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<a name="PageTop"></a> 
<h1><a name="The_Concept_of_42address_42"></a>  The Concept of <strong>address</strong> </h1>
The important point to realize here is that an <em>address</em> is nothing but a convenient label for a <em>location</em> with an intended purpose of use for said location. In other words, addresses are the names of <em>locations intended for non-random stay</em>. It doesn't matter who - or in fact if anyone - actually lives there.
Based upon this GNUmed handles addresses conceptually independant of people who might live there. This means one address - it being a name for a geographical location - should only ever be stored once in the database. People living there are then linked to that address by means of a two-way assocation table. That table allows attaching a meaning to that association such as <em>work</em>, <em>home</em>, etc.
This in turn means, that there is no middleware primitive along the lines of <code>patient.change_address()</code> or <code>patient.delete_address()</code>. There rather are a few primitives operating on the above assumptions upon which higher-level functionality is built:
<h3><a name="A_61business_47gmDemographics.py_61"></a>  <code>business/</code> </h3>
<p></p> <ul>
<li> class <code>cAddress</code> encapsulates an address in its own right
</li> <li> class <code>cPatientAddress</code> encapsulates an address associated with a purpose and a patient
</li> <li> method <code>create_address()</code>
</li> <li> method <code>delete_address()</code>
</li> <li> method <code>address_exists()</code>
The following higher level functions use the above primitives:
<h3><a name="A_61business_47gmPerson.py_61"></a>  <code>business/</code> </h3>
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <code>cIdentity.get_addresses()</code>
</li> <li> <code>cIdentity.link_address()</code>
</li> <li> <code>cIdentity.unlink_address()</code>
<a name="TopicEnd"></a>