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<a name="PageTop"></a> 
<h1><a name="i18n_47l10n_handling_in_the_backend"></a>  i18n/l10n handling in the backend </h1>
<a name="foswikiTOC"></a><div class="foswikiToc"> <ul>
<li> <a href="#Rationale"> Rationale </a>
</li> <li> <a href="#Concepts"> Concepts </a>
</li> <li> <a href="#Database_objects"> Database objects </a> <ul>
<li> <a href="#Tables_and_Views"> Tables and Views </a>
</li> <li> <a href="#Functions"> Functions </a>
</li> <li> <a href="#How_it_all_fits_together"> How it all fits together </a> <ul>
<li> <a href="#How_to_add_translation_capabilities_to_your_database"> How to add translation capabilities to your database </a>
</li> <li> <a href="#How_to_provide_a_translated_column"> How to provide a translated column </a>
</li> <li> <a href="#How_to_add_translated_data_to_the_database"> How to add translated data to the database </a>
</li> <li> <a href="#How_to_add_a_translation_target_40language_41_to_the_database"> How to add a translation target (language) to the database </a>
<h2><a name="Rationale"></a>  Rationale </h2>
Many tables in GNUmed store enumerations such as the types of a document. It is not useful for German users to see a document type <em>referral letter</em>. They would much rather see <em>Arztbrief</em>. This sort of translation could be done at the application level by <code><a href="" target="_top">gettext</a></code>. However, it would be useful if there was a way to tell the database and the application that <em>referral letter</em> and <em>Arztbrief</em> really are one and the same thing such that users speaking different languages can work with one and the same database and understand each others document types. Hence there is a need to provide this translation capability right in the backend. However, <a href="PostgreSQL.html">PostgreSQL</a> does not directly support localization of database content yet.
<h2><a name="Concepts"></a>  Concepts </h2>
<p></p> <ul>
<li> translations are not to affect data in any way
</li> <li> allow for translations transparent to a SELECT
</li> <li> allow for on-demand translations in a SELECT
</li> <li> allow user to select a default output language
</li> <li> allow for switching the default output language per user as desired
</li> <li> allow for incomplete translations by falling back to a "default" language if no translation is available for a given string 
</li> <li> translations should refer to the same row in the translated column
<h2><a name="Database_objects"></a>  Database objects </h2>
For all the gory details refer to the <a href="DbStructure.html">database schema</a> docs. All the relevant objects are aggregated in the schema <code>i18n</code>.
<h3><a name="Tables_and_Views"></a>  Tables and Views </h3>
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <code>i18n.i18n_curr_lang</code> <ul>
<li> stores the per-user default output language
</li> <li> <code>i18n.i18n_keys</code> <ul>
<li> lists all the source strings that should be translated
</li> <li> <code>i18n.i18n_translations</code> <ul>
<li> holds all the string translations
</li> <li> <code>i18n.v_missing_translations</code> <ul>
<li> lists those strings that do not have a translation for a language found in <code>i18n.i18n_curr_lang</code>
<h3><a name="Functions"></a>  Functions </h3>
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <code>i18n.i18n(text)</code> <ul>
<li> used by database DDL scripts to register strings for translation
</li> <li> <code>i18n._(text)</code> and <code>i18n._(text, text)</code> <ul>
<li> used in =SELECT=s and view definitions to translate a given string
</li> <li> pretty much like <code>gettext()</code> in other programming languages, usually aliased as <code>_()</code>
</li> <li> there are convenience wrappers in the schema <code>public</code>
</li> <li> <code>i18n.set_curr_lang(text)</code> <ul>
<li> sets the default output language for the current user
</li> <li> <code>i18n.set_curr_lang(text, name)</code> <ul>
<li> sets the default output language for the user <code>name</code>
</li> <li> <code>i18n.force_curr_lang(text)</code> <ul>
<li> forces setting the default output language for the current user even if there are no translations available
<h2><a name="How_it_all_fits_together"></a>  How it all fits together </h2>
<h3><a name="How_to_add_translation_capabilities_to_your_database"></a>  How to add translation capabilities to your database </h3>
Import <code>gnumed/server/sql/gmI18N.sql</code> into your database. This is typically done during the bootstrapping process via the configuration files.
<a name="AddTranslatedColumn"></a>
<h3><a name="How_to_provide_a_translated_column"></a>  How to provide a translated column </h3>
Suppose we have a table which enumerates family relations. An obvious table design would be
create table relationship (
    pk serial primary key,
    description text
<a href="ClinicalOrganizingAndWorkflows.html">ClinicalOrganizingAndWorkflows</a> tables will <em>reference</em> the table by <code></code>. Running a query like <code>select description from relationship where pk=1;</code> will return whatever was put into the database with the primary key 1, for example "sister". A German user, however, would prefer to get back the string "Schwester" instead. In other words we want frontends to be able to show a translation for the family member type, eg. for relationship.description. The simplest way owuld be to use the <code>_()</code> SQL function in the SELECT statement, eg.: <code>select description, _(description) as l10n_description from member where pk=1;</code>. This returns the translation for <code>relationship.description</code> as an additional column <code>l10n_description</code>.
In many cases it will be more convenient to define views that add a translation column such as:
create view v&#95;relationships as
        &#95;(description) as l10n&#95;description
    from relationship
One can then simply select from that view by <code>select l10n_description from v_relationships where pk=1;</code>.
<a name="AddTranslatedData"></a>
<h3><a name="How_to_add_translated_data_to_the_database"></a>  How to add translated data to the database </h3>
Even if the output language for a user is set and the appropriate columns are generated such that they translate their content we still need translated <em>data</em> in the database.
Typically, data is added by statements like <code>insert into relationship(description) values('sister');</code> which does not help any with translations. When inserting data that is to be used in translating columns one should do it like this: <code>insert into relationship(description) values(i18n.i18n('sister'));</code> The <code>i18n.i18n()</code> function will take care of additionally inserting the string <em>'sister'</em> into the <code>i18n.i18n_keys</code> table where translation teams will find it and provide a translation for, say, German like so: <code>insert into i18n_translations(lang, orig, trans) values ('de_DE', 'sister', 'Schwester');</code>. Now an appropriate SELECT should return the translated data.
A <a href=";view=markup" target="_top">script</a> is provided to help with finding and providing missing translations in the database.
<a name="AddTranslation"></a>
<h3><a name="How_to_add_a_translation_target_40language_41_to_the_database"></a>  How to add a translation target (language) to the database </h3>
Suppose you want to add a translation named <em>klg_PLUTO</em> to your host <code>farout</code>.
<p></p> <ul>
<li> use <code>select i18n.force_curr_lang('klg_PLUTO');</code> to set the language for the current user to <em>klg_PLUTO</em>
</li> <li> use <code>gnumed/server/locale/</code> to get the missing translations
</li> <li> translate the strings in the SQL script that was generated
</li> <li> run <code>psql -h farout -d gnumed_vXX -U gm-dbo -f the-file.sql</code> (replace XX with the version in question)
</li> <li> contact the developers so they can add your translation to the bootstrapping procedure
<a name="TopicEnd"></a>