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        <li id="section-1">
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              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-1">&#182;</a>
              <p>Source maps allow JavaScript runtimes to match running JavaScript back to
the original source code that corresponds to it. This can be minified
JavaScript, but in our case, we&#39;re concerned with mapping pretty-printed
JavaScript back to CoffeeScript.

        <li id="section-2">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-2">&#182;</a>
              <p>In order to produce maps, we must keep track of positions (line number, column number)
that originated every node in the syntax tree, and be able to generate a
<a href="">map file</a>
— which is a compact, VLQ-encoded representation of the JSON serialization
of this information — to write out alongside the generated JavaScript.

        <li id="section-3">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-3">&#182;</a>

        <li id="section-4">
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        <li id="section-5">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-5">&#182;</a>
              <p>A <strong>LineMap</strong> object keeps track of information about original line and column
positions for a single line of output JavaScript code.
<strong>SourceMaps</strong> are implemented in terms of <strong>LineMaps</strong>.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
<span class="class"><span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="title">LineMap</span></span>
  constructor: (<span class="property">@line</span>) -&gt;
    <span class="property">@columns</span> = []

  add: (column, [sourceLine, sourceColumn], options={}) -&gt;
    <span class="keyword">return</span> <span class="keyword">if</span> <span class="property">@columns</span>[column] <span class="keyword">and</span> options.noReplace
    <span class="property">@columns</span>[column] = {line: <span class="property">@line</span>, column, sourceLine, sourceColumn}

  sourceLocation: (column) -&gt;
    column-- <span class="keyword">until</span> (mapping = <span class="property">@columns</span>[column]) <span class="keyword">or</span> (column &lt;= <span class="number">0</span>)
    mapping <span class="keyword">and</span> [mapping.sourceLine, mapping.sourceColumn]</pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-6">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-6">&#182;</a>

        <li id="section-7">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-7">&#182;</a>
        <li id="section-8">
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              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-8">&#182;</a>
              <p>Maps locations in a single generated JavaScript file back to locations in
the original CoffeeScript source file.

        <li id="section-9">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-9">&#182;</a>
              <p>This is intentionally agnostic towards how a source map might be represented on
disk. Once the compiler is ready to produce a &quot;v3&quot;-style source map, we can walk
through the arrays of line and column buffer to produce it.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
<span class="class"><span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="title">SourceMap</span></span>
  constructor: -&gt;
    <span class="property">@lines</span> = []</pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-10">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-10">&#182;</a>
              <p>Adds a mapping to this SourceMap. <code>sourceLocation</code> and <code>generatedLocation</code>
are both <code>[line, column]</code> arrays. If <code>options.noReplace</code> is true, then if there
is already a mapping for the specified <code>line</code> and <code>column</code>, this will have no

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
  add: (sourceLocation, generatedLocation, options = {}) -&gt;
    [line, column] = generatedLocation
    lineMap = (<span class="property">@lines</span>[line] <span class="keyword">or</span>= <span class="keyword">new</span> LineMap(line))
    lineMap.add column, sourceLocation, options</pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-11">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-11">&#182;</a>
              <p>Look up the original position of a given <code>line</code> and <code>column</code> in the generated

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
  sourceLocation: ([line, column]) -&gt;
    line-- <span class="keyword">until</span> (lineMap = <span class="property">@lines</span>[line]) <span class="keyword">or</span> (line &lt;= <span class="number">0</span>)
    lineMap <span class="keyword">and</span> lineMap.sourceLocation column</pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-12">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-12">&#182;</a>
              <h2>V3 SourceMap Generation</h2>

        <li id="section-13">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-13">&#182;</a>
        <li id="section-14">
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                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-14">&#182;</a>
              <p>Builds up a V3 source map, returning the generated JSON as a string.
<code>options.sourceRoot</code> may be used to specify the sourceRoot written to the source
map.  Also, <code>options.sourceFiles</code> and <code>options.generatedFile</code> may be passed to
set &quot;sources&quot; and &quot;file&quot;, respectively.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
  generate: (options = {}, code = <span class="literal">null</span>) -&gt;
    writingline       = <span class="number">0</span>
    lastColumn        = <span class="number">0</span>
    lastSourceLine    = <span class="number">0</span>
    lastSourceColumn  = <span class="number">0</span>
    needComma         = <span class="literal">no</span>
    buffer            = <span class="string">""</span>

    <span class="keyword">for</span> lineMap, lineNumber <span class="keyword">in</span> <span class="property">@lines</span> <span class="keyword">when</span> lineMap
      <span class="keyword">for</span> mapping <span class="keyword">in</span> lineMap.columns <span class="keyword">when</span> mapping
        <span class="keyword">while</span> writingline &lt; mapping.line
          lastColumn = <span class="number">0</span>
          needComma = <span class="literal">no</span>
          buffer += <span class="string">";"</span>
        <li id="section-15">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-15">&#182;</a>
              <p>Write a comma if we&#39;ve already written a segment on this line.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
        <span class="keyword">if</span> needComma
          buffer += <span class="string">","</span>
          needComma = <span class="literal">no</span></pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-16">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-16">&#182;</a>
              <p>Write the next segment. Segments can be 1, 4, or 5 values.  If just one, then it
is a generated column which doesn&#39;t match anything in the source code.

        <li id="section-17">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-17">&#182;</a>
              <p>The starting column in the generated source, relative to any previous recorded
column for the current line:

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
        buffer += <span class="property">@encodeVlq</span> mapping.column - lastColumn
        lastColumn = mapping.column</pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-18">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-18">&#182;</a>
              <p>The index into the list of sources:

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
        buffer += <span class="property">@encodeVlq</span> <span class="number">0</span></pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-19">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-19">&#182;</a>
              <p>The starting line in the original source, relative to the previous source line.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
        buffer += <span class="property">@encodeVlq</span> mapping.sourceLine - lastSourceLine
        lastSourceLine = mapping.sourceLine</pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-20">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-20">&#182;</a>
              <p>The starting column in the original source, relative to the previous column.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
        buffer += <span class="property">@encodeVlq</span> mapping.sourceColumn - lastSourceColumn
        lastSourceColumn = mapping.sourceColumn
        needComma = <span class="literal">yes</span></pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-21">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-21">&#182;</a>
              <p>Produce the canonical JSON object format for a &quot;v3&quot; source map.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
    v3 =
      version:    <span class="number">3</span>
      file:       options.generatedFile <span class="keyword">or</span> <span class="string">''</span>
      sourceRoot: options.sourceRoot <span class="keyword">or</span> <span class="string">''</span>
      sources:    options.sourceFiles <span class="keyword">or</span> [<span class="string">''</span>]
      names:      []
      mappings:   buffer

    v3.sourcesContent = [code] <span class="keyword">if</span> options.inline

    JSON.stringify v3, <span class="literal">null</span>, <span class="number">2</span></pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-22">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap for-h2">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-22">&#182;</a>
              <h2>Base64 VLQ Encoding</h2>

        <li id="section-23">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-23">&#182;</a>
        <li id="section-24">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-24">&#182;</a>
              <p>Note that SourceMap VLQ encoding is &quot;backwards&quot;.  MIDI-style VLQ encoding puts
the most-significant-bit (MSB) from the original value into the MSB of the VLQ
encoded value (see <a href="">Wikipedia</a>).
SourceMap VLQ does things the other way around, with the least significat four
bits of the original value encoded into the first byte of the VLQ encoded value.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
  VLQ_SHIFT            = <span class="number">5</span>
  VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = <span class="number">1</span> &lt;&lt; VLQ_SHIFT             <span class="comment"># 0010 0000</span>
  VLQ_VALUE_MASK       = VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT - <span class="number">1</span>   <span class="comment"># 0001 1111</span>

  encodeVlq: (value) -&gt;
    answer = <span class="string">''</span></pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-25">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-25">&#182;</a>
              <p>Least significant bit represents the sign.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>    signBit = <span class="keyword">if</span> value &lt; <span class="number">0</span> <span class="keyword">then</span> <span class="number">1</span> <span class="keyword">else</span> <span class="number">0</span></pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-26">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-26">&#182;</a>
              <p>The next bits are the actual value.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>    valueToEncode = (Math.abs(value) &lt;&lt; <span class="number">1</span>) + signBit</pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-27">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-27">&#182;</a>
              <p>Make sure we encode at least one character, even if valueToEncode is 0.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>    <span class="keyword">while</span> valueToEncode <span class="keyword">or</span> <span class="keyword">not</span> answer
      nextChunk = valueToEncode &amp; VLQ_VALUE_MASK
      valueToEncode = valueToEncode &gt;&gt; VLQ_SHIFT
      nextChunk |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT <span class="keyword">if</span> valueToEncode
      answer += <span class="property">@encodeBase64</span> nextChunk

        <li id="section-28">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap for-h2">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-28">&#182;</a>
              <h2>Regular Base64 Encoding</h2>

        <li id="section-29">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-29">&#182;</a>
            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
  BASE64_CHARS = <span class="string">'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'</span>

  encodeBase64: (value) -&gt;
    BASE64_CHARS[value] <span class="keyword">or</span> <span class="keyword">throw</span> <span class="keyword">new</span> Error <span class="string">"Cannot Base64 encode value: <span class="subst">#{value}</span>"</span></pre></div></div>
        <li id="section-30">
            <div class="annotation">
              <div class="pilwrap ">
                <a class="pilcrow" href="#section-30">&#182;</a>
              <p>Our API for source maps is just the <code>SourceMap</code> class.

            <div class="content"><div class='highlight'><pre>
module.exports = SourceMap</pre></div></div>