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<h1 class="title">Restoring a Window's Geometry</h1>
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<p>This document describes how to save and restore a window's geometry using the geometry properties. On Windows, this is basically storing the result of QWindow::geometry() and calling QWindow::setGeometry() in the next session before calling show().</p>
<p>On X11, this might not work because an invisible window does not have a frame yet. The window manager will decorate the window later. When this happens, the window shifts towards the bottom/right corner of the screen depending on the size of the decoration frame. Although X provides a way to avoid this shift, some window managers fail to implement this feature.</p>
<p>When using QtWidgets, Qt provides functions that saves and restores a widget window's geometry and state for you. QWidget::saveGeometry() saves the window geometry and maximized/fullscreen state, while QWidget::restoreGeometry() restores it. The restore function also checks if the restored geometry is outside the available screen geometry, and modifies it as appropriate if it is:</p>
<pre class="cpp"><span class="type">void</span> MyMainWindow<span class="operator">::</span>closeEvent(<span class="type">QCloseEvent</span> <span class="operator">*</span>event)
    <span class="type">QSettings</span> settings(<span class="string">&quot;MyCompany&quot;</span><span class="operator">,</span> <span class="string">&quot;MyApp&quot;</span>);
    settings<span class="operator">.</span>setValue(<span class="string">&quot;geometry&quot;</span><span class="operator">,</span> saveGeometry());
    settings<span class="operator">.</span>setValue(<span class="string">&quot;windowState&quot;</span><span class="operator">,</span> saveState());
    <span class="type">QMainWindow</span><span class="operator">::</span>closeEvent(event);
<span class="type">void</span> MainWindow<span class="operator">::</span>readSettings()
    <span class="type">QSettings</span> settings(<span class="string">&quot;MyCompany&quot;</span><span class="operator">,</span> <span class="string">&quot;MyApp&quot;</span>);
    restoreGeometry(settings<span class="operator">.</span>value(<span class="string">&quot;myWidget/geometry&quot;</span>)<span class="operator">.</span>toByteArray());
    restoreState(settings<span class="operator">.</span>value(<span class="string">&quot;myWidget/windowState&quot;</span>)<span class="operator">.</span>toByteArray());
<p>Another solution is to store both pos() and size() and to restore the geometry using QWidget::resize() and move() before calling show(), as demonstrated in the Application example.</p>
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