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<a href="I18NRu.html">&#1085;&#1072; &#1088;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1086;&#1084; &#1103;&#1079;&#1099;&#1082;&#1077;</a>
<h1><a name="Internationalizing_the_GNUmed_client"></a>  Internationalizing the GNUmed client </h1>
Tailoring GNUmed to work in different countries (and regions), each having different needs, can involve any combination of:
<p></p> <ul>
<li> adapting the user interface (UI) and database-storable values to one's local conventions and language
</li> <li> adapting (or extending) GNUmed to better meet local functional requirements
<h2><a name="Adapting_the_UI_40_34Look_45and_45feel_34_41"></a>  Adapting the UI ("Look-and-feel") </h2>
 Interface translation already goes a long way to make GNUmed usable for doctors in other countries because basic medical <em>functionality</em> is very similar all over the world:
<p></p> <ul>
<li> date, time and (GNUmed future: monetary) formats are controllable by such settings as the computer's (or user's) LOCALE settings
</li> <li> translation of the UI and of database-stored values are managed separately: <ul>
<li> menu, label, and plugin name translation is managed by the files within the client. These can even allow a user to maintain a totally personalized UI. For more, see <a href="FrontendI18N.html">Translating the UI</a>.
</li> <li> sets of re-usable values (types of encounters, types of documents) which reside in the database itself are managed in part through GNUmed client menus such as GNUmed &gt; Master data. For more, see <a href="BackendI18N.html">Translation in the Backend</a>.
<h2><a name="Functional_internationalization"></a>  Functional internationalization </h2>
To make the GNUmed client conform to local requirements, we offer a plugin architecture and signal based data processing. Hopefully, these will not be very-much needed. For more, see <a href="GmManualHooksFramework.html" target="_top">Hooks framework</a>.
<a name="TopicEnd"></a>