stuck),
           {new_ring, NewRing}

  case Stuck of
      [] ->
      _ ->
          riak_core_ring_manager:ring_trans(RT, []),

*** Innostore on 32-bit systems

Depending on the partition count and the default stack size of the
operating system, using Innostore as the backend on 32-bit systems can
cause problems. A symptom of this problem would be a message similar
to this on the console or in the Riak error log:

10:22:38.719 [error] Failed to start riak_kv_innostore_backend for index 1415829711164312202009819681693899175291684651008. Reason: {eagain,[{erlang,open_port,[{spawn,innostore_drv},[binary]]},{innostore,connect,0},{riak_kv_innostore_backend,start,2},{riak_kv_vnode,init,1},{riak_core_vnode,init,1},{gen_fsm,init_it,6},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}
10:22:38.871 [notice] "backend module failed to start."

The workaround for this problem is to reduce the stack size for the
user Riak is run as (=riak= for most distributions). For example
on Linux, the current stack size can be viewed using =ulimit -s= and
can be altered by adding entries to the =/etc/security/limits.conf=
file such as these:

riak             soft    stack           1024
riak             hard    stack           1024

* Riak 1.0.1 Release Notes
** Bugs Fixed
-[[][bz0015 - Merge and basic-mapreduce.txt]]
-[[][bz1183 - Handoff may cause riak_kv_w_reduce to over-reduce]]
-[[][bz1184 - riak_kv_w_reduce should respect reduce_phase_only_1 during handoff]]
-[[][bz1213 - HTTP and Javascript map phases can't use do_prereduce]]
-[[][bz1225 - Exact phrase search fails on repeated words]]
-[[][bz1228 - riak_core_ring_manager crashes with function clause and state of 'ok' ]]
-[[][bz1234 - Mixed 0.14/1.0.0 cluster puts can fail for clusters with more than N nodes]]
-[[][bz1235 - vnode crashes due to receiving handoff data in deleted state]]
-[[][bz1236 - riak_pipe vnode crash in Java client test suite]]
-[[][bz1237 - File descriptor leak in riak_kv_bitcask_backend fold]]
-[[][bz1238 - Prereduce uses map phase arg instead of reduce phase arg]]
-[[][bz1242 - Handoff stops when the ring is modified by fix-up modules]]
-[[][bz1243 - JSONified riak_object drops multiple index entries]]
-[[][bz1244 - riak_kv_wm_object makes call to riak_client:get/3 with invalid type for key]]
-[[][bz1249 - Backup/restore fail if ring is fixed-up]]
-[[][bz1250 - bitcask partition data isn't cleaned up after handoff]]

* Riak 1.0.0 Release Notes

** Major Features and Improvements for Riak
*** 2i
    Secondary Indexes (2I) makes it easier to find your data in
    Riak.  With 2i, an application can index an object under an arbitrary
    number of field/value pairs specified at write time.  Later, the
    application can query the index, pulling back a list of keys that
    match a given value or fall within a given range of values.  This
    simple mechanism enables applications to model alternate keys,
    one-to-many relationships, and many-to-many relationships in
    Riak.  Indexing is atomic and real-time.  Querying is integrated with
    MapReduce.  In this release, the query feature set is minimal: only
    exact match and range queries are supported, and only on a single
    field.  In addition, the system must be configured to use the
    =riak_kv_eleveldb_backend=.  Future releases will bring support for more
    complex queries and additional backends, depending upon user feedback.

*** Backend Refactoring
   There are 3 main areas of change with regard to the backend refactoring.
**** Changes to the suite of available backends
     - Added: eleveldb backend
     -  Merged: ets and cache backend have been consolidated into a single 
        memory backend.
     -  Removed: dets, filesystem (fs), and gb_trees backends
**** Standardized API
     - All of the backend modules now share a common API.
     - Vnode code has been greatly simplified.
**** Asynchronous folding
     - The vnode no longer has to be blocked by fold operations.
     - A node for a backend capable of asynchronous folds starts a worker 
       pool to handle fold requests.
     - Asynchronous folds are done using read-only snapshots of the data.
     - Bitcask, eleveldb, memory, and multi backends support asynchronous folding.
     - Asynchronous folding may be disabled by adding ={async_folds, false}=
       in the =riak_kv= section of the =app.config= file. 

*** Lager
    Lager is Riak’s new logging library.  It aims to alleviate some of the
    shortcomings in Erlang/OTP’s bundled logging library; specifically
    more readable log messages, support for external logfile rotation,
    more granular log levels and runtime changes.

*** LevelDB
    Riak now has support for LevelDB, a fast key-value storage library
    written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to
    string values.  This backend provides a viable alternative to the
    innostore backend, with better performance.  LevelDB has an append-only
    design that provides high-performance writes.  Unlike Bitcask, however,
    LevelDB keeps keys in sorted order and uses a multi-level cache to
    keep portions of the keyspace in memory.  This design allows LevelDB to
    effectively deal with very large keyspaces, but at the cost of
    additional seeks on read.

*** Pipe
    Riak Pipe is the new plumbing for Riak's MapReduce system.  It improves
    upon the legacy system in many ways, including built-in backpressure
    to keep phases from overloading others downstream, and a design shaped
    to make much better use of the parallel-processing resources available
    in the cluster.  Riak Pipe is also a general queue-based parallel
    processing system, which new applications may find is a more natural
    starting point than bare Riak Core.   Riak Pipe is the default plumbing
    for MapReduce queries on new clusters.   To move old clusters onto Riak
    Pipe MapReduce, add ={mapred_system, pipe}= to the =riak_kv= section
    of your node’s =app.config=.   To force Riak to use the legacy system for
    MapReduce, set ={mapred_system, legacy}= in the =riak_kv= section of
    =app.config= instead.

*** URL encoding changes over REST API
    Riak now decode URL encoded bucket/keys over the REST API, rather than
    prior behavior which was to decode links but not decode
    buckets/keys.  The default cluster behavior is configurable in
    =riak_core= section of =app.config=: ={http_url_decoding, on}= provides the
    new behavior (decode everything), missing/anything else provides the
    current behavior.

    The module =riak_kv_encoding_migrate.erl= is also provided to help
    migrate existing encoded buckets/keys to their decoded equivalents

*** Riak Clustering Overhaul
    The clustering subsystem of Riak has been overhauled for 1.0, addressing a 
    variety of bugs and limitations.
    - When reassigning a partition to a new node, the partition data from
      the existing owner is first transferred to the new owner before
      officially changing the ownership in the ring. This fixes a bug
      where 404s could appear while ownership was being changed.
    - Adding/removing nodes to a cluster is now more robust, and it is no 
      longer necessary to check for ring convergence (=riak-admin ringready=)
      between adding/removing nodes. Adding multiple nodes all at once should 
      "just work".  
    - Handoff related to changing node owners can now occur while a cluster is 
      under load, therefore allowing a Riak cluster to scale up and down during
      load / normal operation.
    - Various other clustering bug/fixes. See the fixed bug list for details.    
**** Notes
     - =riak-admin join= has new semantics.  The command is now a one-way
       operation that joins a single node to cluster.  The node that the
       command is executed under should be the desired joining node, and
       the target of the command should be a member of the desired target
       cluster.  The new command requires the joining node to be a singleton
       (1-node) cluster.
     - =riak-admin leave= is now the only safe way to remove a node from a
       cluster.  The leave command ensures that the exiting node will
       handoff all its partitions before leaving the cluster.  It should be
       executed by the node intended to leave.
     - =riak-admin remove= no longer exists. Use =riak-admin leave= to safely
       remove a node from the cluster, or =riak-admin force-remove= to remove
       an unrecoverable node.
     - =riak-admin force-remove= immediately removes a node from the cluster
       without having it first handoff data. All data replicas are therefore
       lost. This is designed for cases where a node is unrecoverable
     - The new cluster changes require all nodes to be up and reachable in
       order for new members to be integrated into the cluster and for the
       data to be rebalanced.  During brief node outages, the new protocol
       will wait until all nodes are eventually back online and continue
       automatically.  If it is known that a node will be offline for an
       extended period, the new =riak-admin down= command can be used to
       mark a node as offline and the cluster will then resume integrating
       nodes and performing ring rebalances.  Nodes marked as down will
       automatically rejoin and reintegrate into the cluster when they come
       back online.
     - When performing a rolling upgrade, the cluster will auto-negotiate
       the proper gossip protocol, using the legacy gossip protocol while
       there is a mixed-verison cluster. During the upgrade, executing
       =riak-admin ringready= and =riak-admin transfers= from a non-1.0
       node will fail. However, executing those commands from a 1.0 node
       will succeed and give the desired information.

*** Get/Put Improvements
    The way that Riak versions and updates objects has been
    overhauled.  ClientIds are no longer used when updating objects, the
    server handles all versioning using a vector clock id per-vnode.
    New clusters are configured with the new vclock behavior turned on.
    If you are performing a rolling upgrade of an existing cluster, once
    all nodes have been upgraded the =app.config= needs to be updated to add
    ={vnode_vclocks, true}=.
    Puts are now coordinated in the same way as on the original Dynamo
    system.  Requests must be handled by a node in the preference list
    (primary or fallback) for that bucket/key.   Nodes will automatically
    forward to a valid node when necessary and increment the coord_redirs
    stats counter.  The put is initially written to the local vnode before
    forwarding to the remote vnodes.   This ensures that the updated vclock
    for the riak object will replace the existing value or create siblings
    in partitioning/failure scenario where the same client can see both
    Error proofing for the failure scenarios has made it so that clients
    no longer have to be well behaved.   If =allow_mult= is set =true=, every
    time you create a new object and put over an existing one it will
    create a sibling.  Vector clocks should now be much smaller in size as
    only a few vclock ids are now updated.  This should resolve a number of
    issues due to vclock pruning causing siblings.
    Gets have been changed to return more information during failure.
    Prior to 1.0 there were cases where Riak returned not found if not
    enough valid responses were returned.  The case of not enough responses
    has been changed to an error instead reported as 503 over HTTP or as
    ={error, {r_val_unsatistfied, R, NumResponses}}= for Erlang/PBC clients.

    New options have been added to the get requests for handling
    notfound.  Prior to 1.0 only successful reads were counted towards R
    and there was some logic to try and fail early rather than wait until
    the request timed out if not enough replies were received
    (basic_quorum).  This meant when a node went down and another node
    didn’t response you would get a not found response that triggered a
    read repair and then if you retrieved the object again it would be
    Now that other enhancements have been made (delete and asynchronous
    improvements to the vnodes) we can change notfounds to be counted
    towards R and disable the basic_quorum logic by setting bucket
    properties to =[{notfound_ok, true}, {basic_quorum, false}]= and reduce
    the number of cases where notfound is returned on first request when
    an object could be.

*** Delete Changes

    The changes to the vector clocks make it very important that the tombstones
    written by deletes are removed from all vnodes.  In 0.14.2 the tombstone
    was removed as it was confirmed that all vnodes had the tombstone stored.
    For 1.0.0 this has been changed to delay the removal by a short period of
    time (default 3s) and is aborted if the object is updated.  The behavior
    is configurable by setting {delete_mode, Mode} in the riak_kv secion of
    app.config and can be set to the following

      keep - tombstones are kept forever

      immediate - tombstones are removed without delay - 0.14.2 behavior.

      NNNN - delay in milliseconds to check for changes before removing tombstone.
             The default is 3000 for 3s.

    The riak_client, HTTP and PBC interfaces have been modified to return vclock 
    information for deleted objects.  riak_client:get accepts a deletedvclock
    option which changes a deleted object read from {error, notfound} to
    {error, {deleted, VClock}}.

    The HTTP interface returns X-Riak-Vclock with 404s now.  The PBC interface
    can request the vclock setting the deletedvclock option on get requests.

    Clients that have not been updated to take advantage of the new information
    may create siblings with tombstones if they create a new object over one
    deleted recently enough the tombstone still exists.

*** Backup/Restore Changes

    Restore has been changed to restore the exact objects that were backed up.
    This means that if they have been updated since the backup, or deleted
    recently enough that the tombstone has not been removed, then the backed
    up object will not be restored.  Waiting until the tombstones are removed
    should enable the objects to be restored (however if delete_mode=keep
    tombstones are never removed).

    In 0.14.2 restoring an object would have updated the vclock with a random
    client id and created a sibling, and if allow_mult=false the two resolved
    by the last updated time.

*** Search

**** Integration into Riak

Prior to the 1.0 release if you wanted a Riak cluster with search
capability you needed to install the Riak Search package.  As of 1.0
this functionality is now included with the standard and enterprise
Riak packages.  By default this functionality is turned off but
enabling it is a simple matter of changing the =enabled= flag to
=true= in the =riak_search= section of the =app.config= file.

**** Data Center Replication Support

Multi-datacenter replication that comes with Riak EDS now fully
supports Search.  Now, not only will the standard KV data be
replicated but also any indexes created by Search.  To be clear, this
includes all indexes no matter how they were created; whether by the
Search bucket hook, =search-cmd index=, or the Solr-like interface.

**** Removal of Java Support

Prior to 1.0 Riak Search provided the ability to interface with the
standard Lucene analyzers or even other customer analyzers written in
Java.  While this certainly can be useful it added extra complexity to
both the code and the running system.  After consulting with our
clients and community it was determined that removing Java support
makes the most sense at this point in time.

**** Add field listing support to Solr-like interface

[[][A patch submitted by Greg Pascale]] adds field listing support for
Search's Solr-like interface.  This allows you to return only the
fields you want by specifying a list of comma-separated field names
for the query param =fl=.  Furthermore, if you specify only the unique
field (which is =id= by default) then Search will perform an
optimization and not fetch any of the underlying objects.  This is
very nice if you're only interested in the keys of the matching
objects as it potentially saves Search from doing a lot of unnecessary
work.  However, note that if you specify something like
=fl=id&sort=other_field= that Search will return a =400 Bad Request=.
This is because the above optimization currently prevents Search from
access to the =other_field=.

**** Miscellaneous

- [[][Fixed]] memory leak that could occur as the result of running
  intersection queries.

- The Solr-like interface now allows to "presort" based on key (where
  key is the matching "document" id, in the case of an indexed bucket
  this is the object key) which may be useful if the key has a
  meaningful order.  For example, the timestamp of a tweet.

- Removed the search shell.

- Removed JavaScript extractor support.

- Ability to enabled KV indexing by setting the =search= bucket
  property to =true=.

- [[][Streamlined]] custom extractor bucket property.

- Fixed bug in =lucene_parser= to handle all errors returned from
  calls to =lucene_scan:string=.

** Known Issues
*** Rolling Upgrade From Riak Search 14.2 to Riak 1.0.0

There are a couple of caveats for rolling upgrade from 
Riak Search 0.14.2 to Riak 1.0.0.

First, there are some extra steps that need to be taken when
installing the new package.  Instead of simply installing the new
package you must uninstall the old one, move the data dir, and then
install the new package.

Second, while in a mixed cluster state some queries will return
incorrect results.  It's tough to say which queries will exhibit this
behavior because it depends on which node the data is stored and what
node is making the query.  Essentially, if two nodes with different
versions need to coordinate on a query it will produce incorrect
results.  Once all nodes have been upgrade to 1.0.0 all queries will
return the correct results.

*** Intermittent CRASH REPORT on node leave (bz://1218)

There is a harmless race condition that sometimes triggers a crash when a node leaves
the cluster. It can be ignored.  It shows up on the console/logs as:

 =(08:00:31.564 [notice] "node removal completed, exiting.")=

=(08:00:31.578 [error] CRASH REPORT Process riak_core_ring_manager with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: timeout_value)=

*** Node stats incorrectly report pbc_connects_total

The new code path for recording stats is not currently incrementing the
total number of protocol buffer connections made to the node, causing it 
to incorrectly report 0 in both =riak-admin status= and =GET /stats= .

*** Secondary Indexes not supported under Multi Backend

Multi Backend does not correctly expose all capabilities of its
child backends. This prohibits using Secondary Indexes with Multi
Backend. Currently, Secondary Indexing is only supported for the
ELevelDB backend (=riak_kv_eleveldb_backend=). Tracked as [[][Bug 1231]].

*** MapReduce reduce phase may run more often than requested

If a reduce phase of a MapReduce query is handed off from one Riak
Pipe vnode to another it immediately and unconditionally reduces the
inputs it has accumulated.  This may cause the reduce function to be
evaluated more often than requested by the batch size configuration
options.  Tracked as [[][Bug 1183]] and [[][Bug 1184]].

*** Potential Cluster/Gossip Overload

The new cluster protocol is designed to ensure that a Riak cluster
converges as quickly as possible. When running multiple Riak nodes on
a single-machine, the underlying gossip mechanism may become CPU-bound
for a period of time and cause cluster related commands to
timeout. This includes the following =riak-admin= commands: =join,
leave, remove, member_status, ring_status=.  Incoming client requests
and other Riak operations will continue to function, although latency
may be impacted. The cluster will continue to handle gossip messages
and will eventually converge, resolving this issue. Note: This
behavior only occurs when adding/removing nodes from the cluster, and
will not occur when a cluster is stable. Also, this behavior has only
been observed when running multiple nodes on a single machine, and has
not been observed when running Riak on multiple servers or EC2

** Bugs Fixed
-[[][bz0105 - Python client new_binary doesn't set the content_type well]]
-[[][bz0123 - default_bucket_props in app.config is not merged with the hardcoded defaults]]
-[[][bz0218 - bin/riak-admin leave needs to remove abandoned ring files]]
-[[][bz0260 - Expose tombstones as conflicts when allow_mult is true]]
-[[][bz0294 - Possible race condition in nodetool]]
-[[][bz0325 - Patch for mapred_builtins.js - reduceMin and reduceMax]]
-[[][bz0420 - Links are incorrectly translated in riak_object:dejsonify_values/2]]
-[[][bz0426 - bin/riak-admin leave has poor console output]]
-[[][bz0441 - detect and report bad datafile entry]]
-[[][bz0461 - Guard against non-string values of content-type in riak-erlang-client]]
-[[][bz0464 - riak-admin status has garbage cpu_nprocs/avg1/5/15 on Solaris]]
-[[][bz0475 - k/v FSMs should fail if no nodes are available - currently they time out]]
-[[][bz0502 - Minor merge_index code cleanup]]
-[[][bz0564 - Planner's subprocesses run long after {timeout, range_loop} exception]]
-[[][bz0599 - Consider adding erlang:memory/0 information to stats output]]
-[[][bz0605 - riak_kv_wm_raw does not handle put_fsm timeout]]
-[[][bz0617 - Riak URL decodes keys submitted in the Link header]]
-[[][bz0688 - Ring does not settle when building large clusters ]]
-[[][bz0710 - "riak ping" exits with status 0 when ping fails]]
-[[][bz0716 - Handoff Sender crashes loudly when remote node dies]]
-[[][bz0808 - The use of fold/3 function in do_list_keys/6 in riak_kv_vnode does not allow backends to take advantage of bucket aware optimizations]]
-[[][bz0823 - Handoff processes crash irretrievably when receiving TCP garbage, resulting in node failure]]
-[[][bz0861 - merge_index throws errors when data path contains a period]]
-[[][bz0869 - Any commands that change the ring should require the ringready command to return TRUE]]
-[[][bz0878 - riak-admin leave, then stop node, then restart -> handoff transfers do not resume]]
-[[][bz0911 - Fix #scope{} and #group{} operator preplanning]]
-[[][bz0931 - Cluster should not use partition ownership to find list of nodes]]
-[[][bz0939 - Fast map phase can overrun slower reduce phase]]
-[[][bz0948 - Fix or remove commented out QC tests]]
-[[][bz0953 - Change Riak Search to use the Whitespace analyzer by default]]
-[[][bz0954 - Wildcard queries are broken with Whitespace analyzer]]
-[[][bz0963 - UTF8_test errors]]
-[[][bz0967 - Upgrade riak_search to compile on Erlang R14B01]]
-[[][bz0970 - Deleting a non-indexed object from an indexed bucket throws an error]]
-[[][bz0989 - riak_kv_map_master crashes when counters are out of date]]
-[[][bz1003 - REST API and PBC API have incompatible naming rules]]
-[[][bz1024 - Valid objects return notfound during heavy partition transfer]]
-[[][bz1033 - delete_resource doesn't handle case where object is no longer extant]] 
-[[][bz1047 - Javascript VM worker process is not restarted after crash]]
-[[][bz1050 - Add inline field support / filter support to the KV interface]]
-[[][bz1052 - riak_core_ring_handler:ensure_vnodes_started breaks on multiple vnode types]]
-[[][bz1055 - riak_core_vnode_master keeps unnecessary "exclusions list" in its state]]
-[[][bz1065 - mi_buffer_converter processes sit idle with large heap]]
-[[][bz1067 - deprecate riak_kv_util:try_cast/fallback]]
-[[][bz1072 - spiraltime crash (in riak_kv_stat)]]
-[[][bz1075 - Connection reset by peer from proto client (thundering (small) herd)]]
-[[][bz1077 - nodetool needs to support Erlang SSL distribution]]
-[[][bz1086 - merge_index doesn't tolerate dashes in parent paths]]
-[[][bz1097 - Truncated data file then merge triggers error in bitcask_fileops:fold/3]]
-[[][bz1103 - RHEL/CentOS riaksearch init script uses 'riaksearch' as username but riaksearch install RPM creates 'riak' user]]
-[[][bz1109 - PB interface error when content-type is JSON and {not_found} in results]]
-[[][bz1110 - Riak Search integration with MapReduce does not work as of Riak Search 0.14.2rc9]]
-[[][bz1116 - riak_search_sup never starts riak_kv_js_manager]]
-[[][bz1125 - HTTP Delete returns a 204 when the RW param cannot be satisfied, expected 500]]
-[[][bz1126 - riak_kv_cache_backend doesn't stop]]
-[[][bz1130 - Debian packages should depend on 'sudo']]
-[[][bz1131 - js_thread_stack isn't described in /etc/riaksearch/app.config]]
-[[][bz1144 - Riak Search custom JS extractor not initializing VM pool properly]]
-[[][bz1147 - "Proxy Objects" are not cleaned]]
-[[][bz1149 - Delete op should not use user-supplied timeout for tombstone harvest]]
-[[][bz1155 - Regression in single negated term]]
-[[][bz1165 - mi_buffer doesn’t check length when reading terms]]
-[[][bz1175 - Riak_kv_pb_socket crashes when clientId is undefined]]
-[[][bz1176 - Error on HTTP POST or PUT that specifies indexes with integer values > 255 and returnbody=true]]
-[[][bz1177 - riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl's use of symlinks breaks upgrade from 0.14.2]]
-[[][bz1178 - ring mgr and bucket fixups not playing well on startup]]
-[[][bz1186 - riak_kv_w_reduce batch size should default to 20]]
-[[][bz1188 - Worker pools don't complete work on vnode shutdown]]
-[[][bz1191 - Pipe-based mapred reverses inputs to reduce]]
-[[][bz1195 - Running "make rel" fails with riak-1.0.0pre3 source tarball]]
-[[][bz1197 - riak attach does not play well with scripting - stdin data may be lost]]
-[[][bz1200 - Bitcask backend merges repeatedly, and misplaces files]]
-[[][bz1202 - Bucket listing fails when there are indexed objects]]
-[[][bz1214 - Handoff crash with async enabled+leveldb]]
-[[][bz1215 - get FSM timeout causes new stats to crash]]
-[[][bz1216 - Not possible to control search hook order with bucket fixups]]
-[[][bz1220 - riak-admin ringready only shows 1.0 nodes in a mixed cluster]]
-[[][bz1224 - platform_data_dir (/data) is not being created before accessed for some packages]]
-[[][bz1226 - Riak creates identical vtags for the same bucket/key with different values]]
-[[][bz1229 - "Downed" (riak-admin down) nodes don't rejoin cluster]]