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      Copyright 2011-2012 OpenStack, LLC
      All Rights Reserved.

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      not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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      under the License.

Configuring Services to work with Keystone

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


Once Keystone is installed and running (see :doc:`configuration`), services
need to be configured to work with it. To do this, we primarily install and
configure middleware for the OpenStack service to handle authentication tasks
or otherwise interact with Keystone.

In general:

* Clients making calls to the service will pass in an authentication token.
* The Keystone middleware will look for and validate that token, taking the
  appropriate action.
* It will also retrive additional information from the token such as user
  name, id, tenant name, id, roles, etc...

The middleware will pass those data down to the service as headers. More
details on the architecture of that setup is described in

Setting up credentials

Admin Token

For a default installation of Keystone, before you can use the REST API, you
need to define an authorization token. This is configured in ``keystone.conf``
file under the section ``[DEFAULT]``. In the sample file provided with the
keystone project, the line defining this token is::

    admin_token = ADMIN

This configured token is a "shared secret" between keystone and other
openstack services, and is used by the client to communicate with the API to
create tenants, users, roles, etc.

Setting up tenants, users, and roles

You need to minimally define a tenant, user, and role to link the tenant and
user as the most basic set of details to get other services authenticating
and authorizing with keystone.

You will also want to create service users for nova, glance, swift, etc. to
be able to use to authenticate users against keystone. The ``auth_token``
middleware supports using either the shared secret described above as
`admin_token` or users for each service.

See :doc:`configuration` for a walk through on how to create tenants, users,
and roles.

Setting up services

Creating Service Users

To configure the OpenStack services with service users, we need to create
a tenant for all the services, and then users for each of the services. We
then assign those service users an Admin role on the service tenant. This
allows them to validate tokens - and authenticate and authorize other user

Create a tenant for the services, typically named 'service' (however, the name can be whatever you choose)::

    keystone tenant-create --name=service

This returns a UUID of the tenant - keep that, you'll need it when creating
the users and specifying the roles.

Create service users for nova, glance, swift, and quantum (or whatever
subset is relevant to your deployment)::

    keystone user-create --name=nova \
                         --pass=Sekr3tPass \
                         --tenant_id=[the uuid of the tenant] \

Repeat this for each service you want to enable. Email is a required field
in keystone right now, but not used in relation to the service accounts. Each
of these commands will also return a UUID of the user. Keep those to assign
the Admin role.

For adding the Admin role to the service accounts, you'll need to know the UUID
of the role you want to add. If you don't have them handy, you can look it
up quickly with::

    keystone role-list

Once you have it, assign the service users to the Admin role. This is all
assuming that you've already created the basic roles and settings as described
in :doc:`configuration`::

    keystone user-role-add --tenant_id=[uuid of the service tenant] \
                           --user=[uuid of the service account] \
                           --role=[uuid of the Admin role]

Defining Services

Keystone also acts as a service catalog to let other OpenStack systems know
where relevant API endpoints exist for OpenStack Services. The OpenStack
Dashboard, in particular, uses this heavily - and this **must** be configured
for the OpenStack Dashboard to properly function.

The endpoints for these services are defined in a template, an example of
which is in the project as the file ``etc/default_catalog.templates``.

Keystone supports two means of defining the services, one is the catalog
template, as described above - in which case everything is detailed in that

The other is a SQL backend for the catalog service, in which case after
keystone is online, you need to add the services to the catalog::

    keystone service-create --name=nova \
                                   --type=compute \
                                   --description="Nova Compute Service"
    keystone service-create --name=ec2 \
                                   --type=ec2 \
                                   --description="EC2 Compatibility Layer"
    keystone service-create --name=glance \
                                   --type=image \
                                   --description="Glance Image Service"
    keystone service-create --name=keystone \
                                   --type=identity \
                                   --description="Keystone Identity Service"
    keystone service-create --name=swift \
                                   --type=object-store \
                                   --description="Swift Service"

Setting Up Middleware

Keystone Auth-Token Middleware

The Keystone auth_token middleware is a WSGI component that can be inserted in
the WSGI pipeline to handle authenticating tokens with Keystone. You can
get more details of the middleware in :doc:`middlewarearchitecture`.

Configuring Nova to use Keystone

When configuring Nova, it is important to create a admin service token for
the service (from the Configuration step above) and include that as the key
'admin_token' in Nova's api-paste.ini [filter:authtoken] section or in
nova.conf [keystone_authtoken] section.

Configuring Swift to use Keystone

Similar to Nova, swift can be configured to use Keystone for authentication
rather than its built in 'tempauth'.

1. Add a service endpoint for Swift to Keystone

2. Configure the paste file for swift-proxy (`/etc/swift/swift-proxy.conf`)

3. Reconfigure Swift's proxy server to use Keystone instead of TempAuth.
   Here's an example `/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf`::

    bind_port = 8888
    user = <user>

    pipeline = catch_errors healthcheck cache authtoken keystone proxy-server

    use = egg:swift#proxy
    account_autocreate = true

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.swift_auth:filter_factory
    operator_roles = admin, swiftoperator

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory
    # Delaying the auth decision is required to support token-less
    # usage for anonymous referrers ('.r:*') or for tempurl/formpost
    # middleware.
    delay_auth_decision = 1
    auth_port = 35357
    auth_host =
    auth_token = ADMIN
    admin_token = ADMIN

    use = egg:swift#memcache
    set log_name = cache

    use = egg:swift#catch_errors

    use = egg:swift#healthcheck

.. Note::
   Your user needs to have the role swiftoperator or admin by default
   to be able to operate on an swift account or as specified by the
   variable `operator_roles`.

4. Restart swift

5. Verify that keystone is providing authentication to Swift

    $ swift -V 2 -A http://localhost:5000/v2.0 -U admin:admin -K ADMIN stat

.. NOTE::
   Instead of connecting to Swift here, as you would with other services, we
   are connecting directly to Keystone.

Configuring Swift with S3 emulation to use Keystone

Keystone supports validating S3 tokens using the same tokens as the
generated EC2 tokens. When you have generated a pair of EC2 access
token and secret you can access your swift cluster directly with the

1. Ensure you have defined the S3 service in your `keystone.conf`. First, define the filter as follows::

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.contrib.s3:S3Extension.factory

Then, ensure that the filter is being called by the admin_api pipeline, as follows::

    pipeline = token_auth [....] ec2_extension s3_extension [...]

2. Configure the paste file for swift-proxy
   (`/etc/swift/swift-proxy.conf` to use S3token and Swift3

   Here's an example that by default communicates with keystone via https ::

    bind_port = 8080
    user = <user>

    pipeline = catch_errors healthcheck cache swift3 s3token authtoken keystone proxy-server

    use = egg:swift#proxy
    account_autocreate = true

    use = egg:swift#catch_errors

    use = egg:swift#healthcheck

    use = egg:swift#memcache

    use = egg:swift#swift3

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.swift_auth:filter_factory
    operator_roles = admin, swiftoperator

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.s3_token:filter_factory
    # uncomment the following line if you don't want to use SSL
    # auth_protocol = http
    auth_port = 35357
    auth_host =

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory
    # uncomment the following line if you don't want to use SSL
    # auth_protocol = http
    auth_port = 35357
    auth_host =
    auth_token = ADMIN
    admin_token = ADMIN

3. You can then access directly your Swift via the S3 API, here's an
   example with the `boto` library::

    import boto
    import boto.s3.connection

    connection = boto.connect_s3(
        aws_access_key_id='<ec2 access key for user>',
        aws_secret_access_key='<ec2 secret access key for user>',

.. Note::
   With the S3 middleware you are connecting to the `Swift` proxy and
   not to `keystone`.

Auth-Token Middleware with Username and Password

It is also possible to configure Keystone's auth_token middleware using the
'admin_user' and 'admin_password' options. When using the 'admin_user' and
'admin_password' options the 'admin_token' parameter is optional. If
'admin_token' is specified it will by used only if the specified token is
still valid.

Here is an example paste config filter that makes use of the 'admin_user' and
'admin_password' parameters::

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory
    auth_port = 35357
    auth_host =
    auth_token = 012345SECRET99TOKEN012345
    admin_user = admin
    admin_password = keystone123

It should be noted that when using this option an admin tenant/role
relationship is required. The admin user is granted access to to the 'Admin'
role to the 'admin' tenant.

The auth_token middleware can also be configured in nova.conf
[keystone_authtoken] section to keep paste config clean of site-specific

    paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory

and in nova.conf::


    auth_port = 35357
    auth_host =
    admin_user = admin
    admin_password = keystone123